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Star Wars |OT| I have a very good feeling about this...


Man, I'm really digging all the new canon Marvel comics. They've all been great (I'm behind a six month Marvel Unlimited buffer). The Princess Leia mini series was kind of disposable, but still a fun read, and I've really liked SW, Darth Vader and Kanan. MU is one issue into Lando now too, and so far I like it as well.

The comics have been pretty spectacular so far, I agree. I think it was a great idea to wipe out the old EU for these new stories that (so far) aren't muddled by much beyond the movies. It's such an easy jumping on point and exploring the OT characters some more through these comics are great.

I keep championing Darth Vader on here, but when people talk about the best comics I keep hearing Lando and Kanan each time.
Man, I'm really digging all the new canon Marvel comics. They've all been great (I'm behind a six month Marvel Unlimited buffer). The Princess Leia mini series was kind of disposable, but still a fun read, and I've really liked SW, Darth Vader and Kanan. MU is one issue into Lando now too, and so far I like it as well.

I didn't really like the fact that Vader and Luke
have already crossed paths for a lightsaber battle before Empire
. I think that was in the Star Wars comics.
I didn't really like the fact that Vader and Luke
have already crossed paths for a lightsaber battle before Empire
. I think that was in the Star Wars comics.
The only bit about it that annoyed me was when Luke yells at Vader for killing General Kenobi. I can't see why he'd have called him anything but Ben at that point. Small nitpick but it was weird.


I think I might have been able to forgive all of the prequels' other failings if Hayden Christiansen's portrayal of Anakin had not been the most horrendous display of acting I have ever seen on film.

(Please Note: I am not really a movie person so I am sure there are far worse examples that I have not seen.)


People who dislike the prequels are fine, that's a logical opinion to have. What's annoying are people who won't shut up about how much they hate the prequels, like it's a badge of honor that shows they're a real fan. They'll come into any topic and find a way to make it about how much the prequels suck, or how you're an idiot if you enjoy the prequels, and then link Plinkett at you.

Yeah, I haven't been hardcore into the Star Wars culture, so I have not been aware of that side of things until relatively recently.

It's a real puzzle to me how some can be like that and say all sorts of bad things about George Lucas, yet claim that they like Star Wars.

For example I also like other stories like Discworld as well as A Song of Ice and Fire (Game of thrones). Things have happened in those worlds and stories that just didn't appeal to me at all. They are somewhat different being books but I never cursed out the creator and wishing they'd leave their creations up to someone else, and then saying those parts of the story or characters don't count as I didn't like them for whatever reason as the creator knows that world and characters best.

Then there's Jim Henson who I have admired for years and brought things like Labyrinth to life (which George also worked on), and whilst I appreciate many of his creations are still going on without him, if I had the choice between Jim continuing to work with his world's, or leaving them behind for someone else to do I'd choose for Jim to stay, but some who claim to be Star Wars fans seem to be crazy enough to actually want George dead.

I have only recently ventured back into the Star Wars fandom in the lead up to The Force Awakens, as I wasn't really apart of it during The Clone Wars nor much of the EU stuff. I've recently purchased the clone Wars on bluray (as well as lost missions), and so am catching up on that as I wasn't really aware of it until now. The last time I was looking at Star Wars stuff like now though was for the prequels. I liked Star Wars before then but it mostly consisted of thinking Yoda, Chewbacca and R2 were cool and liking the Ewoks cartoon which I watched on TV when it came out, Darth Vader was cool too, but I thought his name was Dark. I wasn't that much into Star Wars but I still preferred it over things like Star Trek as Star Trek mostly consisted of just humans or human like figures. Anyway I thought it was so exciting for new Star Wars movies to be coming out, and to be able to see what Darth Vader was like before he got to be Darth Vader. I saw phantom menace and loved it. Thought Queen Amidala was really interesting. Loved the podracing. Loved seeing Yoda not being confined to a little swamp, and hear more quotes from him. Loved seeing Obi Wan have someone who taught him (Qui Gonn), and I so loved what Weird Al did for it with The Saga Begins too (used to request the video clip to be played so many times). First time I picked up multiple Star Wars merchandise and books was here, as I had only been given a Darth Vader mask and ewok figure previously. Only problem I really had with the film is that it wasn't that easy for me to understand the stuff about tax routes and trade federation. Oh and I didn't like what happened to Qui Gonn Jin at the end, as I thought he was cool. I do not recall any badmouthing of the film then, like some like to do now.

In the lead-up to Attack of the clones I was looking forward to that too as we'd see Anakin as not a little kid any more, and I was interested to see what he'd look like then (had also gained a crush on Natalie Portman too). Started visiting www.theforce.net more regularly to stay up to date and find more info and still I don't recall people spouting bad things towards George or the prequels. Movie came out, thought it was cool again and liked Seeing Yoda more up and about too and interesting to watch the multiple Australian actors in it due to it being shot here.

Third movie came out, was good to see but also sad, but I guess it was always meant to be the story of how Anakin messed up and became Vader. Apart from Padme dying and Anakin not trusting Mace, my biggest disappointment was that Liam didn't return for Qui Gonn force ghost as I recall there being rumours of it at the time and how he somehow yelled at Anakin at some stage or saw Yoda (but I hear The Clone Wars series will finally somewhat help me out with that), although Yoda does mention him at the end.

Anyway, shortly after that I stopped visiting things for Star Wars info as I thought that was the end of the story so I'm bummed I missed out on The Clone Wars series as it happened, but apart from the joking from some towards Star Wars stuff as being for nerds I wasn't really aware of any negativity towards George (apart from the whole Han/greedo shot first stuff) nor the prequels. Whilst the films aren't Shakespeare, I did want to know the story of Vader before he was Vader, and what was the history between him and Obi Wan. I am also thankful towards them for showing me more Wookiees than just Chewbacca and being able to see Yoda away from a little swamp able to actually jump, and hold a lightsaber. So I don't know why some who claim to like Star Wars can be against the prequels for showing them that. I'd hate to still be wondering today what Vader's story was before he actually became Vader, and if all we associated Yoda with was having a little hut by a swamp.

Some like to claim it's the script, they don't like. If there are any issues with words I just put that down to Star Wars being in another galaxy and therefore they obviously have different thoughts and so forth so it doesn't bother me, or the character is simply like that. Others claim the prequels somehow damage the original films. I don't see that either, these are set before them and as I said before I'm glad we found out the story about Vader before he was Vader, as well as more Wookiees and more Yoda. More recently when I see people try to provide a reason for the prequels as being bad they mention some Plinkett or red letter media, as if they're some great final commandment from some ancient God somewhere. So supposedly the prequels were fine when they were released but since some review comes out recently they're not fine anymore? In that case you can use reviews for everything and anything to explain why something isn't good. I'm not really going to take a review seriously when they had no input into Star Wars.

Anyway, probably my longest post on neogaf and I think it's my first in this thread. Just saw some posts discussing some peoples points on negativity towards the prequels, and it just stuns me how some can say they like Star Wars but be against some of the films done by the creator. I think it's sad. It's not something I sensed at the time of their release so it puzzles me all the more now as I remember it being an exciting time for Star Wars. Probably doesn't help how people can more easily spread venom on things like YouTube, twitter, Facebook and the like as they couldn't back then, but still there were discussion sites for Star Wars.

As for the Force Awakens I like it, but also feel a bit sad about it. I guess George sold Star Wars for whatever reasons but I'd love to know more of what his plans were for the universe and its characters and how much it differs to the new film.


Wow, Rebels is actually really enjoyable. Standout episode is definitely Siege of Lothal.
Darth Vader, holy shit.
also like the Star Wars comic (2015). So much new material to enjoy. Happy to be a SW fan! By far my favorite franchise outside of Zelda.:) getting ready for Darth Vader as well!

I'm late but yeah. People pretending there weren't/aren't any subtle references in TFA made me lol. Really, all you can do is go "okay" when they treat it as though it's non-canon. Not worth engaging when discussing the series and its elements/stories as a whole. At least Disney and Lucasfilm have taken the right approach in its treatment. And yes, I myself consider the PT vastly inferior to the OT. That will be all I say on the subject.

This makes me lol

When Maz mentions the Sith it's CLEARLY a reference to the 1978 novelization absolutely no one in the audience read, of course....

And Clone Armies? A subtle reference to Ben Kenobi mentioning the existence of clones in the original Star Wars, never seen clone armies before.



Been a long time since I saw the OT. I forgot how good Vader's dialogue is

- "The ability to destroy a planet is insignificant next to the power of the Force"
- "When I left you, I was but the learner; now I am the master"
- "The force is with you, young Skywalker, but you are not a Jedi yet. "

agreed. I think it's all in the delivery


Guys, as TFA has gotten people back in to Star Wars and the Rebels Season 2.5 trailer is making the rounds, a lot of people are starting to ask about The Clone Wars again. That one image often gets posted in response but as Bobby Roberts pointed out in another thread, it's actually quite dated (it doesn't contain Season 6 at all) and skips over several quality episodes. I think we need to create our own NeoGAF Presents How to Watch Star Wars The Clone Wars.


Guys, as TFA has gotten people back in to Star Wars and the Rebels Season 2.5 trailer is making the rounds, a lot of people are starting to ask about The Clone Wars again. That one image often gets posted in response but as Bobby Roberts pointed out in another thread, it's actually quite dated (it doesn't contain Season 6 at all) and skips over several quality episodes. I think we need to create our own NeoGAF Presents How to Watch Star Wars The Clone Wars.
"Watch all of it".jpg
Yeah, I'm watching every episode of The Clone Wars, albeit slowly.

Good for you, its really not a race and there's some good stuff in a lot of the 'filler' episodes.

I think the reason why a lot of people are reluctant to watch the whole thing is because it is all so jumbled up that they don't feel they are missing out on the grand overarching plot that a linear show would have, coupled with the fact that there are so many episodes and the less than stellar reception the earlier episodes/ movie got its make a pretty big commitment and a tough sell.

Hopefully if people do cherry pick a few key episodes it will at least give them the impetus to watch the whole show.

Im currently (very) slowly doing a chronological rewatch with my youngest (she's seen them all before as well) its a blast and a lot of it is actually more enjoyable the second time around (I even enjoyed the movie, mostly)


Guys, as TFA has gotten people back in to Star Wars and the Rebels Season 2.5 trailer is making the rounds, a lot of people are starting to ask about The Clone Wars again. That one image often gets posted in response but as Bobby Roberts pointed out in another thread, it's actually quite dated (it doesn't contain Season 6 at all) and skips over several quality episodes. I think we need to create our own NeoGAF Presents How to Watch Star Wars The Clone Wars.

I watch everything but the Jar-Jar episodes. I don't care how palatable CW tries to make him, I can't stand him.


Do you guys have any recommendations for good Star Wars podcasts? I have an itch to listen to some.

Full of Sith is pretty decent (at times varying levels of audio quality because the cast isn't recording in the same room). GAF's Bobby Roberts used to be on there, but he quit after TFA. There is also a range of tastes when it comes to Star Wars. The prequels are mostly favored there (loved, I'd say.). So if you enjoy them, you don't have to worry about listening to bashing. The newest episode has an interview with Vanessa Marshal (Hera), but I haven't gotten there this week in my podcast rounds.

IGN has Rebel Base, but I haven't checked it out. Just mentioning since I know of it.


I really hate that the classic date is dead.

it's taking them a while to get things synced the way they want it, but I think it will be reclaimed.

I love having a SW film in May. Bummer that it's not happening in 2017 but we don't know everything about 2018 yet or going forward (goddamn I'm getting old... gonna be soooo old by the time IX is released, ugh!)
Really enjoyed Poe's short story in Before The Awakening. Rey and Finn's were good but I liked how his focused on the Republic and provided a bit more background for the Resistance. His chats with Leia were great as well.


why is season 1 of rebels so expensive?

it's thirteen 20 minute episodes, and it's $40.

There's some weird pricing going on, even for season 2. I just checked iTunes and it says "Volume 2" is $28.99 (does Volume 2 include the entirety of S2, or are they splitting the season into separate volumes?) while Season 2 is $58.99(note: might be Canadian pricing) on the PlayStation Store.


Speaking of books, I'm still trying to find a good deal on The Making of Star Wars/Empire Strikes Back/Return of the Jedi. Star Wars and Return of the Jedi are around $80 CAD, Empire is at $90 CAD.


Kanan #10 is out tonight. They timed its release perfectly due to the appearance of a certain character who will be on Rebels tonight.
Does anyone know how good the quality of the Black Series Kylo Ren voice changing helmet is? Thinking of buying it for my nephew as he would love it but I wasn't sure if it was worth $79.99.
Does anyone know how good the quality of the Black Series Kylo Ren voice changing helmet is? Thinking of buying it for my nephew as he would love it but I wasn't sure if it was worth $79.99.

Don't personally own one, but I've looked at various YT reviews. The helmet itself seems pretty nice, although obviously plastic in harsher lighting. Voice changer is awful though. I think there's some way to improve it by removing a piece inside, but it still sounded really bad to me after the fact.
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