The total sneaks up on you. Wondering if I should remove any of these.
Skydrift mutliplayer is a ghost town, you could dump that.
The total sneaks up on you. Wondering if I should remove any of these.
New page...if anyone understands my question...
Ooh, Blur finally runs well for me (5850). Maybe a recent driver update did the trick.
Cause he most likey got the 2nd one for free during the summer sale is my guess.
we should play some tonight in between rounds of APB , lolz.
Don't you pay in USD automatically? I know I do, at least, and I'm situated in Sweden. There are some games that must be bought in Pound or Euro though (like Battlefield 3, for example).How do I get Green Man Gaming to let me pay the US prices?
How much is LotR: War in the North on the US store, and is it even on sale?
Does anyone play Brink still?
Kinda tempted.
Has anyone won X3 yet?
I think someone here won the superbox which isn't really worth it since all you need is Terran Conflict.
But since that box gives that to you I'd say that person made out really good. X3 TC is a great and really hardcore game.
Skydrift mutliplayer is a ghost town, you could dump that.
I think someone here won the superbox which isn't really worth it since all you need is Terran Conflict.
But since that box gives that to you I'd say that person made out really good. X3 TC is a great and really hardcore game.
Any idea how the new expansion to x3 is? I'm probably going to get it for $10 if x3 as a whole doesn't get a daily deal at the end of the sale, but it's kind of disappointing that saves won't transfer from TC to the new 'expansion'.
Any idea how the new expansion to x3 is? I'm probably going to get it for $10 if x3 as a whole doesn't get a daily deal at the end of the sale, but it's kind of disappointing that saves won't transfer from TC to the new 'expansion'.
Yeah it was actually given to anyone that had owned the Superbox previously, I bought the Superbox because I wanted the extra stuff and to try the older games but was really surprised when I found out that we got the expansion for free.I have no clue how the expansion is, I'm waiting for a sale too. But I still have so much to do in TC that I don't know if I'll jump on this right away.
edit: I also didn't know that the new expansion is in the superbox now. That's an even bigger win for that guy who won it.
Well shit, I just played in a group for Bunch of Heroes, we made it to wave 35. I got the achievement, went to my inventory and it was a coal. That made 7 coal. I took the gamble and spent it.
50% off on the title Combat Wings: Battle of Britain.
So Just Cause 2 and Lara Croft Guardian Of Light are going to be $2.49 on Amazon tomorrow and yes they activate on steam.
Wait...someone clarify for me. I guess I assumed that the winter achievements could only be done during the 24 window of the sale day they were listed. You can go back and do them all later? That would be sweet because I've been busy and missed some.
Yep, you can go back and do previous days achievements. Scroll all the way down on the main gift pile page.
So Just Cause 2 and Lara Croft Guardian Of Light are going to be $2.49 on Amazon tomorrow and yes they activate on steam.
$2.50 for something like Just Cause 2 seems criminal. If there's anyone left on gaf who hasn't bought it yet and refuses to buy it for that price then they deserve a grapple hook to the skull.
Is there any buggy way to get the SpaceChem achievement? I just tried the game and it's soulsucking.
Urgh, I already bought Mass Effect and Mass Effect 2, EYE, Deus Ex, and Defense Grid today. Yet I am considering Skydrift and Divinity 2... Worth it guys?
Again? They were $2.50 last week too. Sqeenix-Eidos really wants to move their Steam key stock, eh?
And to the anus.
So Just Cause 2 and Lara Croft Guardian Of Light are going to be $2.49 on Amazon tomorrow and yes they activate on steam.
Yeah, I'm down.
Divinity II having Securom this long after it´s release is enough for me to say: Don´t buy.
Looks like the developers of Divinity 2 Dragon Knight Saga released there own Securom removal crack.
I guess i should buy now.
Is there any buggy way to get the SpaceChem achievement? I just tried the game and it's soulsucking.
Gave up. I'd honestly prefer the summer sale format to getting coal and duplicate Valve 33% coupons. Not worth the trouble, and I'm much better off enjoying the holidays!Wow that Toki Tori achievement is terrible.
Wow, again? Same deal before the winter sales on Steam started. That's how I bought both of those last time. Amazon <3So Just Cause 2 and Lara Croft Guardian Of Light are going to be $2.49 on Amazon tomorrow and yes they activate on steam.
What is the easiest cheeve to get today?
The defcon one was piss easy.What is the easiest cheeve to get today?
There's 89 achievements here. There's 6 a day, and 10 days left. 29 achievements won't be used.
$2.50 for something like Just Cause 2 seems criminal. If there's anyone left on gaf who hasn't bought it yet and refuses to buy it for that price then they deserve a grapple hook to the skull.
Saw this in another site :
Can anyone comment on the chances of this happening ?
*pray that my 16 pre-achived achivements are used*