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Super Best Friends Thread 7: FRIENDER65

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Yes, but that's mostly because we post way fucking faster now, and he went to Japan for a OT or more.

I really want that to catch on, but I know people won't do it. I'd be there pretty rarely myself.

Is it because of more posters? And how fast were ot 1 and 2?

Most people are on neogaf often so, it's easy to comeback and read stuff missed unlike a chat. Also chat would require more effort which some people dont want to put in.

The IRC and Steam Chat really should be the place where most of the off topic talk happens.

OT1 actually. He was the 4th highest poster. OT1 also had the best balance between off topic and on topic talk.

Steam might work out more, but i feel like people like to not miss out on stuff or have a special thing dedicated for what they do normally.

Repeat of before. Was that due the the new 2 videos scheduling, more posters or just the speed?
Most people are on neogaf often so, it's easy to comeback and read stuff missed unlike a chat. Also chat would require more effort which some people dont want to put in.

Steam might work out more, but i feel like people like to not miss out on stuff or ghave a special thing dedicated for what they do normally.
Yeah, those are both problems, and I'm not sure how a move to use them more would go, but we could try?

I think OT1 was a couple months.
Is it because of more posters? And how fast were ot 1 and 2?

Most people are on neogaf often so, it's easy to comeback and read stuff missed unlike a chat. Also chat would require more effort which some people dont want to put in.

Steam might work out more, but i feel like people like to not miss out on stuff or ghave a special thing dedicated for what they do normally.

Repeat of before. Was that due the the new 2 videos scheduling, more posters or just the speed?

OT1 was the slowest thread. They've been getting progressively faster.

It's not the end of the world if you miss out on a topic. We'll probably bring it up again.
No one is saying we have to stay on topic 24-7. Only that on topic talk should be equal or greater than the off topic talk.

It's hard to stay on topic when it's 2 videos a day. Most people know what kind of thread this is by now but, if you wanna talk about the zaibatsu or have a question or wanna talk about the videos, we're usually good at that.

It's also hard to talk about their videos, because of the fact that they're playing such new games that others want to play. If they played a game from the ps2 era and older it'd be a lot easier to talk about.

Not to say I should question their LP decisions, just explaining the mentality behind our discussions being OT.
Bah, too many people to respond to just to say thanks to each one. You people move too damn fast in the mornings.

Yeah, I've heard approval could take a while but I was't expecting anywhere close to that long. Ah well, it's over and done with now.

If you think you're weird. Don't worry there are weirder people here.

I'm okay with that. Weird is my thing.

Welcome fellow junior, I feel like I've seen your avatar somewhere before

It's from Gintama. A character named Kyubei.


Santa May Claus
Is it because of more posters? And how fast were ot 1 and 2?

Most people are on neogaf often so, it's easy to comeback and read stuff missed unlike a chat. Also chat would require more effort which some people dont want to put in.

But people don't read stuff missed in the thread because people will pop in and ask if anything happened in the past three pages.

OT1 and 2 were pretty fast. The difference is that it wasn't a race. And threads really shouldn't be races to finish anyway.

Gamer Y

That people play, what was a single player game, for the multiplayer
Well it wasn't always like that, but as I got with a group to play it was the more appealing portion. Then as the later games came out, I just played the SP to get the story and sometimes there were bonus stuff in MP if you do the SP. It was different multiplayer than just FPS and the like. Has anyone else played the AC series MP?
Bah, too many people to respond to just to say thanks to each one. You people move too damn fast in the mornings.

Yeah, I've heard approval could take a while but I was't expecting anywhere close to that long. Ah well, it's over and done with now.

mine took something like 6 months to get activated, it is a hit and miss procedure.

Welcome by the way, forgot to say it earlier


Isn't the whole reason for this being in Community that we can talk about more or less anything?

No. The Persona Community thread also originally had this problem too. Community threads are for general conversation on the subject of the community thread. At least it's is for games. So someone saying "I want to talk about Sonic stuff" would go into the Sonic Community thread. It would suck to go into said thread and see everyone discussing Gurren Lagann or something.

The thing with the SBF Community thread is that SBF covers a lot of stuff, from the playthroughs to whatever the hell they mention on the podcast, which ranges from movies, to anime, to games. So the line becomes vague when knowing what's off topic and what isn't. I know posting random lewd pictures definitely is off topic though :p
I can understand why people are bitching about the thread being off-topic. How much of the last thread was actually about SBF and not random stuff?

Anyway, reposting:

Does anyone have a link to the Asian Ironman .gif that Woolie mentions in the podcast?

A decent amount IMO. We usually stick to their kind of topics when we discuss, other than the really OT shit. A lot of people talk about EVA here because of Pats love for EVA. We talk about smash because of their love for smash, etc. I don't really consider that stuff OT.
Are you sure you didnt just misplace it:

It's probably around here somewhere, but I've checked every place it might be and might not be, so I'm pretty much SOL until I randomly find it down the road.

I mostly talk about Anime here because I don't care much for the Anime thread and usually just post Manga and Lightnovel stuff in the Manga thread.
Also I talk about recent games on here too, since they are still a gaming channel.

I really don't like Anime/MangaGAF just because it's for the most part only current stuff and they don't use spoiler tags for discussion. As where here is a place of like minded people who often watch most of the same stuff.
The thing with the SBF Community thread is that SBF covers a lot of stuff, from the playthroughs to whatever the hell they mention on the podcast, which ranges from movies, to anime, to games. So the line becomes vague when knowing what's off topic and what isn't.
A decent amount IMO. We usually stick to their kind of topics when we discuss, other than the really OT shit. A lot of people talk about EVA here because of Pats love for EVA. We talk about smash because of their love for smash, etc. I don't really consider that stuff OT.
This is what I think is basically fine. We had this same discussion of being too off topic like 4-5 threads ago, and this was the reasoning behind it being fine. I think we cross that line much more now than ever, however. People post random images unrelated to even the current discussion.
Hey, I just got here. Let me get my bearings first!
You came at a weird time. Bear with our super cereal discussion.


Yeah, those are both problems, and I'm not sure how a move to use them more would go, but we could try?

I think OT1 was a couple months.

We did try and it didnt work so well. We could try again with different things and see what works.

Hmm.. that's pretty slow compared to now.

OT1 was the slowest thread. They've been getting progressively faster.

It's not the end of the world if you miss out on a topic. We'll probably bring it up again.

Ic. That might be due to new blood joining and posting their opinions etc.

Yep, but you do miss out on jokes and things. Some people might care a lot, and others might not.

This might be off base but it's also the community they built/have? Some of us are a bunch of nerds who like similar stuff as the SBF and gotten into things due to the SBF. Some arent the same and just like their content and some other stuff.
The thing with the SBF Community thread is that SBF covers a lot of stuff, from the playthroughs to whatever the hell they mention on the podcast, which ranges from movies, to anime, to games. So the line becomes vague when knowing what's off topic and what isn't. I know posting random lewd pictures definitely is off topic though :p

That's true, but a lot of times the off topic talk has nothing do with SBF at all. I can understand talking about a certain game or an anime or whatever if the SBF talked about it, but if they don't then I don't see why it should be discussed in here.

I don't know about the rest of you guys but I post here because I like talking to you guys.

I like talking to everyone in here as well. If I didn't then I wouldn't be in the shame car all the time. Still, we should have a separate place to talk about most of the off topic stuff. (e.g. the steam chat or IRC)


That's what I do. ALOT of people in this thread need to find someplace else. I'm trying to say it in the most nicest way but Were just going too fast.

We are going a little fast, though this has kind of been my off-topic place of choice a little. (At least on Neogaf)

Though I have been branching out more, maybe I should just bite the bullet and just get a Skype for the writing forum I'm apart of.
No. The Persona Community thread also originally had this problem too. Community threads are for general conversation on the subject of the community thread. At least it's is for games. So someone saying "I want to talk about Sonic stuff" would go into the Sonic Community thread. It would suck to go into said thread and see everyone discussing Gurren Lagann or something.

The thing with the SBF Community thread is that SBF covers a lot of stuff, from the playthroughs to whatever the hell they mention on the podcast, which ranges from movies, to anime, to games. So the line becomes vague when knowing what's off topic and what isn't. I know posting random lewd pictures definitely is off topic though :p

Ah, I thought that the point of communities was for threads that were just a gathering place for that community but not necessarily about that thing in particular.

That's true, but a lot of times the off topic talk has nothing do with SBF at all. I can understand talking about a certain game or an anime or whatever if the SBF talked about it, but if they don't then I don't see why it should be discussed in here.

I think part of that issue is that conversations sort of shift what they're about and may start on topic then drift much farther away from it. There are some posts that seem to be more or less Facebook status updates, though. And then there's things the the Best Friends talk about in such general terms, anime seeming to be a big one of them, that talking about it is sort of on topic and not. But that's how it is for any online community, not Friender specific.
I don't know about the rest of you guys but I post here because I like talking to you guys.

Same. You guys are cool and we have a lot of common ground. We talk about stuff nobody I know in real life wants to talk about, so it's an outlet for that. As for the actual threads, nothing against it and I love NeoGAF, but this place is honestly not the best place for discussion in most threads. Even OTs it's just a lot of "I got to this point in the game. I do/don't like this part." At least in my experiences. Any discussion mostly comes down to people just randomly and wildly disagreeing.


I'm okay with that. Weird is my thing.

Dont expect anything weird all the time, we've been trying to clean up.

But people don't read stuff missed in the thread because people will pop in and ask if anything happened in the past three pages.

OT1 and 2 were pretty fast. The difference is that it wasn't a race. And threads really shouldn't be races to finish anyway.

Ah, true. I forgot not everyone reads the old posts. I do, foolishly... i love it though.

I think it's just unintentional we "race" to end of the OT? We just cover so much, like what other people have said, since the SBF cover a lot.

If i'm wrong, just call me out on it. I dont mind.
late reply but i had no idea Karissa was a fraud
really surprising
also i just got back from picking up Tales of Hearts R and Binding of Isaac Rebirth
I don't know about the rest of you guys but I post here because I like talking to you guys.

Yeah that is part of the reason I'm here as well. Of course I love SBFP and it is great to have a place to talk about them but we have discovered that what seems like a great deal of the thread have similar tastes and interests and have literally formed a community around SBFP.
Ah, I thought that the point of communities was for threads that were just a gathering place for that community but not necessarily about that thing in particular.
I don't know about the rest of you guys but I post here because I like talking to you guys.
Same. You guys are cool and we have a lot of common ground. We talk about stuff nobody anybody I know in real life wants to talk about, so it's an outlet for that. As for the actual threads, nothing against it and I love NeoGAF, but this place is honestly not the best place for discussion in most threads. Even OTs it's just a lot of "I got to this point in the game. I do/don't like this part." At least in my experiences. Any discussion mostly comes down to people just randomly and wildly disagreeing.
That's the big thing. I fucking adore this community. We're like the biggest bros and everybody is really nice and awesome. I just wish we weren't dragging down the SBF with us, somewhat.

No matter if anything changes or not, you guys are as real as internet friends can get.
There's nothing wrong with having discussions among those whom you share common ground with, but if you wanted to have a conversation then that may be something you'd want to take to something like an instant messenger service as opposed to a public forum.

I mean, you wouldn't stand in the middle of a group of people at a social gathering and rabble on about the latest Madoka episode around people who could care less about it would you?

Not that I personally mind, but I know some people hate that kind of stuff. :p
Same. You guys are cool and we have a lot of common ground. We talk about stuff nobody I know in real life wants to talk about, so it's an outlet for that. As for the actual threads, nothing against it and I love NeoGAF, but this place is honestly not the best place for discussion in most threads. Even OTs it's just a lot of "I got to this point in the game. I do/don't like this part." At least in my experiences. Any discussion mostly comes down to people just randomly and wildly disagreeing.

Yeah, the only time that OTs seem to work is when they're about some online or Gacha game, like League of Legends or Puzzle and Dragons, where people can at least discuss builds and strategies and shit. Though a lot of Gacha ones seem to be primarily "Look I pulled this SS rank!" or whatever the game calls it's high tier.


Same. You guys are cool and we have a lot of common ground. We talk about stuff nobody I know in real life wants to talk about, so it's an outlet for that. As for the actual threads, nothing against it and I love NeoGAF, but this place is honestly not the best place for discussion in most threads. Even OTs it's just a lot of "I got to this point in the game. I do/don't like this part." At least in my experiences. Any discussion mostly comes down to people just randomly and wildly disagreeing.

This too, I like talking to you guys, plus unlike a lot of other places, this place is actually active most of the time.


That's the big thing. I fucking adore this community. We're like the biggest bros and everybody is really nice and awesome. I just wish we weren't dragging down the SBF with us, somewhat.

No matter if anything changes or not, you guys are as real as internet friends can get.

Aww.. <3 bffs forever.

*spock quote about always being my friend*
too lazy to actually find the correct phrase.
That's the big thing. I fucking adore this community. We're like the biggest bros and everybody is really nice and awesome. I just wish we weren't dragging down the SBF with us, somewhat.

No matter if anything changes or not, you guys are as real as internet friends can get.

I have plenty of friends online, but this community is the best collection of people I've been a part of. You guys are awesome and no matter how these threads inevitably die down the road, I've really enjoyed talking to you all.


Santa May Claus
Ah, true. I forgot not everyone reads the old posts. I do, foolishly... i love it though.

I think it's just unintentional we "race" to end of the OT? We just cover so much, like what other people have said, since the SBF cover a lot.

If i'm wrong, just call me out on it. I dont mind.

That's not foolish. That's how threads work. That's how a forum functions and it's what people are supposed to do rather than ask about it.

I think there's an underlying desire to finish threads for whatever reason. Also to get on the wall of shame. It results in a lot of actual random posting.
Same. You guys are cool and we have a lot of common ground. We talk about stuff nobody I know in real life wants to talk about, so it's an outlet for that. As for the actual threads, nothing against it and I love NeoGAF, but this place is honestly not the best place for discussion in most threads. Even OTs it's just a lot of "I got to this point in the game. I do/don't like this part." At least in my experiences. Any discussion mostly comes down to people just randomly and wildly disagreeing.

Welcome to Internet forums.

it's ok Aaron, I'll gladly talk JRPGs with you anyday(oh and Kuroko).

So may I ask, what exactly is on topic for the Best Friends?

They cover a whole lot with their content.
That's not foolish. That's how threads work. That's how a forum functions and it's what people are supposed to do rather than ask about it.

I think there's an underlying desire to finish threads for whatever reason. It results in a lot of actual random posting.

I don't feel the asking if they've missed anything is a sign of wanting to get through the thread quicker, but more that they'd rather just get right back into posting and talking than spending time going back through and asking if anything was missed makes it easy to just join in and go back if you need to.

Yo post some impressions when you get in to it pls

whaddup frienders, I've missed a lot holy hell

Welcome back! I've missed your avatar.

I'll also be playing Tales today and I'll post impressions, but I lost my charger so I have to wait until I can borrow a friend's in order to play.


That's not foolish. That's how threads work. That's how a forum functions and it's what people are supposed to do rather than ask about it.

I think there's an underlying desire to finish threads for whatever reason. It results in a lot of actual random posting.

nah, foolish because i could be doing other things :p

Is there? Hmm.. maybe, i've never had it. But i cant speak for everyone i suppose.

Yo post some impressions when you get in to it pls

whaddup frienders, I've missed a lot holy hell
Yes you have. Read up the old stuff or have some one summarize it for you if you care.
I think there's an underlying desire to finish threads for whatever reason. Also to get on the wall of shame. It results in a lot of actual random posting.
It's more that people are just talking on here due to boredom and common interests, I think. People who are fans of LP channels have a lot of free time.
There's nothing wrong with having discussions among those whom you share common ground with, but if you wanted to have a conversation then that may be something you'd want to take to something like an instant messenger service as opposed to a public forum.

I mean, you wouldn't stand in the middle of a group of people at a social gathering and rabble on about the latest Madoka episode around people who could care less about it would you?
Well the funny part is that we all share the same interests, so it kinda ends up that everyone will actually answer you, generally. Some people post things nobody answers, but *shrug*
I have plenty of friends online, but this community is the best collection of people I've been a part of. You guys are awesome and no matter how these threads inevitably die down the road, I've really enjoyed talking to you all.
I don't know what you're talking about, these threads will never end LALALALA


Santa May Claus
I don't feel the asking if they've missed anything is a sign of wanting to get through the thread quicker, but more that they'd rather just get right back into posting and talking than spending time going back through and asking if anything was missed makes it easy to just join in and go back if you need to.

I don't think it is either. Those were really two separate issues and answers to two separate questions.

I'm just saying that it's a thread, and not a chatroom. The discussion is preserved for a reason.
That's the big thing. I fucking adore this community. We're like the biggest bros and everybody is really nice and awesome. I just wish we weren't dragging down the SBF with us, somewhat.

No matter if anything changes or not, you guys are as real as internet friends can get.

I wasn't expecting it to get this real today, but I share all these sentiments.
Even though I skipped out on a couple of the threads, it's still my favorite group on the internet.

Maybe we should make an Off Topic Community at this point if it's too much of an issue :T


Welcome back! I've missed your avatar.

I'll also be playing Tales today and I'll post impressions, but I lost my charger so I have to wait until I can borrow a friend's in order to play.

Ah nice, I wanna pick it up but will probably hold off till next month, I look forward to seeing you guy's impressions of it

Yes you have. Read up the old stuff or have some one summarize it for you if you care.

I'll flick back a few pages and give the thread a read at some point
Welcome to Internet forums.
it's ok Aaron, I'll gladly talk JRPGs with you anyday(oh and Kuroko).
So may I ask, what exactly is on topic for the Best Friends?
They cover a whole lot with their content.

That's what I'm saying, this, as big and more in touch as this place is compared to other forums, it's still a forum and suffers from most of those same issues.

New season is supposedly next year, get hype.

And I think most people see "On topic" as strictly the SBF content or things they directly referenced in a recent video/podcast. Like if we were to discuss Too Many Cooks, that would be seen as on topic, but if we were to just discuss JoJo again, that could be seen as off topic.

I personally view most game/anime/tv/movie discussion as on topic, since that's most of what the podcast is about with their LPs really only being a thing at the very end.
So may I ask, what exactly is on topic for the Best Friends?

They cover a whole lot with their content.

I'd consider talking about their videos/podcasts and sbf fan stuff to be on topic. If they bring up a new game or anime or something then that's fine too. However, posting your impressions on games/anime you're playing/watching, linking threads from other places on GAF, or anything similar is pretty much off topic. If you want to talk about those things with other frienders then just do it in a chat or something.
That's the big thing. I fucking adore this community. We're like the biggest bros and everybody is really nice and awesome. I just wish we weren't dragging down the SBF with us, somewhat.

No matter if anything changes or not, you guys are as real as internet friends can get.

True dat. And it's not like we don't discuss TBF or something, we just have it framed by a shit ton of other off topic stuff. But I have a feeling that the Friends probably wouldn't have a problem with their thread being off topic, seeing as how they seem to have trouble staying on topic themselves. Though I guess it can be a hindrance to spreading the good word of the Zaibatsu since some people might not be as familiar with online communities and won't be comfortable with just jumping in. I'm just thankful that I've been using the internet actively and have been part of enough communities since I was like eight or something, so I have no problem with just coming in. If only I could figure out how to do that in real life.

I mean, you wouldn't stand in the middle of a group of people at a social gathering and rabble on about the latest Madoka episode around people who could care less about it would you?

If there were other people that I would be talking about it with, I totally would. Heck, when I wasn't helping my friend who had a panic attack, I spent the majority of my high school prom talking about Soul Eater and My Little Pony. I wouldn't try to shove it on someone that doesn't care, but when I'm in a subgrouping at a gathering with people that share the same interests, I'll talk about whatever the group finds interesting.

I have plenty of friends online, but this community is the best collection of people I've been a part of. You guys are awesome and no matter how these threads inevitably die down the road, I've really enjoyed talking to you all.

I think the fact that this community is so general is what makes it so great. We have people from everywhere talking about nearly anything. It's beautiful.

They cover a whole lot with their content.

Yeah, that's what I was saying earlier. Staying on topic is nearly impossible because the Zaibatsu play a lot of games and talk about pretty much anything during the LPs, and even more random shit during the podcast.

Honestly, us being off topic could be the most on topic thing we could do, as the Zaibatsu are off topic all the friggen time. Do they even have much of a topic themselves?
However, posting your impressions on games/anime you're playing/watching, linking threads from other places on GAF, or anything similar is pretty much off topic. If you want to talk about those things with other frienders then just do it in a chat or something.

I think the reason this place has become like this is because it's legitimately hard to have actual discussions on GAF. And like everyone has said, chats are just really inconvenient, as where this is right here on GAF, which a lot of us are already on a lot.

I do think the posting of other threads is a little much, but even then it leads to some interesting discussion from time to time.

Also, for game/anime impressions, I'm way more likely to watch or play any of those now that people I have a baseline for what their tastes are are recommending it to me. I'm more interested in hearing the impressions from someone I'm familiar with than a random person on here.
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