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Super Best Friends Thread 17: I don't have Bloodborne or Monster Hunter... Uhh...

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Well if we're posting Splatoon stuff...

Hoping the Best Friends do something with Splatoon for a video. Game's been a ton of fun thus far.

Is it too weird of a multiplayer system to try to play as a Fisticuffs? I would love to just see a 2v2 or something if the way it's MP works allows it, but from what little I've seen, it looks like it just has random matchmaking.

also hi guys
Is it too weird of a multiplayer system to try to play as a Fisticuffs? I would love to just see a 2v2 or something if the way it's MP works allows it, but from what little I've seen, it looks like it just has random matchmaking.

also hi guys
There is a local one on one battle mode that I believe is similar in function to that god awful Marvel game they played on Wii U for Fistifcuffs (One plays on the gamepad, the other on the TV). Online does have a section where you can play with people on your friends list, but most of the time yeah it is just playing with randoms.

Hell, I'd be perfectly fine with them showing the single player portion of the game as that's got some pretty cool stuff going on there.
I'll wait to judge BB's full story until the expansion comes out. DS1's best lore comes from its DLC, so I'm not ready to judge everything about BB until its all said and done and everything has been dug up.
I disagree with the bolded, but I hope they rectify it a bit.
Is it too weird of a multiplayer system to try to play as a Fisticuffs? I would love to just see a 2v2 or something if the way it's MP works allows it, but from what little I've seen, it looks like it just has random matchmaking.

also hi guys
They're adding custom matches in the future in an update, and you can play with friends in random matchmaking right now.

Also PM'd you.
I'm loving this Freedom Planet LP. Its cool seeing a game I barely heard of (and coincidentally already own on Steam) illicit a YOOOO or two every video. Definitely gonna pick it up when it hits Wii U.


Hopefully they aren't complete idiots during the last few parts of Bloodborne going off that tweet. I'd rather the game not end on a sour note by them having slower reactions and either of them being super shitty to the other. I'd expect a lot of Pat just dropping all of his shit.

I've been in his streams and crossover streams and stuff, and his biggest complaints are storytelling and the lameness of the NPCs. There's very little in terms of depth, individual character motivations, or interesting NPC stories in general.

He's not a fan of basing the gameplay around i-frames and it being more reaction based instead of decision based either, but that's more preference.
This is weird to me when I feel like there isn't anyway people could of already figured out the story or motivations of characters in Bloodborne this quickly. I feel like I remember reading that Miyizaki made the lore hard for Demons, easy for Dark, and then hard again for Bloodborne. I just don't honestly expect everything to already be out and in the open like that already. I guess that still might be a critique against the game that the near surface level stuff is still sort of uninteresting coupled with less NPC quests and less NPCs in general. If that's one of his major crutches for Souls games then oh well. Too bad about hating i-frames though. I can see why he'd prefer to outthink something rather than just become a better player, but I've always preferred the latter. At some point I just have to become a better player. I love the need to gitgud.
Sounds about right, lol.
I'm not even sure he likes anything besides Dark Souls and League.
Kind of wondered this as well. I didn't know he cared about League. Surprising.
Kind of wondered this as well. I didn't know he cared about League. Surprising.

He mostly just draws Yordle-porn since you can't actually play the game on Kentucky bluegrass internet without getting rekt.

The conversation about NPCs is weird to me, because personally I've never thought the cast of NPCs in Souls games were especially good or anything. Demon's had the Maiden and a bunch of tossers I couldn't get a fuck about, and it seemed like the princelet was the only one the designers even wanted me to care about anyway. Dark had Sunbro, Onionbro, and then a bunch of people you had to convince to become suicidal to get (or by getting) their stuff. Dark2 has Lucatiel and fuck-all else.

There's not a lot of NPCs in Bloodborne, and they don't do very much, but honestly the fight with Eileen was probably more fun than I got out of the entire cast of the other games. Haircut, Big Hat, Snakestache, and the Crybaby can all suck it.

Gough was pretty cool, though.


The NPC discussion is interesting. For me BB had the best NPC's even though many had no or very little quest lines. I like the Doll, Gerhman, Arianna, Chapel guy, Little Girl NPC,Paranoid guy, Eileen ( da best), and Guy in the woods. I also really enjoyed Demon's probably because it was my first and I loved the way the hub filled up. Dark Souls had maybe two or three I cared about not to kill and I guess there was Lucatiel and the cat in 2. I will forever despise the NPC quests in 2 due to the the ditzy daughter and blacksmith never talking to each other. It drove me mad.
Wow, and we're fucking done. But if they just beat it yesterday then that means that most of this week is them doing side content or making sure they get all three umbilical cords.
Sounds like Freedom Planet is going well. Unfortunately I've been not watching that playthrough after episode 1 since I plan on playing the game.

Does Liam have any bad playthroughs news been a part of? I feel like stuff with him tends to end up as quality. I guess one could say Nuzlock, but that one ended super hype.


Sounds like Freedom Planet is going well. Unfortunately I've been not watching that playthrough after episode 1 since I plan on playing the game.

Does Liam have any bad playthroughs news been a part of? I feel like stuff with him tends to end up as quality. I guess one could say Nuzlock, but that one ended super hype.

Liam has good playthroughs because he sucked the skill out of the rest of the crew.
But overall this has been the year of Liam so far. With Life is strange, castlevania and now this he cannot be stopped.
This is weird to me when I feel like there isn't anyway people could of already figured out the story or motivations of characters in Bloodborne this quickly. I feel like I remember reading that Miyizaki made the lore hard for Demons, easy for Dark, and then hard again for Bloodborne. I just don't honestly expect everything to already be out and in the open like that already. I guess that still might be a critique against the game that the near surface level stuff is still sort of uninteresting coupled with less NPC quests and less NPCs in general. If that's one of his major crutches for Souls games then oh well. Too bad about hating i-frames though. I can see why he'd prefer to outthink something rather than just become a better player, but I've always preferred the latter. At some point I just have to become a better player. I love the need to gitgud.
I think even compared to Demon's on a surface level this is really far in the other direction. When characters barely interact with each other or do anything I don't think there's anything to miss.

It's not like Souls lacked the videogamey elements anyway, he just wanted it even further in that direction of making choices more akin to real combat- to lend creedence to the storytelling and world. I don't really agree myself, but since this is a spinoff anyway, it's cool.
The NPC discussion is interesting. For me BB had the best NPC's even though many had no or very little quest lines. I like the Doll, Gerhman, Arianna, Chapel guy, Little Girl NPC,Paranoid guy, Eileen ( da best), and Guy in the woods. I also really enjoyed Demon's probably because it was my first and I loved the way the hub filled up. Dark Souls had maybe two or three I cared about not to kill and I guess there was Lucatiel and the cat in 2. I will forever despise the NPC quests in 2 due to the the ditzy daughter and blacksmith never talking to each other. It drove me mad.
They have a lot of personality, but they act like generic NPCs. They don't move places or do things of their own volition, or even have interesting ways you can interact with them and change things. It's 1. save them 2.
don't/make alien
. Dark Souls NPCs, even if you dislike them, are far more interesting in terms of what those characters set out to do, what they do, etc.

Plague loves reading into character motivations and stuff, there's not really much if any of that in BB. The story focuses on the dream/notdream aspect and even characters like Eileen's stories are just "don't hunt my prey, oh thanks for the backup, oh shit this guy is tuff, oh thanks for that here's a rune, I'll be fine". Their dialogue and attitude are pretty cool, but there's nothing there in terms of depth, besides her comments if you aggro her, that are actually just comments on the Hunter's Dream. Same with machinegun man, they only elucidate the world around them, little to nothing about themselves.

Compare it to Demon's even, what BB is emulating, where NPCs also hang in a hub mostly, there's just a lot more to chew on there.
Plague even said he thinks Lucatiel in 2 kicks the shit out of anything interesting BB characters have for motivations, and I'm inclined to agree.
Plague loves reading into character motivations and stuff, there's not really much if any of that in BB. The story focuses on the dream/notdream aspect and even characters like Eileen's stories are just "don't hunt my prey, oh thanks for the backup, oh shit this guy is tuff, oh thanks for that here's a rune, I'll be fine". Their dialogue and attitude are pretty cool, but there's nothing there in terms of depth, besides her comments if you aggro her, that are actually just comments on the Hunter's Dream. Same with machinegun man, they only elucidate the world around them, little to nothing about themselves.

I'm going to be super rude and say that the reason Plague doesn't see more depth in the Bloodborne NPCs is because he hasn't had Vaati sit him down and explain to him like a baby where to find it.

Why does Eileen hunt other hunters? You know that she once was a visitor to the Hunter's Dream herself. You know that she considers the task a burden that lacks dignity and honor. You also know that, depending on circumstances, it's entirely possible for her to determine that you are necessary to hunt - or not. There's obviously nuance there if you want to read into it, Plague just isn't making the effort.

Why was Henryk's life "tragically long"? We know he had a relationship of sorts with Gascoigne, but it seems the two of them were also familiar to Eileen, since she mentions that it "probably had to be done; he was falling apart". Were they a team, and Eileen let Gascoigne get as far gone as he did because she was too sentimental to accept that she needed to do something about him? Who is the "Chikage Hunter", and why does he take up residence in the Grand Cathedral of all places?

(For the record, I think the answer to many of these questions is boring or unimportant. For instance, I think the Chikage Hunter is in the Grand Cathedral because it's sick-ass boss arena with easy access from a commonly-used hub, and there are no story implications. This is the kind of shit that people built the "lore" of Dark Souls around, though: making wild assumptions based on almost nothing over the course of years.)

Honestly, the only NPCs in Souls games that have fully-fledged "stories" without the player making some considerable logical leaps are Ostrava, Siegmeyer, and Lucatiel. The rest comes from the community reading into item descriptions, implications in dailogue, and gameplay conceits that probably weren't meant to be story-related to begin with.


My god, the revelaitons about Woolie in this Bloodborne episode should be mandatory listening for all Zaibatsu fans.

I thought it was a nice of him to share that. I feel his pain too since I have to rely on the which hand makes the "L" shape to tell directions.


Bloodborne Part 48- Thank god for frenzy rune equips. Also jesus christ I'm dying at Woolie's left and right shit. That is fucking insane. Next up we'll learn Pat is actually deaf. That's why he needs to yell always and doesn't hear music. For once I'm also glad they didn't find that key also since it lead to them finding the Blood Rock. Wonder if they'll find even find MB. Also True Ending is a go.

It's so weird to look back at that LP now. Between the technical issues and random episodes where Liam just wasn't there, it feels super amateur hour compared to current SBF.
This just seems to be a Matt/Woolie thing that happens every now and again. Liam wasn't there for all of Metroid Fusion since it was the early days. NMH2 was plagued with some technical issues and lack of Liam. Shaolin Monks finale didn't even appear in most peoples feeds and had horrible technical issues for the final episode. When technical issues happen it's one of the main times they look the most amateurish to me.
I think even compared to Demon's on a surface level this is really far in the other direction. When characters barely interact with each other or do anything I don't think there's anything to miss.

Compare it to Demon's even, what BB is emulating, where NPCs also hang in a hub mostly, there's just a lot more to chew on there.
Yeah, that's why I said I think the game might fail people on a surface level for that. There's just less NPCs, less NPC quests, and less things to really do with them. It's just not going to be as interesting without having to read all item descriptions and make insane leaps of logic from certain things. It's the most confusing one to decipher of the whole bunch to me at least.
I'm going to be super rude and say that the reason Plague doesn't see more depth in the Bloodborne NPCs is because he hasn't had Vaati sit him down and explain to him like a baby where to find it.
It's fine since I was thinking the same thing. Hell, maybe I just don't remember well enough since it was 4 years ago, but I don't think anyone gave a flying fuck about the lore in Dark Souls until VaatiVidya videos became a big thing after the PC release in 2012. I would be interested in seeing where we would be today if the PC releases never happened.
It's fine since I was thinking the same thing. Hell, maybe I just don't remember well enough since it was 4 years ago, but I don't think anyone gave a flying fuck about the lore in Dark Souls until VaatiVidya videos became a big thing after the PC release in 2012. I would be interested in seeing where we would be today if the PC releases never happened.
It was more EpicNameBro who started the ripple effect. A few people did similar stuff for Demon's, but ENB blew it up.


Woolie is knuckles confirmed?
I need a good gif of Woolie's face slapped onto Knuckles from that Sonic Boom intro now.
It was more EpicNameBro who started the ripple effect. A few people did similar stuff for Demon's, but ENB blew it up.
I wasn't too keyed into that scene so thanks for clearing that up for me. Skimming ENB's channel makes it seem like his earliest lore thing was Jan 2012 so a few months after DS1 hit. I can only assume VaatiVidya hopped aboard the train with the PC release since it exclusively had the DLC for a little bit and Artorias was a big thing. PC release helped with the ease to get into the cut content shit too.
I wasn't too keyed into that scene so thanks for clearing that up for me. Skimming ENB's channel makes it seem like his earliest lore thing was Jan 2012 so a few months after DS1 hit. I can only assume VaatiVidya hopped aboard the train with the PC release since it exclusively had the DLC for a little bit and Artorias was a big thing. PC release helped with the ease to get into the cut content shit too.

Yeah, ENB was doing Dark Souls stuff since the Japanese release, as he was (if I remember right) actually living in Japan at the time teaching English and played it there. ENB's never quite laid things out as extensively and thoroughly as Vaati, though, so Vaati's generally considered more of the "lore guy" and ENB more of a "walkthrough" guy, even though ENB does lore stuff and Vaati does gameplay stuff.

Edit: I need a JoJo-style panel-by-panel of the Winter Lantern grabbing Patsworth and laughing maniacally while declaring victory, only for Patsworth to reveal he's got an uncorked sedative in his mouth before
pushing it off the ledge

More like just- "AAAAAAGGGGGGGHHHHHHH!!!" and all manners of incoherence.

Could you imagine if they just hunters mask out of there?

Agent York

Neo Member
By the way, I can't be the only one who lost their shit at Pat's Phantom Pain joke about Skull Face being Kojima in the recent podcast, right? If I get the time, I've totally gotta add that to the lore and draw up something for that.
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