Blatant racism gone unchecked. You can refer to black people as "afro people" and mods won't do jack.
Considering my affinity for waves and curls, I'm offended
Bish, please come back. I bought your dino comic
Blatant racism gone unchecked. You can refer to black people as "afro people" and mods won't do jack.
Blatant racism gone unchecked. You can refer to black people as "afro people" and mods won't do jack.
Welcome Darklin0
Afternoon BCT
Hey all. I am mostly a weekend lurker but I felt like participating would be more fun.
It's a bit slow at the moment so gotta relax while I can.How's life treating ya?
You gotta be on something to say otherwise.Welcome. I see you also reside in the greatest state in this nation
I don't have the tact to reply to some of those posts. I blame my blood, too spicy.Good morning BCT.
Welcome! Yea those type of threads can be a pain to even read. I've been busy with RL stuff to the point that I know engaging with some GAF threads would tilt me. Whenever I have a clear mind I engage with them though.
Get Out the Game. So good and black you can't ignore it.
What post?
Mods should be embarrassed at the state of that threadgood lord, are we still discussing ethnicity of squid people? This is hilarious.
You know what? Black-inklings look more like dark skinned asians than afro people.
Mods should be embarrassed at the state of that thread
Forum has got worst since Bish left
yo what the fuck mods, how has no one gotten banned in that thread? blatantly racist shit being said and nothing has been done (afro people, really? )
Should have said negroid..
That's what it says on my mom's birthday certificate. No lie
Do they mean Afro as in hair or Afro like how people say Afro-American?
Shiiit..have I got the game for her!
You good, G?
Do tell...
It's on my grandparents' certificates too. People don't have any idea of what's going on or what's happened. They're preaching sermons about squid genetic purity while looking like fucking fools
Ummm..yeah! Slept a solid eight. Plus the half day I slept yesterday. Not too shabby, I'd say. Maybe take another snooze after a nice cold shower 😁
Oh, right..squids can't be black. Nevermind!
Every animal voiced by a black actor is white as well. This is a scientific fact
Still remember pissing someone off by insisting Kratos is black. Was my favorite shit to do..
These people are frightened by race in their day to day lives. Of course there was going to be some bullshit when you bring it up in relation to their weird Japanese squid kid game. It's a threat to their escapism.
Good day everybody. Is everybody good?
This dude is fishing for every dark skin person who don't consider themselves black..forgetting that shit ain't some universal truism lol. Dominicans invoked. Thread should be loads of fun from here!
The entire time I was in DC, they swore I was Dominican. Everyone approaching me and speaking Spanish. Hell, some people showed me pics of a guy that could've been my brother. But again, black is only for porch monkeys that are descended from cotton pickers.
DR is a weird place. Majority I know absolutely identify as black, but there are those that ain't having it. Treat Haitians like dog shit. I get called whatever group I'm around honestly lol. Got that mutt shit going for me.
I guess I'm not black 'cause I don't have "ethnic textured hair," guys.
Being the queen of Toronto requires as much. Drake showed you the way
Private Catholic School prom, so much white music. Not even good shit. I mean they played Before He Cheats twice. Hall & Oates, who I love, FOUR FUCKING TIMES, All the rap songs were backloaded towards the end, it was wack as shit music wise what the fuck!
If you were still living in my area I would be confident that I know who you are.I have freckles and hair looks like it's undergone 5 of royalan's hair treatment tutorials. I'm always hearing some shit when I go somewhere. I got the Spanish in Mexico too. That blew my mind. The Mexicans in Cali don't play that shit
I have freckles and hair looks like it's undergone 5 of royalan's hair treatment tutorials. I'm always hearing some shit when I go somewhere. I got the Spanish in Mexico too. That blew my mind. The Mexicans in Cali don't play that shit
My girl family is Dominican and she moved from the DR to the states when she was 6. She is pale with a golden undertone but her and her sister identify as Afro-Latinas and have no problem being labeled as Black but they both agree that they do not experience Blackness from society. She showed me a former friend that was on Facebook talking about how he wasn't Black or Afro-Latino and shit. This dude is darker than me and my skin tone is around a Michael B Jordan tone. GTFO
When I went to the DR the locals kept on asking if I was Dominican and tried to talk to me in Spanish (same thing happened when I was in NYC last October).
Fine. How are you?
40-ish hours in P5 has gotten pretty stale. The first Palace is the strongest so far at least from the stakes surrounding it and the character development. The QOL improvements are great and it's definitely stronger than P4 , but I still think P3 is the better game overall.
I guess I'm not black 'cause I don't have "ethnic textured hair," guys.
This dude is fishing for every dark skin person who don't consider themselves black..forgetting that shit ain't some universal truism lol. Dominicans invoked. Thread should be loads of fun from here!
Mexicans are varied as hell. I'm 6'3 and I have cousins that are taller than me.Never been called Mexican. Think I'm a bit too tall for that..that and this nappy beard I been rocking since twelve. Dominican, Puerto Rican, Venezuelan, Jamaican because of my braid phase lol..actually do have done DR and PR in my blood tho. My peoples been everywhere.
sounds like I decided to wake up just in time.
DR is a weird place. Majority I know absolutely identify as black, but there are those that ain't having it. Treat Haitians like dog shit. I get called whatever group I'm around honestly lol. Got that mutt shit going for me.
Mexicans are varied as hell. I'm 6'3 and I have cousins that are taller than me.
Just in my pool of first cousins you have kids that are white as you can get and on the other end of the spectrum that can pass off a African American. And all my aunts an uncles are front the same state in Mexico, that country is very mixed.
*Gasp* You don't?!?
Ah, I'm sure you have good hair.
These are the dame people who say anime chrs are white because they don't have slanted eyes
Good morning/afternoon/evening squid people
That's me swaggin on all yall lurkers from that thread
Irony in it being all of them have at one point shaved it all off, but when I mention it, they round back to, "Yeah, but you have nice hair." Like hair don't grow back or something.