What the fuck is this supposed to be? I knew about the tie in but this HHH's outfit just looks like shit.
Someone tell me what the fuck is happening
Triple H came rising from the ground dressed as terminator Shao-Khan with a bunch of terminators, the terminator theme playing, holding terminator skulls.
Please.IppoXVolg is the only thing that matters
The actual fuck are you guys watching
I'm saddened the doctor didn't Show up as much as I hoped
This don't sound like no wrasslin nowadays
This don't sound like no wrasslin nowadaysWrasslin'.
Speaking of Ippo waifus
Triple H came rising from the ground dressed as terminator Shao-Khan with a bunch of terminators, the terminator theme playing, holding terminator skulls.
Can we all agree that Nanako is dumb and stupid and her only redeeming quality is getting Kumi all jealous?
Triple H came rising from the ground dressed as terminator Shao-Khan with a bunch of terminators, the terminator theme playing, holding terminator skulls.
Aaron you better get us a gif or footage of this. I call bullshit.
Aaron you better get us a gif or footage of this. I call bullshit.
Can we all agree that Nanako is dumb and stupid and her only redeeming quality is getting Kumi all jealous?
Can we all agree that Nanako is dumb and stupid and her only redeeming quality is getting Kumi all jealous?
Believe me. This shit happened. I can't get gifs, but trust me, there will be plenty.
I don't disagree.The Itagaki family as a whole can get pretty grating since I don't speak Japanese.
Gattsun Gattsun with guts tho
I don't disagree.The Itagaki family as a whole can get pretty grating since I don't speak Japanese.
Triple H and his dumb/crazy ideas!
I wouldn't say it is a rich man's sport but you have to be committed to it. Last time I saw skates will run you around $200 plus, pads all together are probably like $300-400. Sticks are $50 to a couple hundred dollars.So is Hockey a rich mans sport?
When the fuck did HHH turn into Terminator?
"Look how badass I am, you guys! I brought the Skullmageddon shit back but it's even cooler this time! Plus this technically counts as cross-promotion with Terminator Genisys, so that's cool too!"
Triple H and his dumb/crazy ideas!
When he was rising out of the ground with other Terminators around him before his match with Sting
Lel it's so dumb I love it. When he first came out of the ground I was thinking about how dumb he looked
That looks fucking dumb though, I miss his bad ass Shao Khan one.
DefinitelyCan we all agree that Nanako is dumb and stupid and her only redeeming quality is getting Kumi all jealous?
Well plz be excite cuzthe rest of DX came out to help Triple Hfuck off the NWO come out too?!
It's dumb, great shit!Yo. This is bringing factions back is dumb but also really fucking hype
Is it weird I never liked DX as a kid? I always thought Stone Cold was way more badass..and The Brood and Dark Ministry too.
Best Flashback
It's dumb, great shit!
It's fine
Best Flashback
Them pandering to the era when I loved wrestling is making this really fucking goodIt's dumb, great shit!
It's fine
That is one of the rare flashbacks that I actually really like because of the amount shit we didn't know about Kamogawa
Did you read Sendo's Gaiden chapter?