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Super Best Friends Thread 7: FRIENDER65

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Thanks for hearing me out.

Got my stuff done between checking the thread and listening to Silent Hill 3 100%
Now I'm heading off to get as much sleep as I can before class in 6 hours.

Cya. Good night.

i guess i'll post music i am listening too.. Godot Fragrance of Dark coffee

The bitterness of the thread is like the bitterness of this coffee. This dark fragrant hot liquid is life, bitter to the end and just as unforgiving.



Going on-topic, did anyone think this week's podcast was mixed weirdly? Everyone was quiet except Woolie and Pat when he was shouting.


I completely missed this conversation before but....
Good luck with your studies, PG! Don't forget about us, ya hear!?

I'll relay the message to him and all the love and affection from his adoring fans.

She is literally vergil. Also, she has a lot more motivation than ryuko's simple revenge plot that eventually that doesnt really go anywhere. While compared to satsuki who had every right to hate her mom and build a school to fight her. Plus, she built up a whole school, while ryuko was along but powerful. There's more but ehhhhh... I dont want to explain all of it now.. :/ too early for this topic.
Sorry for everyone else who wanted happy fun times in bestGAF.

After catching up, I don't think we can always have funtimes in here. Things from a new KoF Pachinko machine trailer to false hopes of a localized PSO2. That being said, I have problems with my inner demons as well, but it would be way too long to write out since there is a lot more lore and details that needs to be known to understand the situation and I don't wanna trouble you guys with my problems.
Ah SeriousGAF. What an interesting read even when I wasn't able to post. Good thing I was at work when it was happening or I might have exploded all my baggage as well. :p

In other news, I still never could get that damn DS4 to work on my PC games. I just want to play DS1 again and give Lords of the Fallen a shot. =(

Seraphis Cain

bad gameplay lol
Shiiiiiiit, the Idolmaster movie came out like a month ago and I totally missed the news somehow. Well, I know what I'm watching tonight. :D


I say I fear becoming that same monster because I feel tremendous anger at times. It's not explosive, it's seething. I can see myself letting it out.

More often than not, the fear of becoming something you don't want to be is generally what drives people into becoming exactly that.

Everyone is angry at some point in life, doesn't matter what causes it, or why, everyone has stuff going on, a shitty father or mother, shitty situations etc. etc.

But it's how you deal with that anger that is the most important thing, the simple act of being able to recognize that it's there and why it exists is the first step of being able to get past it, many people aren't even capable of that.

Honestly you should probably talk to someone about it, be it professionally or someone close to you that you can simply open up to, talking can do wonders. My suggestion is that you need an outlet for it in the meantime, some kind of physical activity, finding ways to channel it into something productive can turn something as negative as anger into a strength with positive outcomes.


Santa May Claus
I find DMC1 still the hardest of the games in the series mainly because it doesn't have the luxuries that 3 and 4 have with cancelling moves and other shit. You're kinda more committed to moves when you do them, and feels more deliberate.

That's not entirely accurate. DMC1 had jump canceling, roll canceling, and twitch canceling, which allowed for stuck hitstun animations almost like Cody's Final Fight exploit.

Oh, the best abridged series is Code Ment though.
PS2 DMC3 non-SE is the worst. Being locked into "gold" and restarting missions and playing on Japanese Hard sucks.

You're thinking of Yellow Orb mode, and I still think it's the best way to play the game for the first time, personally. Gold Mode is just too lenient. Being able to resurrect on the spot is ridiculous. Having checkpoints/continues is fine, but the only way I'd be okay with Gold Mode is if someone refused to use the items.

Sorry for everyone else who wanted happy fun times in bestGAF.

Edit: ughh.. grammar and spelling all over the place..

Well, I'm super LTTP for this stuff. I hope that sharing helped you sort things out, as it sometimes does. Procrastination and self-defeat are often a circular and self-sustaining downward spiral. If you find something you're passionate about, you should set goals and rewards for yourself. It also helps to have friends that are going through the same thing or attempting the same goal. It helps motivate you.

In terms of stuff like assignments, you pretty much just need to either grit your teeth, focus on the endgame, or fool yourself into thinking its the most interesting thing ever.


Sure, i'll keep that in mind. I don't like burdening others with my own problems, i keep stuff bottled inside.

I'll sum it up short and easy. I do badly, have mentality of trying to improve, do nothing about it and then do badly, etc.. I really only have myself to blame and my procrastination and lack of dedication. There's other stuff i could talk about, but let's not go there... Not yet at least.
...are you me?

We're basically the same person talking to himself with different usernames.
Minimizing it will remove it from the taskbar if that annoys you. Like Maragidyne said, it'll still run in the background

Normally it would yes, but for whatever reason it's not putting it down there anymore and it just stays on screen behind whatever I'm playing. It's no big deal, just a tiny annoyance.

I'll get over it.
Wow that was RealGAF. My problems feel really insignificant to you guys'
Same here. I really don't know what to say, but it at least want to note that I feel for you guys. While much of it comes to self motivation, you can do the this suggested by others here, and it'll have a positive effect.
You're thinking of Yellow Orb mode, and I still think it's the best way to play the game for the first time, personally. Gold Mode is just too lenient. Being able to resurrect on the spot is ridiculous. Having checkpoints/continues is fine, but the only way I'd be okay with Gold Mode is if someone refused to use the items.
That's actually what I did, but it was a self-imposed restriction.

You'll still always be my junior you bastard



I wish Pat read this thread more frequently around the times that I'm awake so I could throw some Evil Within tips his way, like:
- Upgrade only the crit. stat of your handgun to max and do this very soon. Ignore everything else. Use it as your main weapon for regular enemies and aim at the head.
- Enemies usually won't wake up and it's obvious to see when they will. Use matches to burn downed bodies.
- Flash Bolts upgraded to max! Excellent against regular enemies.
- Freeze Bolts and Grenades should be left for (sub-)bosses.
- Upgrade stamina to lvl 3 or 4.
- Do not upgrade life!
- Upgrade capacity for supplies of all kinds as soon as possible! HIGHEST PRIORITY!
- You can upgrade syringe effectiveness when you can.
- Don't lose your way in your mind!
- Reach out to the truth!
- You know what I mean?
Well, LiamTV's are dropping in price real fast. Guess Sony wants to try and make some profit off em somehow.

I still think "Playstation TV" is a bad name, it tells you absolutely nothing about what the thing is. That thing is a motherfucking Vita on your TV, that is literally all it is and that's awesome and probably had a market that doesn't want an actual Vita but doesn't know this thing exists.


I still think "Playstation TV" is a bad name, it tells you absolutely nothing about what the thing is. That thing is a motherfucking Vita on your TV, that is literally all it is and that's awesome and probably had a market that doesn't want an actual Vita but doesn't know this thing exists.

I almost want one so I can play P4G on the monitor I have my PS3 hooked up to.
I still think "Playstation TV" is a bad name, it tells you absolutely nothing about what the thing is. That thing is a motherfucking Vita on your TV, that is literally all it is and that's awesome and probably had a market that doesn't want an actual Vita but doesn't know this thing exists.
It's funny because in their mind, the Vita is too entrenched with failure as a brand, hence the renaming. It's a Vita TV in Japan where the Vita did better.
I still think "Playstation TV" is a bad name, it tells you absolutely nothing about what the thing is. That thing is a motherfucking Vita on your TV, that is literally all it is and that's awesome and probably had a market that doesn't want an actual Vita but doesn't know this thing exists.

I didn't know what the thing was till a few weeks before it came out. Should have called it the Playstation Vita TV or just "Vita TV"
Well, LiamTV's are dropping in price real fast. Guess Sony wants to try and make some profit off em somehow.

Yeah I just caught that myself. Seriously been considering one. Sadly I just bought a video card so I can't afford one.

I already own a Vita so I don't need it for the games but I'd love to play P4G and Freedom Wars on a bigger TV. Mostly for Freedom Wars though so I can play it with a controller because the Vita's controls while acceptable certainly could be better.


I'm in the exact same situation and bought it literally for the same reason you're mentioning here.
I don't really care for the rest too much, I just want to play P4G. That being said, considering the fact that its native output is 720p and I'm on a monitor rather than a TV, it's going to scale down like shit.

Yeah that's the thing, My monitor runs at 1920x1080.
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