how did "Dear White People" end up on the Colbert show. He's reaching past his limit of black friend before he leaves for that sweet deluxe paycheck in the sky
It's got a 97% with 32 reviews so far on Rotten Tomatoes. 7.7 avg
how did "Dear White People" end up on the Colbert show. He's reaching past his limit of black friend before he leaves for that sweet deluxe paycheck in the sky
Kreed, you hit the nail on the head when you said 'it's just a game'. Because really, that's all it is.
It's got a 97% with 32 reviews so far on Rotten Tomatoes. 7.7 avg
Microsoft just took the leaderboard on day one patches
20GB for the MCC day 1 patch
Are they just like...not shipping multiplayer at all on disc
LAN parties are back baby
I will say that the main thing I find appealing is that it's a good looking isometric shooter. If you replaced the humans with any other bipedal forms, I'd still want to play it just as much. It's just that the current theme doesn't put me off at all, nor does the gratuitous violence.Sure, not trying to say it's more than a video game. Just that I question anyone would would find this appealing, similar to a game where you play a rapist or a murder of an ethnic group. They are still games/no one is being harmed, just don't see why someone would want to play it.
But you pretty much said everything I would expect though, so thanks for being candid.
If I can get away with not having Spartan Ops on my console, sounds like an improvementand Spartan Ops is delayed to later in the year
Sounds like the MCC is coming in hot to me, personally
Don't you come around here with that talk. They be watching and they will come for you. Arrow stanning is worse then Wire or Breaking Bad stanning.I swear the acting in Arrow is getting worse by the episode.
Microsoft just took the leaderboard on day one patches
20GB for the MCC day 1 patch
I think for me, MHWilliams described it best. At least his words explain why there is a small disconnect in my mind between Hatred and Hotline Miami. With HM, you are fighting mobsters and most enemies are actively trying to kill you, but several do give up and beg before you take them out in gruesome ways. Is there a purpose to the slaughter? There is a phone call. But really it is just flimsy justification for a mass murder spree, regardless of how guilty your targets are or what your character's motivation is. And yet the excuses are still there.I would play a literal torture simulator. Graphic as you like, with no redeeming story arc. Bonus points if it's Wiimote compatible.
Kreed, you hit the nail on the head when you said 'it's just a game'. Because really, that's all it is.
Don't you come around here with that talk. They be watching and they will come for you. Arrow stanning is worse then Wire or Breaking Bad stanning.
Way even ship on disc?
In one of my social circles, the topic of Gamer Gate came up. In said social circle, it's filled with mostly girls and one of them did not know what it was all about. We filled her in and thankfully a debate did not break out. It was not until we all suddenly started talking about the Wii U that shit started getting heated.
I think that was my first exposure to hardcore Nintendo fans, truthfully. They would not accept that the Wii U wasn't doing well in comparison to the other consoles and when I gave them reasons why they did not accept my answers. One of them, admittedly a younger dude, said, "Nintendo makes games that people will remember. No one's gonna remember Destiny in 10 years."
They're good people too, brehs... I'm just never gonna talk gaming with them other than actually playing games with them.
In one of my social circles, the topic of Gamer Gate came up. In said social circle, it's filled with mostly girls and one of them did not know what it was all about. We filled her in and thankfully a debate did not break out. It was not until we all suddenly started talking about the Wii U that shit started getting heated.
I think that was my first exposure to hardcore Nintendo fans, truthfully. They would not accept that the Wii U wasn't doing well in comparison to the other consoles and when I gave them reasons why they did not accept my answers. One of them, admittedly a younger dude, said, "Nintendo makes games that people will remember. No one's gonna remember Destiny in 10 years."
They're good people too, brehs... I'm just never gonna talk gaming with them other than actually playing games with them.
The sensible thing would be to just ship on two discs. But you won't believe the stupid office politics that have prevented the sane option from happening this generation and in previous generations because execs don't want the competition to go "lol they have to have multiple discs"
PC gaming doesn't even bat an eye, consoles are still quite immature about that.
I'm sure it's just a weird coincidence that all the annoyingly chatty people in all my classes happen to be black.
The third scenario, unfortunately. I wish it were the second. Legit, the heated conversation came up when I brought up that Smash 4 3DS sold about 700,000 units in two days in the NPD data for September and someone said in response "And people always say that the 3DS and Wii U don't sell." I regret even saying "Welllll...." after that shit lmao...What do you mean "not accept"?
As in "well that's certainly the truth of the current scenario but I don't think the reasons you outlined are the cause"
"well that's certainly the truth of the current scenario which is a shame because in spite of all you've said I still think the machine is a great value/best value of the three and it's a shame others don't agree with me"
"You're wrong, the WiiU is selling 5 millions units a month, Nintendo has made no mistakes and you are straight up lying to our faces"?
This gen is still in its beginnings but I definitely will remember Destiny when looking back at this gen a few years after its overPeople will remember Destiny
although probably not that fondly
Wow that is sad. I'd rather there just be two discs than have to fucking download 20gigs just to play. I don't remember anyone giving a shit when Metal Gear Solid had multiple disks. That was cool, I remember getting to the furnace and it played the game over music scaring the hell out of me, but then it was like "please load disc 2" and I was like "wow I am only just now 50% through, sweet".The sensible thing would be to just ship on two discs. But you won't believe the stupid office politics that have prevented the sane option from happening this generation and in previous generations because execs don't want the competition to go "lol they have to have multiple discs"
PC gaming doesn't even bat an eye, consoles are still quite immature about that.
I'm guessing no, especially considering Microsoft originally wanted Xbone to have the Always Online stuff going into next gen. With their answer to people questioning it being "we have an offline console, it's called the 360."I don't understand. Do videogame companies not realize how shit a lot of American's internet actually is? Do they still not understand that a lot of the college students that they target manage to have ridiculously shitty connections, if one at all?
Honestly, if it wasn't for the devs appearing to be as shallow as a puddle, I'd think it was some clever meta-commentary (just as Hotline Miami was in some ways). I get what you mean though, there is a difference there, even if it's so small it ought to be insignificant.I think for me, MHWilliams described it best. At least his words explain why there is a small disconnect in my mind between Hatred and Hotline Miami. With HM, you are fighting mobsters and most enemies are actively trying to kill you, but several do give up and beg before you take them out in gruesome ways. Is there a purpose to the slaughter? There is a phone call. But really it is just flimsy justification for a mass murder spree, regardless of how guilty your targets are or what your character's motivation is. And yet the excuses are still there.
The bridge too far being that Hatred just lays it out, and then glorifies it in a very realistic way, like...right in your face it portrays things awful as they can possibly be. Perhaps that's why I find it uncomfortable versus something like Hotline Miami. But perhaps these two games aren't so different after all.
What's an internet cap? Is it like a du rag or something? Not sure I've ever heard of one of those.I think all games are getting bloated. Niggas got caps on their internet now this ain't the wild west days of @home anymore.
Honestly, if it wasn't for the devs appearing to be as shallow as a puddle, I'd think it was some clever meta-commentary (just as Hotline Miami was in some ways). I get what you mean though, there is a difference there, even if it's so small it ought to be insignificant.
Man I fucking love Hotline Miami.
What's an internet cap? Is it like a du rag or something? Not sure I've ever heard of one of those
(152Mb broadband with no cap here. Mmm hmm).
I don't understand. Do videogame companies not realize how shit a lot of American's internet actually is? Do they still not understand that a lot of the college students that they target manage to have ridiculously shitty connections, if one at all?
I remember when USA was on top of broadband, and you couldn't breath on a modem in the UK without using half the cap.
Doubt that was ever true
ISPs are going to have to come down off those golden thrones then, they are just holding things back. Thankfully google fiber coming to my neighborhood early next year.Gaming companies are going forward with digital. It's just happening, and there's no going back.
You were probably still in diapers during the napster/winMX days.
You were probably still in diapers during the napster/winMX days.
In 2001, SoftBank started a 12 Mbit/s ADSL service. It was a shocking event, because the price was around only 3000 yen (30US$), which was half the cost of other companies.
He's right tho. We were never even close to the best.
^Most of us were on 56K, or at best less-than-1Mb DSL at that time, at a much higher price than $30.
ISPs are going to have to come down off those golden thrones then, they are just holding things back. Thankfully google fiber coming to my neighborhood early next year.
was rocking broadband no caps over here in 2003. it was like another dimension
WinMX was my shit though....
*looks around carefully at the moderation team*
I'm sure Besada will get you for all those DJ Clue mixtapes you grabbed
I am very guilty of this
I don't understand. Do videogame companies not realize how shit a lot of American's internet actually is? Do they still not understand that a lot of the college students that they target manage to have ridiculously shitty connections, if one at all?
All my tracks had DJ tags but I was happy with what I had, brehs... Had all the WWF themes before my friends too.
If it means anything, I ended up downloading a virus onto my system from Kazaa. Icons began appearing on my desktop and I never knew where they came from.
"Microsoft Office.exe? I don't remember that."![]()
Anyone remember downloading a popular new song on Morpheus or Limewire and it was just the hook repeating for 5 minutes?
Who went through the trouble of creating these fakes and uploading them? RIAA?
Anyone remember downloading a popular new song on Morpheus or Limewire and it was just the hook repeating for 5 minutes?
Who went through the trouble of creating these fakes and uploading them? RIAA?
It was, shit definitely wasn't CD Quality but I didn't give any fucks hahahaThat "No Chance in hell" was rocking though.
This actually happens often with new wrestling themes when the themes aren't released on iTunes/CDs. You'll have the hook repeating and some parts of the song can contain commentary from a recorded show or the crowd making sounds.Anyone remember downloading a popular new song on Morpheus or Limewire and it was just the hook repeating for 5 minutes?
Who went through the trouble of creating these fakes and uploading them? RIAA?
Remember that song that had Eminem rapping over the Soul Caliber theme?
Remember that song that had Eminem rapping over the Soul Caliber theme?
Yep it was solid.
Remember the Chrono Trigger Mixtape?
Or that Wiz Kalifa song where he rapped over Time Circuits?
Or that Cash Money song rapping over MMPR theme?
Remember that song that had Eminem rapping over the Soul Caliber theme?
Yep it was solid.
Remember the Chrono Trigger Mixtape?
Or that Wiz Kalifa song where he rapped over Time Circuits?
Or that Cash Money song rapping over MMPR theme?