In retrospect, maybe a general Dinosaur games week would have been better for the channel. We could have gotten a Cadillacs and Dinosaurs Best Friends Beat-em-up!
Video Games are garbage. They were a mistake.
They're gonna play NepNep first and you know it.
Anyone seeing Jurassic World? Please report back if there's a pair of shit kids that hog the spotlight from any interesting parts of the movie.
I'm doubting there will be. I think studios are starting to accept that targeting kids with movies != putting kids in movies, especially when it comes to things like sci-fi and comic book movies.
Hate to be that one guy, but I legit beat this game when I was 10-11 years old. They do need to git gud.
They jacked it when the sale first went live and the store was shock. But they "fixed" it after a few minutesActually, Rockstar didn't jack up the price. They didn't put pace game on sale.
Still scummy, tho.
Good lord.
Freedom Planet is 50% off ($7.50) during the Steam sale, for those interested.
Freedom Planet is 50% off ($7.50) during the Steam sale, for those interested.
Oh man, drunk Pat is the best.
i know im playing it
and even better we got 3 free DLCs coming this summer
Freedom planet is getting DLC?
Well uhm, it's not because of the SBF, it's just a nice coincidence. Same deal as the extra campaigns coming for Shovel KnightYep! After the bump SBF has given them, they're apparently working on some additional content.
Well uhm, it's not because of the SBF, it's just a nice coincidence. Same deal as the extra campaigns coming for Shovel Knight
Excellent avatar!
Alright maybe not because but direct callouts make me think it's a little more than coincidence.
Saturday Morning Scrublords: Dino Rex Park
We'll only know if the expansion is a result of the Best Friends if Zubaz or Rage shows up.
Hold on, there was a jurassic park fighting game? Why? And for who?Saturday Morning Scrublords: Dino Rex Park
Hold on, there was a jurassic park fighting game? Why? And for who?
If I saw this as a kid, I woulda done the same. Cause dinosaurs are fuckin rad when you're a kid.I played the fuck out of Warpath when I was little babby Anung.
So why is one of the dinos in warpath just named alberto?
Does anyone happen to know which episode of the friendcast is the one where they discuss the RPG elements of game design (grinding/skill trees) infecting all AAA games today?
Hold on, there was a jurassic park fighting game? Why? And for who?
Hey, so after posting in a three month old thread I've found this one. (I'm bad at the Internets) Could someone link me to the post about Pat's FFXIV world and company? Planning to give it a try and figured I'd help grow the stormlords.
Short for Albertosaurus, but still hilarious thinking about it
Whoever the fuck is running the sonic twitter needs a promotion.
Did the ouya ever have any value to begin with?Never thought I'd hear something devalue the Ouya more.
Liam endorsed it, so there was that.Did the ouya ever have any value to begin with?
Liam endorses a lot of dead things, like the Vita.Liam endorsed it, so there was that.
The Vita SDK project might breathe new life into the Vita, but the Vita is pretty dead from most people's POV.Liam endorses a lot of dead things, like the Vita.
B-but how can the vita be dead? Vita means life!Liam endorses a lot of dead things, like the Vita.