Golden Age (2012-Still Going)
Been listening to the podcast lately, and I noticed they recycle some of their sponsor spots (especially for Casper mattress) which is kinda lame cause I want them to keep making new bullshit for their spots but whatevs, just an observation
Yo, I aint gonna lie, after looking at the devil's third japanese trailer, it looks like the good kind of jank, like i can see myself falling inlove with the slide mechanic.
mothafucka slid up the fucking stairs. That's video games right there.
Full LP coming soon???
I'd watch it. If they do, I hope they play some multiplayer, since it looks really fun.Full LP coming soon???
I mean the worst. Just do it! Just do it!I think you mean best.
Also... ugh, that means I gotta play Evil Within. Damn you Zen, damn you to hell.
Two Best Friends Play Resident Evil 3: Nemesis (Part 1)
God I hope so. I don't know if it could reach Ride to Hell levels of broken, but I hope there's some entertaining out of that campaign that they would give it a look.Full LP coming soon???
Some motherfuckers always trying slide uphill.Yo, I aint gonna lie, after looking at the devil's third japanese trailer, it looks like the good kind of jank, like i can see myself falling inlove with the slide mechanic.
mothafucka slid up the fucking stairs. That's video games right there.
Hearing Pat mention stuff about the Emergency Roll in RE3 suddenly makes me excited for SGDQ because Resident Evil 3 is on the docket and now I'm interested to see how that gets used in the run. Good first episode for this LP too.
it's only naturalThis is pure goodness. Kinda odd how well Matts face fits on Jills body.
Mattsca is's only natural
LTTP, but finally listened to the podcast.
Glad Woolie and Pat are as hype for DBSuper as I am. Listening to them nerd out about dbz stuff is awesome.
However that stage arguement was just as annoying as you guys said. I'm on Pat's side on that one. I feel SF4's abundance of terrible stages led to the annoying trend of only using training stage, and it's a trend that needs to be broken. Sure, the moving elements a of a stage messing you up, I can see. But just color change? That's way too ocd.
Pat's argument starts to break down when they don't talk about how some stages of USF4 have some lag in them (I think the SFxT stages). SF4 stages just have way too much going on inside of them, especially compared to other fighters, to have random be a viable option, so players just default to training stage because its something both players can quickly agree to play on without discussion to slow down the sets. I can see Pat's point about wanting to mix it up, but it just wouldn't work especially this late into the game's life, on SF4 specifically.
Like Woolie said, tourney's are for the players, not the spectators. Let them play on whatever they want.
Pat's argument starts to break down when they don't talk about how some stages of USF4 have some lag in them (I think the SFxT stages). SF4 stages just have way too much going on inside of them, especially compared to other fighters, to have random be a viable option, so players just default to training stage because its something both players can quickly agree to play on without discussion to slow down the sets. I can see Pat's point about wanting to mix it up, but it just wouldn't work especially this late into the game's life, on SF4 specifically.
Like Woolie said, tourney's are for the players, not the spectators. Let them play on whatever they want.
EVO isn't for spectators. It's for the people playing.
This is actually the part of Woolie's arguement that annoyed me the most.
Sure, it's for the players. Cause if the players decide they have stage fright, they clear out the audience, and not stream the match for instance right? It's obvious it's not 100% about the players already, and using that statement to write off the complaint, as if inserting stage variety will completely sell out the FGC, is just a dodge and one that Pat should have called out himself.
Pat doesn't actually know much about the tournament organization (or tournament organization in general, I think). That's why he got so pissed off: he realized not very far into the debate that he came completely unprepared and it didn't really matter whether he was right or wrong, he was going to lose on the basis of not having reasonably prepared arguments or sufficient knowledge of the subject matter.
He probably went home, did a bunch of research, then called Woolie on the phone and shouted at him for a few hours. (That, or went home, completely forgot about it, and played FFXIV until he passed out from low blood-sugar.)
I hope they quickly finish the Game of Thrones LP and get into LiSLife is Strange Ep 4 coming out July 28th.
This is actually the part of Woolie's arguement that annoyed me the most.
Sure, it's for the players. Cause if the players decide they have stage fright, they clear out the audience, and not stream the match for instance right? It's obvious it's not 100% about the players already, and using that statement to write off the complaint, as if inserting stage variety will completely sell out the FGC, is just a dodge and one that Pat should have called out himself.
Hearing Pat mention stuff about the Emergency Roll in RE3 suddenly makes me excited for SGDQ because Resident Evil 3 is on the docket and now I'm interested to see how that gets used in the run. Good first episode for this LP too.
Training mode will ruin the thread.
Man, I want to support this, but the only thing I want is the Art Book, which is a few tiers too high for me.
Is there a collecting of Ride to Hell gifs and if so where can I find it?
I disagree. I'm not versed on what stages have lag and which don't in sf4, but I believe there should be a priority to have a good variety with the ones that do work right.
That said, if training stage is actually the only stage without lag, I submit... and holy crap that's some shit.
But if there's, say, five other stages that work just fine, and nobody wants to use them because of just color preference, I feel that's some over- focus that should be looked at.
Anyways, this doesn't seem to be an issue in other fighting games, so I'm not too concerned about it, I'm not even a big fan of sf4 in most respects. I'm mainly just worried sfV may fix the lag and other issues, but we'll end up in this same boat just because. Or that this one stage thing will catch on with other games.
Spectators are there to observe the competition. The Competitors are not simply there to perform for the viewers.
The tournament is about the players. All the pomp and production is for the viewers but the players should not be forced to compromise their match simply because some spectators might get bored. That's stupid.
Yeah, Liam's hockey rink metaphor is moronic because it's not like there's a single hockey rink that all the teams have decided is the One True Rink and they all make pilgrimage there to have games. Teams go on the road and play at different rinks, the same as any other sport. There's a standardized shape to the actual playing surface, just like most fighting game stages have standardized playable widths and heights, but they do in fact play on rinks with different visual elements in the backgrounds. (Different audience seating setups, different banners, different jumbo-tron arrangements, different graphics on the ice itself, etc.)
But, he's Liam. It's kind of his job to present an untenable position and then just keep repeating it until everyone tunes him out completely.
I personally fault Capcom more than the players for having to see training stage over and over again in tourneys because most of SF4 when it comes to stages is just a mess whether its the distraction movement or the inherent lag. I hope they're looking to mix it up for SF5 by having a variety of stages good for tourneys.
They'd have to remove the training stage - otherwise players are just going to go straight back to it every time.I hope they're looking to mix it up for SF5 by having a variety of stages good for tourneys.
The point is the tourney rules have never told players about what they can and can't do, all the game specific rules that exist are from a community agreement.This is actually the part of Woolie's arguement that annoyed me the most.
Sure, it's for the players. Cause if the players decide they have stage fright, they clear out the audience, and not stream the match for instance right? It's obvious it's not 100% about the players already, and using that statement to write off the complaint, as if inserting stage variety will completely sell out the FGC, is just a dodge and one that Pat should have called out himself.
There are no such concessions that affect the match in the way banning costumes or stages would. Players choose that for other games, SF's community often chooses training stage only because they want to, and to force them to change for EVO is a step EVO doesn't take.You're missing the point, which was that concessions are already being made for the spectators so chanting 'for the players' to 'win' an arguement is asinine.
As for the stage ruining the match thing, I stated my thoughts earlier. If jumpy backgrounds or lag stages are bugging you, sure. If you can't combo without a white background, which was Woolie's actual arguement btw, then no, I don't agree.