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Steam curator warns players if Sweet Baby is involved in a game


I've said or rather alluded to it earlier. The dumbest fucking move was thinking the corporations are their allies.

No. When the low sales (for any reason) ramp up, the corporations will use these groups as an external scapegoat. They will cite "realigning" and "keeping things in house" as they cancel contracts and throw them under the bus. These consultanting groups are a lightning rod to deflect all blame from the suits.

They better get that grift money while they can.

Watching the slow whimper of Anita sarkeesian's grift coming to an end is a warning to them all. Even employees learn quickly the company is not your friend and will toss you out as soon as it's convenient.


So saw this come out today….which makes me wonder if Xbox pushes developers to use consultants like Sweet Baby Inc as the last bulletpoint says to
  • Validate your execution for your Inclusive Listening Systems (consultants/advisory councils, user research).

And at least two games shown at the Xbox partnership were Sweet Baby joints, the Unknown 9 Awakening and Tales of Kenzera Zau.

Clicking on her link then going to Representation and then Help Customers be Seen will get you here

3. Create & surface content that depicts diverse characters, stories and creators

  • Create playable characters that reflect the broader population. Review how identities represented on screen (gender identities, races, sexual orientations, ability status, ages, and body sizes) match up to the broader population. Make sure that characters are not tokenized or stereotyped based on their identities.
  • Review how identities represented in your product such as gender, race, sexuality, nationality, cultural, ability, age, and size compare to the broader global player population. Be intentional about which identities are present and highlighted according to what’s right for your product and market.
  • Make sure that characters are not tokenized or stereotyped based on their identities. No person or character can be a monolith to represent all people with that identity.
  • Practice inclusive casting for any talent required to bring representation to life in your product.
  • Validate your execution for your Inclusive Listening Systems (consultants/advisory councils, user research).
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So saw this come out today….which makes me wonder if Xbox pushes developers to use consultants like Sweet Baby Inc as the last bulletpoint says to
  • Validate your execution for your Inclusive Listening Systems (consultants/advisory councils, user research).

And at least two games shown at the Xbox partnership were Sweet Baby joints, the Unknown 9 Awakening and Tales of Kenzera Zau.

Clicking on her link then going to Representation and then Help Customers be Seen will get you here

MS are one of their biggest employers as xbox game studios is shown on
SBI page of studios worked with. MS has been leaning this way for a while now. Look at Gears and how it’s changed among other games they have and are making. Phil and his team all have pronouns in their company bios as well which says a lot about all this shite. So yeah not surprised they are all in on this. It’s even known now that Fable and even Indiana Jones is using SBI and their services. If this spotlight being shined upon SBI and their poison isn’t enough to make companies like MS and others stop using them then the whole industry is just to far gone with this crap.
So saw this come out today….which makes me wonder if Xbox pushes developers to use consultants like Sweet Baby Inc as the last bulletpoint says to
  • Validate your execution for your Inclusive Listening Systems (consultants/advisory councils, user research).

And at least two games shown at the Xbox partnership were Sweet Baby joints, the Unknown 9 Awakening and Tales of Kenzera Zau.

Clicking on her link then going to Representation and then Help Customers be Seen will get you here

All that crap makes me want to vomit…….they are also working on Fable and Indiana Jones for MS…….two more games that will be injected with their poison.
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Gold Member
So saw this come out today….which makes me wonder if Xbox pushes developers to use consultants like Sweet Baby Inc as the last bulletpoint says to
  • Validate your execution for your Inclusive Listening Systems (consultants/advisory councils, user research).

And at least two games shown at the Xbox partnership were Sweet Baby joints, the Unknown 9 Awakening and Tales of Kenzera Zau.

Clicking on her link then going to Representation and then Help Customers be Seen will get you here

i didn't want to bring that (not this specifically) but it just makes you wonder. well... the games are going to show this or not.


A Sheep
Most people PRETENDED not to notice. And they still do, too scared of being called names (right-wing nutter, conspiracy theorist, etc.)

Fable and Indi will be a shitshow. In the next 2-3 years we will witness all Sony and MS studios implode. Who will fall first, it will depend on whether Sony Japan stops the bleeding in time.

Pretty sure gamers on this site aren’t bashful
Most people PRETENDED not to notice. And they still do, too scared of being called names (right-wing nutter, conspiracy theorist, etc.)

Fable and Indi will be a shitshow. In the next 2-3 years we will witness all Sony and MS studios implode. Who will fall first, it will depend on whether Sony Japan stops the bleeding in time.
Sony Japan is the one and only place I have hope for games from now on.
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There isnt "gaming journalism" anymore in the mainstream...what you got are activists, that more often than not dont even like gaming, writing for political/social reasons and/or to get in western companys good graces so they can receive access and free shit.

I've started to call them bloggers. I refuse to call people who write their opinion as fact, who have transparent agendas, and obvious bias - 'journalists'. I made that decision because of this whole debacle. I saw this play out previously in a somewhat similar matter many years ago. It was a real eye-opener about gaming media and this SBI/curator event shows that nothing has changed.

I should say that I have no problem calling actual game journalists that title. There are some out there, but many are just narrow-minded people getting up on their soapbox to steer public perception or 'educate the unwashed masses'.


Neo Member
Was listening to the latest Nexlander podcast and oh boy how far these guys have fallen. Never have i heard such a one sided argument supporting SBI. Used to be a big fan of Giant Bomb and followed these guys when they left, but cant in good conscious continue to support them after this rubbish.

Nextlander SBBI discussion

Sorry don't know how to embed an audio file.

Chuck Berry

Gold Member
Was listening to the latest Nexlander podcast and oh boy how far these guys have fallen. Never have i heard such a one sided argument supporting SBI. Used to be a big fan of Giant Bomb and followed these guys when they left, but cant in good conscious continue to support them after this rubbish.

Nextlander SBBI discussion

Sorry don't know how to embed an audio file.

Didn’t expect otherwise. These guys lost their balls a long time ago. Not even worth listening to. You can literally hear them walking on eggshells with everything they’ve said for years, and now even with a Patreon they still don’t have the guts to speak freely. Compare that to something like Last Stand Media. You can literally hear in their voices the kowtowing to the purple hairs and Ree asylum.

All those guys will get trounced soon enough. They’re too pussy to retain sustainability. And it’s their fault.
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Most people PRETENDED not to notice. And they still do, too scared of being called names (right-wing nutter, conspiracy theorist, etc.)

Fable and Indi will be a shitshow. In the next 2-3 years we will witness all Sony and MS studios implode. Who will fall first, it will depend on whether Sony Japan stops the bleeding in time.

I think the default for most people is a tolerant attitude. You can see it in games that included gay characters (eg. Fallout New Vegas released in 2010) or a black protagonist (The Walking Dead released in 2012), etc. There's many such examples in games that people accepted without issue. It's due to that tolerance, not to mention DEI initiatives, that extremists like SBI and their ilk have been able to gain so much influence. No one wants to be labelled as intolerant, even when it's provably untrue, but there can come a point when people just reach a point of no return with this stuff. I think that's where we're at now and I hope we see some real change come out of this.


Neo Member
Didn’t expect otherwise. These guys lost their balls a long time ago. Not even worth listening to. You can literally hear them walking on eggshells with everything they’ve said for years, and now even with a Patreon they still don’t have guts to speak feeely. Compare that to something like Last Stand Media. You can literally hear in their voices the kowtowing to the purple hairs and Ree asylum.

All those guys will get trounced soon enough. They’re too pussy to retain sustainability. And it’s their fault.
Yeah you're spot on, but i did enjoy listening to them for the most part even though i was aware of their politics, especially Alex's. But to be so disingenuous as too flat out lie to their listeners is insulting to say the least. Unsubbed from everything of theirs. Sad day.



Kabrutus says the developers of "Flintlock: The Siege of Dawn" reached out to him swearing they've removed all SBI influences from their game. The verdict is still to be seen on that one.

But it's a big moment indicating developers are feeling the heat - they know the mark of Sweet Baby is a death knell.
MS are one of their biggest employers as xbox game studios is shown on
SBI page of studios worked with. MS has been leaning this way for a while now. Look at Gears and how it’s changed among other games they have and are making. Phil and his team all have pronouns in their company bios as well which says a lot about all this shite. So yeah not surprised they are all in on this. It’s even known now that Fable and even Indiana Jones is using SBI and their services. If this spotlight being shined upon SBI and their poison isn’t enough to make companies like MS and others stop using them then the whole industry is just to far gone with this crap.

This says it all:

MS are ridiculous and this just shows how infected all these companies are with the WOKE MIND VIRUS. Makes me want to vomit watching this cringe fest and the idiots in the video smiling and being so proud of themselves. Utter shite!

Brother I work at one of these large companies and it is exhausting, the trainings and BS I have to go through. And my company is not even one of the worst, but it's definitely up there. We've got all these "employee resource groups" which are basically minority/disability clubs that use their power to bully management. There are "presidents" of the ERGs that put that before their actual job title on LinkedI--they literally boost themselves to make people think they are higher up in the corporate structure.

This is all over the large companies in America, and it's because the executives of these companies thought they would give virtue points for supporting it. They also didn't want to be a target of struggle sessions that these groups pressure leadership into doing. Thankfully, since the general economic downturn, it's giving execs a reason to cull these employees since they add zero dollar value to profit margins.

The same thing is happening in the games industry. Every dollar matters in a restrictive spending environment, and who matters is the engineers that actually make the games.


Gold Member

Kabrutus says the developers of "Flintlock: The Siege of Dawn" reached out to him swearing they've removed all SBI influences from their game. The verdict is still to be seen on that one.

But it's a big moment indicating developers are feeling the heat - they know the mark of Sweet Baby is a death knell.

I would have gone the other way, I would have supported the developers in saying they eradicated SBI and kept them off the list until after release. At which point if it was confirmed they where lying they would be added alongside a press release publicly telling people and destroying the developers reputation going forward.

By doing it this way you have effectively come across as someone who won't give someone the benefit of the doubt when they approach you. Call me gullable but I'm inclined to believe the developer and support them until I am given a reason not to.
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Not that I believe the Flintlock devs but how exactly was playing the game early and talking to a manager supposed to prove their claim they remade the parts SBI were involved with?

"This character used to be a black trans lesbian with adhd but we purged SBI and it's now a white man!"

Would they have believed anything less than an obvious cliche like that? Would they believe them if there was still "diversity" but what was there was decided internally without SBI?

Good on the guy for creating the curator group and all. Seriously. But him and his "staff" of volunteer mods are not some hard hitting investigative journalists. Get over yourselves.
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Lord Panda

The Sea is Always Right
Yeah demanding access to the pre-release build is pretty retarded.

In future, I also think that some studios/devs will request that SBI not to mention and acknowledge their involvement in their games, until certain sales milestones have been reached for that title.


Gold Member

Kabrutus says the developers of "Flintlock: The Siege of Dawn" reached out to him swearing they've removed all SBI influences from their game. The verdict is still to be seen on that one.

But it's a big moment indicating developers are feeling the heat - they know the mark of Sweet Baby is a death knell.

Probably bullshit, if they helped with the writing of the world, story, charas etc, it's too late to cancel all of that, maybe they just toned down the most glaring shit.


Now, this is interesting to see. Not much thread traction at the moment, but this is something to keep an eye on.

Going through that full thread and it’s a wild read of mismanagement. Seems like a complete racket by that Andrea Topps Harjo to siphon funds for her agendas.


Going through that full thread and it’s a wild read of mismanagement. Seems like a complete racket by that Andrea Topps Harjo to siphon funds for her agendas.
Basically. Sounds like she took the funds for her....personal projects, demanded changes, intentionally hid executive salaries (SUSPECT AS FUCK) and bounced.


Gold Member
Now, this is interesting to see. Not much thread traction at the moment, but this is something to keep an eye on.

I read the whole thread, and as someone who supported his game on kickstarter that's essentially just anouther fake game that's never going to release (I was a fan of firefall) I agree he's a hack...

But he makes some good suggestions, the main one is to keep the current main character but make sure she's well written and any sermons talking about toxic masculinity etc are removed, because people don't play video games to be preached at.

I was however disheartened to see that many replies where demanding that they change her back to a white dude... like, what's the issue if she's cool and well written, they have the character model locked in and no doubt the voice actress, let them roll with that. I liked Lara Croft before she became a wet blanket in the second reboot game, can we not have something like that again?
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