"How do we solve racism, surely there must be a way so that we can win elections" say the people to the crowd of colored folks, who all strangely have their hands pressed firmly against their foreheads.
I believe it was called Clint.
Because hahahaha it looks like the word cunt from a distance hahahaha so funny hahahaha ha
I feel like I should be watching supergirl because they have one of my favorite obscure superhero on it, but I really don't like Supergirl the character in the show. I dislike her for the same reasons I can't stand Felicity in Arrow. Allways trying to be cute when you should ahve some grown ass woman in you.
Everyone had fingerless gloves in the 90s
Movies based on Mark Millar's books tend to be watered down a little. Or at the very least, the scriptwriter excises out much of the bullshit.
I read the first Kick Ass comic, and I came to the conclusion that Mark Millar is racist. Also, I think he hates himself.
Super Girl is suprisingly on point
Super Girl is more on point than like.. a lot of the last DC movies.
Also it has MM in it, and why he isn't in the justice league movie is an actual injustice.
Mornin' everyone.
Afternoon BCT
"How do we solve racism, surely there must be a way so that we can win elections" say the people to the crowd of colored folks, who all strangely have their hands pressed firmly against their foreheads.
How y'all doing?
Korean BBQ [dining] is overrated.
How y'all doing?
I find its better experienced in Korea.
I'll have to take your word for it since the restaurant I went to was very underwhelming and I thoroughly enjoy the common spices used in Korean dishes. Korean pollos fritos is still great though.
Slow start but doing good. How about you?
I find its better experienced in Korea.
Decent so far. I'll see how work goes today.All good man, you?
I just read Supreme Power: Nighthawk last night and it's one of the best Batman stories I didn't know I wanted.
Highly recommended.
It also has a terrifying Joker called WhitefaceI just read Supreme Power: Nighthawk last night and it's one of the best Batman stories I didn't know I wanted.
Highly recommended.
Couldn't find it on Google Books' comic store either (their bubble zoom tech is my preferred way to read comics*) so I ended up buying each issue off of Comixology.Strange, these aren't on marvel unlimited. Any suggestions on where to check these out?
Good morn..
Sup homies
Mornin' all.
Hey guys don't you think SJWs overreact and too bloody sensitive:
Oh yeah, this is easily the best interpretation of Batman and Joker that I've ever seen. It's bleak as fuck too.It also has a terrifying Joker called Whiteface
we must draw the line at radioactivityWhen in doubt, ask NeoGAF, Slay.
Yeah, I saw that thread title and NOPE'd away from clicking on it.
we must draw the line at radioactivity
I'm not posting in that thread in case it's used for evidence
Gaf about to be flagged and scrubbed. Some lowly Fed would love this gold mine.
How motherfucking stupid can you be?
All i can do is laugh
All i can do is laugh