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Super Smash Bros. for 3DS & Wii U DLC |OT2| Lucas comes out of Nowhere!


3 stocks would hurt Wario so much... But it'd be cool. I like 2 stocks but it's also a bit cruel, a tiny mistake puts you in a horrible position. 3 stocks is a bit more forgiving.


3 stocks is much more satisfying to play from my experience, but I understand why most tourneys still do 2 stocks only so far. Matches with certain characters can get a bit tiring to watch with 3 stocks...
I am fine with either, but there are definitely characters that I would hate to play even more with 3 stocks. These being Sonic, Villager, Duck Hunt, Little Mac, and some others.
What about the potential for certain matchups to inherently drag, like DHD?

Even if every single game in a set would go to time and the set goes for the max number of matches, it is only an extra 6 minutes added to the amount of playtime (10 minutes for 3/5 sets), assuming that a time-out would also occur if it was 2-stock. Added up over the course of a tournament, at a worst-case scenario it would take an average-sized (~128 people) tournament roughly only one extra hour to finish, as long as sets are started promptly.

There is also prior precedent. Brawl is a much slower-paced game than Smash 4 with a heck of a lot more campy match-ups, but even with the 3-stock/8-minute ruleset tournaments were still finished on time.
I'm trying to get back into Smash 4. Do you all still do ranbats, or is there a gaf tourney now?
I stopped running the ranbats because half the people didn't finish their matches. The thread has chilled, too. I blame Sakurai for not creating communities.

If someone did a tournament over a weekend, I would definitely join. :)
There is a donation drive going on to send 9B to Genesis 3. Zero said he was cover the cost of the trip if they reach $900.

For the people that does know who 9B is, he is probably the best ryu right now.

Donation stream:http://www.twitch.tv/hysranai

Zero's post on reddit: https://m.reddit.com/r/smashbros/comments/3qpqe1/zero_here_i_really_want_to_see_9b_come_to_genesis/

Genesis 3: page:http://smashboards.com/threads/genesis-3-announced.413924/
Neat. While I can't afford to donate right now, I wish 9B luck. It would be great to see more international players come to the states too. :)
I stopped running the ranbats because half the people didn't finish their matches. The thread has chilled, too. I blame Sakurai for not creating communities.

If someone did a tournament over a weekend, I would definitely join. :)

I worry I may have caused a snowball effect with my desire to "take a break." Captain Rage Quit indeed. ;__;

If someone did ever run a tournament again, how could they attract anymore than the SmashGAF faithful? At this point everyone who's still playing that doesn't post on this OT probably plays more casually than anything. I remember someone ran a tourney near 3DS launch, could someone do something like that again?


I worry I may have caused a snowball effect with my desire to "take a break." Captain Rage Quit indeed. ;__;

Thanks for stepping forward as our scapegoat.

I stopped playing since I got burned out, and the local tourney I went to being absolute crap certainly helped me make up my mind. I just wasn't having fun playing the game anymore, and even now I don't even feel in the mood for playing after not having touched the game for a while.

I guess I could promise to hop back in for a bit the day Pac-Man gets some kind of buff, but that's probably not going to happen anyway.



This is great. Can't wait to see him play.
I just had the funniest save ever.

I get launched offstage, toon link goes after me. He throws a boomerang, it missed. He tries to recover but I get the dair sourspot and we both fall. I teleport but it gets a really bad angle on stage and actually shoots me lower than the toon link. However the boomerang he shot ages ago came all the way back around and hit me allowing me to live and the toon link falling first.

I'll upload the replay eventually.
Neat. While I can't afford to donate right now, I wish 9B luck. It would be great to see more international players come to the states too. :)

I worry I may have caused a snowball effect with my desire to "take a break." Captain Rage Quit indeed. ;__;

If someone did ever run a tournament again, how could they attract anymore than the SmashGAF faithful? At this point everyone who's still playing that doesn't post on this OT probably plays more casually than anything. I remember someone ran a tourney near 3DS launch, could someone do something like that again?
If you run a tournament, you can make a thread for it on Gaming side. At least, that has been the rule in the past. All of GAF would see it, then.

Blame Sakurai instead of GAF, lmao
So many people were hype for communities, and Sakurai blew it. It's when the thread really started to slow down. I think communities would create a lot of buzz.


We should blame GAF for not letting us put this into Gaming when the Lucas DLC was released. Many Smash fans already have a weird hate of this thread so it was doomed when we lost the chance to get new people.

Ranbats were lots of fun but sadly my lag issues were too much so I retired. I wish I lived closer to the rest of GAF.


GAF is generally a place for people that play all sorts of games, and promotes that by not having any subforums for specific games. All the talk about video games is in one place, whether you like driving games, sports, action, shooters etc.

People who only play one naturally find themselves joining communities dedicated to that game - official forums, subreddits... in Smash's case, smashboards. This is natural for any multiplayer game. In my browser, the tab next to this thread is /r/smashbros, followed by the smashboards Bowser forum. GAF always peters out because their function isn't the longevity of game-specific communities, but the discussion of current games and events. It is disappointing, but normal.

If the in-game tournaments had worked the way we thought they would, that might have helped. But this is the nature of things. The other more focused communities are still going strong though. Smash 4 is still rising as a competitive game.
Well, it would have saved my interaction with SmashGAF. I just want to plug in and play, not post and wait for responses.

The Discord group makes getting games faster than this thread. Honestly, if no one responds there, there wouldn't be anyone waiting in the GAF community for an opponent, most likely.
I swear all I see these days on FG are ZSS, mario's, Samus and surprisingly Zelda.

Past couple of days alone I've seen more Zelda opponents than the past few months combined.


you can use voice chat, but I don't think anyone in the SmashGaf room uses it. There's also a mobile app.

edit: I haven't been playing the game online that much lately. I wish the netcode was better. Been mostly playing offline now. :x
The internet is getting replaced this coming week. I don't know why it was necessary since it was fine last year and only became garbage when I moved to a different building. So assuming it's better than before and can still use a wired connection, I might actually be able to play Mash Bros. Less than 2 months before I move out again.


Anybody else got the problem (on 3DS at least) that they have a quota of zero uploads per day? I've already written once to Nintendo, they somehow fixed it, but now I'm blocked again. There's been an update since then, maybe that's it. Le sign.


Got 17th-ish place at Canada Cup (out of about 111 participants). Pretty good all things considered! Went Shulk mostly throughout the whole tourney with of course some Pikachu for his rougher matchups.

I went 4-2 in my pools and managed to get out top 2 in second place! Had to face two Sonics back to back in my pools to start and as you might have guessed, it was the most horrifying thing in the world. I managed to beat one of them 2-0 with Pikachu (Raijin was his tag though both games were close) though Kels managed to beat me pretty convincingly (I felt totally hopeless when I used Shulk against her and that pretty much made it clear I'll never use Monado boy against that hedgehog again).

My other victories involved a Greninja player who I managed to beat pretty convincing (though poor guy had an unfortunate SD in the second round). Shoutouts to Snacks for the MU experience. :p Another one was against a Rosalina who I also managed to beat convincingly, and my other one was surprisingly enough against a Little Mac player! My god it is such a pain in the neck to fight the boxer, but thankfully, Shulk's long range and Monado Arts let me edgeguard him.

My other loss in pools was against, well, believe it or not, a Donkey Kong player. It was such a weird and scary MU for me using Shulk, mostly because DK's grab game is so scary now. The DK player was really nice though and gave me advice on what I was doing wrong; we even exchanged NNIDs to play online next time haha.

My first round in top 32 was against a Luigi player named Poke. I was doing pretty okay at first, but Lylat's awkward platforms and Luigi's silly KO power in his Up B was when I lost the first round. He then switched to DK second round (supposedly, he hates fighting Shulk lol) which I also lost pretty convincingly.

My next round was against a Pikachu player (I use Shulk here because I actually hate the Pika ditto) and my god it was pretty intense. I was at about 130%~ on my last stock both matches and I was able to make some pretty good reads to raise Pikachu up to kill percent too. He got a bit too greedy with his USmashes, which I then managed to punish both times with a killing FSmash. Think this was my favorite game of the tourney to play! Thankfully, I use Pikachu too, so I knew what to do kind of, but damn it was stressful.

My last match was against a Kirby player. I was doing pretty well at the beginning...but then Kirby managed to suck me up and, well, it was downhill from there lol. Seriously, Kirby with Monado Arts is a nasty opponent. I switched to Pikachu second round, but it didn't do me much good either. That was a pretty sick Kirby though, won't lie, though I might need more MU exp here too.

Overall, Canada Cup was pretty fun! Played a good amount of casuals too (and some in Marvel too lol). Everyone was really nice and friendly. I do think I might have to consider a third character for stuff like Luigi (maybe Link to zone him out? Ike? I dunno yet) or at least really reconsider how I play the MU. Sometimes I get so stressed out using Shulk when he has a ton of issues holding him back (sakurai pls, is it too much to ask for some better frame data and usable auto cancel frames?) That said, I wouldn't play Smash 4 nearly as much if it weren't for Shulk probably, so I'll keep pressing on and on and on with him...though a little help from my favorite little rat sometimes. :p
I played against the best Doc I've ever faced last night. Then I switched to Villager and laughed as he could never recover. I'm just gonna be nice and assume he had no experience in the matchup.
The only positive thing I can say about my games at today's local tourney was that I somehow survived two C. Falcon dair spikes in a row with Lucario and that was pretty neat

But other than that I honestly lost so much that I wonder why I even try to play competitively at all
I played against the best Doc I've ever faced last night. Then I switched to Villager and laughed as he could never recover. I'm just gonna be nice and assume he had no experience in the matchup.

The best Doc player in NA in my opinion is 2ManyCooks from Canada, at some point you should face him. I think he's the highest Doc on smashladder.
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