When the prosecution can't get remand, which is a fairly rare occurrence to get when you got means, they often pitch a seemingly obscene number to keep people from fleeing.Step 1. Don't do something illegal.
Step 2. Get arrested anyway, that's where we're at.
Step 3. Get used to it, 'cause we cannot help you. You gonna stay in prison unless your family loves you.
'Sup with the cost of bail in the US, anyway? That's a ridiculous amount. $35M.
The reboot has him fall down a hole in an alternate dimension and they leave him there until the third act of the movie where it turns out that the he survived and the dimension turned him into a crash test dummy and he wants to protect that planet by destroying earth.
Bloody Roar was a thinking man's fighting game, but at the same time it had something for the working class. It required adaptability and strategy unless brainless games like Street Fighter, King of the FIghter, and Garou Mark of the Wolf
.....the fuck? how much of the script was written while the writer was high off premium cocaine?
ehhhh.i wouldnt go that far, but it had variety which is lacking in the current fighting market. i love the series, but seeing people go crazy over arikas potential street fighting layer ex is suprising because a lot of people shat on it when it was live
Yeah. I fucking hate that shit.The sad thing is you'd have better responses if the premise was improving the frame rate, more DLC, or the addition of playing as the male rival/boss character.
I don't think Atlus have the resources to do that for P5. And if they did it would be a heavily cut down experience. Many years down the line.I'm sure they'll add a female MC in the next version of P5. There's nothing about that story that makes it impossible.
That's what make it so frustrating.The male MCs never had any exceedingly masculine characteristics anyway, and that is done on purpose to make it easier for players to identify.
Yep.People think the answer the director gave was an excuse but that really is how these dudes think
You should hear about Doom's motivation, he wants to be left along on shit hole planet
He literally just wants to be left alone, but they're like "Nope get back here" and then shit falls apart even worse
It would take some exclusives much more interesting than Forza that's for sureAnyone planning on getting the Scorpio?
It would take some exclusives much more interesting than Forza that's for sure
Anyone planning on getting the Scorpio?
I knew I made the right choice holding off on the xb one
Anyone planning on getting the Scorpio?
I knew I made the right choice holding off on the xb one
Anyone planning on getting the Scorpio?
I knew I made the right choice holding off on the xb one
Nah, but I have an X1, so it's not a priority by any means in the same way a PS4 Pro isn't.
I imagine the price is going to be ridiculous in Canada, anyway. 😰
Sooner or later because I buy all the consolesAnyone planning on getting the Scorpio?
I knew I made the right choice holding off on the xb one
Anyone planning on getting the Scorpio?
I knew I made the right choice holding off on the xb one
Maybe...if it comes in small package, and doesn't cost a kings ransom.
Ah, shit you're right. Maybe not then.
He literally just wants to be left alone, but they're like "Nope get back here" and then shit falls apart even worse
I bet BCT members wouldn't even put money one each other's books
Does anyone listen to Where's my 40 acres? Did anyone watch that swinging video they talked about ?
Anyone planning on getting the Scorpio?
I knew I made the right choice holding off on the xb one
Anyone planning on getting the Scorpio?
I knew I made the right choice holding off on the xb one
Yes, I listen to WM40A. And hell to the naw I didn't watch that video.
Good for him. But the NYPD won't learn the obvious lesson, and the city will end up forking over more money in the future.
Everyone says Sony has had a great first party this generation, but it feels like they've only had five real standouts.
Microsoft hasn't been much better mind you.
Did you guys already clown Jandro over this?
It was a lot sadder than they made out. I will leave it at that
Anyone planning on getting the Scorpio?
I knew I made the right choice holding off on the xb one
Aren't you new here? Parallax! Haaaalp!
Forearm did you see that link/resource I shared a few days ago about workout programs? I can pm you it if you missed it.
Bring back Midnight Club!
Im building a PC just so I have it but I want a Scorpio for perfect 360 games....
Gonna have to wait for real...
3 DUB reeeeemix!Okay, yall. Favorite Midnight Club game, go!!
Midnight Club LA: DUB edition.
Whaddup BCT, been a min since I've posted. Been finishing up my last days at FedEx before starting my new joint on Monday.
3 DUB reeeeemix!
Where else are you gonna hear Fabolous, Beenie man and Ying Yang twinsYeah that is it! Love that game as well as its soundtrack.
So, watching Samurai Champloo and holy shit this show oozes style.
Aren't you new here? Parallax! Haaaalp!
Where else are you gonna hear Fabolous, Beenie man and Ying Yang twins