trying to decide on what to spend those 20/25 bucks..several options on the table,none of them entirely convincing
- one piece burning blood: i am a big onepiece fan, but while this game seems to reek fanservice from all the pores,it also doesn't really seem THAT good
- fallout 4: this was a game i was near to get day one but decided not too..ended up i was kinda right since from day one i heard a lot of people complaining about how shallow it is under the hood... still i played the shit out of follout 3 and new vegas,so it has to be on the list
- deus ex: mankind divided: lovet human revolution to death,to me,one of the best games of last generation...this one seem to have a better polished gameplay,but also from what i heard is really short and ,worst thing of all, it has microtransactions,and i have vowed to never support full retail games with that bullshit
- metal gear solid 5: never have been a mgs fan,but i heard lots of praise for this and here on gaf people said you really don't have to play it stealthly to enjoy it. problem is,i decided to check also what the part of the fanbase that didn't enjoy it had to say and from their description it sounded a lot like red dead redemption (another game that lot of people loved but i hated)...big empty open world with several mission but no real variety
- xcom 2: another game that i loved last gen was xcom, and this was another game that i almost bought at day one..after the initial release window though,i didn't really heard that much about this it good?is it bad? curious about the opinion of people who played it a lot
- doom: not a big fps player myself,and i must say i didn't enjoyed the demo that much, but i heard nothing but praise for this game and i was curious to check it out
I know they are all really different games, but what do you think i should get? what is , in his own genre, the best of the bunch?