Gold Member
The login will be coming since everything Microsoft makes now will have online components.
Sony can refuse the gamepass app but Microsoft has a lot of leverage with its IP. As well gamepass is a streaming app which will be hard for Sony to not allow given it allows EA and Ubisoft to have subscription services (and download unpaid for games as part of the service).
On top of this Recent decisions in the US courts have not been favorable to walled garden ecosystems.
I could see Sony potentially accepting a chopped-down version of GP, like the Ubisoft "classics" tier - but not one that includes the Day 1 giveaways. That would cut into game sales and profits too much. It would just be suicidal. Even MS would get hurt from doing that, because they are relying on PS game sales to make a profit.
I could see a stripped down, "classics" version of Xbox games being pretty appealing. The old Halo, Gears, Forza, and Fable games, maybe some other Xbox exclusives of yore, available to play for $15/month (or whatever). I bet a lot of people would sign up for that. Sony would probably be okay with it, since it wouldn't be such a direct competitor to PS+, and they would take 30% off the top.
Now, whether Microsoft would be okay with that - that's a different story. On the one hand, it would save them the work and expense of porting those old titles, and it would give them a place on Playstation. Otoh, it would be the nail in the coffin for any console identity left at that point.
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