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Super Best Friends Thread 8: "You know, we really are the Super Best Friends Play"

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There's a shitstorm based on so little? Geez. I don't even want to look.

I wouldn't say shitstorm. I haven't read that much of the thread to be honest but basically its just people getting hyped out of their fucking brains and then people saying its gonna be shit because the world is kinda barren and other nit picky stuff of an early demo.
This game award thing is going to take forever. It's nearly three hours and that's going to take ages to render and upload n shit jeez.
Maybe edit it like the Xbox E3 show
I wouldn't say shitstorm. I haven't read that much of the thread to be honest but basically its just people getting hyped out of their fucking brains and then people saying its gonna be shit because the world is kinda barren and other nit picky stuff of an early demo.


Over it. Just gonna enjoy it.


Guys I need help... it's 3 am and im watching Hackers again...
Nah, they were decided by a panel of industry peeps, reviewers mainly I think.
I checked up on that guy that tweeted about being happy Bayo 2 didn't win, and hes pretty much a nobody from what I can tell. the kind of guy you'd read make a review of a 2 weeks old game in a newspaper kinda reviewer.
So I think ive finally come down from my Naruto high that ive been experiencing for the past week and I think im ready to return to gaf full time
So I think ive finally come down from my Naruto high that ive been experiencing for the past week and I think im ready to return to gaf full time

I've honestly been considering going back and watching the entire series again. I probably will once the anime ends.

I'm hoping it'll have the same effect as One Piece where watching/reading it weekly isn't great but hitting everything in bursts makes it godlike.
I've honestly been considering going back and watching the entire series again. I probably will once the anime ends.

I'm hoping it'll have the same effect as One Piece where watching/reading it weekly isn't great but hitting everything in bursts makes it godlike.
The anime is apparently gonna continue even after the manga ends so I wouldnt wait. The mangas already done so just read that, the last canon thing just came out today so youre not missing out on much.
The anime is apparently gonna continue even after the manga ends so I wouldnt wait. The mangas already done so just read that, the last canon thing just came out today so youre not missing out on much.

I keep up with manga, so I already know everything. What do you mean today though? Chapter 700 was weeks ago. >.>

And by the anime ending, I mean the epilogue with "Where are they now" that was in chapter 700. Once that airs, I want to go back to episode 1 of Pre-Shippuuden and watch it.
Hey guys whats better as a animal representing a boxing character who uses exploding punches.
a dragon, a tiger, a lion, or a wolf.
either an animal or was thinking having him represented by a demon
Literal explosions. His technique involves turning his own will power into energy and usually uses it as thrusters on his elbow to increase the rocket power of his punches, or just have his fist explode on impact.

Does it have to be an animal or a demon? What you've described sounds like exactly how a Jaeger punches.

Gipsy Danger to be exact.
I just sat here for the last three and a half hours guiding my friend through the rest of Dark Souls. He only had three bosses left at the beginning of the night and now still has two. It's one of the most infuriating things I've ever sat through. He sat outside the
Four Kings
' boss room for five minutes because he thought there might have been another ghost. Literally five minutes of me saying "There's nothing."
I just sat here for the last three and a half hours guiding my friend through the rest of Dark Souls. He only had three bosses left at the beginning of the night and now still has two. It's one of the most infuriating things I've ever sat through. He sat outside the
Four Kings
' boss room for five minutes because he thought there might have been another ghost. Literally five minutes of me saying "There's nothing."
That sounds infuriating. I can't do it. It would drive me insane.
That sounds infuriating. I can't do it. It would drive me insane.

He insisted on using the fog ring for the run to the boss door, then forgot to switch it back to the covenant of artorias and died. I'm gonna go crazy, but if I don't make him play it then he'll never finish it and we'll never get to do an LP.
He insisted on using the fog ring for the run to the boss door, then forgot to switch it back to the covenant of artorias and died. I'm gonna go crazy, but if I don't make him play it then he'll never finish it and we'll never get to do an LP.
This guy needs to git gud at inventory management.
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