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Team Bondi's L.A. NOIRE |OT| Watchin' Faces, Solvin' Cases

Very disappointed impressions. I read some of the read reviews and it validated my concerns about the gameplay. The cases are too linear and lack the critical thinking elements to make it stand out from a nice atmospheric narrative.

The clue hunting is basically hide and seek. The interrogation can't go wrong and doesn't affect the story. You can't even fail (like Phoenix Wright), only lower your case score. Many of the reviews mention the accusation choices are guesswork.

The auto-aim shooting, fights, car and foot chases seem to be tacked on without any depth. It looks like a nice package for those who are looking for an interactive story. I was hoping this game would evolve the adventure game genre. Unfortunately it seems to lack the puzzle and mind bending parts to the gameplay.

Deleted member 80556

Unconfirmed Member
marathonfool said:
Very disappointed impressions. I read some of the read reviews and it validated my concerns about the gameplay. The cases are too linear and lack the critical thinking elements to make it stand out from a nice atmospheric narrative.

The clue hunting is basically hide and seek. The interrogation can't go wrong and doesn't affect the story. You can't even fail (like Phoenix Wright), only lower your case score. Many of the reviews mention the accusation choices are guesswork.

The auto-aim shooting, fights, car and foot chases seem to be tacked on without any depth. It looks like a nice package for those who are looking for an interactive story. I was hoping this game would evolve the adventure game genre. Unfortunately it seems to lack the puzzle and mind bending parts to the gameplay.

Dammit, I was actually expecting that if I screwed up, an innocent would go to jail.

Oh well. At least this game might be the start of something much more bigger.


marathonfool said:
Very disappointed impressions. I read some of the read reviews and it validated my concerns about the gameplay. The cases are too linear and lack the critical thinking elements to make it stand out from a nice atmospheric narrative.

The clue hunting is basically hide and seek. The interrogation can't go wrong and doesn't affect the story. You can't even fail (like Phoenix Wright), only lower your case score. Many of the reviews mention the accusation choices are guesswork.

The auto-aim shooting, fights, car and foot chases seem to be tacked on without any depth. It looks like a nice package for those who are looking for an interactive story. I was hoping this game would evolve the adventure game genre. Unfortunately it seems to lack the puzzle and mind bending parts to the gameplay.

Unfortunately there's not a huge market for the adventure gaming genre at the moment. However, perhaps if something like this, a AAA game that has some aspects of adventure gaming connected with more familiar GTA gameplay, does well, it could open up the market.


So I'll be heading to the Best Buy launch today, hopefully there isn't a ton of people there, I want the extra DLC case!
I assume you can't shop around for other stuff at these midnight launches?
3 more days till I get my copy, seen loads of adverts for it on the tv in the uk (all of which are very good, even non-gaming people are impressed)
whitehawk said:
Oh also, besides that the PS3 version is on 1 disc, and the 360 version is on 3, are there any other differences?

PS3 has an exclusive mission and the game was originally ps3 exclusive so its better optimized for that console. It runs fine on 360 though


Whoever did the casting really likes Mad Men... I saw at least 3 familiar faces watching the Gametrailers review.

Edit: Make that 5.
How are the shooting/movement/cover mechanics? Is it your standard GTAIV/RDR fair? After becoming proficient with Gears of War/Uncharted's respective cover systems, GTAIV/RDR's implementation is pretty horrible.

Does Phelps move with the same weight and whatnot as Bellic? It all "looks" as if it would feel very similar to GTAIV/RDR, which isn't even a bad thing, but that cover system leaves a lot to be desired.


Kintaco said:
So I'll be heading to the Best Buy launch today, hopefully there isn't a ton of people there, I want the extra DLC case!
I assume you can't shop around for other stuff at these midnight launches?

We went last fall when my girlfriend got a Twilight DVD or something and yeah, you can grab other things so long as it's not a big deal. I don't think I'd pick up a car stereo, computer, or TV.


Juan29.zapata said:
Dammit, I was actually expecting that if I screwed up, an innocent would go to jail.
That would be fairly interesting. That, or some criminals are never caught and if cases go unsolved, you end up hosing your career and working the beat.

Should be allowed to do stuff wrong, but have a failsafe so major story can progress while you get back on track.

Regardless, I know how I intend to approach the game and I have no doubts that I'll enjoy it as is.


Kolgar said:
We went last fall when my girlfriend got a Twilight DVD or something and yeah, you can grab other things so long as it's not a big deal. I don't think I'd pick up a car stereo, computer, or TV.
Haha, I was thinking of picking up a Blu-Ray with some Rewards coupons that I had. It would be nice to save a trip.


NYTimes review is up: Very positive, somewhat spoilerific, and very determined to lay the credit at Rockstar's feet. http://www.nytimes.com/2011/05/17/arts/video-games/la-noire-by-rockstar-games-review.html?_r=1&hpw
Most games have nothing to do with reality. When you’re dealing with orcs or aliens, or even when you’re pretending to be a special-forces commando, you’ve gone to a place completely divorced from the here and now.

That’s fine. We’re all entitled to some time away. But we’ve learned over eons that the narrative entertainments — novels, plays, films, television shows — that elicit deep emotional and intellectual engagement are those that speak directly to the circumstances of everyday life. And that’s been hard for video games, both creatively and technically. The one company doing it at a high level is Rockstar Games. No one makes the real world virtual like Rockstar.

We’ve seen it with the Grand Theft Auto series, and we saw it with last year’s Red Dead Redemption. Now Rockstar has turned out its most pointed, and poignant, statement with L.A. Noire.


Thankfully, there are a few straight-up villains to take out. But ambiguity is the order of the day, and L.A. Noire serves it up with flair. As in Red Dead and Grand Theft Auto, you have a vast virtual landscape to explore outside of the main story — in this case a broad swath of Los Angeles — but there is far less actually to do out there than in either the Liberty City of Grand Theft or the Old West of Red Dead. (One technical note: L.A. Noire is among the growing number of games that highlight the inadequacy of the Xbox 360’s current optical disc format. While the game comes on a single Blu-ray disc for the PlayStation 3, for which it was originally designed, it takes up three discs for the Xbox 360. This game is best played on the PS3.)

Along with Red Dead Redemption, my other favorite of last year was Heavy Rain, also a grim serial-killer story. L.A. Noire draws heavily from both games. The one thing they all have in common is that they are set in, and reflect, visions of the real world.
Juan29.zapata said:
Dammit, I was actually expecting that if I screwed up, an innocent would go to jail.

I've seen some reviews mention that this is the case, unless I am missing something? SOMEONE goes to jail either way.


Traced-Velocity said:
Whoever did the casting really likes Mad Men... I saw at least 3 familiar faces watching the Gametrailers review.

Edit: Make that 5.
Pretty sure it was casted and in development before mad men got into season 1, or even finished.


Gooster said:
I've seen some reviews mention that this is the case, unless I am missing something? SOMEONE goes to jail either way.

Yea I read that too.
"You can't "fail" a case, per se; you'll always conclude it by nabbing someone--again, making an arrest is more important to most of these cops than discovering the truth--even if that someone isn't actually the right person" - Giantbomb


marathonfool said:
Very disappointed impressions. I read some of the read reviews and it validated my concerns about the gameplay. The cases are too linear and lack the critical thinking elements to make it stand out from a nice atmospheric narrative.

The clue hunting is basically hide and seek. The interrogation can't go wrong and doesn't affect the story. You can't even fail (like Phoenix Wright), only lower your case score. Many of the reviews mention the accusation choices are guesswork.

The auto-aim shooting, fights, car and foot chases seem to be tacked on without any depth. It looks like a nice package for those who are looking for an interactive story. I was hoping this game would evolve the adventure game genre. Unfortunately it seems to lack the puzzle and mind bending parts to the gameplay.

These were the exact things I was worried about and it seems to have come true from what I hear. I also hear the side quests don't weave into the main narrative like those in Deadly Premonition did.

I'll pass.
Unregistered007 said:
The Xbox 360 version both botched literally.

3 discs and bad frame rate.....

The frame rate problem doesn't sound that bad and multiple discs really isn't a big deal for a game as long as this.


Unregistered007 said:
The Xbox 360 version both botched literally.

3 discs and bad frame rate.....

I've read that the difference in frame rate and popping between the systems is barely noticeable.
And if changing out disks is a major factor for anyone, that's just sad.


xDEKOIx said:
I've read that the difference in frame rate and popping between the systems is barely noticeable.

exactly especially installed to HDD.

Wait for DF comparisons but am suspecting that they will be awfully similar.

Headed to my first midnight launch tonight. Super-pumped for this game. "Meh" gameplay mechanics aside, I'm excited about the story, acting, and what looks to be an actual "mature" game that pushes a few envelopes.

Anything to these midnight launches at Gamestop other than walking in and picking up my game? At least hoping for some StreetPass tags.


xDEKOIx said:
I've read that the difference in frame rate and popping between the systems is barely noticeable.
And if changing out disks is a major factor for anyone, that's just sad.

The gametrailers review says that you can replay missions.

IIRC, the missions are the content divided into the three disks so that might prove some problems for people who want to replay.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
LyleLanley said:
The frame rate problem doesn't sound that bad and multiple discs really isn't a big deal for a game as long as this.
Watching that (cutscene) video comparison from some website made the framerate look really similar between the two. On the other hand, this is one of the rare cases where IGN actually decided to give lower graphics score to one version of the game because of that (they didn't even do it for RDR for example), so maybe during gameplay it's worse than that video would suggest.

mintylurb said:
Any word on what kind of AA noire ps3 has? Because AA ain't free on the ps3 ;<
720p 2xMSAA on both based on posts at B3D.


So about some of these "washed out" comments about the PS3 version. The colors aren't washed out and the gamma output on the PS3 is about normal. The reason why the colors may seem to look more vibrant or darker on the 360 is that Microsoft thinks that jacking up the gamma actually looks better on TV's - much the same way TV's settings are jacked to the max at your local electronics shop. Unfortunately, this seems to be a default setting for the 360 and although the developer can correct it by using proper gamma levels a lot of them don't. But, there is a method to the 360's madness in that a lot of displays are improperly calibrated and because of this it tends to make 360 games look better when in actuality they're not.
NYT Review:
Yet none of Rockstar’s previous games have been so emotionally powerful.

If I hadn't played Red Dead Redemption I'd be inclined to believe this person. Its always tough reading these mainstream game reviews, they are so obviously written and catered to the "casual" (not being used as a derogatory term) audience that it can be tough to take them seriously.

They do their part in getting more people to play and enjoy video games but still...

I also could have done without the "Most games have nothing to do with reality" line. While true to a degree it comes off as snub to gaming as a form of media from the very first line of the article. A mentality that really needs to be cast aside if video games are ever to be taken seriously by a wider range of consumers.
doesn't sound like there's enough gameplay for my tastes. but I guess they're going for a realistic period piece, so they're sort of hamstrung in that sense and I can respect the attention to detail at the expense of tons of huge shootouts with jetpacks and bazookas. I'll probably check this out whenever I get around to rebuying a current gen system.


demolitio said:
Anyone know if you can do an instore pickup at Best Buy's midnight release? I called the store after ordering it online and she said "I think so" which doesn't make me too confident that I can and I'd hate to drive out there for nothing...So does anyone know if you can or does anyone plan to do it?

I just want that midnight release DLC even though I won't be able to play it with the store being down.
What do you need to bring for instore pickup, because the email says I need my credit card, but I called up the store and they said you just need your ID and order number. I wanted a family member to pick it up. Does anyone else have experience picking new releases up from Best Buy?


Also what's with the 3 DVD 360 criticism? Being able to dump the entire game onto the HDD seems like an advantage to me on several fronts.
marathonfool said:
Very disappointed impressions. I read some of the read reviews and it validated my concerns about the gameplay. The cases are too linear and lack the critical thinking elements to make it stand out from a nice atmospheric narrative.

The clue hunting is basically hide and seek. The interrogation can't go wrong and doesn't affect the story. You can't even fail (like Phoenix Wright), only lower your case score. Many of the reviews mention the accusation choices are guesswork.

The auto-aim shooting, fights, car and foot chases seem to be tacked on without any depth. It looks like a nice package for those who are looking for an interactive story. I was hoping this game would evolve the adventure game genre. Unfortunately it seems to lack the puzzle and mind bending parts to the gameplay.
Not to be a negative nancy but isn't this kind of expected? Rockstar has never been known for its polished gameplay mechanics, and making a quality game with branching story paths (when gaming is already so bad at storytelling) sounds unrealistically ambitious.

This looks to me to be another game which is all style, no substance. Just looking at its strengths I don't think this one is going to hold up over time. Of course I'll have to reserve my real judgement for when I play it at some point.

But as of right now I think the money would be much better spent on some actual crime dramas instead of playing a game masquerading as one.


Not sure if this has been posted yet or not, apologies if it has. The "extra case" from Best Buy(first 16 people) is a voucher for a free download when it is released. It will be DLC everyone can get, you just dont have to pay for it.

Deleted member 81567

Unconfirmed Member
I don't get it, what do people expect from this game?

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
Truespeed said:
So about some of these "washed out" comments about the PS3 version. The colors aren't washed out and the gamma output on the PS3 is about normal. The reason why the colors may seem to look more vibrant or darker on the 360 is that Microsoft thinks that jacking up the gamma actually looks better on TV's - much the same way TV's settings are jacked to the max at your local electronics shop. Unfortunately, this seems to be a default setting for the 360 and although the developer can correct it by using proper gamma levels a lot of them don't. But, there is a method to the 360's madness in that a lot of displays are improperly calibrated and because of this it tends to make 360 games look better when in actuality they're not.
This explains two platforms gamma differences better than any other place I've seen.



Dr Eggman said:
I don't get it, what do people expect from this game?
reviewers are clearly saying the game is amazing and maybe even a classic yet people are still picking apart the minor flaws and making them seem bigger than they are.

calm down
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