Sorry Jorge, this is too frustrating. A huge portion of my inputs aren't coming out because of the continual stutter.
Anyone else want to play? Room is up.
No worries. I do want to play your Mac more when the connection is better. It is a scary matchup for Mewtwo.sorry about that
Anyone want to play?
No worries. I do want to play your Mac more when the connection is better. It is a scary matchup for Mewtwo.
I totally legitimately won that 2v1 #Kappa
Yes please Beats join us
I don't have whoever is the host.
My Id is Jpbeats if someone can add me lol
Link, Majora's Mask, Dunban, Proto Man, and X Mii Fighters
Could've used that recreated Dunban earlier, lol.
For real guys I'm bored and for glory is boring, someone fight me please
I sure picked the right time to eat. >.<;;; I'll be on in a few minutes, I don't think we've played yet so my NNID is CRQ-L-07 add me and make a room, yeah?I can play in a few minutes if you want, just taking a short break.
NNID is Oidisco
Thank you!and your mewtwo has gotten so good!
Getting on now, sorry to keep you waiting!Alright room is up. Been playing pretty badly all day, so I'm sure this will go great!
Getting on now, sorry to keep you waiting!
Edit: the lag is gross, hopefully kicking my little bro off TF2 will fix things.
Do I look like I careYou're a monster.