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Star Wars: The Force Awakens video release date, editions announced

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I don't know if "I am your father" is actually the best moment in the series. Most memorable, obviously, but I dont' know if it's the BEST.

Star Wars has iffy pacing (Empire probably has the best pacing...Force Awakens moves too fast for its own good, actually) but the collection of moments is really, really strong.

Even though it's played out at this point, I do think it's still the best moment in Star Wars.

That fucking music. I still get goosebumps.


That's not even top 5 best visual moments in Return of the Jedi, much less the entire saga. Sure as hell isn't the best music cue. Nor the best fight choreography. Hamill gives a better performance throughout most (if not all) of Empire.
I can't recall a single image in Return of the Jedi that even approaches this. It's a static, boring-looking movie, especially compared to how fucking godly Empire looks. This scene is so good it doesn't even belong in the movie it's in. Look at Luke, just going in like that! Those black shadows dancing with that wicked lightsaber contrast!

And that music. It sounds like nothing in the original trilogy. I'm not gonna say it's better than your favorite track or anything - it's not even my favorite track - but this single cue is bold and so dire it's stuck with me for years.



- Darkest moment ✓
- Most emotional moment ✓
- Best visual moment ✓
- Best music cue ✓
- Best choreography ✓
- Best performance by Mark Hamill ✓
- Best moment ✓
Agreed. More than anything else, the music makes the scene.


Out of curiosity, which moment in specific are you referring to?

The saber catch?

Saber catch is pretty goddamned amazing.

(partially because music from an amazing moment from Star Wars is playing underneath it, though)

Yup, that. The music is definitely a big part of it, but those the kind of moments that theme is perfect for. I think it works so well partly because of what it means in the moment, and partly because of what it means in the broader Star Wars saga, which is what the cue is nodding toward. I wouldn't be surprised if Kadsan and JJ had it in mind when they wrote it.
Yup, that. The music is definitely a big part of it, but those the kind of moments that theme is perfect for. I think it works so well partly because of what it means in the moment, and partly because of what it means in the broader story, which is what the cue is nodding toward. I wouldn't be surprised if Kadsan and JJ had it in mind when they wrote it.

I can neither confirm nor deny that I welled up during that scene all five times.
Yup, that. The music is definitely a big part of it, but those the kind of moments that theme is perfect for. I think it works so well partly because of what it means in the moment, and partly because of what it means in the broader Star Wars saga, which is what the cue is nodding toward. I wouldn't be surprised if Kadsan and JJ had it in mind when they wrote it.

I think you're right about the last sentence, and you're absolutely right about the rest of it.

I mean, there was a period there after the first couple weeks of its release where remembering it would cause a brief case of goosebumps to break out.


I can neither confirm nor deny that I welled up during that scene all five times.

I mean, there was a period there after the first couple weeks of its release where remembering it would cause a brief case of goosebumps to break out.

Likewise, on both counts. I think that scene has a lot to do with why I rate the film so highly; it's such an emotional high. And it wouldn't have worked had the film not been built up to it so effectively.

I still think you're right about ANH having more great moments; binary sunset, trench run, Vader/Obi-wan, but that's the one that gets to me the most.

I may have googled audience reactions to that scene a time or two late at night, just to relive it.


Was getting caught part of your plan?
I'm actually both terrified and excited at the prospect of the upcoming films having something to offer in terms of emotional highs. There are just so many things they could do, and more importantly, potentially trump whatever came before it if possible.

Hell, the sabre catch is already up there as we've discussed
Likewise, on both counts. I think that scene has a lot to do with why I rate the film so highly; it's such an emotional high. And it wouldn't have worked had the film not been built up to it so effectively.

I still think you're right about ANH having more great moments; binary sunset, trench run, Vader/Obi-wan, but that's the one that gets to me the most.

Honestly, everything after Han and Chewie splitting up to place the bombs up through Chewie picking up Rey and Finn is emotional perfection. Every single part. And yeah, that catch was the perfect high-mark right in the middle of it.

Re: ANH - the Binary Sunset was fucking brilliance. And yeah, I do think it has a larger pallet of memorable moments (it's pretty much a constant string of them). I'd add Luke and Han in the gunner seats to that list as well.

I may have googled audience reactions to that scene a time or two late at night, just to relive it.

Fuck, why'd you do that to me just now.
Yup, that. The music is definitely a big part of it, but those the kind of moments that theme is perfect for. I think it works so well partly because of what it means in the moment, and partly because of what it means in the broader Star Wars saga, which is what the cue is nodding toward. I wouldn't be surprised if Kadsan and JJ had it in mind when they wrote it.

I love the movie, but I don't get this part being so big of a moment. It should have been, but I think it wasn't done well. You could see this coming from a mile away. You knew it was going to happen and they paced it to telegraph it and make it so obvious. I think if they did it differently, it would have been the impact level you're claiming it is. I think if they didn't drag it out and had paced it better, it would have been a better moment. Having Kylo Ren take so much time to try to force grab kind of dulls the moment. If you had done it so that it looked like he just used to force to grab it but then it shot by him unexpectedly, it would have been a bigger impact.
You could see this coming from a mile away.

Its predictability has nothing to do with its effectiveness. In fact, it might actually enhance it, much in the same way you get a great sense of satisfaction at knowing something's going to work before you decide to try doing it.

Simply because you could tell she was going to accept her fate before the movie ended doesn't mean the means by which it happened is somehow lessened.

Surprise isn't the be-all end-all of entertainment. It's not the primary element of quality.

Something isn't inherently lesser simply because you figured it out before it happened. More often than not, all that's saying is "if I could figure it out how good could it be." In which case you're basically just kinda denigrating yourself. "If a dummy like me can see something coming, it's obviously not being done right."

No. Maybe it's being done even better because it straight up told you it was going to happen and it gave you time to prep for it and it still knocked the wind out of you.
It's predictability has nothing to do with its effectiveness. In fact, it might actually enhance it, much in the same way you get a great sense of satisfaction at knowing something's going to work before you decide to try doing it.

Simply because you could tell she was going to accept her fate before the movie ended doesn't mean the means by which it happened is somehow lessened.

Surprise isn't the be-all end-all of entertainment. It's not the primary element of quality.

I know surprise isn't the be-all but I dunno, it was so drawn out and so obvious that it dulled the moment for me. It's not even a top ten moment out of all seven films for me. I don't even know how I could get emotional over it. I just don't think it was executed well nor do I think it was effective to the degree you guys are saying it was.
I just don't think it was executed well nor do I think it was effective to the degree you guys are saying it was.

It really does seem like your primary complaint is that it didn't surprise you, though. And that's it. It appears to the be the widest point of the gulf between us over here with our goosebumps and you with your folded arms.
It really does seem like your primary complaint is that it didn't surprise you, though. And that's it. It appears to the be the widest point of the gulf between us over here with our goosebumps and you with your folded arms.

No, it's not that it didn't surprise me. I feel like the way they framed and set it up, they were trying to make it somewhat surprising, so it feels like it's halfway trying but halfway not. There's plenty of other ways they could have set up that moment that would have been far more impactful and not having it as a surprise that would have been fine. I just don't get the emotion or goosebumps aspect and it has nothing about the fact that it wasn't a surprise.

It's not a contradiction. I don't care if they made the moment a surprise or not. I don't think it was well executed to the level you guys are holding the weight of the scene to. It's not like it was a terrible scene; I just don't find it this huge emotional, goosebump, top tier executed scene that you seem to hold it up as. Like I said, it's not even a top 10 moment in all seven movies for me.
It's not a contradiction. I don't care if they made the moment a surprise or not.

Yes, you do. Everything about your complaint has to do with it's not being a surprise, and every suggestion you've made as to how it would be improved is a suggestion that would make it more of a surprise.

If you value surprise that much, that's fine. That's you. You do you. When I say "surprise isn't the be-all end-all," I'm speaking for myself, and explaining why that's the case for me. You don't have to agree with it.

But it's weird to write like three posts explaining why it doesn't work due to lack of surprise, and then simultaneously suggest that the lack of surprise isn't what bothered you.
Yes, you do. Everything about your complaint has to do with it's not being a surprise, and every suggestion you've made as to how it would be improved is a suggestion that would make it more of a surprise.

If you value surprise that much, that's fine. That's you. You do you. When I say "surprise isn't the be-all end-all," I'm speaking for myself, and explaining why that's the case for me. You don't have to agree with it.

But it's weird to write like three posts explaining why it doesn't work due to lack of surprise, and then simultaneously suggest that the lack of surprise isn't what bothered you.

Then you're missing what I'm saying. I'll say it again, I don't care if the moment they're trying to have at that point is a surprise or not. There are a ton of different ways to have that moment. I feel the way they were framing it, they were trying to make it somewhat surprising, but they failed doing so. If they wanted to make it a surprise, then they should have paced it better. If it was trying to be a build up moment, they didn't do a good job with the way they set it up. The moment doesn't have to be a surprise. I just don't think it was setup and executed well. It felt like it couldn't make up its mind with what they were trying to go for.


No man, I'm not.

It's no big deal, either way. We can both move it along. We're not even talking about this blu-ray anymore anyway.

I can't wait for the blu ray release.
So I can watch that scene again.

I'm really looking forward to going through the blu-ray slowly and freezing some shots that go by quickly. As you'd said, TFA is the best looking SW film - it's going to be nice to go go through slowly.

As for editions, I ended up cancelling the Best Buy steelbook preorder. I love steelbooks, but I just am not interested in that artwork. Standard edition with the black slipcover it is.
That's the one I'm getting, myself.

I really like that poster art as infill for the logo thing. That's the cover I have for the soundtrack, too.

I do hope that whatever the logo is for the next film is a little more visually interesting, though.


That's the one I'm getting, myself.

I really like that poster art as infill for the logo thing. That's the cover I have for the soundtrack, too.

I do hope that whatever the logo is for the next film is a little more visually interesting, though.

Same. When I read that it was getting a Best Buy steelbook, I immediately remembered my regret at not jumping on the Fury Road one. They went with amazing stylized artwork for it, so it was super disappointing to see the safe, kinda boring route they went with TFA.

I wanted the Force Awakens equivalent of this:

(Not to copy, but in terms of choosing bold artwork.)
I'm still pissed about Best Buy having the exclusive SteelBook for the Jurassic Park Trilogy BluRay set, while my far more expensive Gift Set edition came in a freaking cardboard case. -_-
Same. When I read that it was getting a Best Buy steelbook, I immediately remembered my regret at not jumping on the Fury Road one.

That shit sold out in a hot minute. Still the best poster for the film, for me. Got it hanging in my office at work.

edit: Look at Alan being super-helpful there.

Ugh really? There was a time when they included that physically. It seems more and more they're making them digital which kinda kills it for me. At that point I may as well just watch it on YouTube. Now I don't know which version I'm going to get now. Kind of glad I didn't cancel my regular edition at Target with the bonus $5 card.


Ugh really? There was a time when they included that physically. It seems more and more they're making them digital which kinda kills it for me. At that point I may as well just watch it on YouTube. Now I don't know which version I'm going to get now. Kind of glad I didn't cancel my regular edition at Target with the bonus $5 card.

Yeah basically. I don't feel like I'm missing out if the bonus features aren't on a physical disc. I'll just watch on YouTube.

What a stupid thing to care about.
The saber catch?

Saber catch is pretty goddamned amazing.

(partially because music from an amazing moment from Star Wars is playing underneath it, though)
The other thing that sells that moment is the sound mix. The bass kicks in like a beast when that saber is lit up. The entire theater seemed to shake at that moment. It gets you so pumped to see a beat down.


Is currently staging a hunger strike outside Gearbox HQ while trying to hate them to death
Was hoping that the IMAX poster would make one of the designs somehow

Ah well, maybe save it for the 9 film collection

I fucking loved this artwork, such a shame that it's not comprehensive anymore.
Was hoping that the IMAX poster would make one of the designs somehow

Yeah, that would have made for a nice design.

What they've come up with is pretty uninspiring overall.


Empire is the scariest
Force Awakens is the funniest
Empire is the most emotional
Star Wars is the most earnest
Jedi is the silliest
Sith is the darkest
Force Awakens looks the best
Empire sounds the best
Empire has the best performances
Star Wars has the best moments

I'd probably agree with all of these bar the last one. Empire has the best moments for me - Yoda's speech on the Force, lifting the X-wing, Han being frozen in carbonite, Vader vs Luke...I love that film.


Is currently staging a hunger strike outside Gearbox HQ while trying to hate them to death
Yeah, that would have made for a nice design.

What they've come up with is pretty uninspiring overall.

It kinda reminds me of what New Line/Warner did with The Hobbit and LotR. Barebones release at first with theatrical artwork, before (hopefully) having a much nicer special/3D edition later this year with a new cover.


Empire is the scariest
Force Awakens is the funniest
Empire is the most emotional
Star Wars is the most earnest
Jedi is the silliest
Sith is the darkest
Force Awakens looks the best
Empire sounds the best
Empire has the best performances
Star Wars has the best moments

When you say Empire has the best sound, does this refer to the score, sound editing, effects etc specifically or all of em together? As an overall package I prefer Sith's sound, it's 7.1 DTS-Master soundtrack is incredible.

Aside from that I can't disagree with any of these.

- Darkest moment ✓
- Most emotional moment ✓
- Best visual moment ✓
- Best music cue ✓
- Best choreography ✓
- Best performance by Mark Hamill ✓
- Best moment ✓

Agreed, for me this is the best moment in the entire saga. The Luke/Vader/Emperor dynamic is what keep Jedi above TFA in my rankings of the films. I don't think anyone can recapture that magic again to be honest.



- Darkest moment ✓
- Most emotional moment ✓
- Best visual moment ✓
- Best music cue ✓
- Best choreography ✓
- Best performance by Mark Hamill ✓
- Best moment ✓
That GIF right there, is my favourite moment in all of the star wars.


Was hoping that the IMAX poster would make one of the designs somehow

Ah well, maybe save it for the 9 film collection

God, the emotional rollercoaster that will be the Complete Saga edition with all nine films and Annie, Luke, and Rey on the cover.



- Darkest moment ✓
- Most emotional moment ✓
- Best visual moment ✓
- Best music cue ✓
- Best choreography ✓
- Best performance by Mark Hamill ✓
- Best moment ✓

Amazing scene. It's just perfect.
If there's going to be commentary they might as well wait for the "complete trilogy" version comes out along with the retrospective (as if they're not going to have X, XI and XII). A cast one and then the one with directors, writers, SFX guys, ect.
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