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Super Best Friends Thread 5: There's a Skeleton Inside Each of Us

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Santa May Claus
I'll be getting both the Bayonetta 2 First Print Edition (EU) and Bayonetta 2 (NA) at launch, but won't have a Wii U. I probably have a problem.
I hold a similar viewpoint. I am deeply appreciative of Nintendo's effect and place in the industry, both back in the 80s/90s and now. They are doing things that the other two aren't; they are weird but they deliver the goods. It's a shame that they haven't tried harder to bring the third parties on board, but they are carving their own way by doing those partnerships (Namco working on Smash, giving Zelda to Koei, resurrecting Bayo and Fatal Frame), just like they do with everything else. They're also the one of the biggest game companies that don't rely overly on explicit violence or sexual appeal to sell games, and they make strong attempts to draw in a female audience as well.

The day Nintendo leaves gaming is the day gaming gets a whole lot more boring, regardless on one's thoughts on the company.

In the Dreamcast thread, the OP explained the lifecycle of console software as:

First wave, Second wave, and Third Wave.

First wave: Early Adopters
Second Wave: Mid-Life Console
Third Wave: End of Console Lifecycle

The devs that stick it out and rely on young, cheap labor all get better as they work on a certain platform and create more sophisticated games.

IMO(since I dont work in the business please don't take anything I say as fact/absolutes), third party will pick up around 2016-2017. I know I'm crazy to expect third party, but NOJ isn't so stubborn as to piss off all third party publishers. Since BC exists on the Wii U(and frankly, I'm upset more retailers aren't pushing this fact out there more often!) and Sony/MS have to rely on HD Remasters/Definitive Collection stuff in order to satisfy the lack of BC, that will start to get real old really quick.


Wait how are people getting their Bayo fix right now?

I feel like a drug junkie, rocking back and forth saying, "One more day, one more day, I gotta make it one more day."

I've just been playing a combination of Korra, Devil May Cry 3 and 4, and Revengeance for the past few days. It's working out pretty well.

That last Naga section on Extreme difficulty is utter horseshit.


Santa May Claus
I hold a similar viewpoint. I am deeply appreciative of Nintendo's effect and place in the industry, both back in the 80s/90s and now. They are doing things that the other two aren't; they are weird but they deliver the goods. It's a shame that they haven't tried harder to bring the third parties on board, but they are carving their own way by doing those partnerships (Namco working on Smash, giving Zelda to Koei, resurrecting Bayo and Fatal Frame), just like they do with everything else. They're also the one of the biggest game companies that don't rely overly on explicit violence or sexual appeal to sell games, and they make strong attempts to draw in a female audience as well.

The day Nintendo leaves gaming is the day gaming gets a whole lot more boring, regardless on one's thoughts on the company.

They have tried hard. And spent a great deal of money doing so. And they're trying harder all the time. The question is whether it's too little too late.

Purchasing/funding exclusives is a short term solution. They're trying to increase their install base through these exclusives, which would make the platform more appealing to third parties. Third parties don't care about getting perks on a particular system for the most part. What they care about is making sure their titles have a palletable distribution circle in order to justify the expense of a port.
I just got home and am holding Bayonetta 2 FP edition in my hands. That being said, I'm gonna finish The Evil Within first. I'm at ch10 anyway, so it'll take a day or two at most.

I hate you.
Why didn't NA get the special edition life is bullshit.

That last Naga section on Extreme difficulty is utter horseshit.

Thank you. I brought this up yesterday and was basically told to get good in the unfunny way by Croten.


legacy of cane
They have tried hard. And spent a great deal of money doing so. And they're trying harder all the time. The question is whether it's too little too late.

Purchasing exclusives is a short term solution. They're trying to increase their install base through these exclusives, which would make the platform more appealing to third parties. Third parties don't care about getting perks on a particular system for the most part. What they care about is making sure their titles have a palletable distribution circle in order to justify the expense of a port.

If exclusives are a short term solution, than what would help them in the long run?

I think that if they keep pushing out exclusives on the WiiU they will end up being fine, they just need to have a regular schedule with no dead time.
If exclusives are a short term solution, than what would help them in the long run?

I think that if they keep pushing out exclusives on the WiiU they will end up being fine, they just need to have a regular schedule with no dead time.

It's not feasible to keep pushing out exclusives and essentially moneyhat more games that won't guarantee sales/expansion of the install base.

What will grab people into more Nintendo camps is the release of GC/Dreamcast VC games onto the eStore. I'd assume most of those titles are already published by Nintendo, so the only real issue is making those titles available for digital release. I hope WW HD pushes more GC games into being pushed onto the Wii U eStore.


In the Dreamcast thread, the OP explained the lifecycle of console software as:

First wave, Second wave, and Third Wave.

First wave: Early Adopters
Second Wave: Mid-Life Console
Third Wave: End of Console Lifecycle

The devs that stick it out and rely on young, cheap labor all get better as they work on a certain platform and create more sophisticated games.

IMO(since I dont work in the business please don't take anything I say as fact/absolutes), third party will pick up around 2016-2017. I know I'm crazy to expect third party, but NOJ isn't so stubborn as to piss off all third party publishers. Since BC exists on the Wii U(and frankly, I'm upset more retailers aren't pushing this fact out there more often!) and Sony/MS have to rely on HD Remasters/Definitive Collection stuff in order to satisfy the lack of BC, that will start to get real old really quick.

They have tried hard. And spent a great deal of money doing so. And they're trying harder all the time. The question is whether it's too little too late.

Purchasing/funding exclusives is a short term solution. They're trying to increase their install base through these exclusives, which would make the platform more appealing to third parties. Third parties don't care about getting perks on a particular system for the most part. What they care about is making sure their titles have a palletable distribution circle in order to justify the expense of a port.

Yeah Nintendo is weird. I think that being traditional trying to court third parties like how Sony and Microsoft are doing isn't going to work, at least not by itself, which is why they're doing this partnership thing to shore up the number of games for their system. Then, through these partnerships, the third parties gain familiarity with the system, get to use Nintendo's IPs for extra exposure, Nintendo gets extra games, third parties mitigate some cost (I assume Nintendo is somewhat funding the development, given they want to have their games beyond a certain quality) and relationships and networks are formed. They're doing this because they are in an awkward position with their relationships to third parties, so it would require a non-traditional approach to get them back. Maybe if this goes well, third parties will come of their own accord (I kinda doubt this will happen though).

If worse comes to worse, Nintendo could always "remaster" their games for their next console. After all, if no one played the games on Wii U, then for all intents and purposes it's a new game for the new console audience.

If exclusives are a short term solution, than what would help them in the long run?

I think that if they keep pushing out exclusives on the WiiU they will end up being fine, they just need to have a regular schedule with no dead time.

First party games are one of the only things to break the catch-22 of "New consoles have no games so no one buys them, but no one wants to make games for it because there's no audience". Another thing that can break it, which happened with Xbone and PS4, is tech lust caused by a long-in-the-tooth console generation.
I hate you.
Why didn't NA get the special edition life is bullshit.
Because NoA.

I want one.

If exclusives are a short term solution, than what would help them in the long run?

I think that if they keep pushing out exclusives on the WiiU they will end up being fine, they just need to have a regular schedule with no dead time.
You can't fix the market. They have to have a good holiday season, and have a powerful 2015.

A price cut isn't feasible, because they just started selling the Wii U at a profit this year.


HOW!? Just- Just HOW!? I killed an orc in Shadows of Mordor by cutting his head off and he fucking came back!

The orc's head shot space ripper eye lasers at another orc, decapitated him with the help of his underling and took over the body with these weird tentacle things coming out of his neck-oriface.

He didn't need to hide in a coffin though, Mordor doesn't have any water.


The orc's head shot space ripper eye lasers at another orc, decapitated him with the help of his underling and took over the body with these weird tentacle things coming out of his neck-oriface.

He didn't need to hide in a coffin though, Mordor doesn't have any water.

He's not as charismatic as DIO.

When I try to explain Jojo to people they always drop out when I mention the tentacle veins


You know, I just went to that bayo 2 ban thread.
It reminded me how much I like the YouTube channel Gaijin Goomba,
It's about video games and culture, mostly Japanese but talk about the others too.I really recommend it


Santa May Claus
If exclusives are a short term solution, than what would help them in the long run?

I think that if they keep pushing out exclusives on the WiiU they will end up being fine, they just need to have a regular schedule with no dead time.

Maybe I should rephrase that. Purchasing and funding exclusives alone isn't going to substantially or remarkably influence the viability of the WiiU console, nor will it make the platform become more appetizing to third parties. The end goal is to increase the install base of hardcore gamers that may not be inherently interested in Nintendo's first party line-up. If they can do that, then they can reasonably argue to third parties that their titles should be on the WiiU.

NCR Redslayer

NeoGAF's Vegeta
You know, I just went to that bayo 2 ban thread.
It reminded me how much I like the YouTube channel Gaijin Goomba,
It's about video games and culture, mostly Japanese but talk about the others too.I really recommend it
You mean the guy that colabs with the Game Theory guy?


Santa May Claus
I'm getting upset at all of the bigoted comments regarding Islam.

You can criticize the politics, but the religion and the ethnic background behind those same politics are off limits.

Many of the comments are bigoted, but to be fair the separation of church and state are far less pronounced, or nonexistent, in many other countries.


I'm getting upset at all of the bigoted comments regarding Islam.

You can criticize the politics, but the religion and the ethnic background behind those same politics are off limits.

Ignorance is everywhere man, most peoples definition of Islam is defined by Al Queda, and ISIS. Which actually doesnt represent Islam at all. They are called extremists for a reason.

The worst part about what happened with islam is that the middle east used to be the pioneers in science and math, and now that shit is being repressed as all fuck. how can you claim to be islamic and then ban math and science!?
I'm getting upset at all of the bigoted comments regarding Islam.

You can criticize the politics, but the religion and the ethnic background behind those same politics are off limits.
It walking a line between criticizing theocracy and being a bit of a total dick. I think a handful of the comments are crossing the line.

As always, it's better than elsewhere on the internet at least.
Was it a good idea back then?
This is somewhat arguable, but nooooooo.

Everyone did it though. Kingship was often associated with divine right. Until the 1700s nobody really actively fought for the seperation of Church and State, outside of the very few places without religion.

I'm speaking with only a basic background in European History and some ancient Roman history. I don't doubt somebody can outclass my explnanation here.
Many of the comments are bigoted, but to be fair the separation of church and state are far less pronounced, or nonexistent, in many other countries.

That sounds like a bad idea to me.

It still exists in America and permeates every little bit of our culture. Puritanical/Protestant values exist in the spectrum of media. We(the viewer) simply don't see how the sausage gets made.

It was a long time when TV existed before cursing, abortion, or criticizing religious based politics are as open as they currently are in TV. Movies as well. Even Nintendo censors games as to avoid backlash of religious based organizations.
It still exists in America and permeates every little bit of our culture. Puritanical/Protestant values exist in the spectrum of media. We(the viewer) simply don't see how the sausage gets made.

It was a long time when TV existed before cursing, abortion, or criticizing religious based politics are as open as they currently are in TV. Movies as well. Even Nintendo censors games as to avoid backlash of religious based organizations.
I don't want to start a argument here, but several organizations have pull in the US, over various places. While colonial history is mired in various forms of Christianity, we have effectively seperated church and state, albeit we haven't changed the hold that the church can have over individual people's moral and opinions who choose to believe in it.

TV and Games aren't being banned, they can still be sold, they're just catering to a wide audience and avoiding backlash. I know you're speaking about the past as well, but that was a time when a huge segment of America believed in those values, and it bled through.

Note that I'm disagreeing, mainly because I'm curious as to your reasoning for that conclusion.
Shadow's of Morder has the best/worst nemesis system ever. You flat out kill someone and they just walk it off

It is really weird. I've killed a guy THREE TIMES and he keeps coming back for more! Like, how?!
Also the way the ground executions work suck. I'm stabbing some uruk on the ground in the head, then I'll counter someone behind me, and if the ground exec animation didn't finish (even if I stabbed the guy in the head) he'll get right back up.
I don't want to start a argument here, but several organizations have pull in the US, over various places. While colonial history is mired in various forms of Christianity, we have effectively seperated church and state, albeit we haven't changed the hold that the church can have over individual people's moral and opinions who choose to beleive it in.

TV and Games aren't being banned, they can still be sold, they're just catering to a wide audience and avoiding backlash. I know you're speaking about the past as well, but that was a time when a huge segment of America believed in those values, and it bled through.

Of course the US can't police moral objections and opinions regarding politics. It would be hypocritical to do so. I'm only pointing out that, as you said, certain groups have bigger pull over others regarding policy/media, and those groups tend to be Christian or some form of Christianity in the US.

Of course that same software/media isn't being banned. The US isn't behooven to Sharia law.

Note that I'm disagreeing, mainly because I'm curious as to your reasoning for that conclusion.

Mainly observational/anecdotal. The US, whether or not the founders admitted to being agnostic or non-Deists, still had to cater to a Deist populous.


It is really weird. I've killed a guy THREE TIMES and he keeps coming back for more! Like, how?!
Also the way the ground executions work suck. I'm stabbing some uruk on the ground in the head, then I'll counter someone behind me, and if the ground exec animation didn't finish (even if I stabbed the guy in the head) he'll get right back up.

Apparently they only stay dead if you decapitate them but I don't know if it's a glitch or something but one guy came back after that.


legacy of cane
It still exists in America and permeates every little bit of our culture. Puritanical/Protestant values exist in the spectrum of media. We(the viewer) simply don't see how the sausage gets made.

It was a long time when TV existed before cursing, abortion, or criticizing religious based politics are as open as they currently are in TV. Movies as well. Even Nintendo censors games as to avoid backlash of religious based organizations.

Bars to Cafes and such.
Of course the US can't police moral objections and opinions regarding politics. It would be hypocritical to do so. I'm only pointing out that, as you said, certain groups have bigger pull over others regarding policy/media, and those groups tend to be Christian or some form of Christianity in the US.

Of course that same software/media isn't being banned. The US isn't behooven to Sharia law.
Ah alright, I understand and agree with your point. I would argue it's more of a broad fault that we have so many influential groups, and that religious ones are just one of many.
Doesn't make it any better though.
Mainly observational/anecdotal. The US, whether or not the founders admitted to being agnostic or non-Deists, still had to cater to a Deist populous.
Exactly. The difference being that they built an infrastructure that works regardless of religion, not one that hinges upon it. It just happened to be for a population of Theists.
In early video games, they changed bars to cafe to remove references to alcohol.

There are some examples in Earthbound.

It was in all the Final Fantasies up to 6 I believe.

Ah ok I follow now. Liam talks about some of that censorship on the podcast.

Even in EB, it wasn't very hard to discern what a bar is and what a "cafe" is. It's silly that NOA assumes children wouldn't know the difference, but they did it to avoid the conversation/controversy.

In Majora's Mask, it's even more obvious with the "milk bar" lol


Sounds about right.

They did the same thing removing crosses (as in crucifix crosses) and references to religion as well to avoid controversy.

Sucks for the SMT franchise lol

To be fair the fact that we got SMT3 and SMT4 is still amazing over all. And now the only thing stopping the game actually getting to places is Atlus.

We've actually come a long way with stuff like that. Hell, in Bayonetta you kill angels


Finally beaten the game. I think this game is just for fans for Korra like me. I enjoyed it.


To be fair the fact that we got SMT3 and SMT4 is still amazing over all. And now the only thing stopping the game actually getting to places is Atlus.

We've actually come a long way with stuff like that. Hell, in Bayonetta you kill angels

I was mainly talking about the 90s, with SMT1 and such.
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