Snacks the sober sea lion
Play Marvel instead so you can realize how empty and fleeting life is.
Anyone looking to play?
Anyone looking to play?
What do you mean about the MLG comment? I felt like you outclassed me during our set, even if it was close.GGs Karst, I don't know why but I stopped having fun a long while back. Winning didn't feel like fun, losing wasn't fun, playing my mains wasn't fun, doing anything wasn't fun. Nothing felt fun and I hate it.
That last match especially wasn't fun when I realized too late how I was supposed to play the matchup and since I was already at such a percent disadvantage the whole thing was lost and was just pointless.
Not fun, nothing is fun but I don't know why.Smash is my favorite game, but it literally felt like I was playing solely to give you busy work and nothing else, and that isn't fun. I can't play like this, but I feel like a break won't help at all. I need a way to sort this out or something...
GGs though, you're like the only Mewtwo I play on a regular basis so it's tough to learn what does and doesn't work.
Edit: Also, I guess currently I'm just not MLG enough for you.![]()
A new character, huh? Maybe someone that doesn't play like the people I currently play so I can create a new playstyle for myself.Learn a new character! Make it a fresh start and then come back to your mains
Play Marvel instead so you can realize how empty and fleeting life is.
Anyone looking to play?
Yeah, thanks for this, I really appreciate;dr Bowser is shit and CRQ needs to git gud
I played Marvel for the first time in a year last week. The guy got pretty salty. My main team wasn't available because of no Shuma, so I had to play my scrub killer team of Dormammu/Morrigan/Phoenix.
Lets just say that Dark Phoenix is still the queen of salt, hahaha.
I don't understand how anyone still playing that game 4 years out has the energy to waste getting mad at it. People should know better by now.
Down for more 1v1s if anyone's looking.
Thanks! I feel like 6WX is the only other Sonic that plays similar to mine. A lot of people say that I need to figure out how to incorporate a defensive style a lot more if I want to become better.Cyberman, one thing I love about fighting your Sonic is that you use his full 100% toolset, and you have a lot of great fundamentals in your approach. I've never played another Sonic that uses pivot grabs as a regular setup, for example, even though Sonic is probably the best character to be using offensive pivot grabs. If more Sonic players were like you, I would respect the character more,but would still want more nerfs for him.
What do you mean about the MLG comment? I felt like you outclassed me during our set, even if it was close.
I also didn't find our set fun. On my end, it is because your play was so damn passive. So much time running away and dodging. Is it always like that? I know that I dislike that kind of play sometimes, which is why I swap between Mewtwo and Bowser. It helps balance me to go between the extremes.
Take a break from the game. I played through Bayonetta 2 and had more fun than I have had with Smash in a while. However, I am having more fun with Smash now because I took a break. No one activity can ever make your free time enjoyable. Variation is important.
Talking about defensive play, I feel like I'd really have to play Karst sometime with the sole focus of working on it. I think I tend to play too agressively for my own good, often rushing things and getting punished for it, on top of not using my shield enough (shieldgrabs? what're those?).
How do you qualify my play? Passive or Aggressive?I also didn't find our set fun. On my end, it is because your play was so damn passive. So much time running away and dodging. Is it always like that? I know that I dislike that kind of play sometimes, which is why I swap between Mewtwo and Bowser. It helps balance me to go between the extremes.
Take a break from the game. I played through Bayonetta 2 and had more fun than I have had with Smash in a while. However, I am having more fun with Smash now because I took a break. No one activity can ever make your free time enjoyable. Variation is important.
want to play again?
Sorry, but I'll pass. I've already had enough smash for today, and playing any more would interfere with exam prep time and my IndieGAF duties.
I wanted to be considered a good player too, you know? Someone who gets namedropped whenever people want examples of good character players. I could at least be that Doc guy, couldn't I? D: Even Namikaze gets to be the villain by playing Yoshi, I wanna fulfill some community archetype as well. :T
I'll be honest and admit it's mostly because I knew you could do crazy shit with your characters, and if the goal of the game is to strike fear into the heart of your opponent, you would have definitely won. I should probably play Roy, no running away with him.
That reminded me that I borrowed the DMC HD collection from a friend and never beat even the first game. Now I know what to do! Thanks, Mr. Teacher Karsticles-sensei!
Anyone want to play?
Is it gonna be Sheik? Because honestly we could use more of those.You drop my name down 10x as much as everyone else combined. People are going to fear my new main soon, and I won't be known as "that Yoshi guy"!
Is it gonna be Sheik? Because honestly we could use more of those.
And come on Namikaze, after everything's said and done you're still the best Yoshi I've played so far.[Plus I'm like the only one who bothers to write out your name like the ninja and not the pirate.]
Anybody down to play 1v1s with customs?
I really should work on my Sheik more, I think she's probably my worst character out of the entire cast lol
Well at least I can be GAF's Diddy Kong. >_>
I can play. NNID is Crayolan.
Cool, make room please.
I can play.Good games.
Anyone else want to play?
Good games.
Anyone else want to play?
I can play.
Don't think so!You still need to add me, I don't think we've played before...have we?
Don't think so!
Yeah I'm about to add.
EDIT: Sent
Room's up.
It had you join twice for some reason? The second time it kicked you. Weird.
I'd play with some of you guys but I'm assuming most of you are NA? So it'll probably be laggy.
I can't believe how many times my jump disappeared as Lucas. And I really wish that back air had spiked.
Well, good games.
Good games. Jumps don't disappear, just be more mindful of when you use them!
Your Lucas seems pretty solid in the neutral but I don't really know what he's supposed to do once people get in. His shield grab isn't great and jab/Nair have no range, so... I dunno. Definitely not a fun fight with Mewtwo though.
What's up with his Usmash btw? Armor/invincibility on startup? Mewtwo's Dtilt went straight through it.
lmao fuck Halberd
the low ceiling or the claw
1v1 anyone in 10 min
Lucas can double up b if you bounce off a wall? What in the fuck?