The urge to buy Ikaruga at 50% off without being a daily or flash because last year instead of voting for it to be on sale for the first time, people voted for Witcher 2 to be $5 for the millionth time.
Holy shit
What is up with everyone buying stuff that isn't a daily or flash sale?
Yep, it went live without applying the focus discount - the 55% off is for the entire sale. Backends! How do they work.![]()
But yes, we're 80% off for the next 20 hours, and 75% off for the individual titles if you want to pick those up.
And yeah, if anyone newly purchased the games at the 55% mark thinking that was our focus price, just refund it and re-buy it! In this instance, at least, the new refund system will work out extremely well. (Though I'm a little uncertain how it even works for bundles like that. We'll find out!)
I think they're rather decent, but I may be slightly biased.![]()
They're good games! Where else can you find a brutal capitalism simulator wrapped in a shell of adorableness? Nowhere, that's where, even after all this time.
Trolls everywhere.
They're good games! Where else can you find a brutal capitalism simulator wrapped in a shell of adorableness? Nowhere, that's where, even after all this time.
You have to let them experience this stuff on their own sometimes.
I'm sorry if it's been asked already, but where is the community vote? How are you supposed craft badges this time around? i'm also on mobile app though, so I don't know if that is affecting what I see.
On some levels this is true, but on the other hand I got Chroma Squad for < $3 by breaking this rule in the first 15 minutes of the sale.
There's a fine line between waiting for the daily and knowing when to pounce.
In general though I don't really think the wait for the dailies rule applies to indies that are already 75%+ off.
So remind me. If it's Daily Deals! Then get it. If not. Wait.
The Carpe Fulgur Bundle is a Daily Deal right now.
I just realized I have the 1st Portal. I don't have the 2nd one. Should I keep waiting? I mean it's already 75% off right now.
It is excellent, especially with the (completely free) Long War mod. But make sure you get Enemy Within. It's better than the vanilla game, and you need it to play the mod.
That's exactly how it played out for me.So, how does the Monster Game work? I've clicked the 'Play Now!' button, got a trading card, but nothing else happened?
I really like the teams last year. Disappointed that mechanic did not return this year.
Asked for a refund so I could rebuy Valkyria Chronicles at the cheaper sale price. Approved.
Thanks steam! It only took them an hour to answer the request too.
Took down my first boss. Stuff's dying fast now.
Wait when did you buy Valkyria Chronicles before this?
This is my first steam sale and I haven't bought anything yet. Am I doing it right?
This is my first steam sale and I haven't bought anything yet. Am I doing it right?
The big ones are boss right? You get 3 bosses per level?
No Community Vote. Get badges through a web game that, at time of writing, doesn't work very well.
Well thanks to refunds they'll be able to get their money back and then buy at the cheaper price if it happens.All of you buying the games that aren't dailies/flash, I hope you guys don't complain when the better discounts come along!
The Capre Fulgur bundle is now 80% off ($9.98) and each game is 75% off alone.
GabeN edit: You want a cheaper GTA5? GET OUT OF MY STORE.
What happens if I've the base game of Skyrim installed but buy the Legendary Edition?
Only seen one, but got some boss loot.
What did you get?
Half minute hero 2 is $2.49
...Dare I wait for it to go for $0.99?
Reminder that PlayWay's Sim Bundle is still 95%off - 0.99$(possible price mistake)
Worth it over and over for Car Mechanic Simulator 2014 which is legitemately great. You a few simulator duds along with it but Car Mechanic Simulator 2014 for 0.99$ is a great deal.