Frankly, like with the strong emphasis on windows and aerodynamics in ship design, Hangars are bothering me a tiny bit.
I'd be OK with an (off-screen, unvisitable) storage area, a holoputer to select your ship and loadout, and a heavy duty lift, akin to what connects current-day supercarrier Flight decks and Hangar bays (only steampunked/SciFi'd up a notch or two). Would seriously cut down on performance bottlenecks and keep "Hangar" size reasonable. In turn, they could allow for far greater customisation of the Flight deck area.
Plus, they could seriously amp up the revelation of whatever ship you choose. Think engines rumbling to life in the distance, alarm buzzers and warning lights everywhere, loud metal-on-metal grinding and pneumatics hissing, a computerized voice informing you to step back from the lift area, said area opening blast doors in the ground to the lift area below, the ship slowly rising up accompanied by clouds of steam/dust and grinding gear noises. Flood- and warning lights playing over the hull as it ascends. The ship reaches ground level and grinds to a halt, the blast doors shut below it, you are informed that your ship is now ready.
It would be pretty damn sexy and set the mood quite well, methinks.
Alternatives: Ship could come in from above, or the weapons loadout could be attached after arrival on the flight deck by humongous robotic arms from the ceiling and ground.
Then again, it would make the Buggy useless. Which would make me sad. I like the Greycat. Still hoping for the fanmade tracked variant to become available.