I'll be on in like 5 minutes if you like to play.Someone should play me for a min.
I'll be on in like 5 minutes if you like to play.Someone should play me for a min.
I'll be on in like 5 minutes if you like to play.
Alright, you can host. Something came up, so I'll join in a few.Sweet! My NNID is in my profile
Alright, you can host. Something came up, so I'll join in a few.
Edit: Sorry for the short matches Vermillion, thought I could get in a few more, but have to finish with what came up before.GGs, though! Rarely get to play against Kirby, so it was fun. I hate getting caught by the down-b, haha.
Was dancing blade buffed? I swear Lucina's seemed stronger, but that's probably because I never used the up on
Anyone wanna play a few games?
It's late but I'll make a heroic effort.
Probably not that heroic.
Are you still around? I can play.
I'll play.
What's up?
Haha I really hate when people decide match ups are bad like that.
Lucas Mega isn't that bad. At least even for Lucas.
I would agree. Zair and pk Fire pretty much break even with mega man's projectiles. They both probably have the same ko potential. Very close to even matchup. I may even give Lucas the slight edge
And winning against Little Mac feels like pure luck.
I can't get through the pellets though. You can hit the metal blade with the snake, but by that time you'll just get hit by pellets on landing. Short hop PK Fire has just as good a chance at getting stuffed by metal blade as it does to succeed.
Greninja is annoying because everyone on the boards write Greninja matchups from the theoretical perspective of a magical, nonexistent Greninja player who has flawless spacing. It's not very useful.
And winning against Little Mac feels like pure luck.
That's how I lean right now. Lucas has fast close range moves (jab and up+tilt) with great hit boxes, and aerials that have solid priority that make aerial trades iffy, which is where Mega usually wants to be.
It's a tough match up, for sure. I'm not sure if Pellet spam changes things up, but the ability to heal off of it makes me want to say no.
You had some great reads against Little Mac that earned you those wins. There's nothing lucky about that.
Anyone wanna do some quick late-ass bouts before I sleep?
I feel like lucas' airials have terrible priority. The ones that don't, uair and fair, have extremely small hitboxes so they still aren't safe
Let's go homeslice.
Decent, but when I say quick I mean it. Prolly only gonna stick around for like 5 matches.
All good. I should sleep soon too anyhoo.
A shoddy performance overall, but I suppose that's what I get for not playing the bird in a million months. GGs Tipster, a nostalgic session we had there.
Megaman is so friggin heavy jeez just go off screen already
Edit: Crap I double posted. Oh well![]()
A shoddy performance overall, but I suppose that's what I get for not playing the bird in a million months. GGs Tipster, a nostalgic session we had there.
Megaman is so friggin heavy jeez just go off screen already
My win rate against Mega Man with Falco is 100% :^)
1 for 1
I think my win rate is more like 40% nowadays, can barely keep up with Tipster sometimes and other times it feels like he temporarily gave the controller to a computer.My win rate against Mega Man with Falco is 100% :^)
1 for 1
Good games Captain! You're right, we haven't done that match up in forever. It's still a really tough one even if you haven't played him in forever.
Good stuff, we'll have to do more later on.
I switched to Mega Man just for that match up to answer Captain's earlier question and you switched out immediately. >>;
Good games as well, by the by.
I air dodge 100% of the time after getting hit off stage. Looks like I need to stop doing about buffering a move after taking significant knockback:
Who wants to do a few 1vs1 on the 3ds version
video about buffering a move after taking significant knockback:
In a bit?Anyone want to play?
In a bit?
Make a room. Be right there.Just tell me when.
video about buffering a move after taking significant knockback:
Anyone wanna 1v1? ID is HarimeNui