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Super Best Friends Thread 17: I don't have Bloodborne or Monster Hunter... Uhh...

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Halo can go down in flames for all I care.

From the list of those 5 anyway, Halo 5 looks to be the weakest anyway. (DMC5 doesnt even exist yet)

Damn... Street Fighter V I guess? But kinda not fair cause I'm not going to play it.

Between MGSV and P5 though... I'll pick MGSV, why? Because it's the last game regardless.

If they include Halo 5 I would totally pick it- FPS isn't going to die because of it.

Persona 5 cannot fail, no matter what. JRPGs and Japanese games in general need all the help it can get to come back.



The same thing with MOBAs
Nice to actually hear Billy speak, and even nicer to hear it be to shut up Pat from one of his tirades.

To be fair, Pat was right and Billy is an exception at best. And even if he is really good, he is probably still being carried by his friends really hard(he'd probably be an amazing Dragoon if he choose to though). Honestly probably wouldn't have gotten anywhere near as far as he did were he not playing a dps. That said, while I actually enjoying hearing about the FFXIV stuff, this was a conversation that should not have lasted so long, what with Pat repeating himself a few to many times.
To be fair, Pat was right and Billy is an exception at best. And even if he is really good, he is probably still being carried by his friends really hard(he'd probably be an amazing Dragoon if he choose to though). Honestly probably wouldn't have gotten anywhere near as far as he did were he not playing a dps. That said, while I actually enjoying hearing about the FFXIV stuff, this was a conversation that should not have lasted so long, what with Pat repeating himself a few to many times.

I dont think Billy has ever been claimed to be anything less than exceptional.

Perhaps the whole thing matters more to people that play MMORPGs, but equating someone playing a sub-optimal build to a team mate sandbagging at SBO was laughable.
I play FFXIV and half that shit flies over my head lol.

Like wtf is T13?

That's common MMO terminology. After you reach max level, your relative "power" is usually described by you "tier" of gear. Players generally pressure people to have most or all of the previous tier before they attempt the content that drops the next tier; you want to be in Tier 1 gear to try to get Tier 2 gear, etc.

The gear treadmill/escalation via update is how they keep people playing the game at max level, so you end up getting some ridiculous results (ie, Tier 13). The whole thing can get confusing in games that constantly up the level cap, however, as some of the previous tiers of gear will be lower level equipment and thus actually skipped in the progression. (The classic example being WoW, where even if you had the maximum level gear from a previous expansion, you would probably just replace it with non-tiered gear from the new expansion before trying any of the new expansion's raids... but players would still label the new raid content as the next "tier" as if there was a clear progression from one to the other.)
That's common MMO terminology. After you reach max level, your relative "power" is usually described by you "tier" of gear. Players generally pressure people to have most or all of the previous tier before they attempt the content that drops the next tier; you want to be in Tier 1 gear to try to get Tier 2 gear, etc.

The gear treadmill/escalation via update is how they keep people playing the game at max level, so you end up getting some ridiculous results (ie, Tier 13). The whole thing can get confusing in games that constantly up the level cap, however, as some of the previous tiers of gear will be lower level equipment and thus actually skipped in the progression. (The classic example being WoW, where even if you had the maximum level gear from a previous expansion, you would probably just replace it with non-tiered gear from the new expansion before trying any of the new expansion's raids... but players would still label the new raid content as the next "tier" as if there was a clear progression from one to the other.)

Oh so its basically just tiers of raiding then with tiers worth of gear/equipment. That makes sense, thanks.
I dont think Billy has ever been claimed to be anything less than exceptional.

Perhaps the whole thing matters more to people that play MMORPGs, but equating someone playing a sub-optimal build to a team mate sandbagging at SBO was laughable.

Why? The scale may be different, but you are still fucking over other people, wasting their time(of which they may not have much) and entertainment, who you are suppose to be working with for your actually nothing. If someone wants to do a stupid thing, they can and if other people are fine with you doing that, that's great, but as soon as you are know-lying fucking over other people for no good reason, you are an asshole, idc what game you are playing or how funny you think it is.
Why? The scale may be different, but you are still fucking over other people, wasting their time(of which they may not have much) and entertainment, who you are suppose to be working with for your actually nothing. If someone wants to do a stupid thing, they can and if other people are fine with you doing that, that's great, but as soon as you are know-lying fucking over other people for no good reason, you are an asshole, idc what game you are playing or how funny you think it is.

SBO is a prestigious team based tournament. Running quests and dungeons is simply playing the game. I can't rightly *demand* someone always play their main if we're just playing casuals.
I made sure to get cross class skills from scholar and black mage to maximize my healing potential as a white mage. Even then I still had problems being an efficient healer. I can't imagine trying to heal in harder content as a baseline conjuror.

In my old group there was an archer who got to 50 and ignored bard. I never played with him in more difficult content, though.

I haven't gotten back in yet, but I'm still enjoying Pat's FFXIV talks. I would watch him stream it, especially with the new content.
SBO is a prestigious team based tournament. Running quests and dungeons is simply playing the game. I can't rightly *demand* someone always play their main if we're just playing casuals.

Funny you are comparing MMO dungeons to casual matches.... Casual matches are, well, casual. Of course you don't care, you lose a match and its no big deal, you spent maybe over a few minutes at most and now you wait for you next turn and if you win, you get the satisfaction of winning and get to go again. You fail a dungeon? Not only have you likely wasted 30+ minutes, but you also miss out on gear, cash, experience and possibly even story progess. And that means a lot more to some people then a 'prestigious team based tournament'(that said, while i actually know nothing about SBO personally, but it sounds pretty cool and if i weren't mediocre at best with fighting games, I'd probably would like to try it out). Actually, now that I think about it, to most MMO players, raiding probably clocks up there with 'prestigious team based tournament'.
Funny you are comparing MMO dungeons to casual matches.... Casual matches are, well, casual. Of course you don't care, you lose a match and its no big deal, you spent maybe over a few minutes at most and now you wait for you next turn and if you win, you get the satisfaction of winning and get to go again. You fail a dungeon? Not only have you likely wasted 30+ minutes, but you also miss out on gear, cash, experience and possibly even story progess. And that means a lot more to some people then a 'prestigious team based tournament'(that said, while i actually know nothing about SBO personally, but it sounds pretty cool and if i weren't mediocre at best with fighting games, I'd probably would like to try it out). Actually, now that I think about it, to most MMO players, raiding probably clocks up there with 'prestigious team based tournament'.

When I'm talking "casuals" (with an s) I'm implying long non-tournament sets.

Also SBO is a Japanese tournament that holds qualifiers worldwide, at specifically chosen venues, in order for countries to assemble 3 man teams to fly to Japan to compete in a specific game, in a high stakes single elimination format.

Knowing that, do you see why trying to use it as an analogy for an MMO raid is simply laughable?
When I'm talking "casuals" (with an s) I'm implying long non-tournament sets.

Also SBO is a Japanese tournament that holds qualifiers worldwide, at specifically chosen venues, in order for countries to assemble 3 man teams to fly to Japan to compete in a specific game, in a high stakes single elimination format.

Knowing that, do you see why trying to use it as an analogy for an MMO raid is simply laughable?

No, because it really doesn't matter if its a national tournament or a group of friends getting together for fun. If you are doing something for the soul purpose of screwing people you are playing with over, you are a dick. The level of dickissness may change, but that doesn't make you not a dick. Pat used a comparison that he knew Woolie would understand, the scale of it is not really important to his point at all, but people call him out on it because they personally decided that one thing is so much more important then the other that the comparison is... laughable? I guess. But at the end of the day its still a bunch of dudes playing vidcons together. Some people may think one is far more important then the other, but that doesn't mean the other is somehow unimportant.
No, because it really doesn't matter if its a national tournament or a group of friends getting together for fun. If you are doing something for the soul purpose of screwing people you are playing with over, you are a dick. The level of dickissness may change, but that doesn't make you not a dick. Pat used a comparison that he knew Woolie would understand, the scale of it is not really important to his point at all, but people call him out on it because they personally decided that one thing is so much more important then the other that the comparison is... laughable? I guess. But at the end of the day its still a bunch of dudes playing vidcons together. Some people may think one is far more important then the other, but that doesn't mean the other is somehow unimportant.

Whelp, I don't know what else to tell you man.


I play FFXIV and half that shit flies over my head lol.

Like wtf is T13?
It's the hardest piece of content in the game currently, even including Heavensward stuff. At level 50 you unlock something called The Coil of Bahamut, and Turn 5, which is the end of the first coil, is still more difficult relative to the rest of the content in the game.

Granted, the Heavensward raid isn't out yet, but Coil is pretty damn hard. I can attest as I never beat Twintania, we kept wiping on dive bombs phase.

To put it blindly, I haven't watched the video of Billy clearing T13, but his DPS loss is probably being made up for by the rest of the team. If they're fine making up for that whatever, it's fine, he can do what he wants. He's cleared content I've not even come close to yet, so good for him. But with the new Dragoon abilities from 50-60 that DPS loss becomes even greater (in addition to party-wide crit buff) he's going to face pressure to actually advance to Dragoon.

I barely even make it through half my rotation before killing a mob in Heavensward now, and these are level 57 mobs.


Enjoyed the podcast a lot this week since the slew of E3 news. The one thing that stuck out is that I'm surprised anyone remembers Majin and the Forsaken Kingdom. Especially Pat of all people. Also fuck you, Pat. Majin is already good.

Con Bravo is happening soon. So I checked the guest list and Super Best Friends are still up there.

Now I am wondering if I have missed an announcement, or if the website just hasn't updated from last year.

I actually might be able to make it there this year, if they do go.

I imagine they'll confirm it soon. I think the blurb on the site is new at least.


Do you guys know which episode of Rustlemania Pat was talking about in the most recent Ride to Hell episode? He mentioned realizing they were being recorded 40 minutes in.
I like the idea of a Belmont or Hellsing kicking down the door(?) to the Woolie Cave and throwing eggs at Woolie before trying to scald him with molten-hot pizza or douse him in holy bacon grease.
So how's DMC4SE guys?

I didn't get passed the tutorial on DMC4.

Really, really good. Though, I'm playing the PS4 version; I've heard the PC version has some performance issues at the moment. Haven't heard much about the XB1 version either way, but I'd assume it's functionally identical to the PS4 one.

Vergil is ridiculous, if you want to look like a super cool dude in front of your friends despite being a complete scrub, he's got your back. Lady's a lot harder to style with. Haven't really gotten around to Trish yet.


Seems Matt's rats are doing better after the story on the podcast.

Reddit Post about it

Matt said:
Visited Poison & Roxy at the home of KrisRix last night, and I was so relieved! Both girls, especially Poison (who had the breathing problems) are definitely on the mend! Myself and the Mrs. spent a good 2 hours playing with both ratties, and saw the new baby rats as well!

I’m sorry if my week on the podcast was a bit of a downer (I saw some people make a comment or two) but if I’m asked to talk about my week, I’m not gonna sugar coat it. But I’m ecstatic that all the rats are energetic and happy once more. While this doesn’t mean they are out of the woods 100%, it’s really a super encouraging sign!

I’ll also take the opportunity to say that if anyone is considering, rats really make awesome fucking pets. If you can’t handle a dog or lack the patience for a cat, ratties are so inquisitive, loving, and just really fun to have around!



It's the hardest piece of content in the game currently, even including Heavensward stuff. At level 50 you unlock something called The Coil of Bahamut, and Turn 5, which is the end of the first coil, is still more difficult relative to the rest of the content in the game.

Granted, the Heavensward raid isn't out yet, but Coil is pretty damn hard. I can attest as I never beat Twintania, we kept wiping on dive bombs phase.

To put it blindly, I haven't watched the video of Billy clearing T13, but his DPS loss is probably being made up for by the rest of the team. If they're fine making up for that whatever, it's fine, he can do what he wants. He's cleared content I've not even come close to yet, so good for him. But with the new Dragoon abilities from 50-60 that DPS loss becomes even greater (in addition to party-wide crit buff) he's going to face pressure to actually advance to Dragoon.

I barely even make it through half my rotation before killing a mob in Heavensward now, and these are level 57 mobs.

While it is a big deal that he cleared t13 as a Lancer, groups have been clearing it with 6 people, selling the other 2 slots for a while before Heavensward.

Hit 60 on my DRG and finished the Heavensward story last night. Need to catch the DRK wave to get my Machinist to 50 quickly now and I'm set.
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