My only question(s) is... if their strategy is to sell to everyone.
Why are they still making, teasing, or pushing hardware?
I mean I can understand the handheld console form factor, but why does or would a home Xbox console still exist or they even consider making another one? Why don't they announce their games on everything, even when we know it will eventually come to everything?
I don't think their strategy is confusing. Any unbiased person with half a brain could have seen it coming a mile away, maybe even before MS realized that is what they would have to do (I mean, some of us called it the second they started trying to buy ABK). However, I do believe how they are going about it all is confusing at best and contradictory at worst.
As it stands, I believe the only reason Phil still has a job is to save face. Sacking him would be the loudest possible admission that they have gone about everything wrong.