I'm going into credit card debt for the first time ever... For $16.43. Bought all my presents via credit this pay period but forgot I had to pay my $237.12 in car insurance for December. That means that $16.43 is going to become a whopping $19.72
RIP tbh
I can find an Xbox One controller with a dongle package for 700 SEK ~ $82, which is almost same price if I buy them separately. There is an Xbox One controller with cable for 500 SEK ~$58, (I assume this one can be used with a dongle). What I find strange is that the controllers without cable costs more than the with cable, the ones with cables can be used wirelessly
What's special with the Elite controllers?
Cheapest Dualshock 4 I can find costs 550 SEK ~$65. Does any generic bluetooth dongle work with it?
I can probably live with the short battery time as I only game like one hour/day
Another question, which got the best d-pad?
The Dualshock 4 is shit. It's built incredibly poorly and has less battery life than a cellphone with BT, full screen brightness, and browsing Chrome with a weak signal. Fuck that.
Get the Xbox One controller. Literally everything is better - from the d-pad, to the new bumpers, to the triggers, to the battery life, and the build quality. I recommend Lunar White if you can afford it, the extra rubber grip is heavenly.
Don't even get me started on how shit the DS4 analogs are.