Well it's not like he'd wait until now to say "Hell yeah we got a PC version in development, wait for that one." That said, it's probably not that likely since Insomniac hasn't made a game for PC yet. However, that's mainly because they've been working with Sony for so long, who takes ownership over their IPs. Could be a first time for everything.
And why are people getting so butthurt over this possibility? People ask for PC and Xbox ports for Guilty Gear Xrd all the time, but nobody minds or throws a tantrum over it. How is more people getting to play the game a bad thing? I'm not even a PC gamer, but I don't see what would be wrong with this. Unless you're a fanboy using exclusives as list war ammo, I don't see anything wrong with people wanting a game to come to their preferred platform eventually.
Unless it's unreasonable, of course. Like Bloodborne, Uncharted, Mario, Smash Bros, etc.