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Star Wars |OT| I have a very good feeling about this...

Fuck. I will finally get my Squadron Comicbook.

This is a good read in the meantime.



Can't be helped. I find the PT hate threads hilarious though.

The "Disney could re-do the prequel trilogy and make it work." thread is just another in a long list of them, highlighting people who just won't let it go.

Just as funny (and sad) to me are people who actively try and deny that the PT ever happened.

I also find it funny that it's always "Disney" as if Lucasfilm isn't stil its own entity that happens to be owned by Disney.


I am sick of all these PT haters.
I'm definitely not in that camp. I like a lot about the prequels. I think most of the highs are higher in the OT, and most of the lows are lower in the PT, but it's all SW to me.

Unfortunately, with people who actually work on star wars having a history of trashing the PT (Simon Pegg and Whitta being some that jump to mind) adding fuel to the fire and legitimizing the hate to some extent, it's something we are going to have to deal with for a long time to come.

Just one of the many reasons I'm strongly in favor of an Obi Wan film featuring Ewan. I think it might help distinguish those fires somewhat if there's a film to help bring a little redemption in some eyes.


I also find it funny that it's always "Disney" as if Lucasfilm isn't stil its own entity that happens to be owned by Disney.

I can understand this bit, at least. Disney's really sunk its teeth on Star Wars. Marvel ain't even at this level.

"Lets forget about the prequels forever and force Disney to retcon them....BY TALKING ABOUT THEM"

I was reading the OP and all I could think of is "bruh, The Clone Wars TV series...".

I'm almost finished with Season 1 of it.


I can understand this bit, at least. Disney's really sunk its teeth on Star Wars. Marvel ain't even at this level.

I don't think the wisdom of that purchase was truly visible until TFA was released and made all the moneys. Marvel was doing gangbusters for quite a while. To me, Lucasfilm and Marvel pictures are on the same level as far as Disney's involvement but for some reason, there's this idea that Disney is running Star Wars and Disney hates the prequels. When you look at all the other things Lucasfilm is putting out, the prequel era is all over it.


Disney: "Now that we own Star Wars we're throwing out the EU and starting a clean sheet which will be the new canon."
Filoni: "lol"

KOTOR might as well be canon again at this point with the number of planets and other small things that are becoming canon again. I won't be surprised if we see Raven show up in one of the Sith holocrons.


Disney: "Now that we own Star Wars we're throwing out the EU and starting a clean sheet which will be the new canon."
Filoni: "lol"

KOTOR might as well be canon again at this point with the number of planets and other small things that are becoming canon again. I won't be surprised if we see Raven show up in one of the Sith holocrons.

That's not how it works, individual elements of a legend becoming canon doesn't make the whole story canon. Just that little piece.

Maul coming back with robot legs being canon doesn't mean Uncle Owen killing him with a shotgun is canon too....for now...


That's not how it works, individual elements of a legend becoming canon doesn't make the whole story canon. Just that little piece.

Maul coming back with robot legs being canon doesn't mean Uncle Owen killing him with a shotgun is canon too....for now...

Oh I understand I just cited KOTOR because a lot of elements from it are becoming canon again. With HK-47 being in the mobile game and other things from the shows I figured it was a sign that Disney is open to making all of it canon again, but like you said they could just be handpicking certain things while leaving out others which is fine as well.


I would be shocked if within 10 years we do not have a Knights of the Old Republic movie. I feel like it's the most obvious direction to go after Episodes VII - IX end.

A KOTOR trilogy, then a Darth Bane/New Sith Wars trilogy, then Episodes X - XII.


I would be shocked if within 10 years we do not have a Knights of the Old Republic movie. I feel like it's the most obvious direction to go after Episodes VII - IX end.

A KOTOR trilogy, then a Darth Bane/New Sith Wars trilogy, then Episodes X - XII.

I want an Obi-Wan movie before going that far back.



A-wings are still just straight-up A-wings by the time of TFA, huh?

I'm of two minds regarding the vehicles of TFA. On one hand, they seem afraid to stray from the classic designs of the OT ships, so everything is a small tweak or a pallet swap of a 30 year old design in TFA. On the other hand, those OT designs are classic for a reason, meanwhile none of the prequel designs grabbed in quite the same way and the old EU stuff was.... hit or miss to put it mildly. So I can't really blame them for being a bit hesitant regarding the ship designs. I guess.


Oh I understand I just cited KOTOR because a lot of elements from it are becoming canon again. With HK-47 being in the mobile game and other things from the shows I figured it was a sign that Disney is open to making all of it canon again, but like you said they could just be handpicking certain things while leaving out others which is fine as well.
You mean Lucasfilm is open again.


Yeah, sorry. Got a little bit annoyed earlier. Sorry.

No need to be sorry. I get annoyed when people use Disney and Lucasfilm interchangeably. People don't seem to get that Lucasfilm is still running Star Wars and decisions like throwing out the old EU was on them, not Disney.


A-wings are still just straight-up A-wings by the time of TFA, huh?

I'm of two minds regarding the vehicles of TFA. On one hand, they seem afraid to stray from the classic designs of the OT ships, so everything is a small tweak or a pallet swap of a 30 year old design in TFA. On the other hand, those OT designs are classic for a reason, meanwhile none of the prequel designs grabbed in quite the same way and the old EU stuff was.... hit or miss to put it mildly. So I can't really blame them for being a bit hesitant regarding the ship designs. I guess.

The prequels had awesome ship designs, which lifted some design ideas from the OT vehicles.

The ROTS Jedi Starfighters have hints of the TIE Fighter design:

Same thing with the Republic Star Destroyer with the Empire one:

Then the ARC-170 Starfighter, with hints of the X-Wing design:

I don't think the Clone Gunship was inspired by any distinct OT vehicle, but still awesome anyway.



Funny thing is, that Lucas originally took a lot of inspirations for the designs in Phantom Menace for the droid army from the empire. The early Battledroid designs looked like stormtroopers and the round spheres in the controllships were modeled after the deathstar.
Would love to know if Lucas originally intended the seperatists to be the forerunner of the galactic empire and not the republic.

I can look if I find my Making Of Book if anyone wants to see the art.




The prequels had awesome ship designs, which lifted some design ideas from the OT vehicles.

The ROTS Jedi Starfighters have hints of the TIE Fighter design:

Same thing with the Republic Star Destroyer with the Empire one:

Then the ARC-170 Starfighter, with hints of the X-Wing design:

I don't think the Clone Gunship was inspired by any distinct OT vehicle, but still awesome anyway.

I get what they wanted to do by trying to show a lineage of ship designs, but it all sort of turned into a mess. For example, in the prequels there are no less than three separate ships from two different manufacturers that eventually turned into the TIE Fighter.

Two of which also share the origin for the A-wing for whatever reason.

It's kind of a hot mess, but not nearly as bad as the Old Republic stuff where the Sith all steal design elements from the empire because they're the designated bad guys, even though it should be the old republic that's using proto-proto-Star Destroyers and Not-TIE Fighters.

(Ugh, doing the image search reminded me that TOR's fighter designs are universally overdone and hideous.)


Thats why it is good that KOTOR and TOR stay dead, because that everything looks like 2000 years later is stupid shit und stuff fans would make.
There is even one dude who is exactly Darth Vader, inclusiv breathing device just without the mask.


Outside of Lost Stars, the novels have been pretty mediocre, to just bad.

Just hit Chapter 10 of Lost Stars, it's been sitting on my shelf for months and I'm only getting around to it now. Really loving it so far, those last few chapters were great, can't wait to see where it goes from here.
Death Star just got destroyed

If I had to rank the new canon novels that I've read so far:

  1. Tarkin
  2. Lords of the Sith
  3. A New Dawn
  4. Heir to the Jedi

If Lost Stars can build on what it's done so far through the rest of the book then that could very well take Tarkin's place on top. Battlefront is up next. I have Aftermath but just going to wait for the full trilogy to hit before diving in to that one, have heard very mixed reports though.
Man, I'm really digging all the new canon Marvel comics. They've all been great (I'm behind a six month Marvel Unlimited buffer). The Princess Leia mini series was kind of disposable, but still a fun read, and I've really liked SW, Darth Vader and Kanan. MU is one issue into Lando now too, and so far I like it as well.
Man, I'm really digging all the new canon Marvel comics. They've all been great (I'm behind a six month Marvel Unlimited buffer). The Princess Leia mini series was kind of disposable, but still a fun read, and I've really liked SW, Darth Vader and Kanan. MU is one issue into Lando now too, and so far I like it as well.

They've definitely been the best of the additional material in the new canon. I'd agree with you on Leia, I found it pretty forgettable, but overall the quality's been really high. Lando's the best of the limited series' so far.


Wow, Rebels is actually really enjoyable. Standout episode is definitely Siege of Lothal.
Darth Vader, holy shit.
also like the Star Wars comic (2015). So much new material to enjoy. Happy to be a SW fan! By far my favorite franchise outside of Zelda.:) getting ready for Darth Vader as well!
I am sick of all these PT haters.
I'm late but yeah. People pretending there weren't/aren't any subtle references in TFA made me lol. Really, all you can do is go "okay" when they treat it as though it's non-canon. Not worth engaging when discussing the series and its elements/stories as a whole. At least Disney and Lucasfilm have taken the right approach in its treatment. And yes, I myself consider the PT vastly inferior to the OT. That will be all I say on the subject.
I don't have a problem with people hating the prequels. Everyone has an opinion. I do have a problem with people instantly saying something's crap purely because it is associated with the prequels like The Clone Wars. Usually these people haven't even watched or read what they're discussing.


People who dislike the prequels are fine, that's a logical opinion to have. What's annoying are people who won't shut up about how much they hate the prequels, like it's a badge of honor that shows they're a real fan. They'll come into any topic and find a way to make it about how much the prequels suck, or how you're an idiot if you enjoy the prequels, and then link Plinkett at you.


I don't have a problem with people hating the prequels. Everyone has an opinion. I do have a problem with people instantly saying something's crap purely because it is associated with the prequels like The Clone Wars. Usually these people haven't even watched or read what they're discussing.
Let me get this clear - I dont have a problem with people saying those movies are bad.
The problem is that you cant discuss about those movies without 100 people instant joining the discussion and overreact and act like these movies are Plane 9 from outer space level bad. This and how People then start to insult George Lucas is just awful.

Also I cant believe that people outside of the Star Wars Nerd Fanbase really think that everyone think that they are that awful. They need a reality check
The prequels are bad Star Wars movies and bad movies in general. Doesn't mean they should be forgotten. There is a like to like from those movies and that era of Star Wars. I don't have any issue with people hating them, they are terrible movies, but don't shit on people that like them.


Let me get this clear - I dont have a problem with people saying those movies are bad.
The problem is that you cant discuss about those movies without 100 people instant joining the discussion and overreact and act like these movies are Plane 9 from outer space level bad. This and how People then start to insult George Lucas is just awful.

Also I cant believe that people outside of the Star Wars Nerd Fanbase really think that everyone think that they are that awful. They need a reality check

Other opinions don't make ours invalid. I can call them trash and still acknowledge kids who saw it when they were 8-12 may enjoy them in some nostalgic way. Those same kids can accept that the movies are bad as far as movies are concerned in more ways than one. You can enjoy a crappy movie, but to deny it is crappy is delusional.


Only because you are vocal group still doesnt make you right. People can enjoy movies that are crap and dont care if they are good. Thats why people outside of the Star Wars diehard group can enjoy and like them, too.


PT is bad, and I think plenty of people diehard fans or not probably feel that way. But that said, I also find the idea of denying they happened or that they aren't canon or that new SW content will ignore them is pretty ridiculous. They're still SW, and still part of the overall story arc, quality aside.


So not worth it
I don't think very many people outside of the fanbase have watched any of the PT more than once by choice and I can't imagine many of them thinking they're good. Because objectively, they are just not very much fun to watch, at all. Bad acting from leads, boring scenes, rapidly aging cgi, none of it would be a great sell to anyone that doesn't really really like Star Wars.
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