Is there a phony Will Smith to replace Will Smith since Will Smith won't Smith in this new film?
Well they showed young black guy so maybe that is replacement for Will.
Is there a phony Will Smith to replace Will Smith since Will Smith won't Smith in this new film?
Is there a phony Will Smith to replace Will Smith since Will Smith won't Smith in this new film?
Well they showed young black guy so maybe that is replacement for Will.
after all this waiting for no spider mods for pillars of eternity and whining and crying and whatever and even tho i kind of gave up on the game earlier today, i suddenly felt like giving it one last shot anyways, watched a few videos to know what i was up against and just started it
so far i've ran onto some white spiders that are pretty harmless for my weak brain and some dark ones that are a bit worse but nothing unmanageable, so that's kind of great
and i've been playing the actual game and holy shit i love this game so much already. i mean, the combat is kind of dreadful like in any rtwp game, but it's fun enough and i just love the setting, the exploring, the talking to people in a town for quests and seeing them unfold in surprising ways, just having regularly like 6 or 7 dialogue options to choose from, everything feels just so right. i also really like how inventory management seems super painless so far, as well as other additions like building up a bestiary and the way resting and health works, etc.
it really feels like a game from that era but not in that clunky way of literally a game from that era that wasteland 2 was, it feels like it learned and evolved and still managed to stay true to those amazing old games
like seriously
obs get that fallout license and make a game like this
yea i watched the video, wasn't too badOnly part that may trigger you is the Spider Queen in Level 1 of the Endless Paths, even then, the fight's over pretty quickly with a full party at Level 5.
The top-left "1" cannot have it's left-most cell filled, so you can mark that one out. Same with the "1' at the bottom. The cell filled in (blue) would have to be one of the two on the left, so you can mark out the other three.
Is there a phony Will Smith to replace Will Smith since Will Smith won't Smith in this new film?
WinterDemons , do you have a webcomic? Because if you don't, you should start one.
So about how long does Squarecells take to beat? 36 puzzles doesn't really sound like a lot, but I guess it depends on how many of them are short tutorial levels, and how difficult the actual hard puzzles are. If it's as short and simple as the first Hexcells, the discount in the holiday sale probably won't be much, so I'll just wait until summer.
depends on ur brainpower
i got 11 hours out of it
Bloodborne on amazon 20$ physical nice, checks digital version still 40$. I sometimes wonder how the hell digital sales are rising on consoles whit that price difference.
11 hours sounds pretty good actually. Looking at my playtimes for the Hexcells games, I got 2 hours out of the first game, 90 minutes out of Plus (not sure why this one was less playtime than the first, because it was clearly harder), and 15 hours out of Infinite (though at least half of that was from the randomly generated puzzles).
So, not counting the random puzzles, that sounds at least as long as the three Hexcells games combined.
Whenever you buy games cheap you are doing that on the cost of the gamedevs sick and starving children, remember that you entitled pirate.
Sorry. I didn't think I was giving an entire solution, but just one of the things you can do to eliminate cells that you know for a fact are not blue.I'm not looking for solutions but the tools needed to do this shit without making mistakes. Surprisingly Google can't find Hexcell tips. Fuck the levels that start out entirely yellow.
Bloodborne on amazon 20$ physical nice, checks digital version still 40$. I sometimes wonder how the hell digital sales are rising on consoles whit that price difference.
well i have 5 hours on hexcells 1 and then 17 on plus (lol i hope that was me leaving it open while i was out) and 19 on infinite (also random puzzles)
so you know, maybe divide by half or something since u seem to be twice as smart as me. it's still a good chunk of game
And it is done. The last tail weapon I was missing.
The first GitS movie is sooo good. Man, iconic movie for me. Second was also good but weirder.Ghost in the Shell: First Assault: 11 Minutes of Gameplay - IGN First
Probably because a huge percentage of console sales are day one anyway. But yeah, it's kind of insane how digital prices are always so much higher than physical on consoles. It's even worse on the Nintendo side of things.
And it is done. The last tail weapon I was missing.
Since Gwyn is pretty easy, I can say I'm basically done with NG+. Will get the slab in Crystal Cave and trade a couple things with the bird and then finish off properly. This time I'll go with the good ending.
Since Gwyn is pretty easy, I can say I'm basically done with NG+. Will get the slab in Crystal Cave and trade a couple things with the bird and then finish off properly. This time I'll go with the good ending.
Out of curiosity which do you consider the good ending? To me both of them have pros and cons.
Wait, is the GOG sale over?
As explained in DS2they are pretty much the same thing. You have no control on what will happen eventually, and both ending will lead into another circle on life-death in DS2.
Reminder: moms are tough.
i don't understand how ninjablade isn't banned, he has nearly 1,900 posts of solely shitposting about nintendo
But of courseOOOOH where's he at now? Fast Racing NEO thread?
Yep, Lego Jurassic World has DX11 support and looks quite stellar downsampled from 4K on my plasma. Gonna play both this and Lego SW Clone Wars with my Steam controller to round out my Lego game completions.
Have a little laugh folks, cause I did when they happened.
I feel like Lego games are about the most tedious thing in the world
I feel like Lego games are about the most tedious thing in the world
They're pretty fun, but there are so many of them nowdays that i stopped caring completerly.
Last one i played was Indiana Jones.
I feel like Lego games are about the most tedious thing in the world
Hm, since everything is so dark in Dark Souls, you're kind of right. To me lighting the fire is the good ending since that is what Frampt advises. Going the dark way of the Kaathe is the bad ending to me.Out of curiosity which do you consider the good ending? To me both of them have pros and cons.
I've only played Lego the Movie: The Interactive Video Game for the Playstation Vita TV but man was that a miserable experience. (And I completed it ohgawd)
That's time I'll never get back. I would hella rewind if I could.
They're also surprisingly obtuse. In this era of "do [stuff] to proceed" prompts littering the screen, LEGO games will have none of that... Well, I mean, they'll have objectives but nothing more. You either know exactly how to proceed or you're wandering around because, heck, who can tell what's traversable in that weird perspective. All this, without getting into character-specific shenanigans.
It's like a clicker made into a legitimate game.
Is there a date for the winter sale yet?
Hm, since everything is so dark in Dark Souls, you're kind of right. To me lighting the fire is the good ending since that is what Frampt advises. Going the dark way of the Kaathe is the bad ending to me.
You aced that one