Yeah. It varies from player to play, but I guess it's worse against you.
sry, this isn't fun. it's very annoying
Yeah. It varies from player to play, but I guess it's worse against you.
Anyone from bracket 2 around for ranbats. I haven't played smash in a week due to Rocket League so now's the time to beat my rusty ass.
Anyone up for some FFA/teams matches?
I can help you brush up your skills while you wait, if you want. Anything but playing bad players in FG.
Still nobody for a 2vs2 ?
Still nobody for a 2vs2 ?
I'm at a friend house right now, so I wanted just 2 person to play with us
You're in Europe right? It might help with lag for me if we're close and you guys play with 2 local. Want to join them Julian?
Added.Yes, we are in France. Here is the NNID we use right now: Kylenja
Oh, sorry. Something came up, so I guess I'll pass for now. There was another player in here, so you might get him to join (and not being form Argentina will probably help with lag).
I can play
I can't get used to his SF inputs too.Why I am even trying to play Ryu
Haha I had a feelingSorry for the huge delay. I didn't realize updating took so long. Gotta run now.
I totally didn't see it was teams the first round Lmao
Any fine gentleman interested in a fight?
Great, let's give it shot you trans Atlantic manHere!
Which one? Fair is disjointed and has like 4 frame start so it's pretty good at beating thingslol what the hell was that. sry.
does samus air moves just have priorty over all? I mean.... dafuq
Which one? Fair is disjointed and has like 4 frame start so it's pretty good at beating things
Also dem up tilt chains lmao
Did bad at Ktar yesterday (33rd out of 119), but hoping to do a lot better at EVO. Felt like I was auto-piloting a lot of the matches.
Anybody feel like playing?
Up air is also like 4 frames, they're some of the fastest aerials in the game. Back air also has huge range so that sweetspot is gonna connectok. mayb it's because I played too long or because the small lag or because I'm bad
Alright, you can host.I'll play for awhile
Whenever I am autopiloting in an important match, I force myself to slow it down. Whatever I am doing, I just shield and chill for a moment. Reflect on the match and what I am doing wrong. Smash is defensive enough that you can get away with this.Did bad at Ktar yesterday (33rd out of 119), but hoping to do a lot better at EVO. Felt like I was auto-piloting a lot of the matches.
Anybody feel like playing?
Don't worry, same thing happened the other day for me. When you're not in it thereMs nothing you can do.yep. I gotta stop here. don't feeling it right now
thanks gor the games boney though
You're rolling waaaaay too much. Missing a few punishes due to lag, but you always seem to roll behind me.
We're approaching the end of a page again, but whatever...
If anyone wants to play for a bit, just let me know.