It can't play Tearaway, thus it is useless to me.
I have never had any remote interest in Tearaway, I'm sure it's good, but I just don't care.
But portability! So do you not regret getting a VitaTV?
At least not yet.
So is Tales of Hearts R everything you wanted and more?
Sadly weeb games and JRPGs seem to be stuck on handhelds
It's probably my favorite Tales game since Symphonia, at least so far. The cast is really likable, the combat takes elements from Graces F, the driving force so far is clear and has an obvious gain every time you do the thing, the music is great, the leveling system is awesome and I actually really like this method of getting new items, not more than just finding or buying them, but it's probably the best alternative I've seen. There's an actual fucking overworld, which is awesome, even if it's super linear and functions the same as Graces', but the illusion of it is much appreciated. So far, I love this game.
And yeah, that's always sucked, but now I have a Vita TV, so it's all good, baby! I'll totally pick up Senran Kagura now just to have another thing to play on here.