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The Acolyte premieres June 4th on Disney+


Seems like the writers took a page out of MCU's writing with like the Wanda show trying to portray her as the one who suffered the most while she was holding an entire town hostage, even after realizing this.

And where did that 180M $ go!?
My god I hated that so much and it reached into Dr. Strange when he said it wasn't her fault. No one made her capture an entire town and force them to deal with her trauma. Agatha only showed up because she sensed Wanda AFTER she kidnapped an entire town. But no, she did nothing wrong for some reason.


Well all the characters I liked are dead so guess I don’t need to bother with S2 if there is one.

To its credit, the best part of this show was showing how arrogant and self-righteous the Jedi are in this era.
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Well all the characters I liked are dead so guess I don’t need to bother with S2 if there is one.

To its credit, the best part of this show was showing how arrogant and self-righteous the Jedi are in this era.
That's one of my issues with this, the entire point of the prequel series was to show how to Jedi fell. They were too arrogant, believing they always knew best and it caused their down fall. They were suspicious of Anakin but paid no mind to Palpatine and how he kept corrupting Anakin. Had they got off their high horse and paid attention they would've realized Palpatine was a sith, making the Acolyte doing it feel redundant. It's not showing me anything I didn't already see, it's not telling a story that feels new, more like it's trying to tell it's own version of a story we already got.

While the prequel aren't the best written things in the world, it portrays that arrogance in a more nuanced way without making the Jedi out to be outright villains versus how the Acolyte tries to do the same but fails because of the very reason they're supposed to be arrogant comes off making them seem in the right. The death of the witches is supposed to show us how the Jedi's meddling and self-righteousness caused the death of an entire village, but they barely did anything. They didn't know the witches were on the planet, they were there just to investigate suspicious life on what should be a dead planet, the witches behaved more sinister than the Jedi attacking first in some cases and using mental manipulation that had they not done, the Jedi may have just left as they were told they should. I can go on but it just leads to the same points, it's like a poorly written remake of less poorly written, but still not all that good, movies.


That's one of my issues with this, the entire point of the prequel series was to show how to Jedi fell. They were too arrogant, believing they always knew best and it caused their down fall. They were suspicious of Anakin but paid no mind to Palpatine and how he kept corrupting Anakin. Had they got off their high horse and paid attention they would've realized Palpatine was a sith, making the Acolyte doing it feel redundant. It's not showing me anything I didn't already see, it's not telling a story that feels new, more like it's trying to tell it's own version of a story we already got.

While the prequel aren't the best written things in the world, it portrays that arrogance in a more nuanced way without making the Jedi out to be outright villains versus how the Acolyte tries to do the same but fails because of the very reason they're supposed to be arrogant comes off making them seem in the right. The death of the witches is supposed to show us how the Jedi's meddling and self-righteousness caused the death of an entire village, but they barely did anything. They didn't know the witches were on the planet, they were there just to investigate suspicious life on what should be a dead planet, the witches behaved more sinister than the Jedi attacking first in some cases and using mental manipulation that had they not done, the Jedi may have just left as they were told they should. I can go on but it just leads to the same points, it's like a poorly written remake of less poorly written, but still not all that good, movies.

yeah. one of the things that always bothered me about SW in general is how inconsistent the force is (eg, rules about what it can and can't do). namely, there's a lot of "sensing" when it's convenient for the plot. but the evilest MF'er in the middle of the senate? naw. crazy! who knew?

but they barely did anything

I mostly agree with this....until the part where when mom goes all smokey and Sol decides "guess I'll just stab her in the gut with my saber"
But regardless, I'm in the middle of watching Star Trek TNG now it's a really big contrast between the Starfleet's "do not interfere" and the Jedi's "no trust us, we know best. it's for your protection! also we have the right to raid any civilization to find gifted children to recruit into our 'religion'".


Call me crazy, but I enjoyed the series overall, especially the finale. I thought it was an amazing premise slightly ruined by incompetent writing and directing, as if often the case with recent Star Wars.

Some of the actors, especially Mog and green woman, are just terrible and clear diversity hires. The twin child actors also make Jake Lloyd look like an Oscar winner.

Ulysses 31

I mostly agree with this....until the part where when mom goes all smokey and Sol decides "guess I'll just stab her in the gut with my saber"
Couldn't the witch have given some warning that she was gonna turn into some mist monster and then release the girl? The little girl seemed frightened as she was turning into mist also. And all this after a witch nearby has her weapon drawn on them.


I think most people would react like Sol did when something like that appears in front of you without any wanring.
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yeah. one of the things that always bothered me about SW in general is how inconsistent the force is (eg, rules about what it can and can't do). namely, there's a lot of "sensing" when it's convenient for the plot. but the evilest MF'er in the middle of the senate? naw. crazy! who knew?

I mostly agree with this....until the part where when mom goes all smokey and Sol decides "guess I'll just stab her in the gut with my saber"
But regardless, I'm in the middle of watching Star Trek TNG now it's a really big contrast between the Starfleet's "do not interfere" and the Jedi's "no trust us, we know best. it's for your protection! also we have the right to raid any civilization to find gifted children to recruit into our 'religion'".
I think it's hinted that he saw May (who he thought was Osha) turning into smoke and thought it was harming her. Also, not sure what reaction someone would have with someone turning into a giant smoke monster.
Couldn't the witch have given some warning that she was gonna turn into some mist monster and then release the girl? The little girl seemed frightened as she was turning into mist also. And all this after a witch nearby has her weapon drawn them.


I think most people would react like Sol did when something like that appears in front of you without any wanring.
Was going to say this before I fell asleep. You don't show yourself as a thread and then say "I was going to let her leave", you just say take her or attack the other witch who started the fight to begin with so that the Jedi understand your intention. Most people would assume the smoke demon is coming to attack them when the situation beforehand was hostile.


Well all the characters I liked are dead so guess I don’t need to bother with S2 if there is one.

To its credit, the best part of this show was showing how arrogant and self-righteous the Jedi are in this era
Didn’t they already say no second season?


Gold Member
LOL who da fuq is dis?

There’s a guy who wears a mask on YouTube to make up total BS (he’s who Marvel based the She-Hulk villains on) who also plays a full-on Neo Nazi stormtrooper character on Bitchute where he makes Nazi videos. His YouTube videos use the same scripts, he just swaps out “Jews” for “Women” and “SJWs” so YouTube doesn’t ban him.
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Gold Member
I have no ide who you are talking about but didn’t she say it in an interview?
You mean the interviews where they talk about a second season?

No, the thing about it being cancelled was made up by Doomcock last year:

Multiple sites reported a rumor that The Acolyte had been canceled altogether, citing notorious Star Wars rumormonger Dicktor von Doomcock. The masked YouTuber claimed to be in contact with screenwriter Kamran Pasha, who in turn supposedly had an anonymous source who claimed showrunner Leslye Headland was fired and The Acolyte put in “soft cancellation.”

That’s obviously a very sketchy rumor. And as his name might imply, Doomcock is known for making up controversial rumors to gain views, like when he claimed there was “no plan” for a Captain Marvel 2. (The Marvels hits theaters November 10, 2023.)


The Star Wars authority rates this show! Even worse than The Last Jedi :messenger_winking_tongue:

Hey, it's this guy! Loved his acting here. So spot on, especially Anakin lol.

2:46 cracks me up every time.
Call me crazy, but I enjoyed the series overall, especially the finale. I thought it was an amazing premise slightly ruined by incompetent writing and directing, as if often the case with recent Star Wars.

Some of the actors, especially Mog and green woman, are just terrible and clear diversity hires. The twin child actors also make Jake Lloyd look like an Oscar winner.

You're crazy. But that's okay, we don't all enjoy the same things. I can watch some 5.2 IMDB scifi horror because I can love the idea even if the implementation isn't great.
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I watched The Drinkers episode reviews (rants) of this absolute load of bull wank....

Safe to say Star Wars is finished and Disney are beyond saving, They are releasing absolutely fucking awful content this past 10 years wtf is going on.


Gold Member

There’s a guy who wears a mask on YouTube to make up total BS (he’s who Marvel based the She-Hulk villains on) who also plays a full-on Neo Nazi stormtrooper character on Bitchute where he makes Nazi videos. His YouTube videos use the same scripts, he just swaps out “Jews” for “Women” and “SJWs” so YouTube doesn’t ban him.

Jeebus I don't even want to click because I'm worried my feed will be poisoned.


Just caught it. The show had some good action, but is trying to be way deeper than it is thematically. For the story we got, it wrapped up mercifully short enough to enjoy some cool parts. Because of the writing, it all doesn't really come off as a lesson. Just a tragedy. Anakin's story was a tragedy, but with a lesson in it. So it comes off as more poorly repackaged Star Wars.

Sol didn't really act badly when he offed Mama Witch because he was surrounded with hostile Night Sisters and she was casting a spell he'd never seen, looked scary, involved a child and could have been some sort of attack.

It really comes down to the padawan making a mistake that blew up. So the lesson, if there is one, can be distilled down to -don't be the kid who keeps saying "are we there yet" impatiently.

For a show that made a big deal of its story -different perspectives, lapses of time, mysterious characters and motives. It ended up really lame and not making any sense IMO.

Sw killing its fans now.

Either that or the only remaining fans are so dumb that...you know what, nevermind.


Jeebus I don't even want to click because I'm worried my feed will be poisoned.
Ok I have to chime in. He's basically a Dr Doom parody with a very much tongue in cheek critique of pretty much any modern movie.(Which is pretty much the performance joke, IE Dr Doom giving his opinion of Disney, Star Wars, etc.) Yeah, he's going to all in when it comes to anything Disney. Yes I know he says he has "sources" on the inside but I take everything he says as entertainment with a big grain of salt.


Gold Member
Ok I have to chime in. He's basically a Dr Doom parody with a very much tongue in cheek critique of pretty much any modern movie.(Which is pretty much the performance joke, IE Dr Doom giving his opinion of Disney, Star Wars, etc.) Yeah, he's going to all in when it comes to anything Disney. Yes I know he says he has "sources" on the inside but I take everything he says as entertainment with a big grain of salt.

He's literally a Neo Nazi. I know people like to label others as "Nazi" these days, but he literally has a Nazi stormtrooper character he plays on Bitchute (because those videos would be instantly banned on YouTube). When the Fandom Menace found out about that most of them distanced themselves from him when they'd previously invite him on their videos. He wore a wrestling mask once and did a video with Geeks & Gamers in a car.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
Yes, what Mana says about that guy is true as far as I could tell. Appeared to be the same guy on Bitchute doing actual proper Nazi videos in a different mask.


Ok I have to chime in. He's basically a Dr Doom parody with a very much tongue in cheek critique of pretty much any modern movie.(Which is pretty much the performance joke, IE Dr Doom giving his opinion of Disney, Star Wars, etc.) Yeah, he's going to all in when it comes to anything Disney. Yes I know he says he has "sources" on the inside but I take everything he says as entertainment with a big grain of salt.
Pretty much any modern movie? I just had a look at his channel and he seems to cover a very limited number of things, manchild shit. Where’s the rest? Is there another channel?


Gold Member
Yes, what Mana says about that guy is true as far as I could tell. Appeared to be the same guy on Bitchute doing actual proper Nazi videos in a different mask.

I also heard he once showed up at some kind of fan gathering somewhere at a con or something once and he had both costumes with him. Like I said, once that came out most of the Fandom Menace people dropped him fast.


Gold Member
Umm, so I did a quick google

Which mentions the whole KommandantBase211 but also says it's fake by people that supposedly know him.

It's a Wiki anyone can edit, and the only "confirmation" is this line with zero citation:
These rumors can be confirmed to be FALSE by several people that know him well such as Canadian Spider-Man.

If it were false then the Fandom Menace wouldn't have disavowed him.
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It's a Wiki anyone can edit, and the only "confirmation" is this line with zero citation:

If it were false then the Fandom Menace wouldn't have disavowed him.
My problem if that in neither case there's scant little evidence in either direction whether it's true or not. IE I try to be slow to call anyone anything without good evidence, especially when it's calling someone a neo nazi which is pretty abhorrent if he really is one.(Which again there's little evidence one way or another.)


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
Umm, so I did a quick google

Which mentions the whole KommandantBase211 but also says it's fake by people that supposedly know him.
“People who know him say it’s not true” on an unsourced wiki page isn’t really useful info.

The videos on Bitchute looked like the same person with the same voice and mannerisms in the same room with a different costume on from what I recall (it’s been some years). You can track down the videos and decide for yourself if you’re curious.


Gold Member
My problem if that in neither case there's scant little evidence in either direction whether it's true or not. IE I try to be slow to call anyone anything without good evidence, especially when it's calling someone a neo nazi which is pretty abhorrent if he really is one.(Which again there's little evidence one way or another.)

There's plenty of evidence. There are videos that are nearly an hour long detailing it all in very granular fashion. Some people just don't want to accept someone they follow is actually a Nazi who wants them dead.

“People who know him say it’s not true” on an unsourced wiki page isn’t really useful info.

The videos on Bitchute looked like the same person with the same voice in the same room with a different costume on from what I recall (it’s been some years). You can track down the videos and decide for yourself if you’re curious.

He even used the same video intros on both channels early on.
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