RDJ in Tropic Thunder
Wayans brothers in White Chicks
White people portraying other races in film and television
It's definitely not offensive to anyone in anyway and if you are offended you're a baby
cosplayers painting themselves red or green to match a character
the websters definition of racism and blackface.
International celebrations involving 'friendly blackface'
World is not The US
It might be racist/offensive but I don't care
It wasn't intentional, therefore ok
If there's no hate speech or burning cross, there's no racism
Blackface Bingo time.
My favorite posts in race threads are when they use definitions
Most of the Gary, Indiana serial killer thread is jokes and confusion over a black serial killer. Not that..you know, a dude has killed up to 7 women.
HahahahahaMan I buy that shit with GameStop credits lol
There needs to be a Chrome/Firefox add on that auto blocks posts containing the letters "SJW" or any variants that you can turn on and off while reading threads.
John Grisham killed me with that "White guys are in prision and that is wrong" speech
That or this:
That or this:
RDJ in Tropic Thunder
Wayans brothers in White Chicks
White people portraying other races in film and television
It's definitely not offensive to anyone in anyway and if you are offended you're a baby
cosplayers painting themselves red or green to match a character
the websters definition of racism and blackface.
International celebrations involving 'friendly blackface'
World is not The US
It might be racist/offensive but I don't care
It wasn't intentional, therefore ok
If there's no hate speech or burning cross, there's no racism
Blackface Bingo time.
That or this:
Already is, replaces it with Skeleton
That or this:
Michonne thread is slowing up a bit. I do grow annoyed by the ones who freak out whenever racist or racism is mentioned. The word scares the shit out of people, understandably so, but damn can we discuss the difference between a racist act and actual racists/racism before throwing about "omg everything is racist now and everyone's a racist!"?
Racist one of those words that get abuse a lot.
So you just say dumb nonsense all the time? That's your schtick, your thing, that's what you do here?
You should sue him for copyright infringement
Y'all need to stop fighting each other and start fighting those damn WHITE devils
So you just say dumb nonsense all the time? That's your schtick, your thing, that's what you do here?
You should sue him for copyright infringement
Y'all need to stop fighting each other and start fighting those damn devils
Maybe racist is thrown around casually because racism is thrown around casually
Take a look around this motherfucker
Maybe racist is thrown around casually because racism is thrown around casually
Take a look around this motherfucker
It's only racism when you're burning crosses in a POC's lawn. Everything else is filed under "ignorance".
"But they didn't really mean any harm tho. You guys are just sensitive."It's only racism when you're burning crosses in a POC's lawn. Everything else is filed under "ignorance".