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Star War: The Force Awakens Review Thread

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or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
How is it not working? You may disagree with it, but I think the Endor sequence of ROTJ is as bad as TPM and AOTC. It's just not good movie making.

I would say ROTJ is an even bigger disappointment as I can ignore TPM and AOTC quite easily (I just now watch ROTS onward for my showings) but ROTJ is following up one of the greatest movies of all time (ESB) and it disappoints heavily.

Much like the prequels, George Lucas had too much influence and impact on the movie. ESB is amazing as it takes Lucas' fantastic story outline and gave it to better creative people to make something.
I can agree with the point you're making... That ROTJ matters more and the prequels are ignorable.

But I do think ROTJ's sins are mild compared to the romantic holocaust that is AOTC.


We should make a thread why ROTJ is garbage on the same level like the prequels (and of course ANH, too, because there was cheesy stuff, too) and use this one to continue to see the fantastic reviews.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
We should make a thread why ROTJ is garbage on the same level like the prequels (and of course ANH, too, because there was cheesy stuff, too) and use this one to continue to see the fantastic reviews.
For my part, I can put that point to rest.

Just when I thought this thread could not get any dumber, you go and say something like this, and totally redeem this thread!!!
Hope you get the meme tho.


I swear, every Star Wars thread and article feels too risky to read. I started reading the review excerpts and then thought, "Screw this, something's gonna get spoiled". Can't wait to watch it tomorrow.


But I do think ROTJ's sins are mild compared to the romantic holocaust that is AOTC.

Yeah, and that's where we disagree. I don't think the sins are mild. I just re-watched the trilogy last week and the Endor scenes were just hard to watch. First it's quite boring with bad pacing, then it just becomes very cringe worthy. What makes it even worse is the editing job where we have this immensely powerful scenes with Hamill, McDiarmid, and Earl Jones, constantly being interrupted and cut with this Endor shit.

Like this scene is so amazing and probably the best scene in the entire Star Wars series:


So ROTJ had so much potential and that makes the impact of Endor scenes even worse.

We should make a thread why ROTJ is garbage on the same level like the prequels (and of course ANH, too, because there was cheesy stuff, too) and use this one to continue to see the fantastic reviews.

Fair enough. My final point on it.


On my way to the cinema now.

It'll be the first Star Wars movie I'll see together with my father (he haven't seen any of the previous ones, so I'm curious what he'll think of it), and it'll be the second Star Wars movie I watch in a theater.


Never understood ROTJ hate. Loved that movie, don't know how you could compare it to the prequels.

Yeah. The ewoks beating up stormtroopers is dumb, but the earlier scenes with them worshipping C-3PO and such are fun. Star Wars shouldn't just be dark and gritty throughout, it needs levity and heartwarming scenes as well.


I swear, every Star Wars thread and article feels too risky to read. I started reading the review excerpts and then thought, "Screw this, something's gonna get spoiled". Can't wait to watch it tomorrow.

Started to read a spoiler free review.
7th or 8th sentence: spoiler.
*sigh* not going to read anything else.
Tarantino, Inariatu, eat your heart out.


Second Negative Review
He seems to like it in theory.
There’s a movie to see when you get into the theater, all right, and I had a lot of fun watching it with a psyched-up crowd who cheered the theme music, the deliberately old-school title crawl and every reappearance of every old friend. Abrams has his failings as a director – his action scenes are frankly not that great – but by Hollywood standards he’s an economical storyteller who avoids unnecessary padding, handles emotional beats well and feels obvious affection for his actors and characters. “The Force Awakens” is an expertly made entertainment loaded with plot twists and revelations I have been sternly enjoined not to tell you about, even though most have been leaked already or guessed correctly by fans.
But it seems the retread nature affected him more than most.
Whether Abrams’ obsessive-compulsive relationship to George Lucas’ 1977 original works for you is a subjective question, of course. You can choose to understand “The Force Awakens” as an embrace of the mythological tradition, in which the same stories recur over and over with minor variations. Or you can see it as the ultimate retreat into formula: “Let’s just make the same damn movie they loved so much the first time!” There are moments when it feels like both of those things, profound and cynical, deeply satisfying and oddly empty. This is the work of a talented mimic or ventriloquist who can just about cover for the fact that he has nothing much to say. He has made an adoring copy of “Star Wars,” seeking to correct its perceived flaws, without understanding that nothing about that movie’s context or meaning or enormous cultural impact can be duplicated.


Second rotten review is in.

It's down to 98% now.

Burning my tickets right now.

Second Negative Review
He seems to like it in theory.

But it seems the retread nature affected him more than most.

The negative reviews seems to highlight what I expect from a JJ Abrams movie really.
I mean after Super 8 and Star Trek, it's not really a surprise.

Fortunately I'm used to it, and hungry for Star Wars.
So this will be his movie that I'll forgive the most for its shortcomings.
Yep. Always had faith he'd be great but to see it confirmed is fantastic.

Lot of pressure there too, Vader is such an iconic character that's tough to stand alongside. Driver looked a bit nervous in the press interviews leading up to release so it's great to see he's delivered something he can be proud of.
Star Wars shouldn't be so hard to turn to gold and Lucasfilm have said they're basically free to control the franchise creatively so I'd give credit to Lucasfilm leadership.


I mean, it shouldn't be so hard to make money with Star Wars, but making a movie that's actually good, that's getting this kind of reception? No easy task (something something George Lucas).

And I do think Disney deserves some credit with their hands off approach. It's my understanding that they're also pretty hands off with Marvel, and that's worked out pretty well for them as well. Get a bunch of talented people together, give them a shit ton of money and a single directive: make something good.


Metacritic and Critics score on rottentomatoes seems too high for a movie that is being praised for mostly being a good retread. But I'll judge for myself anyway.

That's how Rotten Tomatoes works though. It's binary. Is a review positive or negative? That's all they look at. The score is just a percentage of positive reviews, so it's not very good for nuance, just for the big picture. A movie that most critics think is "mostly good" would have a very high RT score.


I am not a Star Wars fan, however I am seeing this movie on Thursday. I just wanted to say that I am happy for all the fans who have been waiting for a good film for a very very long time.


That's how Rotten Tomatoes works though. It's binary. Is a review positive or negative? That's all they look at. The score is just a percentage of positive reviews, so it's not very good for nuance, just for the big picture. A movie that most critics think is "mostly good" would have a very high RT score.

Edit: you are right.
Wow, so it really is just a remake of the original Star Wars?

Wait, is this true? I was under the impression that the film took place 30 years after the events of Return of the Jedi.


Seriously don't understand that criticism. Just because it follows a similar structure (for obvious reasons) doesn't mean it's the same film.


I'm in the cinema now!!! I don't even know if I'm a real Star Wars fan lol. I really like the universe and films though.

Wrong thread.


Subete no aware
Just going back to that "bad" review that got posted:
Whether Abrams’ obsessive-compulsive relationship to George Lucas’ 1977 original works for you is a subjective question, of course. You can choose to understand “The Force Awakens” as an embrace of the mythological tradition, in which the same stories recur over and over with minor variations. Or you can see it as the ultimate retreat into formula: “Let’s just make the same damn movie they loved so much the first time!” There are moments when it feels like both of those things, profound and cynical, deeply satisfying and oddly empty. This is the work of a talented mimic or ventriloquist who can just about cover for the fact that he has nothing much to say. He has made an adoring copy of “Star Wars,” seeking to correct its perceived flaws, without understanding that nothing about that movie’s context or meaning or enormous cultural impact can be duplicated.

Seriously don't understand that criticism. Just because it follows a similar structure (for obvious reasons) doesn't mean it's the same film.
Well, knowing nothing about this film since I haven't followed anything about it, I know that JJ is very capable of delivering a film like Star Trek Into Darkness. lol
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