Good games. Good thing I watch tournaments, or else I would not have known that the blue Pikmin kills with throws.
Two more.
If every character were on this tier, I would keep playing. Good times.
My rest punishes are awful.
Damn it, so close to a comeback.
That Peach's Castle had me laughing so hard. What an awful stage. Probably took a few hours to make, too.
Good games man. Thanks for the proper sendoff.
I feel you, man.Good games. I was in a similar mood until a few days ago. I had stopped playing Smash 4 for a couple weeks, was starting to catch up on other games for a change. Felt like I'd lost the spirit that kept me going with this game. I've never gotten into the competitive side of a game quite like Smash 4, where it consumed me - participating in the GAF community thread, joining Smashboards, monitoring Reddit's /r/smashbros, watching videos, reading guides, watching tournaments as they were streamed and archived videos afterwards... The closest I've come to this was maybe for about a month during the Starcraft 2 beta, where I was watching Day9's Starcraft 2 replay analysis and playing the game a lot. I was never any good at RTS's though, my competitive aspirations with SC2 were done by the time the beta ended. I'm playing Smash 4 again, but it's different.
Whether it's that I'm not good enough, that I don't have enough time or am distracted with other things in my life, or that I simply play mid/low tier characters, I'm just not going to get where I hoped to in Smash 4. I tried to fix that last one, trying out Sheik and ZSS a bit. But my combos are sloppy, and good Sheik play requires playing the game at a speed I find exhausting and hard to maintain. And it's not really that satisfying. When I get a good hit with Bowser, that's fucking satisfying.
My theory about the Smash series is there are more mind-games - people play games with their opponents, act like assholes to their opponents in a way you can't do in any other fighting game. Even getting perfected against in a Street Fighter style game doesn't feel as bad as getting styled on and taken advantage of by a higher tier character's combos. I was sick of being grabbed by a Falcon without enough time to react, getting hit by 4+ pummels because if I struggle my character has a good chance of SD'ing, getting thrown off stage and dunked by his dair, or get back on and get grabbed again. I'm sick of a lot of things. There's a sequence of events many good players use that takes advantage of the character I use to do something to me. It really hurts when these things happen - the way the game is played, the way characters are controlled, the taunts, etc, makes it somehow more personal. It's demoralizing.
I'm also pretty annoyed that Charizard has gotten a couple rounds of buffs while Bowser was left almost the same besides a small buff to his utilt. Charizard has a fucking combo off his dthrow now. He's better than Bowser for sure. He has a better OOS option with his up b as far as I'm concerned too. I'm happy for Charizard players, really. But it doesn't do much for me, I don't really like Charizard. With the end of customs and negligible buffs coming in the patches, the limit of Bowser appears to be having some fun on for glory. I don't know why the rule in fighting games tends to be that the slow, methodical character is never good. Outside of that one guy in that Persona game, I hear. I haven't played it.
Anyway, I'm slowly backing away from Smash 4 myself. I'll play it more casually now, since I'm done attempting to get much better. There are things I'm really good at, things where I'm in the 99.something percentile, I'm going to put that "I want to be the very best" spirit towards that instead. Might even get paid for it too. Anyway Karst, you're an OG here, it's been good playing you and playing 2v2's together over some of these months. Let's see if future patches help things, but in the meantime we're certainly not obliged to play games we ultimately find dissatisfaction with. Maybe I'll try SF5 when it comes out. I'd love a new Soul Calibur, but until then something will have to do. Or maybe I'll prioritize single player games more.
See ya around eh!
We can't both be the best, Captain.I'll miss you guys, you were both the best Bowsers I've played!
Please drop by from time to time, we'll always have a spot for you especially when Wolf comes.![]()
I feel you, man.
The patch patch changed a lot of stuff, though. WFT, Lucina, and Marth got massive buffs. It's just the characters we play that are largely ignored. I don't know why Charizard got such an amazing throw buff when Bowser should have the good throws. /shrug Here's to hoping he gets more love in the future. You were pretty amazing at using the utilt. Were you jump-canceling that somehow, or just dropping shield?
I also feel very demoralized. It has sucked learning three characters that all have serious problems that prevent them from winning in a serious setting. I'll be buying SFV; if you're inclined to get it, I'll see you there.
Edit: Oh, and the Persona character you are thinking of is Kanji. He's not like Bowser, though. Yeah, he's a grappler, but he has the equivalent of a full-screen tracking Thunder (Pikachu down B), and he can send his Persona out to grapple for him so he's not at risk. Persona is a fun game, though. Give it a try.
Can Jigglypuff get out of Luigi's dthrow, down special chain?I was just dropping shield into utilt. It's not that I was doing it that fast, but that I ran into your attack+powershielded, screwing up your spacing so the utilt would hit. I like utilt, though coverage in the front is still suspect. If only every move was given the same patch treatment utilt got... Too bad that playing against jigglypuff screws up the possible (though completely un-guaranteed) followups outside of incredibly low percents. Jiggs screws up Sheik's fair combos also. Though I'll give your DI/air-dodging some credit too. You like my attempt to space bair's against your Jigglypuff? I was surprised how often you were able to hit me either before fair came out or somehow outprioritizing it, so I switched to bair. It's similar to the Yoshi matchup, where at least bair will trade favorably with Yoshi's fair. Far as I'm concerned, Bowser having an autocancel short hop bair and his utilt stacks the matchup against Jiggs.
Mewtwo is so bad at recovering. I think it's the thing that gets me killed the most. Teleport sucks, he's floaty with bad jumps on trying to get on the stage, and all of his aerials have bad defensive priority. I haven't played a non-shit Bowser in ages, so I had some really bad habits there.In the Mewtwo/Bowser matches I punished you pretty hard for letting go of the ledge to try to aerial me (best believe I saved the match where I spiked you twice). Funny cause I almost never do that, and you do it a bit too much. It's one of those things where I can see the wheels turning as you hang on the ledge, so I had a good idea of what was coming.
Well, if you pick up the next BlazBlue or Persona, I'll pick it up with you if you want to learn together.Re: Persona- the thing with games like this is, I feel like I need to get in when they launch, otherwise I'll play catchup forever. So I feel like it's too late for Persona/SF IV/Mahvel (not that I want to play that one). Though I'm not in the beta, if I can get in on the ground floor with SF V and find a character I like playing I'll probably give it a go. As long as my PC can handle it.
Part of it is that my heart just isn't in Bowser anymore. I'll pick him for the quick curb stomp in For Glory, but I'm just not happy using him anymore. I hate that he's always on the bad side of a guessing game by default.As for who's better, even if I beat your Bowser more often than not tonight, in general you've always been a bit better than me in the neutral as you say. I play as aggressively as I feel my opponent allows me to, and sometimes more... I think you've earned the highest accolades from random people playing you here. Probably the best compliments I got were from when I played Namikaze and he was unfamiliar with custom Bowser. He wasn't dealing with my aggression well, and I got some pretty satisfying spikes on him. But these things never last, people eventually see patterns.
I just love aerial characters in general. In every fighting game I play, I play a character with lots of space control and good aerial maneuverability. Bowser is NOT my typical kind of character. The only ever time I've mained a grappler is Tager in Blazblue, and only because I couldn't IAD at the time, Tager didn't have an air dash, so I felt like I wouldn't be held back by him (he also has an amazing theme song).I think I know why you like Jigglypuff, it's the same reason I do - With Jigglypuff I feel like I'm in control of the match. I decide the approach, the timing. The opponent has to react to my spacing, they basically have to do what Bowser does the whole match. It's nice to change the roles up sometimes.
Can Jigglypuff get out of Luigi's dthrow, down special chain?
The bairs you did were great. I had to be a lot more careful. Bowser's fair is crazy slow - 11 frame startup.
Well, if you pick up the next BlazBlue or Persona, I'll pick it up with you if you want to learn together.![]()
Part of it is that my heart just isn't in Bowser anymore. I'll pick him for the quick curb stomp in For Glory, but I'm just not happy using him anymore. I hate that he's always on the bad side of a guessing game by default.
Also, you should side B to Fortress when facing the wrong way during recovery!
I just love aerial characters in general. In every fighting game I play, I play a character with lots of space control and good aerial maneuverability. Bowser is NOT my typical kind of character. The only ever time I've mained a grappler is Tager in Blazblue, and only because I couldn't IAD at the time, Tager didn't have an air dash, so I felt like I wouldn't be held back by him (he also has an amazing theme song).
MvC2 I mained Sentinel.
Skullgirls I main Painwheel.
Marvel I main Dormammu (Firebrand/Dormammu/Shuma-Gorath, but I also like Morrigan and Phoenix a LOT).
Guilty Gear Xrd I main Zato.
That's kind of why Smash 4 is coming to SFIV status for me - no characters that are fun for me to play except for Jigglypuff, and Jigglypuff just has so many problems that it's hard to focus on just her. The Rosalina matchup feels goddamn impossible.
If they lowered shield regen, made Rest always star KO, gave her Fair higher BKB (0 KBG would be amazing), gave Bair more KBG, and made her hurtbox a little smaller, I think she would be perfect, and I would happily play her forever. Rest could be made stronger, too, but it's not my main issue with her.
Default, the two sweetest words in the English language!Does this mean I am the best Mewtwo on here now? =(
Have you beaten Thulius? He was always a step above me.Does this mean I am the best Mewtwo on here now? =(
I will still post.Hope you guys still chime in on discussions and drop for friendlies here. I'm not an overly serious fighting game player. SFII was one of my first games ever and I love the SF series, jut sadly I'm only mid level there, never connected my 360 online and when I got a ps3 I found out SFIV ran horribly online. SFIII was a lot better but i never played that one back in the day so it was hard catching up with 10+ years of experience.
Smash is my shit, I'll play entire afternoons with my brother. Smash 4 sold me on the Wii U and I've spent a ridiculous amount of time in it. I know the struggle of playing bad characters. Samus is broken and worthless in many ways, but I still find the game super fun regardless.
So c'ya around guys!
Oh and regarding WFT: in my opinion she has the best charge projectile in the game. Sure it's not as powerful as others, but charges faster, can be charged airborne, heals you (2% now is fantastic). Doesn't have recovery frames on full charge and not much recovery while shooting, it's also pretty spammable. The thing is, she has certain quirks to playing her that sort of balanced her out. She gets two awesome projectiles, but her normals are quirky and have very specific hitboxes. You really need to understand her to get some mileage. But those quirks don't limit her if you know what you're doing like say with Mewtwo. She's been blessed with great buffs this time around, her tilts are great, jab is great, smashes got fixed and has great aerials. She needs a better grab game to be high tier but she's a really solid character but her limitation for the charge shot (which isn't so strong although deep breathing lol) is short normals.
That is great! Are you pleased with yourself?We lost 1-2 to NAKAT and False to end up at 9th in doubles.
Have you beaten Thulius? He was always a step above me.
I will still post.
I think that characters can succeed by either having great grab games, or great shield pressure games. Jigglypuff, for example, doesn't need good grabs because she has Pound. Shields are just too strong right now, though.
Can you imagine if Mewtwo healed 2% with every Shadow Ball? God.
That is great! Are you pleased with yourself?
Does this mean I am the best Mewtwo on here now? =(
I have a 0% tech rate no matter how far I am. :-(
Very informative video that should make everyone feel a little bit better about their (in)ability to tech stage spikes.
Congratulations!!We lost 1-2 to NAKAT and False to end up at 9th in doubles.
Still can't believe that teching things while standing is a thing. So moronic
Very informative video that should make everyone feel a little bit better about their (in)ability to tech stage spikes.
Very informative video that should make everyone feel a little bit better about their (in)ability to tech stage spikes.
I have a 0% tech rate no matter how far I am. :-(
Welp, CRQ, you were right. I just fought a Captain Falcon that 3 stocked and then 2 stocked me on Anther's. He was able to punish everything, shield everything, and get out jabs, rolls, and uairs without me being able to do a thing.
Sad to see you are leaving, Karsticles. This thread seems to be less active then ever before, and now it will never be the same. We just got the last big update to the game, the only thing left is new characters and stages. I have a feeling once the one year anniversary comes around, there won't be much left of this community.
A Captain Falcon 3-stocked your Yoshi? I wouldn't have pegged that as bad for Yoshi. Though Captain Falcon is probably the most frustrating online matchup. The running dashes are so hard to react to with input lag.Welp, CRQ, you were right. I just fought a Captain Falcon that 3 stocked and then 2 stocked me on Anther's. He was able to punish everything, shield everything, and get out jabs, rolls, and uairs without me being able to do a thing.
Sad to see you are leaving, Karsticles. This thread seems to be less active then ever before, and now it will never be the same. We just got the last big update to the game, the only thing left is new characters and stages. I have a feeling once the one year anniversary comes around, there won't be much left of this community.
Yeah at this rate SmashGAF will probably just be like 15 peeps eternally playing each other while we get random passersby every month or so. Hopefully we get another new character like Wolf to revive it again, but I think we're hitting the point where only players who really want to dedicate themselves to the game are left.
A Captain Falcon 3-stocked your Yoshi? I wouldn't have pegged that as bad for Yoshi. Though Captain Falcon is probably the most frustrating online matchup. The running dashes are so hard to react to with input lag.
I'm not "leaving", I'll still post here and say hi. I'm just taking a break from the game. The thread is going through a typical post-Evo lull.
The last update was pretty weak. No new characters, and all that. The thread will be revitalized every time character DLC drops. If Sakurai ever pulls his head out of his ass and fixes Tourneys and Tournaments, this place will be more active than ever.
Doubt it. Those are probably the people the least likely to regularly play here.
Doubt it. Those are probably the people the least likely to regularly play here.
I feel this is kinda true. While I play this game a ton, and ask for matches here quite a bit, the last match I had on Anther's just proved that it isn't the most effective form of practice. Ok, I have lots of practice against good Sonics, Rosalina, Ness, Bowsers, Mega Man, Shulk, and Samus. But that isn't good enough, especially when only 3 of those are high tier characters. Playing against the same people can only take someone so far.
Gosh darn it guys, I'm trying to be optimistic.
Though I kinda admit I'm guilty of going outside to get more practice too. Playing you guys is fun and all but there's 52 characters in the game and only so few of us. :/
Make another account solely for use on anthersThe only reason I don't go to Anther's is because it would take up all my NNID friend space limit and deleting after every set is annoying. Was hoping tourney mode would be the answer to that.
Gosh darn it guys, I'm trying to be optimistic.
Though I kinda admit I'm guilty of going outside to get more practice too. Playing you guys is fun and all but there's 52 characters in the game and only so few of us. :/
I'm trying to rectify this by learning Shiek, but still.
Goddamn guys, I didn't mean to start an avalanche. :/
Make another account solely for use on anthers
Goddamn guys, I didn't mean to start an avalanche. :/
Uh, yeah, that is kind of a life habit. I have to put a lot of filters on my mouth so I don't upset my students too much. I went a bit too far last semester when I called a kid a "fake Catholic" for not accepting papal infallibility. I figured FGW would get a riot out of me eating placenta, but it went on for hours.This could've been avoided. You could've stopped this. You could have chosento main Yoshi.
Plus going by the FGW thread you tend to cause a bunch of people to start talking about something when you say a controversial thing.
Just think of it as a small break until the next patch. I am sure a new character will wrap me back in.Oh yeah, forgot about that.
You were the heart of the team, the one that kept us all together.
Who will I send replays to now? :c
Goddamn guys, I didn't mean to start an avalanche. :/
Any one wanna 1v1? I been slacking on playing people other than For Glory.
Username is gaf name.
AlrightI'll play in about 10 minutes. Not sure if I have you added, NNID is Oidisco