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Super Smash Bros. for 3DS & Wii U DLC |OT2| Lucas comes out of Nowhere!

Unbalanced doesn't mean less fun though. I also do find the discovery of different custom sets and seeing people use moves or characters people thought sucked very interesting.

Now if it devolves into a bunch of DKs and Villagers winning tourneys, sure, but I think the potential is too much to drop right away. There's already some tech against DK Kong Cyclone and such.

I don't think it's bad for people to prefer non customs since it has less jank and more balance changes done to it, but I think it's dumb people want to drop customs so early on.

Sure, and don't get me wrong, I still enjoy playing customs on here. By and large, most of them are harmless and help the overall game. Obviously when you have so many movesets with Smash's type of physics, you are going to run into problems. I wish Nintendo would patch up customs too. Being ahead with 10% vs the other guy's 120% on last stock, standing close to the center of the stage, and DK's upB recovery teleporting you directly under the stage can be frustrating, lol



Here's a video for Sheik against DK Kong Cyclone. Also you can air dodge and drop down if all the hits don't hit you during Kong Cyclone with all characters. Command grabs work decently too (Wario Bite) It's a really strong move but I feel there's some tech people aren't using enough yet or have yet to discover.
Characters like Fox can punish it for free with up smash if DK doesn't cancel it properly!

Here's a video for Sheik against DK Kong Cyclone. Also you can air dodge and drop down if all the hits don't hit you during Kong Cyclone with all characters. Command grabs work decently too (Wario Bite) It's a really strong move but I feel there's some tech people aren't using enough yet or have yet to discover.

The air dodge is 50-50 at best. Most other counters are situational dependent on the character, so most don't have those options. It also doesn't take into account the sometimes unintentional physics of the move, like the example I posted above, but perhaps something new will show up. Honestly all Nintendo has to do is shrink that windbox in considerably, heh


If the 2nd hit don't hit you, you can air dodge out. I've done it consistently more than 50:50. Hawaii had a DK player and we've been playing with customs before the rest of the country so we've had practice against it.
It could use some balance changes yes just so other characters can punish it easier without getting windbox jank'd.
If the 2nd hit don't hit you, you can air dodge out. I've done it consistently more than 50:50. Hawaii had a DK player and we've been playing with customs before the rest of the country so we've had practice against it.
It could use some balance changes yes just so other characters can punish it easier without getting windbox jank'd.

Well either you are having great luck or I am having bad luck because I don't know how I can improve my strategy of using two air dodge buttons during the move, lol.
I don't know. Even me not being particularly good, it's bothersome that Smash Bros. players have a habit of considering a problem "solved" only because a potential counter exists. It doesn't mitigate the problem, it only means it isn't necessarily totally broken. But people will take its mere existence as a game-changer. Such as the legendary "Diddy is easy to gimp," or "down throw up air is easy to DI," neither of which we saw being put into practice even at the current highest levels of competition. What about characters who rely on off-stage or their aerials for KO's? Guess they're just out of luck, huh? Ground-based characters trying to fight trip seed and exploding balloons? Just completely blows up the neutral game with no effort on the part of Villager. Having trouble getting KO's as Pikachu, the character's main shortcoming? No more, now he has Zero Suit's paralyzer! I feel like customs simplify the game more than they add any nuance or complexity.


Customs have only been around in the meta for several months. It's not a Smash Bros player thing, it's just not having a knee jerk reaction and willing to let the meta figure stuff out. How many Villagers and DKs have won a major tourney? There's so much we don't understand about the game yet. It could be proven to be crazy toxic to the meta, which is concerning, but I don't like that people are basically giving up so early on. All characters have something they can use against Villager using ledge stalling with Explosive Balloons as well.

I do think Pikachu's paralyzer is probably the biggest offender of a strong and possibly broken custom, mainly because he's on a better character than Kong Cyclone on DK, but luckily nobody but ESAM can use him at a better level. They should nerf the knockback and/or nerf Heavy Skull Bash so he doesn't get a ridiculous reward out of it.
I don't know. Even me not being particularly good, it's bothersome that Smash Bros. players have a habit of considering a problem "solved" only because a potential counter exists. It doesn't mitigate the problem, it only means it isn't necessarily totally broken. But people will take its mere existence as a game-changer. Such as the legendary "Diddy is easy to gimp," or "down throw up air is easy to DI," neither of which we saw being put into practice even at the current highest levels of competition. What about characters who rely on off-stage or their aerials for KO's? Guess they're just out of luck, huh? Ground-based characters trying to fight trip seed and exploding balloons? Just completely blows up the neutral game with no effort on the part of Villager. Having trouble getting KO's as Pikachu, the character's main shortcoming? No more, now he has Zero Suit's paralyzer! I feel like customs simplify the game more than they add any nuance or complexity.

I see your points. Ultimately, one of the main selling points behind adding custom moves was that it would add diversity and options to each character. What we are learning is that there is really one ideal move set for each character that everyone uses


I see your points. Ultimately, one of the main selling points behind adding custom moves was that it would add diversity and options to each character. What we are learning is that there is really one ideal move set for each character that everyone uses

I disagree with the latter for some characters. Even with something like DK, there's a handful of other moves you'd want. It's not just a simple "pick Kong Cyclone" and done, there's different charge punches, different hand slap downBs, that benefit in different match ups.

I dunno, I do think the fact that EVO isn't allowing import of customs make for a lot of locals to not allow it as well, making experimentation less likely. :/
I'm just waiting for people, especially in the American scene, to branch out beyond Sheik, Mario, Captain Falcon, probably Fox. I know they're good and it works, but it feels like they're deathly afraid to give other characters a chance. And I don't just mean Yoshi, I mean Greninja, Meta Knight, Mega Man, even Peach or Falco or Ike, especially after those last two have been buffed. Why is Kirby still considered low tier even though he goes even with or has an advantage against several high/ top tier characters? Isn't that the opposite of what puts a character in low tier? Why is Robin still low or even bottom tier when she/ he has incredibly strong spacing, off-stage, and KO setups (yes, I know run speed and grab range/ speed are terrible). I feel like people are so eager to talk about customs as "expanding" the metagame when seemingly so few people will bother developing what we already have.


I feel like people are so eager to talk about customs as "expanding" the metagame when seemingly so few people will bother developing what we already have.
But you can do both with customs on? I use 1111 Mario in certain matchups for example because default cape is better at reflecting than Gust Cape. It's also not a surprise the 2 DK players with results also do well in customs off. They utilize the customs well but they don't let that affect the development of their character's meta, and instead have it complement their toolset. I do think some bad Villager and other players do use some customs as a crutch but a good player will outplay them.

Kirby is definitely good in this game. Smashboards' Characters Impressions thread thinks that he's decent. Places like Reddit and Eventhubs think otherwise, but they also highly underrate characters like Charizard.


I can play for a bit now. 1v1/2v2s, anyone?

Edit: I thought you were already paired up with somebody else, AnkiRendan. Want to play? Just in case, my NNID's the same as my GAF username.


Not sure if I have you added, but I'll play you until we can get a 2v2 going, if you'd like. My NNID is the same as my GAF name.

Heh, you replied before my edit. I'll add you now.

Edit: Looks like we've added each other already. Did you already host or shall I host instead? Also, what's your Smash name? Mine's フリアン.
I'm just waiting for people, especially in the American scene, to branch out beyond Sheik, Mario, Captain Falcon, probably Fox. I know they're good and it works, but it feels like they're deathly afraid to give other characters a chance. And I don't just mean Yoshi, I mean Greninja, Meta Knight, Mega Man, even Peach or Falco or Ike, especially after those last two have been buffed. Why is Kirby still considered low tier even though he goes even with or has an advantage against several high/ top tier characters? Isn't that the opposite of what puts a character in low tier? Why is Robin still low or even bottom tier when she/ he has incredibly strong spacing, off-stage, and KO setups (yes, I know run speed and grab range/ speed are terrible). I feel like people are so eager to talk about customs as "expanding" the metagame when seemingly so few people will bother developing what we already have.
Bingo, my sentiment exactly.

Everyone is so eager to add customs, for more options and more answers. The problem isn't solely that they're unbalanced and weren't designed with competitive play, it's that we're turning to them too quickly, without developing our meta under normal circumstances first. How can we say certain things don't have answers if not only the playerbase isn't skilled enough but not experienced enough to know this to be true?

I want us to revert to a competitive meta without customs not because I think they're not competitive, but because I want us to explore our characters' options without them. I can win Fox vs. Mewtwo handily with a Blaster custom and some grabs into Twisting Fox, but without them the matchup becomes a very different one. We need to research those matchups first before everything becomes reliant on special moves.
Heh, you replied before my edit. I'll add you now.

Edit: Looks like we've added each other already. Did you already host or shall I host instead? Also, what's your Smash name? Mine's フリアン.

Oh, so we do have each other! You can host! My Smash name is Travisty.


Honestly I'd want a meta where we can have both customs and non custom tourneys (doesn't necessarily have to both be at the same major, but for both to have a healthy tourney scene) with good turnouts but I'm not sure how feasible that is especially when some of the more vocal Smash community people can't even get along with who to pick as commentary. That whole Prog EVO thing was embarrassing.
Oops, didn't mean to taunt...

How in the hell did that f-smash hit?! O_O

Edit: Man, I dropped that hard...my Toon Link is absolutely awful today.


The stage was the MVP this match... that was really weird.

I also think none of the custom fruits are as good as the default ones. At least with the default all of them have a use, but with customs you end up neutering about half of them per custom (with the key being bad in both of them).


The idea behind customs is great, but moves like DK's upB and Villager's camp seed are very good counter arguments. It's why I have slowly shifted back to non custom play. I can see the problem.

There was a recent video on this. The recent patch should have killed Villager's custom camping strategy pretty good too, which was never truly viable enough to win a tournament anyway.

That said, I sympathize with some of the customs jank, and certainly wouldn't want ESAM to kill me the way he's been killing some people in tournaments lately. I agree with the assertion that part of the reason we went to customs was because it seemed like Diddy was so in control of the meta that the community was desperate to find something else. Diddy play was no fun to watch, a Diddy ditto was just two players hiding in their shield waiting for one Diddy to throw his banana first.

But admitting that, I don't want to see customs go away. As a Bowser main I just can't give up dash slash without a fight. DK, Ganondorf, Bowser, Charizard, Lucina, Palutena, Mii characters and others all gain from customs without becoming crazy high tier. Recent customs tier lists don't put any of these characters in high tier, IIRC. But customs give these characters (and some I surely missed) a chance where they had none. Other characters gain options depending on playstyle (Mega Man, Dedede, Falco, Fox (ok maybe a bit more than that), Diddy, Lucario, Samus and others. To take all these things away really sucks. I'd much rather ban exploitable customs than see them go away, and I say this while playing a character that loses many customs matchups. What happens at EVO may well lead to some of those future bans, we'll see. ESAM is probably going to force the issue.

I understand the negatives of customs. I think the benefits outweigh them, barring a few exceptions. I totally get that customs can create lazy play, but it's up to the opponent to punish that lazy play and force the lazy player to work. Given time, this will happen.

There are at least a couple more patches coming for Smash 4. A reasonable nerf (ie not what they did to Diddy this month) to Sheik and Rosalina (maybe Luigi/Pikachu also), some more low tier buffs, a couple exploitable customs banned and we're looking at a pretty balanced game. It takes practice to avoid or learn how to deal with certain moves? Big deal, it takes way more practice to wave dash and L cancel, and I don't see Melee players bitching. The Smash 4 scene has plenty of time to figure stuff out.


Good games, JulianImp! Sorry but I have to go for now!

Okay, good games!

Be careful with grab releases near the edge, since I seemed to be able to get you a couple of times simply by doing that.

Also... FFS, Pac-Man, grab things faster! I think you could hit him with a Warlock Punch in the time it takes him to recover from that nefarious grab animation.

For now, I guess I'll be open for some 2v2s if enough people show up.


Don't know why Rosalina would need nerfs, she hasn't won any huge tournaments yet, and the only good Rosalina player is Dabuz, lol.
Finishes unloading the truck for the new house. TIRED. No internet until Saturday.

Don't know why Rosalina would need nerfs, she hasn't won any huge tournaments yet, and the only good Rosalina player is Dabuz, lol.
The only nerf I want for her is for Luma to be disabled longer after Rosalina is hit or grabbed. It is too easy for Rosalina to get free hits in when she should be getting hit.


GGs Thulius! Really fun matches; your Greninja is the best I've played so far (though I thought you were good with all your characters.) Pikachu mirrors are so silly; so much zipping around haha. We'll have to play again sometime.


GGs Twilt! Robin is still a mystery to me, but you play her really well. There's a real good Shulk player in Columbus so I've got a lot of experience in that matchup but once you went full sanic mode and just pivot grabbed me forever I wanted to die.

Also I don't even have heavy skull bash unlocked so I don't know why I went for so many skull bash reads in those Pikachu mirrors. What a goofy matchup.


Finishes unloading the truck for the new house. TIRED. No internet until Saturday.

The only nerf I want for her is for Luma to be disabled longer after Rosalina is hit or grabbed. It is too easy for Rosalina to get free hits in when she should be getting hit.

I have gotten some fraudulent wins that way, and I honestly wouldn't mind if they did increase that time if they left everything else untouched. Otherwise, I don't feel like she's a character that deserves nerfs. Though a great character, her huge hitbox and extremely light weight balance out some of her more powerful qualities. Along with a lack of killing movies, I think she's relatively fair, though customs is another story. I don't even think customless Rosalina is that good.
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