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Team Bondi's L.A. NOIRE |OT| Watchin' Faces, Solvin' Cases

JJBro One

So how much better is the ps3 version? Is that extra case worth it? I already have the 360 version from amazon unopened. I got the 360 version because of achievements and maybe avatar awards. Is the framerate on the 360 version that bad? Should I return my 360 copy and get the ps3 copy or just stick with what I have?


JJBro One said:
So how much better is the ps3 version? Is that extra case worth it? I already have the 360 version from amazon unopened. I got the 360 version because of achievements and maybe avatar awards. Is the framerate on the 360 version that bad? Should I return my 360 copy and get the ps3 copy or just stick with what I have?

If it were me I would get the PS3 since all reviews have said that the framerate on the 360 is worse in places.

Im on the PS3 and while the framerate isnt terrible, there are random places where it dips into the low 20's for a few seconds and if it's supposedly worse on the 360 then I wouldn't be able to deal with that.

Lighting is also a bit better on the PS3 version, but Im sure you will still have a good experience with the 360 version.


AEREC said:
Im a little confused when interviewing someone...I thought you would hear a chime when you got a (truth, doubt, lie) question correct and a clicking sound (kind of like the press of a key on a typewriter when you answered incorrectly.

Anyways ive gooten the "correct" on all questions in an interview but it will still say "2/4 correct." What gives?

Also is there anyway to change the aiming/shooting to L1/R1 (on PS3) ...the default method feels a little awkward.

Also I wish for the love of god there was a way to turn off the tool tips, Im getting tired of being told to turn an object until it vibrates for a closer look (among other tips) when Im 5 hours into the game and working on my 6th case...seriously, is the whole game a tutorial?

Im loving the game, just slightly disappointed at the amount of hand holding this far into the game.

You know you can turn all the hints and vibrations off, right...?

Kolgar said:
Game looks excellent and the only mild problem I have with the PS3 performance (aside from the damn DualShock) is that the PS3's blu-ray drive makes a heck of a racket during play. I have an 80-gig fatty and a 120-gig slim, and I guess I'm just used to the whisper-quiet of playing these types of games installed to the hard drive of my 360.

FYI, I *will* gobble up any and all DLC for this game--it's a foregone conclusion.

Is this issue with all PS3's? I've played game like Uncharted 2 and God of War III and have never had any noise issue. Is LA Noire an exception?
AEREC said:
Im a little confused when interviewing someone...I thought you would hear a chime when you got a (truth, doubt, lie) question correct and a clicking sound (kind of like the press of a key on a typewriter when you answered incorrectly.

Anyways ive gooten the "correct" on all questions in an interview but it will still say "2/4 correct." What gives?

Also is there anyway to change the aiming/shooting to L1/R1 (on PS3) ...the default method feels a little awkward.

Also I wish for the love of god there was a way to turn off the tool tips, Im getting tired of being told to turn an object until it vibrates for a closer look (among other tips) when Im 5 hours into the game and working on my 6th case...seriously, is the whole game a tutorial?

Im loving the game, just slightly disappointed at the amount of hand holding this far into the game.

I'm not really sure how the music relates to the answers, but there's a check mark next to the question when you answer correctly and an X when you blow it.

Dries said:
You know you can turn all the hints and vibrations off, right...?

You can't turn off the vibration effect when closely examining an object, because you have to hold it in the right spot to get the close-up. I thought I saw a tutorial message option somewhere but I'm not sure; Rockstar games tend to display the tutorial instructions for like half the game.


Picked up the game yesterday and played for about two hours. I'm loving it so far. The opening half-hour or so is a little disjointed and limiting, since it's essentially the tutorial for most of the game's mechanics, but once you're working the Traffic Desk everything starts opening up.

As was the case with RDR, this game blows me away with its atmosphere and authenticity with regard to a bygone era. This is why I play videogames: to be transported to places that I could never otherwise experience. While there definitely aren't as many sandbox-y activities to do in L.A. Noire's setting, the attention to detail is staggering. From what I've played so far, it's more detailed than Liberty City and more sprawling than RDR's Old West. I love just driving/walking around and taking in all of the family-owned shops/restaurants, complete with very detailed displays of their wares in the shop windows.

Much like the rest of you, I sucked at interrogations for the first couple. I think I have the hang of it now, and I usually only miss one question when interrogating a POI. While it can be a bit of a guessing game at times, it's still very engaging thanks to the spectacular voice-acting and facial animation.

Hopefully I can find time tonight after work to escape into 1940's L.A. for a while.

PS - I agree that it is odd to respond to a dispatch in the middle of a mission, go blow a guy's brains out, and then return to the case like nothing happened.


Like a boss.


you speak so well
Dries said:
Is this issue with all PS3's? I've played game like Uncharted 2 and God of War III and have never had any noise issue. Is LA Noire an exception?

I think so. I also have a ton of noise coming from my PS3 for LA Noire but it's always incredibly quiet for every other game I've played on the system.
Dries said:
Is this issue with all PS3's? I've played game like Uncharted 2 and God of War III and have never had any noise issue. Is LA Noire an exception?

I have a Slim and I could hear my Blu-Ray Drive reading the disk ALOT.. it was annoying.

I know that the PS3 version has better framerate and stuff but I just have this nagging feeling that I should have gotten it on 360, my hands are cramped using the DS3 and I hate how slippery the sticks can be.

oh well the real triggers kind of help but it still feels akward to me.


Dries said:
Is this issue with all PS3's? I've played game like Uncharted 2 and God of War III and have never had any noise issue. Is LA Noire an exception?
PS3 Phats are bulky (who are we kidding... they're huuuuge) which means they benefit from some natural sound dampening, plus the extra space for however much sound insulation they packed in there. This means you're unlikely to hear the Blu-Ray drive as it spins up and down. On the other hand, they run hotter than the Slims and therefore must employ fans at higher RPMs. When the PS3 is working hard you'll hear it as they crank up to Wind Tunnel mode. It'll happen more frequently the warmer you keep your gaming space.

The Slims run cooler so fan noise is less of an issue, but they're also lighter and benefit from less sound insulation so you get the more clicky-clanky drive noise.


Dries said:
You know you can turn all the hints and vibrations off, right...?

You can turn off the clue hints that vibraets the controller when you are close to a clue, and you can turn off the "auto" music that stops playing when all clues are found (both of which I have done.

But you can not turn off the "Tool Tips" that appear in the upper left corner that tell you how to play the game even though you have done the same task many times before.


Evlar said:
PS3 Phats are bulky (who are we kidding... they're huuuuge) which means they benefit from some natural sound dampening, plus the extra space for however much sound insulation they packed in there. This means you're unlikely to hear the Blu-Ray drive as it spins up and down. On the other hand, they run hotter than the Slims and therefore must employ fans at higher RPMs. When the PS3 is working hard you'll hear it as they crank up to Wind Tunnel mode. It'll happen more frequently the warmer you keep your gaming space.

The Slims run cooler so fan noise is less of an issue, but they're also lighter and benefit from less sound insulation so you get the more clicky-clanky drive noise.

Yeah well, I have a slim, but I've never noticed any noise issues when playing other games. So was kinda surprised to see it mentioned. Kinda sucks. Maybe to go for the 360 version instead? I got both consoles, so I'm free to choose. Or is it not that bad?


Dries said:
Yeah well, I have a slim, but I've never noticed any noise issues when playing other games. Just was kinda surprised to see it mentioned. Kinda sucks. Maybe to go for the 360 version instead? I got both consoles, so I'm free to choose. Or is it not that bad?
I don't know, I have a Phat and it's not better or worse on fan noise than other free-roaming games. I was playing AssBro earlier this week, got the same fan noise at about the same frequency. The drive noise, as usual, is imperceptible on my machine.


Dries said:
Yeah well, I have a slim, but I've never noticed any noise issues when playing other games. So was kinda surprised to see it mentioned. Kinda sucks. Maybe to go for the 360 version instead? I got both consoles, so I'm free to choose. Or is it not that bad?
My slim was on for like 8 hours yesterday. I never noticed it at all.

The Lamp

I can't wait to play this later while I can focus. I bumbled my way through the first crime desk, forgetting names and clues because I had had no sleep lol. Take it from me, play this game while you're alert.


One nice detail. If you use fast travel when there would be a dialogue in the car, you hear the dialogue first and then it sends you to the selected area.

I really enjoy the game. Way better than I expected. Only the clue hunting has become a bit tedious. Also I seem to miss one clue in every case. Lots of interrogation errors too.

Big-ass Ramp

hella bullets that's true
Ugh, still waiting on my copy from Amazon, even though I ordered with release date shipping. I guess there was a delay in Phoenix for some reason.


That throwing stick stunt of yours has boomeranged on us.
in the Masked Gunman side mission...

is there no way to subdue him without killing him? I couldn't catch up before he took a hostage. Can you shoot his gun out of his hand maybe?
CyReN said:
For those that got it from Amazon they changed their credit for it from $15 to $20. You can try contacting customer service to get the $5. Just got mine:)
Thanks for the heads up. I just sent them an email.


levious said:
in the Masked Gunman side mission...

is there no way to subdue him without killing him? I couldn't catch up before he took a hostage. Can you shoot his gun out of his hand maybe?
I thought about
trying to fire over his head to slow him down as he fled, but I haven't gone back to see if it works. After shooting him in the arm and leg a few times, and getting mission failed each time, I just capped him in the head like you did.


levious said:
in the Masked Gunman side mission...

is there no way to subdue him without killing him? I couldn't catch up before he took a hostage. Can you shoot his gun out of his hand maybe?

I don't believe so - I tried it multiple times.
He turns a corner each time you get close to stopping him.


Big Ass Ramp said:
Ugh, still waiting on my copy from Amazon, even though I ordered with release date shipping. I guess there was a delay in Phoenix for some reason.

Yeah, I had the same delay. Originated in Phoenix, delayed by mechanical problems on the flight. Went to Albuquerque, sat there from 6 a.m. until 6 p.m. yesterday, then went to Ontario. Left Ontario last night, got here this morning and is out for delivery, so hopefully when I get home from work it'll be waiting.

Or, the UPS truck will break down and it'll go through 3 more states before it gets to me. :)


I'm enjoying the game a lot. I didn't really have high expectations in the first place, so it hasn't been a let down for me.

I don't really understand why people are calling this groundbreaking. This is essentially a basic adventure game, in the vein of Phoenix Wright, except with high production values and the option to call out liars by reading facial expressions. The motion capture technology may be groundbreaking, but the game certainly isn't. Of course, that doesn't stop it from being a good game.


SolidSnakex said:
Your PS3's fan shouldn't go into high unless the system is starting to overheat.

That's an obvious thing to say.

Obviously the fan speed adjusts itself to keep the temperatures within operating conditions. The temperature will depend on several factors: heat output from the components, quality of the cooling (heatsink + fan), airflow conditions (dust buildup), and ambient room temperatures.

For a lot of people, it will depend on how warm or cold you keep the room where you play the PS3. For me, I have the AC set to cool the room to around 21C. At that temperature, it will usually spin up for a few minutes every half hour or so. If I keep the room at 24C, it will run at full speed almost all the time. If I were to keep the room at 19-20C, then it likely wouldn't spin up at all.


TheExodu5 said:
I'm enjoying the game a lot. I didn't really have high expectations in the first place, so it hasn't been a let down for me.

I don't really understand why people are calling this groundbreaking. This is essentially a basic adventure game, in the vein of Phoenix Wright, except with high production values and the option to call out liars by reading facial expressions. The motion capture technology may be groundbreaking, but the game certainly isn't. Of course, that doesn't stop it from being a good game.
The face-cap isn't a background effect that improves visuals without impacting gameplay. It defines the gameplay. I've never seen or heard of that before; therefore, I call it groundbreaking.


TheExodu5 said:
I'm enjoying the game a lot. I didn't really have high expectations in the first place, so it hasn't been a let down for me.

I don't really understand why people are calling this groundbreaking. This is essentially a basic adventure game, in the vein of Phoenix Wright, except with high production values and the option to call out liars by reading facial expressions. The motion capture technology may be groundbreaking, but the game certainly isn't. Of course, that doesn't stop it from being a good game.
Yup. I am surprised how much it's sucked me in, though. I seriously want this game to do gangbusters so i can see the evolution of this type of game.

I don't think anyone answered me. Do side missions come into play after a certain amount of cases are done, or is it just if you drive far enough out, they start becoming a thing?
My biggest problem with the game -
I was on the Hit and run mission, had already determined that it was a murder by stabbing and had the order to go arrest the Patterson lady. Instead, I went to the guy that owned the car as I hadn't gone there yet. Even with the knowledge that it was a homicide and who the perps were, Cole went off on this bug tirade, accusing the car owner that he was going down for manslaughter and all this BS...even going so far as to make that his arresting reason. With all the thought put into the game, you would think this kind of contradiction within the core mechanic would have been ironed out.


The action in the game basically plays itself. The game decides when you can pull out your gun, and the game does platforming sequences for you automatically. The real game play lies almost entirely in investigation and interrogation. I don't mind that at all. The more I play this game, the more I'm finding that it's Phoenix Wright in 3-d with very high production values, like Exodus says. I like it very much.

One gripe: the notion of unskippable cutscenes. Re-doing missions to get 95% clue / 5-star trophy/cheevers is going to be annoying with unskippable cutscenes.


How does 1940's LA in the game compare to the present LA? Does is still look like today's present LA or is it like a whole new city?


Junior Member
Does this game's open world elements really clash that much with the detective gameplay? I heard somewhere it was basically Ace Attourney with guns. Why even allow the possibility of crashing cars and killing civilians and stuff?

Montresor said:
The action in the game basically plays itself. The game decides when you can pull out your gun, and the game does platforming sequences for you automatically. The real game play lies almost entirely in investigation and interrogation. I don't mind that at all. The more I play this game, the more I'm finding that it's Phoenix Wright in 3-d with very high production values, like Exodus says. I like it very much.

See this is exactly what I expected from the game. Thanks.


I do not avoid women, GAF, but I do deny them my essence.
fastford58 said:
My biggest problem with the game -
I was on the Hit and run mission, had already determined that it was a murder by stabbing and had the order to go arrest the Patterson lady. Instead, I went to the guy that owned the car as I hadn't gone there yet. Even with the knowledge that it was a homicide and who the perps were, Cole went off on this bug tirade, accusing the car owner that he was going down for manslaughter and all this BS...even going so far as to make that his arresting reason. With all the thought put into the game, you would think this kind of contradiction within the core mechanic would have been ironed out.
I ran into that too. I figured I might when I tried to go for it, but a previous mission said I might've done better if I had done a similar thing, so I went for it.

Oh well.
RedSwirl said:
Does this game's open world elements really clash that much with the detective gameplay? I heard somewhere it was basically Ace Attourney with guns. Why even allow the possibility of crashing cars and killing civilians and stuff?
Gives the feeling of being somewhere. Sort of takes away awkward artificial limits and gives you cues instead, which makes for a more whole experience imo. Its probably a philosophical design decision, but I always appreciate open world approaches because of the additional sense of agency you have.


Montresor said:
The action in the game basically plays itself. The game decides when you can pull out your gun, and the game does platforming sequences for you automatically. The real game play lies almost entirely in investigation and interrogation. I don't mind that at all. The more I play this game, the more I'm finding that it's Phoenix Wright in 3-d with very high production values, like Exodus says. I like it very much.

One gripe: the notion of unskippable cutscenes. Re-doing missions to get 95% clue / 5-star trophy/cheevers is going to be annoying with unskippable cutscenes.
I think there is even an option to skip action sequences. A feature that my wife might use.


Evlar said:
The face-cap isn't a background effect that improves visuals without impacting gameplay. It defines the gameplay. I've never seen or heard of that before; therefore, I call it groundbreaking.

I'd say it defines a portion of the gameplay. Everything outside of the "doubt" option is retreading old ground. And that is precisely what I wrote in my post. But the amount of praise and groundbreaking claims here seem to indicate a playerbase that has simply not been exposed to the adventure game genre.


Worships the porcelain goddess
Evlar said:
The face-cap isn't a background effect that improves visuals without impacting gameplay. It defines the gameplay. I've never seen or heard of that before; therefore, I call it groundbreaking.

I have to disagree. It compliments AND complicates reading text in an adventure game. In fact, the game's logic is a bit janky when you pay attention to what someone is also saying while checking out their mannerisms.

I did this same exact thing as Kohler for example. It is a minor spoiler, but it defines what I'm talking about.

What makes this process often baffling and occasionally frustrating is that many times there is no definitive way to determine the right answer. To give one example: I was interrogating a teenager whose mother had just died. I asked her if she knew anything about her mother’s jewelry and she said she “didn’t pay much attention” to it. She glanced slightly to her left, a nervous expression on her face. A 15-year-old girl doesn’t know about her mother’s jewelry? Baloney, I thought. I pressed “Doubt.”

Right? Wrong: She clammed up when Phelps pressed her. As it turns out, the correct answer was “Truth,” which then caused her to reveal more information about the jewelry. So she was hiding something, but my correct read on the scene wasn’t interpreted by the game as the right answer.

The game has more moments like this. Moments where you go "WTF?"

Also, the way characters in this game fly off the handle at the drop of a dime is really goofy. Cole's mannerisms when interviewing are just perplexing.

This is a good game, no question. But there are many things that keep it from being a great game.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
I feel like I'd like this game better if Mafia 2 didn't happen. That game's storyline is so much stronger than LA Noire's (from what I've played it, anyways), and with better atmosphere and open world mechanics.

Mafia 2 is also a beautiful game. LA Noire is quite ugly most of the time.
Yeah, but LA Noire is doing quite a bit more on the game front than Mafia 2 attempted. This feels much more like an adventure game mixed with a sandbox title. Mafia 2 did not offer any of the interactive conversations or world interactions that you get in LA Noire.

As a result I'd argue that the two games are actually very different. For the record, I loved Mafia 2.


Couple of questions:

Is there a day and night cycle?

How is the mood of the game? Noir is one of my favourite genres, I'm just wondering if they caught it well.


Also, I might be too early into the game to make this call, but does anyone else feel that the scale and scope of this game's city is a huge waste of resources and potential? What's the point of faithfully re-creating such a huge city if the game has you bouncing around from mission to mission, with no real need to free roam?


Dries said:
How does 1940's LA in the game compare to the present LA? Does is still look like today's present LA or is it like a whole new city?
The street cars are there, so that's different. The actual layout of the streets are the same (or similar enough). The interstate and freeway system doesn't exist yet, which obviously changes the way you move through the city compared to your likely commute today. Some of the major city landmarks from 1947 still exist today; I was happy to see a lovely reproduction of Union Station, for instance.
TheExodu5 said:
I'm enjoying the game a lot. I didn't really have high expectations in the first place, so it hasn't been a let down for me.

I don't really understand why people are calling this groundbreaking. This is essentially a basic adventure game, in the vein of Phoenix Wright, except with high production values and the option to call out liars by reading facial expressions. The motion capture technology may be groundbreaking, but the game certainly isn't. Of course, that doesn't stop it from being a good game.
Yeah im enjoying it to but the only groundbreaking thing about this game is face technology.

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
Deadly Cyclone said:
Question on a weird sound issue I am getting. Using my Astro A40s over optical I get a slight delay that is noticeable from when the voice starts and when their mouth starts moving, but when I switch to TV sound it matches up perfect. If I have bot running I can hear my Astros just befor the (correct) TV sound. Anyone know why this is happening?

Anyone else having this issue?
cackhyena said:
Yup. I am surprised how much it's sucked me in, though. I seriously want this game to do gangbusters so i can see the evolution of this type of game.

I don't think anyone answered me. Do side missions come into play after a certain amount of cases are done, or is it just if you drive far enough out, they start becoming a thing?

The side missions are available almost from the beginning. They're definitely there as soon as you make detective, and possibly from late in the tutorial. I'm only on the second Traffic case and I've done two side missions and turned down a third.

They're the calls that come through from dispatch when you're in your car and a little running figure appears on the map when you accept the mission. If you've been playing for more than a half hour I'm not sure how you miss it.


Joe Shlabotnik said:
The side missions are available almost from the beginning. They're definitely there as soon as you make detective, and possibly from late in the tutorial. I'm only on the second Traffic case and I've done two side missions and turned down a third.

How do you turn down a side mission? Did you just ignore it?

Also, what happens if you accept a side mission and then ignore it and move on to your main case anyway? I hope it doesn't become missable, heh.


I do not avoid women, GAF, but I do deny them my essence.
dark10x said:
Yeah, but LA Noire is doing quite a bit more on the game front than Mafia 2 attempted. This feels much more like an adventure game mixed with a sandbox title. Mafia 2 did not offer any of the interactive conversations or world interactions that you get in LA Noire.

As a result I'd argue that the two games are actually very different. For the record, I loved Mafia 2.
Yeah, no doubt. LA Noire tackles the non-shooting gameplay far better. Its just that driving around feels so much more stale, and you don't get as much of a feeling of place. No radio-stations, massive sprawling city, bland color-set, etc. The structure is more procedural than intuitive, if that distinction makes sense.

I'm just hoping that the story really starts coming together soon and the two overarching storylines start to reach into the interactive experiences. I'm on the second homicide case and the game still has no juiciness to it. I think it will though. My opinion of the game will probably change significantly once I beat it and everything comes together.


Deadly Cyclone said:
Anyone else having this issue?
I'm playing with an optical cable running to my old Sony receiver; I don't notice any sound lag. Works the same as any other Dolby Surround game. Wish I could help more.
Montresor said:
How do you turn down a side mission? Did you just ignore it?

Also, what happens if you accept a side mission and then ignore it and move on to your main case anyway? I hope it doesn't become missable, heh.
Just keep driving and don't hit the accept button to skip. People say they'll pop back up randomly after you ignore them the first time.


Joe Shlabotnik said:
The side missions are available almost from the beginning. They're definitely there as soon as you make detective, and possibly from late in the tutorial. I'm only on the second Traffic case and I've done two side missions and turned down a third.
Thank you. Finally, an answer. I'm wondering why I'm not coming across any? Maybe the fact that 95% of my getting around is being done by my partner.

K' Dash

Hype aside, this game is good, but not as good as I thought it would be, right now is a solid 8 for me.

Interrogation sequences are not flexible, in a couple of cases I know someone is lying, I got proof but team bondi wanted me to select "doubt", not cool, also I'm no reestarting anything for one bad question.
Montresor said:
How do you turn down a side mission? Did you just ignore it?

Also, what happens if you accept a side mission and then ignore it and move on to your main case anyway? I hope it doesn't become missable, heh.

Yeah I just ignored it. I'm pretty sure they come back--kind of defeats the purpose of them being "optional" if they don't.
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