Are you me? It's like the next thing you're gonna tell me is that you're a crazy big Kajiura fan.
Being one of those is just one flavor of having a good taste. Excellence deserves fandom.
Are you me? It's like the next thing you're gonna tell me is that you're a crazy big Kajiura fan.
He survived Sakura Trick and Lesbian Bear Storm though. He will be ok.
Yamihat was too strong for him though, took him out for months IIRC.
Hi there, AnimeGAF! Nice to meet you all!
I don't know where else to ask, so I've decided to ask here. Is it worth it start watching Digimon from the beginning if I have no nostalgia for it at all? They didn't show it here back in my childhood, Pokemon, Sailor Moon and Shaman King were my jam. Only encounter I had with the franchise was a godawful MMO. But I'm kind of interested now, and all the recent developments (movie series, PSP/Vita/3DS games, merchandise) look pretty great. So, are there any recommendations? Where to begin, what to watch, what not to? Should I bother at all?
Wait. What. For real? Is that a yes? lol!
I'm big enough a fan to join her FC and fly to Japan for her concerts.
Come to think of it, Kajiura has composed for quite a number of series that has yuri subtext.
I envy your job.
But yes Yuki Kajiura is my favorite anime music composer easily.
Wait. What. For real? Is that a yes? lol!
I'm big enough a fan to join her FC and fly to Japan for her concerts.
Come to think of it, Kajiura has composed for quite a number of series that has yuri subtext.
Gonna look for it on youtube and listen to some songs.
I think i may be missing SOMETHING.
You havent heard any Yuki Kajiura music?
She has worked with several groups like FictionJunction, Seesaw, and Kalafina.
I dont use to look for anime OST composers : / Just OPs and EDs. But good music is always welcome : D This video is awesome. Is that violinist from Your lie in April? Also I think the guitar girls with cat ears might be from Saekano.
this is basically telling me to watch both shows.
Are you saying you've never watched Your Lie in April, Cajun? Lawd!! Get on that! It's quickly become one of my favorite anime of all time. It got dangerously close to beating out Clannad as my favorite anime ever. So good. This video is awesome. Is that violinist from Your lie in April? Also I think the guitar girls with cat ears might be from Saekano.
this is basically telling me to watch both shows.
Hello to AnimeGAF. First post in here. I think I noticed a few fellow yuri goggles wearing gaffers.
Euphonium 5
The show to make me regret not joining the band back in school.
I really like Kumiko's many faces in the show. She's so awkward around Reina. The seiyuu did well in conveying her nervousness too. However, I must say that I don't like the direction they seem to be heading towards with Reina and the sensei. I hope I'm wrong about this... it would be nice if they kept the romance to a minimum and focused only on the band. By the way, what is the significance behind the hair flick that Reina did after apologizing for blowing her Trumpet while they were waiting for their turn?
Fate/Stay Night Unlimited Blade Works 2nd Season - Archer somehow escaping fromwhile in that condition, thenLancer's graspis maybe the most unbelievable thing I've seen in a Type-Moon universe show. And Carnival Phantasm had Beser-Car.landing the final blow on Caster,
I wouldn't worry about it. I haven't read the LN, but I think they'll keep Reina's (obvious) crush on Taki sensei to a minimum. It's just a gut feeling of mine.
Hi there, AnimeGAF! Nice to meet you all!
I don't know where else to ask, so I've decided to ask here. Is it worth it start watching Digimon from the beginning if I have no nostalgia for it at all? They didn't show it here back in my childhood, Pokemon, Sailor Moon and Shaman King were my jam. Only encounter I had with the franchise was a godawful MMO. But I'm kind of interested now, and all the recent developments (movie series, PSP/Vita/3DS games, merchandise) look pretty great. So, are there any recommendations? Where to begin, what to watch, what not to? Should I bother at all?
Just a minor tiff, but the Sound Euphonium series is a group of novels, not light novels. They're not categorized as such and I want to emphasize that the writing is of a higher quality than the light novels I've read. Takeda does a great job weaving many plots together, but she does have some weaknesses with giving enough time for characters to fully be fleshed out in such a huge cast. Thankfully some of that is solved by the additional novels.
English version all the way
i don't doubt the jpn version has a better ost... just... it's not mah digimans
This kinda jumped at me, seeing as ArcherIt seems you kinda missed the point of what Archer and Lancer were talking about after the whole Rho Aias vs Gae Bolg thing. Lancer realised what Archer was up to anddidn't escape and was, rather, let go.Points for having seen Carnival Phantasm thoughdidn't see a point in hanging around, as the purpose of him allying with Shirou and Rin was about to be fulfilled.![]()
I get that, but his job was expressly to keep Archer away from the fight because Rin and Shiro couldn't take all three of them. Caster wasn't defeated yet and there was no guarantee that Archer wasn't full of shit. And while he did complete that job, he immediately proved his untrustworthiness. Lancer's job wasn't done; he just trusted Archer to complete it when he really shouldn't have. The "right" move is finishing off Archer and then going for Caster himself. But then we couldn't have what's coming up with Archer.
This would be a fairer point if he wasn't dealing with a backstabbing traitor whose trustworthiness he decried at the start of the same fight. Who proceeded to backstab Caster, and then Rin once again, given another opportunity.
This, I guess, would have to be filed under the usual thing with the weird assumption how most of everything your enemy says is true. Like, how often in general do we have people contemplating that someone might actually be lying when something like this comes up, where anime and manga in general is concerned.
All those shocking reveals and "I am you father/bother/house cat" moments and everyone laps that shit up with zero filtering and doubt.
Ah sorry, my bad.
By the way, I've been meaning to ask a few questions, if you don't mind answering.
-How strong is the adaptation so far?
-How faithful is it?
-How do you feel about the overall characterization so far?
-How do you feel about the blatant ship baiting between the protagonist in Kousaka?
No. It's not even the OST, it's the dub in general with it's horrible chatter and bad lines...yikes.
Hi there, AnimeGAF! Nice to meet you all!
I don't know where else to ask, so I've decided to ask here. Is it worth it start watching Digimon from the beginning if I have no nostalgia for it at all? They didn't show it here back in my childhood, Pokemon, Sailor Moon and Shaman King were my jam. Only encounter I had with the franchise was a godawful MMO. But I'm kind of interested now, and all the recent developments (movie series, PSP/Vita/3DS games, merchandise) look pretty great. So, are there any recommendations? Where to begin, what to watch, what not to? Should I bother at all?
Are you saying you've never watched Your Lie in April, Cajun? Lawd!! Get on that! It's quickly become one of my favorite anime of all time. It got dangerously close to beating out Clannad as my favorite anime ever. So good.
As per Cornbread's good word and recommendation I started watching Clannad, thought I'd only get time this weekend, but my schedule opened up. Only watched one episode but I enjoyed what I saw. At first the 4:3 format and the character's eyes (something that I mentioned before) kinda bothered me, but just like a fellow gaffer said here, getting used to it is quite easy. So there's 20 something episodes, plus an entire other season afterwards and a movie. When should I watch the latter? After both seasons or in the middle of both? Trying not to do too much searching online so I don't get spoiled on anything.
Hello to AnimeGAF. First post in here. I think I noticed a few fellow yuri goggles wearing gaffers.
Sdburton reaction to that one made me avoid it completly , and i like yuri shows.
Seriously , Sdburton said that therewas too much ...
argh i can't even imagine.
You are right, I am watching it elsewhere now and it is 16:9....4:3 format? The show was aired widescreen when it aired. I think there were some stations that aired it 4:3 because it was 2007, but the BD and DVD releases were all 16:9, I'm pretty sure.
Anyway, first season, then second season, ignore the garbage movie. It's a half-baked attempt to tell the entire story in 90 minutes or so and it fails miserably. I think I'd like it more if it wasn't "Clannad," but it is, so bleh.
*Masterbates furiously*
I'm not really following the scene. Does that mean "Best Girl Mayaka & her slightly boring friends" will finally arrive in the west ?
Already picked up.It's going to be Danmachi isn't it.