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Star Citizen Pre-Alpha: Hangar Module


So now that we know SC will support Mantle for sure, is this likely to influence what your next graphics card is going to be? Provided the boost in performance is substantial, of course.

Not going to support proprietary shit just because.

I'll buy whatever card that has the best value for the performance and that doesn't have driver issues.


Mantle will not influence my decision (unless there's some ungodly performance advantage). If anything, right now I consider it a slight waste of resources of everyone involved. Then again, the performance advantage is the crucial element in all of this. Way I see it, even if it works out we'll all be running Mantle wrappers on far superior hardware in a scant few years anyway. I'll just wait things out. Good things come to those who wait.

That said, currently I'm slightly leaning towards a 290 with a custom cooler. I'm already used to the "red ecosystem" and it seems like a good catch, but I'm in no rush.


CTLance said:
That said, currently I'm slightly leaning towards a 290 with a custom cooler. I'm already used to the "red ecosystem" and it seems like a good catch, but I'm in no rush.

I'm really curious to see how the Maxwell cards will compare price/performance wise. I'm glad I'll be switching to water cooling with my next PC, as there is no way I'd ever use a 290 or 290x with the stock cooler. The amount of noise these things make is ungodly.


I'm really curious to see how the Maxwell cards will compare price/performance wise. I'm glad I'll be switching to water cooling with my next PC, as there is no way I'd ever use a 290 or 290x with the stock cooler. The amount of noise these things make is ungodly.

That's not me you're quoting there :)


RPS interview with CR packed full of stuff, including SQ 42 info

Dogfighting module and other pertinent info
“My hope and goal is that, because I share the process and fans see it happening, that when we have to make choices like that, we have different information than we did at the start of the process. People are like, ‘OK, I get it. I mean, it sucks and I wish I had it now, but this is better for the final game. Plus, I’ve already got stuff and I’m seeing what you’re doing and delivering. I’m getting new content.’”

He noted, then, that the current Star Citizen/Squadron 42 release schedule is very tentative, and already some pieces are getting jostled by (so far) minor patches of turbulence. The dogfighting module, for instance, will launch at the end of 2013 no matter what, but it might not include multiplayer until early next year. Reason being, RSI has the option of either running CryEngine’s stock multiplayer code or implementing Star Citizen’s full MMO-ready backend. At the moment, Roberts is leaning toward the latter, as it’ll allow stress testing pretty much from the get-go. So long, launch day server troubles – at least, in theory.

“That’s the decision that, if you go for the proper system, it’s much better for the game long-term,” he said. “But that means people aren’t playing multiplayer dogfights by Christmas. They’ll be able to play against AI or fly their ships around, but I think that may be the choice that I make. It’s better for the final game.”

“But it’s hard. You have to manage a lot of expectations. When we pushed back the Hornet [ship] commercial, we had a lot of upset reactions. People were like, ‘How could they? They lied to us.’ But then the commercial came out, it was fine, and many of the complaints went away. So it’s about managing from the complaints to the point where they get something good. Delivering something good is the all-important thing.”


Is anything about the final game going to be randomly generated? I kind of hope not for some reason

Procedural techniques will of course be used in production, but nothing will be randomly generated in the sense of fetch quests or skyrim's radiant quests. If something needs to be done it'll be driven by the economy/production needs. Systems and things in systems won't be automatically propagated when you enter them.


Eh, I vote for MMO backend (whatever that means). I doubt the stock CryEngine 3 netcode is equipped to deal with such a scenario.

Plus, I get to delay my planned GPU purchase even further, which means even better performance per dollar.


I'll be genuinely surprised if they ship the dogfighting module, even just the single-player version, by the end of the year.


I'll be genuinely surprised if they ship the dogfighting module, even just the single-player version, by the end of the year.
Really? Hm.

Methinks the single player version is achievable this year. If a bunch of modders can fake that stuff within months after release of the Hangar module I have no doubt that a proper SDK-wielding devteam can bake a barebones version in the same time. It's an alpha, so nobody is going to expect things to work well.

Multiplayer is another thing entirely though, since that's vastly more complex and far less forgiving.


Neo Member
they are going to sell the lilitary F7A version of the hornet on veterans day

guys i'm worried. really worried. it feels like they are making compromises i was hoping they wouldnt. i never thought they were being greedy until now.


they are going to sell the lilitary F7A version of the hornet on veterans day

guys i'm worried. really worried. it feels like they are making compromises i was hoping they wouldnt. i never thought they were being greedy until now.

Seriously? It's for a charity.


Neo Member
IGNORE EVERYTHING I SAID. They are selling a skin that looks like the F7A. Sorry for overreacting.

Seriously? It's for a charity.

well its hard to argue against that, the moment someone pulls the "charity" card, i immediately sound like a cruel heartless monster and everything i say is invalid.

what i'm trying to address is game play ramifications. i'm one of those who already have a problem about them selling the idris M and the vanduul scout. there are certain ships like those two and as well F7A that should be acquired or "earned" outside of any type of purchasing wither its in real life or in game funds.

I'm not saying these ships are OP or it will ruin the game or it will break the game.

i'm saying it takes away from any sense of achievement and belittles the efforts of players who do earn these ships in game. They are selling these more rare ships that, if had this been a traditional publisher game, could never been earned any other way.

there should be things as players we look forward to in achieving. if this was anything traditional like an MMO, if you could buy the frostmourne*** BEFORE the frozen throne was released wouldn't that devalue the efforts of those who do attempt to get it via gameplay?

It feels like a slippery slope that CIG is starting to snowball.

EDIT: ***i realize the frostmourne was never actually an in-game weapon. lets replace that with the Invincible mount instead. the celestial steel was a variant of that, which would be what a super hornet in this example.


what i'm trying to address is game play ramifications. i'm one of those who already have a problem about them selling the idris M and the vanduul scout. there are certain ships like those two and as well F7A that should be acquired or "earned" outside of any type of purchasing wither its in real life or in game funds.

I'm not saying these ships are OP or it will ruin the game or it will break the game.

i'm saying it takes away from any sense of achievement and belittles the efforts of players who do earn these ships in game. They are selling these more rare ships that, if had this been a traditional publisher game, could never been earned any other way.

there should be things as players we look forward to in achieving. if this was anything traditional like an MMO, if you could buy the frostmourne*** BEFORE the frozen throne was released wouldn't that devalue the efforts of those who do attempt to get it via gameplay?

It feels like a slippery slope that CIG is starting to snowball.

While I understand where you're coming from, I just can't fathom why anyone would really care or be seriously bothered by the fact that some people will start the game with a bigger ship / fleet. If we were talking about limited ships that you can't buy in the game, then sure. That would be bad, really bad. But since that's clearly not the case ... So what if someone has a head start? Good for him, I'd rather start from nothing and slowly build a business / fleet / whatever, which is where the real fun lies anyway. If anything, having other people owning stuff I want will only motivate me to get there sooner, without having to spend 1000$+ or whatever crazy amounts people are pouring into this thing (Moses bless them! <3) to achieve it. That's how it works in real life as well and I'm perfectely fine with it. Even more so because it helps fund the game we all want.


IGNORE EVERYTHING I SAID. They are selling a skin that looks like the F7A. Sorry for overreacting.


To clarify the clarification: it's a little bit more than a graphical skin, it's upgrading to the geometry/style of the F7A Hornet. You can apply it to any existing Hornet package... and if you want to build your own military Hornet, this is the way to do it.

I'm so confused. What happens to a Super Hornet? Do you keep the second seat?

I was under the impression that a milspec Hornet was simply more powerful than the civilian version. More powerful weapon options, better engine, etc. ...but re-reading the description, it sounds like we don't get any of that.


Neo Member
While I understand where you're coming from, I just can't fathom why anyone would really care or be seriously bothered by the fact that some people will start the game with a bigger ship / fleet. If we were talking about limited ships that you can't buy in the game, then sure. That would be bad, really bad. But since that's clearly not the case ... So what if someone has a head start? Good for him, I'd rather start from nothing and slowly build a business / fleet / whatever, which is where the real fun lies anyway. If anything, having other people owning stuff I want will only motivate me to get there sooner, without having to spend 1000$+ or whatever crazy amounts people are pouring into this thing (Moses bless them! <3) to achieve it. That's how it works in real life as well and I'm perfectely fine with it. Even more so because it helps fund the game we all want.

don't get me wrong, i dont mind they have a head start, paying so much, they certain deserve it. i'm more focused on the value the ships are as status symbols and rewards.

when you see someone with a super cool weapon or armor, you know where they got it. whether they killed a super hard boss or spent lots and lots of time/ money. that piece of weapon/armor is that person's bragging rights, their trophy, their status in the game.

If it cost alot of money, then it cost alot of money. That equates to time/in-game-money as an equivalent. Which is why i'm fine people buying 300-500 dollar ships, because if you dont use real money to buy it, your going to use in-game-money to buy it anyways. your just "grinding" for it in a different way.

however, when it comes to earned items where time/money does not necessarily guarantee you getting that item, putting a price tag on it is what i have a problem with. if it takes no skill to buy a ship with real money that would other wise require skill to acquire, then that's when the system is broken. a vanduul scout, idris M, and a F7A are not for sale in game. only way to get it is to hijack or steal them, which requires considerable amount of skill and luck to accomplish, making it so much more rewarding then any price tag one can afford. THAT accomplishment is belittled if there is another way of getting those ships; buying them with real world money. it devalues the efforts.

Sure life isnt' fair and the grey market invalidates everyone i've said, because that sure as heck will happen. but just because Olympic athletes who sell their medals all the time, doesn't mean the Olympics should sell their medals. If your going to be getting an Olympic medal from the Olympics, your not getting it with a check.

So long as CIG uphold a sense of standards, which so far they are walking a fine line on, then i will feel they will make a fair game.


BTW, it really is just a skin. It's not just a texture pack since it changes the geometry of your ship a little but the max capabilities are unchanged by the military upgrade.

Super Hornets keep the second seat, it just changes your ship to look like a military version.


however, when it comes to earned items where time/money does not necessarily guarantee you getting that item, putting a price tag on it is what i have a problem with. if it takes no skill to buy a ship with real money that would other wise require skill to acquire, then that's when the system is broken. a vanduul scout, idris M, and a F7A are not for sale in game. only way to get it is to hijack or steal them, which requires considerable amount of skill and luck to accomplish, making it so much more rewarding then any price tag one can afford. THAT accomplishment is belittled if there is another way of getting those ships; buying them with real world money. it devalues the efforts.

See, this is where I don't agree with you, not in full, at least. The only 'value' I'm interested in is having fun while playing the game. If capturing a Vanduul fighter is going to be a bitch, I'll enjoy the process all the more for it and I couldn't care less if 200 or 500 other people (out of, say, 300.000) got theirs by financing the game I'm playing (that's how I choose to see it). I realize that not everyone shares this opinion, but I'm past "bragging", "accomplishments" and all that stuff. Six months or a year into the game you'll be the envy of every new(ish) player anyway. And I'm sure there'll be more than enough fancy / rare items for us to find in the universe. That's more than enough for me. I backed Star Citizen for the single player / co-op campaign anyway. :)

I mean, it's supposed to be a huge fucking universe, isn't it? There *should* be rich people flying Corvettes, Idrises and whatnots from the get-go in it. I'll be seeing enough Auroras, Hornets and 300i's as it is. :p


If people are so stupid to give money, it's their problem. As long as it means I can play my game without any hindrance I won't even care.

I agree they've become a bit 'greedy' if that is how you want to put it, but actually they always have been. People vote with their wallets and apparantly they vote in favor. I can't do anything against that. As long as nobody is forced to pay for anything.
I understand where the issue with CIG selling stuff such as the Idris-M, Vanduul Scythe (the Scout is the Xi'an ship, BTW), and F7A but as this isn't the actual F7A it seems they have learned their lesson. It's just a body kit, nothing more.

AFAIK only 500 Scythes and 100 Idris-Ms have been sold, now compare that to the amount of backers we're sitting at (294,702 as of this post). Those ships are still going to be very, very rare when the game launches. Only 0.17% of players have a Scythe and 0.03% have an Idris-M. While it can kind of cheapen their rarity, in the grand scheme of things they're still very rare as is. And besides, while their LTI may make them more valuable in terms of cost, that they were achieved without an effort or skill may very well cheapen the reputation of the pilot.

In other news I think I've gone totally insane. By the end of this month my plan is for my hangar to contain
-Aurora LX or LN (still can't decide if I want to downgrade to an LX when it comes back out)
-Super Hornet

Originally I was just planning to buy the M50 this month... Then I decided to go back to the 350r and things snowballed.
Right now I've just got an F7C-M, but am planning on doing the donation for the F7A-M for the look of it.

Then hoping to pick up a Freelancer before the end of the month if budgeting works out correctly. That'll be it, though.


In other news I think I've gone totally insane. By the end of this month my plan is for my hangar to contain
-Aurora LX or LN (still can't decide if I want to downgrade to an LX when it comes back out)
-Super Hornet

Originally I was just planning to buy the M50 this month... Then I decided to go back to the 350r and things snowballed.

I'd stick with the LX, but mostly because it comes with a Jump Drive by default. I figure, that if things go south and I need to use my Aurora in the garage to get around, I'd like to be able to get anywhere.

I can't wait for the Freelancer upgrades, I keep saying that's the last thing I'll purchase, but I bought a T-Shirt and a Super Hornet since I last told myself to stop spending money.

Also, if anyone needs help converting their ships to LTI, I'm happy to help!
I'd stick with the LX, but mostly because it comes with a Jump Drive by default. I figure, that if things go south and I need to use my Aurora in the garage to get around, I'd like to be able to get anywhere.

I can't wait for the Freelancer upgrades, I keep saying that's the last thing I'll purchase, but I bought a T-Shirt and a Super Hornet since I last told myself to stop spending money.

Also, if anyone needs help converting their ships to LTI, I'm happy to help!

Yeah, that's a good point with the Jump Drive. I don't even plan to really use the Aurora for anything past starting out (I plan to "unlock" my own ships only after I get enough to otherwise afford them instead of just shooting right out of the gate in my Constellation) as it can't do much my other ships will be able to do better, so why bother with the more expensive and tricked out version.

Anticipating the Freelancer upgrades (as well as dropping my 315p in favor of the 350r when it returns) is sort of what convinced me to get a Freelancer. It's currently my least favorite ship (though I DO love its interior, I quite like how cramped it is), however I also didn't like the Hornet either until its promotion came out and I expect the same to happen for the Freelancer, so I might as well buy it now to get LTI and be ready for the variants. What can I say, I'm easily swayed by commercials apparently.


In other news I think I've gone totally insane. By the end of this month my plan is for my hangar to contain
-Aurora LX or LN (still can't decide if I want to downgrade to an LX when it comes back out)
-Super Hornet

I don't think im going to spend anymore on new ships, i may buy upgrades though,
I have


I don't have a problem with purchasing ships now as a way to finance the game. I do have a problem with the purchase of ships after the game is release and in a competitive environment.

That would not only allow people to directly purchase power, but would also damage the economy they produced.

Giving the player the option to purchase a limited amount of credits each month is not a big deal. Just simulates inflation.


On purchasing UEC, I hope they stick to their intention of just keeping it for people that can't spend time on the game, perhaps so that earning UEC via any method in-game should count in progress towards reaching the cap.


On purchasing UEC, I hope they stick to their intention of just keeping it for people that can't spend time on the game, perhaps so that earning UEC via any method in-game should count in progress towards reaching the cap.
I think the much bigger problem will be the price of the UEC. Let's say you need 10k UEC to buy a small ship, and you need to quest/grind 10h to get that amount of money. If you can just buy it for 10$/€ you have the classical F2P/P2W situation. The time you need to invest to get a certain amount of ingame money is worth much more than the amount of real cash you'd have to spend to get it. That's my biggest fear about the microtransactions.
I think the much bigger problem will be the price of the UEC. Let's say you need 10k UEC to buy a small ship, and you need to quest/grind 10h to get that amount of money. If you can just buy it for 10$/€ you have the classical F2P/P2W situation. The time you need to invest to get a certain amount of ingame money is worth much more than the amount of real cash you'd have to spend to get it. That's my biggest fear about the microtransactions.

That's what I'm concerned of as well. The only thing we have is 60 hours = Constellation and that's useless without context.
Nice to hear they are switching over the Ryse level of Cryengine soon and will have access to the Physically based rendering material system.

It will be annoying for them to remaster all their materials to some extent.. but the game will look better and be easier to develop after the switch is done.


I'd stick with the LX, but mostly because it comes with a Jump Drive by default. I figure, that if things go south and I need to use my Aurora in the garage to get around, I'd like to be able to get anywhere.

The jump drives included with those ships aren't needed to use jump lanes. They are used to discover new jump lanes and explore them. They are needed when you want to discover an all new system for yourself.

I think the much bigger problem will be the price of the UEC. Let's say you need 10k UEC to buy a small ship, and you need to quest/grind 10h to get that amount of money. If you can just buy it for 10$/€ you have the classical F2P/P2W situation. The time you need to invest to get a certain amount of ingame money is worth much more than the amount of real cash you'd have to spend to get it. That's my biggest fear about the microtransactions.

"Why play SC when going to work is more efficient?"

Although, Chris Roberts said ships would cost much more credits ingame than the equivalent amount in dollars you can buy now. A simple Aurora would be something like 60,000 UEC. Couple that with a daily and monthly cap on buying credits and the P2W gets severaly constrained.


"Why play SC when going to work is more efficient?"
Essentially, yes. If you need to put crazy time into the game to have the same experience as people who pay some money it's as bad as all the infamous asia grinders. And until now CIG didn't exactly do anything to dispel those fears.
Nice to hear they are switching over the Ryse level of Cryengine soon and will have access to the Physically based rendering material system.

It will be annoying for them to remaster all their materials to some extent.. but the game will look better and be easier to develop after the switch is done.

Could you give an example of what this might mean for the game?
Could you give an example of what this might mean for the game?
Metals will look more like metals, skin will look moer like skin, and they will all be lit more papropriately.

It makes the jobs for artists easier to make the materials because it is codified, standardized, and just works under the lighting.


The jump drives included with those ships aren't needed to use jump lanes. They are used to discover new jump lanes and explore them. They are needed when you want to discover an all new system for yourself.

Oh, really? I thought it was more like Privateer, where you can access the local system without a jump drive, but you need one to move larger distances. Where did they clarify this?


Oh, really? I thought it was more like Privateer, where you can access the local system without a jump drive, but you need one to move larger distances. Where did they clarify this?

Can't find it anymore, it's in the other thread for sure but I'm on mobile right now. But the jump system is still preliminary and rather complex. A jump drive gives you additional benefits especially when it comes to charting new jump lanes. Iirc all ships are fitted with some basic sort of jump drive for using the most common ones. I'll try to find it when I'm back home later tonight.


I think the much bigger problem will be the price of the UEC. Let's say you need 10k UEC to buy a small ship, and you need to quest/grind 10h to get that amount of money. If you can just buy it for 10$/&#8364; you have the classical F2P/P2W situation. The time you need to invest to get a certain amount of ingame money is worth much more than the amount of real cash you'd have to spend to get it. That's my biggest fear about the microtransactions.

I think if playing the game is considered an unenjoyable chore then the game must not be very good. The objective of this game is not to earn ships or UEC, or grind or quest or level up, it's to provide a great experience, for you to have fun doing whatever you want.


I think if playing the game is considered an unenjoyable chore then the game must not be very good. The objective of this game is not to earn ships or UEC, or grind or quest or level up, it's to provide a great experience, for you to have fun doing whatever you want.
Well, if you need to play 60 hours to get a barebones Constellation you will need to spend hundreds of hours to get to the "endgame". I mean, it would be great if they could fill all that with exciting "non-grindey" gameplay, but I try not to get my hopes too high. I am hyped enough at this point...


Well, if you need to play 60 hours to get a barebones Constellation you will need to spend hundreds of hours to get to the "endgame". I mean, it would be great if they could fill all that with exciting "non-grindey" gameplay, but I try not to get my hopes too high. I am hyped enough at this point...

As I said the objective is to play the game. There is no "endgame". Getting ships is not an endgame, getting lots of money is not an endgame directly in the parameters of SC. For some people all they want is an aurora to hop around and visit each of the systems, in that case they're already reached their personal "endgame".

If you want to play to reach a certain objective then that is you personal choice, but you can't be angry at the game for you choosing to do something you don't want to do to earn something that you don't care about


Guys, I know I am LTTP but I just discovered this game and I can't put into words how fantastic it looks. If the vision they have is achieved this could potentially be the greatest game ever created. Now, which package to choose from...Hmmm
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