Exploration in WoW is meaningless, in my opinion. There's nothing to see or do, no items to obtain, no risk or danger, no point to it, I mean quests will just take you there eventually anyhow. Northrend was the only time I ever felt compelled to actually have a look around at anything, and that's mostly because Northrend is extremely gorgeous.
It worked a bit better in classic, though their quest design in classic was complete garbage so I was often down on it despite that. I do miss actually being able to die or having quest areas that demanded groups and good player skill unless you outleveled them.
I hope TOR can better balance it's leveling challenge than WoW, where you're essentially in permanent god mode until end game nowadays where it turns into a completely different game. They even took out all of the group and elite quests, though considering what a barren wasteland the world is as they just herd people into hubs and instances, I guess they kind of have to.