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Star Wars |OT| I have a very good feeling about this...

I love the idea of an Obi-Wan movie though I'm not sure where they would put it in the timeline that hasn't already been covered by the movies/The Clone Wars.

Obi-Wan had a hell of a lot of free time on Tatooine. The latest Marvel comics have gone into it a bit and there's the potential for some interesting stuff there, what with Obi-Wan having to fight his instinct to help people and remain inconspicuous.
Obi-Wan had a hell of a lot of free time on Tatooine. The latest Marvel comics have gone into it a bit and there's the potential for some interesting stuff there, what with Obi-Wan having to fight his instinct to help people and remain inconspicuous.

I would like to see him interact with Kanan at least. And it's an easy cast - Freddie Prinze Jr looks exactly like him (on purpose, I'm sure).


Obi-Wan had a hell of a lot of free time on Tatooine. The latest Marvel comics have gone into it a bit and there's the potential for some interesting stuff there, what with Obi-Wan having to fight his instinct to help people and remain inconspicuous.

I'm just not sure how you could make that into the blockbuster movie these films are required to be. Seems to me that Obi-Wan pretty much stays put on Tatooine. His intent is to train Luke to one day take on Vader, he can't risk going off on adventures while Luke is still growing.

But I'm no film director so maybe someone could make it work.
I'm just not sure how you could make that into the blockbuster movie these films are required to be. Seems to me that Obi-Wan pretty much stays put on Tatooine. His intent is to train Luke to one day take on Vader, he can't risk going off on adventures while Luke is still growing.

But I'm no film director so maybe someone could make it work.

That's probably one of the reasons why they haven't rolled with it yet, despite the fact Ewan's interested. It would be a more of a low key story.


I'm just not sure how you could make that into the blockbuster movie these films are required to be. Seems to me that Obi-Wan pretty much stays put on Tatooine. His intent is to train Luke to one day take on Vader, he can't risk going off on adventures while Luke is still growing.

But I'm no film director so maybe someone could make it work.

Just my two cents but I don't think every Star Wars spin-off has to be a blockbuster. I know that'll be the natural expectation but I hope that Star Wars can push beyond a single type of movie. I'd love something a little quieter and a fairly solitary Obi-Wan could be really interesting.


I'll say it again: fuck the Boba Fett movie, give me a mother fucking Cad Bane movie.

Boba Fett origin where the concept for TCW is used.

First Act revolves entirely on Bane training Teen Bobba, and dying like a badass just before Fett gets his armor
SO, I finally saw TFA, and I must say, as a casual observer: This has got to be the worst written movie I've seen that has good ratings and universal praise. It's as if everyone is wearing SJW sunglasses over nostalgia goggles. I'm perfect fine with have a woman commander of an Army, a strong female lead, a black co-star and whatever else. But it seems like that is the only reason it gets as much praise as it does, apart from society's obsession with Star Wars. BUT GIVE EVERYONE SOME REALISTIC MOTIVATION PLEASE!
The gaps in logic in motivation for anyone? I mean GOD......WHAT the heck is everyone doing and why are they doing it? This movie is so poorly written....SO POORLY WRITTEN. And then we have to have JJ Abrams supervise the next script too? GTFO dude. LEAVE. Let somebody who can write do it.
Just...all these holes.....ALL THESE HOLES. Plot holes and motivation-gaps.......


Was getting caught part of your plan?
SO, I finally saw TFA, and I must say, as a casual observer: This has got to be the worst written movie I've seen that has good ratings and universal praise. It's as if everyone is wearing SJW sunglasses over nostalgia goggles. I'm perfect fine with have a woman commander of an Army, a strong female lead, a black co-star and whatever else. But it seems like that is the only reason it gets as much praise as it does, apart from society's obsession with Star Wars. BUT GIVE EVERYONE SOME REALISTIC MOTIVATION PLEASE!
The gaps in logic in motivation for anyone? I mean GOD......WHAT the heck is everyone doing and why are they doing it? This movie is so poorly written....SO POORLY WRITTEN. And then we have to have JJ Abrams supervise the next script too? GTFO dude. LEAVE. Let somebody who can write do it.
Just...all these holes.....ALL THESE HOLES. Plot holes and motivation-gaps.......
You can't just go saying those hot takes without giving us some specific examples of gaps and unrealistic motivation

In all the press for Episode 8 I've seen, they list all the actors who were in TFA except Carrie Fisher. Is she not in ep. 8?

She's been on set so that'd be strange
You can't just go saying those hot takes without giving us some specific examples of gaps and unrealistic motivation

She's been on set so that'd be strange

1. Whoever dropped off the girl on that planet.And, kind of, her sticking around just doing nothing.
2. Kylo-Ren is just like. Nah I dont wanna be a Jedi. Imma kill everyone cuz i got Grandpa vadar's helmet.
3. The bad guys blow up three planets cuz "i'm evils!"
4. The people on that one planet seemed high-tech and well funded. So why is this "resistance" or w/e so poorly outfitted?
5. So these bad guys have had however much time to create a giant death-star? I mean the galaxy is big, but really? No "disturbance in the force"? Nobody working on this space-tweeted somebody back at home?
6. Han dies cuz PLEASE HATE THIS BAD GUY..
7. Han is dicking around smuggling stuff? NOT for the resistance ..no..no. Just doing it cuz he likes it. He's like 80...
8. Han just goes up to Kylo/Ben and is like "hey buddy". Like he never tried this before? Also why doesn't anyone else looking on just shoot Ben?
9. WHY THE FK kill Han? Why? It felt like another kitten thrown onto the fire just to make us hate the badguy.
10. Luke is just sitting on an island....that's it.
11. How was the empire able to recruit so many people anyways? I mean they lost. And you'd have to imagine after they lost, that the rebel alliance would have spent time recruiting and taking over. Making taking some star-destroyers that weren't completely destroyed, and refurbishing them. But no....I duno. Here's a link with better explanations I mostly agree with.


Was getting caught part of your plan?
1. Whoever dropped off the girl on that planet.And, kind of, her sticking around just doing nothing. That's part of the mystery and what do you mean she's just doing nothing? She's clearly shown to have developed survivalist skills as she grew and also she has big abandonment issues which is why she's so hellbent on sticking around to wait
2. Kylo-Ren is just like. Nah I dont wanna be a Jedi. Imma kill everyone cuz i got Grandpa vadar's helmet. The entire picture isn't clear yet but it is presumably due to parental neglect (e.g. Han/Leia sending him away)
3. The bad guys blow up three planets cuz "i'm evils!" Um, how else were they supposed to effectively destroy the opposing government? Why wouldn't they?
4. The people on that one planet seemed high-tech and well funded. So why is this "resistance" or w/e so poorly outfitted? They're like a secretly backed private CIA
5. So these bad guys have had however much time to create a giant death-star? I mean the galaxy is big, but really? No "disturbance in the force"? Nobody working on this space-tweeted somebody back at home? I'll sorta give you this one since it's not clearly explained in the film, but in external material, it's because a lot of the senate were either secret First Order sympathizers or just plain ignorant for the sake of peace
6. Han dies cuz PLEASE HATE THIS BAD GUY..Han dies because Ben sees him as the last remaining source of love that's stopping him from achieving his full strength. Thing is, it's heavily implied in the scene that it did nothing for him later. Yes, this may be a move make us hate him more, but it's also a form of character development for Ren
7. Han is dicking around smuggling stuff? NOT for the resistance ..no..no. Just doing it cuz he likes it. He's like 80... Did you miss the part where Han and Leia discussed how they were both traumatized by their son's action which prompted them to go back to "doing what they were good at?" to try and erase that pain
8. Han just goes up to Kylo/Ben and is like "hey buddy". Like he never tried this before? Also why doesn't anyone else looking on just shoot Ben? Because Han never had a previous shot at doing this before. He would never had gotten close enough. Also, because shooting Kylo Ren normally worked so well for Poe and Rey earlier didn't it? Chewie managed to actually get the shot because Kylo was caught off-guard by his emotions.
9. WHY THE FK kill Han? Why? It felt like another kitten thrown onto the fire just to make us hate the badguy. Already answered this
10. Luke is just sitting on an island....that's it. Pretty much
11. How was the empire able to recruit so many people anyways? I mean they lost. And you'd have to imagine after they lost, that the rebel alliance would have spent time recruiting and taking over. Making taking some star-destroyers that weren't completely destroyed, and refurbishing them. But no....I duno. Here's a link with better explanations I mostly agree with. They didn't recruit - Hux and Finn mention that most of there army was outright kidnapped from birth and indoctrinated as they grew.

Answers above.

Also, I feel like you read that HuffPost article before watching the film
Answers above.

Also, I feel like you read that HuffPost article before watching the film

1. That's fair kind of.
2. But Jedis and becoming a Jedi must have seemed like the most awesome thing in the world for people....So it's just odd.
3. Why didn't the good-guys develop something to protect them or a weapon to fight them?
4. So where is this huge Army of good guys? And where does this empire get all this money to build better stuff?
5. You kind of understood.
6. There was no reason, and they could have easily thrown some robot into the pit and had it feel the same. I feel like there was more for Han to do
7. So she's somehow good at being a general? And he's good at smuggling? WHy not smuggle for her and the team? And they only had one kid? And it seems like they're just ignoring it, whereas it would have made more sense to work together to kill that, which controlled his emotions.
8. Yeah I guess. If it hadn't been for all the other holes, then this would have been okay I guess. Still I think killing Han is stupid and doesn't develop the character anymore than ACTUALLY DEVELOPING THE CHARACTER. At LEAST let Han live. FUCK .
10. It's a hole in logic, and a massive one.
11. But that's A LOT of soldiers to fill a man-made planet...

Also Why introduce Poe, who was hilarious, then that's it. Done. Gone. Why not make Poe a son of Han and Leia. He is basically a young Han. It's silly.

Ha no I didn't go online before seeing the movie and think, "I want to spoil the whole thing before I watch it. Let me Google "Star Wars Plot Holes". I watched it, was VERY underwhelmed. And wanted to know if anyone else felt the same and yeah.
It's just a massive disappointment for somebody who's never really liked Star Wars to begin with. Like the Nolan-Batmans. I don't care about Batman at all, think he's way too over-saturated into society, like every faux-nerd girl has a batman shirt or a batman armband. never really cared about Batman. But Nolan-Batmans are so well done.
Yes there are plot-holes. But not nearly as much as this Star Wars had.

Or Jurassic World. There are plot holes, but not a lot. And the whole movie is so well done. Just a fantastic reboot. Terminator Genysis also. Loved it. I know. ButI loved it. Don't care about the comics or anything else in the series. It was just well done.


So Pablo hinted at something on Twitter that I can't believe none of us ever thought about.

There's always been a question about how much training Luke received on Dagobah and how much time the events of ESB take in general. Usually it's assumed it's a few weeks or months because the Falcon has to limp all the way to Bespin without a hyperdrive.



Dagobah is a hyperbolic time chamber. Because of its purity in the Force (which is why Yoda went there in exile, following what Qui-Gon's spirit told him in TCW), it is similar to Mortis and what happens on Dagobah does not necessarily need to confer with the reality of the rest of the galaxy. Luke could have spent years on Dagobah for all we know.

And still got whupped by Vader.
So Pablo hinted at something on Twitter that I can't believe none of us ever thought about.

There's always been a question about how much training Luke received on Dagobah and how much time the events of ESB take in general. Usually it's assumed it's a few weeks or months because the Falcon has to limp all the way to Bespin without a hyperdrive.



Dagobah is a hyperbolic time chamber. Because of its purity in the Force (which is why Yoda went there in exile, following what Qui-Gon's spirit told him in TCW), it is similar to Mortis and what happens on Dagobah does not necessarily need to confer with the reality of the rest of the galaxy. Luke could have spent years on Dagobah for all we know.

And still got whupped by Vader.

Ha, that's really interesting. I'd never even considered it.

Or Jurassic World. There are plot holes, but not a lot. And the whole movie is so well done. Just a fantastic reboot. Terminator Genysis also. Loved it. I know. ButI loved it. Don't care about the comics or anything else in the series. It was just well done.

There's more plot holes and idiotic decisions in Jurassic World than TFA. That's for sure. It's one of the reasons so many people are worried about IX.

From your reaction, it seems the film didn't do exactly what you wanted with the characters and fails because of it. This entire trilogy will be a passing of the torch to the new characters. Han's death was just the start. You have to take into account Harrison's 73 now and was always likely to only come back for one film, especially after he wanted the character to be killed off in Jedi. I think when you look at the general reaction, Han's death was actually received really well.

The film definitely has a few problems - the lack of explanation regarding the political situation with the Resistance and Republic not really working together for example - but what you're calling plot holes don't really seem like plot holes. Luke living on Anch-To in isolation isn't a plot hole. If it's not explained in VIII, it will be.
1. That's fair kind of.
2. But Jedis and becoming a Jedi must have seemed like the most awesome thing in the world for people....So it's just odd.
3. Why didn't the good-guys develop something to protect them or a weapon to fight them?
4. So where is this huge Army of good guys? And where does this empire get all this money to build better stuff?
5. You kind of understood.
6. There was no reason, and they could have easily thrown some robot into the pit and had it feel the same. I feel like there was more for Han to do
7. So she's somehow good at being a general? And he's good at smuggling? WHy not smuggle for her and the team? And they only had one kid? And it seems like they're just ignoring it, whereas it would have made more sense to work together to kill that, which controlled his emotions.
8. Yeah I guess. If it hadn't been for all the other holes, then this would have been okay I guess. Still I think killing Han is stupid and doesn't develop the character anymore than ACTUALLY DEVELOPING THE CHARACTER. At LEAST let Han live. FUCK .
10. It's a hole in logic, and a massive one.
11. But that's A LOT of soldiers to fill a man-made planet...

Also Why introduce Poe, who was hilarious, then that's it. Done. Gone. Why not make Poe a son of Han and Leia. He is basically a young Han. It's silly.

Ha no I didn't go online before seeing the movie and think, "I want to spoil the whole thing before I watch it. Let me Google "Star Wars Plot Holes". I watched it, was VERY underwhelmed. And wanted to know if anyone else felt the same and yeah.
It's just a massive disappointment for somebody who's never really liked Star Wars to begin with. Like the Nolan-Batmans. I don't care about Batman at all, think he's way too over-saturated into society, like every faux-nerd girl has a batman shirt or a batman armband. never really cared about Batman. But Nolan-Batmans are so well done.
Yes there are plot-holes. But not nearly as much as this Star Wars had.

Or Jurassic World. There are plot holes, but not a lot. And the whole movie is so well done. Just a fantastic reboot. Terminator Genysis also. Loved it. I know. ButI loved it. Don't care about the comics or anything else in the series. It was just well done.

Your new, but, there's a TFA thread. Posting your fun, hot takes where you know you're trolling the Star Wars OT is basically yelling fire in a theater. Take it to the movie thread.
I don't get why so many people ignore the fact
Luke was searching for an ancient Jedi temple
and instead claim he was sitting around doing nothing. The next movie could be him and Rey on an Indy style adventure to find it.


So Pablo hinted at something on Twitter that I can't believe none of us ever thought about.

There's always been a question about how much training Luke received on Dagobah and how much time the events of ESB take in general. Usually it's assumed it's a few weeks or months because the Falcon has to limp all the way to Bespin without a hyperdrive.



Dagobah is a hyperbolic time chamber. Because of its purity in the Force (which is why Yoda went there in exile, following what Qui-Gon's spirit told him in TCW), it is similar to Mortis and what happens on Dagobah does not necessarily need to confer with the reality of the rest of the galaxy. Luke could have spent years on Dagobah for all we know.

And still got whupped by Vader.
Ooh, I love this idea, that time gap has been argued and theorized for ages. I always got the impression Luke was on Dagobah for months but it felt like Han and Leia were on Bespin for only a few weeks at the most. I'm always for more mysticism in the Force.

And John Boyega is an awesome human being!


I don't get why so many people ignore the fact
Luke was searching for an ancient Jedi temple
and instead claim he was sitting around doing nothing. The next movie could be him and Rey on an Indy style adventure to find it.

Isn't the place at the end of the movie the site of the first jedi temple?


Chuck Wendig is a pretty decent author, but Aftermath seriously made me want to avoid anything Star Wars related that he writes. Now I see the dudes name attached to anything in general and I'm like "yeah I'll pass."
Ooh, I love this idea, that time gap has been argued and theorized for ages. I always got the impression Luke was on Dagobah for months but it felt like Han and Leia were on Bespin for only a few weeks at the most. I'm always for more mysticism in the Force.

And John Boyega is an awesome human being!

I've always felt they were only on Bespin for a day, maybe 2 at the most. If Vader arrived shortly before the Falcon did, why was he just sitting around for a few weeks instead of torturing Han right away to lure Luke to him?
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