They delayed Tournament Mode for what? 7 months? You'd think in that time they'd have figured out that people want to make ACTUAL TOURNAMENTS and not this Mario Kart 8 nonsense. gg Nintendo
Not nearly as bad for you as for Jiggs.
First time picking Sheik ever. lol Stupid character.
That was fun, but no way is that stage going to be legal.
I shall host
Omg Robin's DThrow can kill combo into UAirShe recovers a lot faster from ArcThunder too, giving her a lot more options out of it.
Gonna test Link and Pikachu in a bit; heard Link got a bit better and Pika was unchanged, so I'm pretty happy at least. Kinda hard to test stuff on the 3DS when you're so used to a good controller lol. Guessing no customs got changed either...?
I think it could work as a counterpick
You guys wanna do teams?
This tourny shit is bumming me out
If someone could indulge me - Are we able to set up our own tournaments for friends/gaffers to battle for supremacy in?
Those should be free wins for me. I don't understand.Okay new game. Fox on one corner, Mewtwo on the other. Mewtwo charges the shadowball and fox reflects it with the shine, keep a high score and see how many times you can reflect it before it hits you.
Those should be free wins for me. I don't understand.
Last match, J@hranimo!
Is Shamrock cool with 2v2?
And for that matter is there someone else who wants to?
No, I must be mismanaging the charge. :/lag + plus shine doesn't have to be timed?
Is Shamrock cool with 2v2?
And for that matter is there someone else who wants to?
You could, but don't expect anyone to join. You can't force 1v1s.
You guys always start these too late for me nowadays, be considerate to the midwest! I don't know how Namikaze does it...
Yea but I don't know if Name is down and we need 1 more
No, I must be mismanaging the charge. :/
Really?? 1 vs 1s are great![]()
Yeah but I wasn't playing that late. These things matter. :T Plus I'm trying to be not so much of a night owl to get prepped for the return of 8 am classes. =__=2 a.m. isn't late. You were up a lot later yesterday.
You got your Shuriken buff.Fox can't jab jab up tilt anymore? That sounds awful.
Completely shit ones that don't address any of his problems.Karst, you got Mewtwo buffs!![]()
You got your Shuriken buff.
GGs Shamrock. I can't handle anymore of that right now.
GGs. You changed up your strategy. Got a lot more shield happy. Took me awhile to adjust.
What do you recommend I do against Lucas as Yoshi? The PK Fire barrage and zair just wall me out, and your ground and aerials that you use are really hard or not possible to punish. I seem to better again Ness even though one PK Fire can be death or 50%+.
Change up your approaches. You gotta remember to change it up against people you play often. For example, I picked your trick of falling to the ground moving away from me, and then suddenly moving towards me to get me with your tongue. By the time I was playing as Lucas, I spaced accordingly and hit you with pkfire multiple times anticipating it. At the same time, I think approaching from above is your best option because, as you pointed out, Lucas' combination of PK Fire and zair works well against Yoshi. Maybe do some follow ups with Eggs high up more often. Remember also if you see me do a grounded pk fire, you have an opportunity to punish the delay.
I was trying to approach with SHAD, but I either messed up by doing a full hop, or I didn't end up air dodging. But yeah, I do use the B-reverse Egg Lay a lot, but I tried to do it less against Lucas because of PK Fire or a bat.
By eggs high up, do you mean eggs that go mostly vertical and stay in the air for a while?
I tried to shield the grounded PK Fire and then dash attack or grab, but you seemed to get away every time. I know I shouldn't go for Yoshi's grab so much.
Hopefully I can get some different results against Lucas the next time we play.![]()
Robin is more or less the same character
I actually saved a replay of the last match. I will use it as an example upload because it was 2:59 minutes, haha. We can take a look at it again and see.