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The Last Guardian |OT| In my memories, the monster always has kind eyes

leng jai

To be honest the further I get into the game the more it feels like Trico just auto solves half the "puzzles" himself if I start vaguely close to the right area.


So I was really loving this game until I hit
the part where you're trapped in a cage after your encounter with the other trico and you need help from trico to get out of the fucking cage

I honestly haven't been frustrated in the longest fucking time. Like holy shit was this bad. I managed to get out of the fucking cage after the longest time, even though I knew exactly what needed to be done but it just wouldn't fucking work for the longest time. But then the
fucking beast sat down and went nowhere so I had to go down the thing to get him a barrel which involves bringing the helmet back to one of those sentinels who of course chases you and you're powerless and fuck this was frustrating. So I finally get trico the barrel and he just doesn't even know where to go and fuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuck

I couldn't fucking take any more of shit shit. Like seriously, did anyone fucking playtest this part and think this was the way to go? Fuck me.
Yep, was losing my mind at this part. The game reduces player agency to nil, withholding movement and freedom so we're at the whim of Trico. Trouble is the player will likely see what needs to be done long before Trico feels like assisting. Horribly frustrating. It's a good example of the game not working as intended.

Deku Tree

Yup I'm at a point where I want to get Trico to jump out of a window and across an area. Figured that out instantly. Trico was upset after beating up some dudes. So I got on his back and I've been petting him to calm down. And pointing in the direction I want him to go and nothing for ten minutes. Just checked the guide to be sure and yup it says jump in that direction but Trico won't do it. Pretty horrible AI for Trico. Very dull game design.


Holy moly though, the game gets so incredibly bright whenever you get to go outside. It's pretty but a bit overkill. I've been getting a lot of dips in the frame rate which has been a bit unfortunate but I can overlook them. Aside from those complaints, loving the game so far though. I'm not that far along yet
just lost my shield
and I can't say that I'm the best at these types of games so most of them time I'm just wondering along aimlessly with Trico and watching his animations. He's so cute.
i have no idea what people are doing. "ten minutes for Trico..."


I've had little to no problems having Trico do something. Hell most of the time Trico does things before I even say stuff to him. Sounds like people are having completely different experiences.


i have no idea what people are doing. "ten minutes for Trico..."


I've had little to no problems having Trico do something. Hell most of the time Trico does things before I even say stuff to him. Sounds like people are having completely different experiences.
So far I've had three experiences of "Trico Jam" where I knew the solution and had to wait for the AI to care.


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
Yup I'm at a point where I want to get Trico to jump out of a window and across an area. Figured that out instantly. Trico was upset after beating up some dudes. So I got on his back and I've been petting him to calm down. And pointing in the direction I want him to go and nothing for ten minutes. Just checked the guide to be sure and yup it says jump in that direction but Trico won't do it. Pretty horrible AI for Trico. Very dull game design.

If anything takes more than a ten minutes and you are absolutely sure the solution isn't working the game is most likely suffering a bug or glitch. Use R1 and the face and movement stick to control Trico. Even when he is doing what you want him it can take upwards of twenty seconds maybe even a bit more as it gets into proper position, aligns and adjusts its body and will even often give a roar before making a jump or taking another action. Trico will often look at jump points and other times or points of interests and maybe even vocalize and that is the best time to give a command.

Do not spam commands as it will have the exact opposite effect. One command and wait, doing multiple ones will often outright confuse Trico. Not only that but treat it like you would a real animal. If you're on the tiny little platform dead center where Trico needs to jump it often won't do it because it doesn't want to crush or knock you off. It will also need to be called into certain areas especially if its distracted by something but again if it can't see you it will sometimes not always know where to go, making sure it has eye contact with you or the objective has always worked for me.

Seriously this is not that ahrd and I've seen people start speed running the game already and Trico is following a commands like 90 percent of the time on the first attempt. Its all fairly intuitive and straight forward but rushing and spamming and not paying attention to body and vocal cues will cause you a nightmare but that's the point,. Also make sure you have all the patches DLed as that will alleviate issues


i have no idea what people are doing. "ten minutes for Trico..."


I've had little to no problems having Trico do something. Hell most of the time Trico does things before I even say stuff to him.

Indeed. Finished the game half an hour ago and didn't have any frustrating moments with Trico.
Only thing that got on my nerves were a couple of jumps on the spiral tower where I kept missing a pilar over and over for some reason.

The camera could get stuck sometimes as well, especially when sitting on top op Trico's head as you're going through an underpass.
And during that one fight with tons of guys as I stayed on his back and he went berserk. lol

I guess the people having issues are wanting him to control like a car instead of an animal.
If you keep an eye on him and see how he reacts and make your callouts accordingly, everything falls into place.
When you start shouting all kinds of shit and act irrationally, Trico will not know what to do, just like a real pet. :p

Deku Tree

If anything takes more than a ten minutes and you are absolutely sure the solution isn't working the game is most likely suffering a bug or glitch. Use R1 and the face and movement stick to control Trico. Even when he is doing what you want him it can take upwards of twenty seconds maybe even a bit more as it gets into proper position, aligns and adjusts its body and will even often give a roar before making a jump or taking another action. Trico will often look at jump points and other times or points of interests and maybe even vocalize and that is the best time to give a command.

Do not spam commands as it will have the exact opposite effect. One command and wait, doing multiple ones will often outright confuse Trico. Not only that but treat it like you would a real animal. If you're on the tiny little platform dead center where Trico needs to jump it often won't do it because it doesn't want to crush or knock you off. It will also need to be called into certain areas especially if its distracted by something but again if it can't see you it will sometimes not always know where to go, making sure it has eye contact with you or the objective has always worked for me.

Seriously this is not that ahrd and I've seen people start speed running the game already and Trico is following a commands like 90 percent of the time on the first attempt. Its all fairly intuitive and straight forward but rushing and spamming and not paying attention to body and vocal cues will cause you a nightmare but that's the point,. Also make sure you have all the patches DLed as that will alleviate issues

Thanks for all the helpful comments.

I wasn't spamming commands. Trico just wasn't responding.

Happy for people if they're not experiencing the glitchy horrible Trico AI.


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
I just beat the game like 30 seconds ago. Watch through the credits people. That's all I'll say on that.

It was incredible. I'm still digesting everything but wow... I haven't been blown away by a game experience like that in a long time. Warts and all it very well may be my GOTY once all said and done but I'll give it a few days to settle in. Massive achievement by Ueda and well worth the long wait and it still feels odd to say I beat The Last Guardian, a game I never thought I'd even start. Incredible.
I had one time where I was on Trico's back trying to get him to jump somewhere, but he wouldn't do it, so I figured I must have had the wrong idea as to where I should go.

I then got off his back and he immediately jumped to the place I was commanding him to go in the first place, leaving me behind.

What the fuck Trico.

And before anyone asks, no, I was not spamming commands that time. He just wouldn't respond.


Am I missing something when trying to return to a game after I die. I'm rapping on the buttons like I'm doing the 100m dash in Track & Field. Wtf?!

When I started i felt the same way, now as soon as it shows up I hit square and x at the same time and it's over. Just have to be quick. Or maybe it gets better as you progress? But that would have to carry over in new game also.
Am I missing something when trying to return to a game after I die. I'm rapping on the buttons like I'm doing the 100m dash in Track & Field. Wtf?!

When I would hit buttons right away it wouldn't take much, like two or three maybe. But if you let it sit for any amount of time, the game starts trolling and fills the screen with nonsense.

There were a few times where one handed mashing wasn't good enough. Kinda funny in retrospect.
I'm having trouble in a section with Trico not responding. All the other times I've bee stuck it's been my fault not understanding how to command him, but this time I'm sure that it is the AI and not me. So I'm at
the part where you have to jam that metal spool thing underneath the door that raises up when he pulls the chain that has the pot of blue goo hanging from it. Once I got the door propped open, he slipped in no problem. He stood in front of the ledge as if he would just, so I clambered on top of him and gave him the command. Rather than jump, he then promptly turned around, went back through the propped open door, and has been standing in front of the hanging pot looking at it and not doing anything else for 10+ minutes.
Is this a bug?

Deku Tree

Just got to the part where you
fall into an underground pool.
Figured out the puzzle quickly. Only problem is Trico
got stuck in the environment so I couldn't jump on it. Then I got it to reset by
swimming to the bottom of the pool. Then I jumped on his tail
and but I got pushed down by a beam and then Trico went to the next area without me. Thanks friend.
Just finished it a little while ago. Been sitting here digesting the experience (still am).

An absolute master piece. There's so many things I love about this game and the experience, I could probably prattle on for days.

Didn't really have any issue with the controls. The boy's climbing mechanic is very liberal, so despite his overall control not being precise, it never really presents much of an issue. Like wise for the camera. There's some weird acceleration built in but it's not a game that requires precise camera work so it wasn't much of a problem for me at all outside of some instances in cramped spaces while I was climbing Trico. I largely let the camera do it's thing because it loved focused on Trico and I loved, just absolutely loved watching him.

Something that I also adored was how clunky the boy's animations were. They were absolutely a perfect match for what the game was trying to do.

Not much I can say that wouldn't be spoiler territory. Ueda did it again.


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
Reset checkpoint and happened a second time.
Trico tail is stuck on a beam and I can't climb up it.
. Garbage

You may not want to keep up with this in all honesty. If its this bad for you the game is pretty long and some later sections are legit platforming and require a lot of interaction with Trico. Not trying to say anything about your skills or anything either but maybe take a break and play something else and come back in a week or two and see if there is a patch that alleviates some of your issues or what not.


Fools are always so certain of themselves, but wiser men so full of doubts.
During my play through I only had Tricos AI legitimately bug maybe 2 or 3 times. Even then a simple restart at checkpoint fixed it. The patience thing when issuing commands is 100% key.

Trico has some of the best, if not the best, AI coding I've ever seen.
During my play through I only had Tricos AI legitimately bug maybe 2 or 3 times. Even then a simple restart at checkpoint fixed it. The patience thing when issuing commands is 100% key.

Trico has some of the best, if not the best, AI coding I've ever seen.

Agreed. Trico is probably the most "alive" being I've encountered in a game.

I love just pointing him towards a place and then petting him. Rarely had an issue with telling him where to go.


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
I said it earlier but I'd love a playground environment as DLC. Basically a couple of obstacle courses, different tools and items and maybe even a few enemies or other hazards. Doesn't have to have a story but you can mess around with Trico, watch him do cute things and just mess around as you please. Though I do expect people to start tearing this game apart in attempt to find something like the secret garden in SotC. That was always really cool to find and not an easy feat either.


I'm having trouble in a section with Trico not responding. All the other times I've bee stuck it's been my fault not understanding how to command him, but this time I'm sure that it is the AI and not me. So I'm at
the part where you have to jam that metal spool thing underneath the door that raises up when he pulls the chain that has the pot of blue goo hanging from it. Once I got the door propped open, he slipped in no problem. He stood in front of the ledge as if he would just, so I clambered on top of him and gave him the command. Rather than jump, he then promptly turned around, went back through the propped open door, and has been standing in front of the hanging pot looking at it and not doing anything else for 10+ minutes.
Is this a bug?

In hallway areas like that you might try just pointing him away from the door and if he needs to jump he probably will, in my experience. Try going way into the area you need to proceed down, call him, climb on, and point him toward the exit instead of asking him to jump.
In hallway areas like that you might try just pointing him away from the door and if he needs to jump he probably will, in my experience. Try going way into the area you need to proceed down, call him, climb on, and point him toward the exit instead of asking him to jump.
I've tried all of that already. He doesn't respond or even do anything other than stare at the pot of blue goo, he won't even interact with it on his own. I'm probably just going to restart from checkpoint because it really seems like a bug at this point, since he refuses to respond to anything.


Cleared the game last night and just as I hit the end, the norovirus that had been creeping around my house (my daughter got it) hit me pretty bad. Had to quit mid credits and saw the rest this morning.
Because of the fever I also got, last night I had the fucking weirdest TLG dream (I'm an environment artist for games so I was dreaming about how to manage all the streaming spaces and creating LODs for the backgrounds etc, and how to manage it all). Today after lunch I was feeling better so I saw the rest.

Incredible game. Flawed, sure, but incredible nevertheless. Currently one of my favorites (if not top favorite) of this year. I spent so much time petting Trico too, hahah..


I've tried all of that already. He doesn't respond or even do anything other than stare at the pot of blue goo, he won't even interact with it on his own. I'm probably just going to restart from checkpoint because it really seems like a bug at this point, since he refuses to respond to anything.

IIRC there's also a barrel in the next hallway you can try to lure him in there with.
I never had him actually get stuck though, so i don't know if that's something that happens.


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
Cleared the game last night and just as I hit the end, the norovirus that had been creeping around my house (my daughter got it) hit me pretty bad. Had to quit mid credits and saw the rest this morning.
Because of the fever I also got, last night I had the fucking weirdest TLG dream (I'm an environment artist for games so I was dreaming about how to manage all the streaming spaces and creating LODs for the backgrounds etc, and how to manage it all). Today after lunch I was feeling better so I saw the rest.

Incredible game. Flawed, sure, but incredible nevertheless. Currently one of my favorites (if not top favorite) of this year. I spent so much time petting Trico too, hahah..

This was me. If Trico got hit with a spear or sword I'd pet it till the blood was gone. This could take minutes if he got hit several times by several enemies.
Finished the game, it was good overall, not great or a "flawed masterpiece" like some people I've talked to have made it out to be. You can tell this is a game in which the concept is held back by an old engine and the developers lack of experience coding responsive and complex AI. Trico feels like his AI has trouble processing the environment a large majority of the time, often stalling or awkwardly shuffling about it's environment as the detailed animation and movement hinders it's navigation, hell even the AI's trigger for feeding seems off 50% of the time.

Then there's the camera, the delay on it is fucking ridiculous, tilt the right stick a third of the way in and it STILL doesn't react which is hilarious, even after raising the sensitivity up it still felt I was wrestling with it constantly. And the movement controls feel like they just slapped them on from SotC but didn't tweak them enough to handle the environments and collision detection in this game.

I hope if Team ICO does make another game they take their engine and completely rehaul it or axe the old engine entirely, some of it's flaws were acceptable back in the PS2 days but it's looking and performing reaaaal bad now! The framerate's easily got to be one of the worst of any current gen AAA game to date, if not the worst.

The environment and the journey are engaging enough to let this game just about slip into my top ten this year, but just barely.


I was just stuck for over an hour because I didn't know you could tell him to jump. I was telling him to lean on walls that I thought would get me where I needed to go. Looked up a walkthrough, said to tell him to jump.

I interpreted the narration about him imitating actions as him watching me and learning. So I was doing stuff like shoving walls and hoping he'd learn.

Loving the game so far, but that was annoying. I haven't personally had any issues with Trico except this spot, and it was partially on me (partially on the game for tooltipping every damn thing except R1+Triangle).


This was me. If Trico got hit with a spear or sword I'd pet it till the blood was gone. This could take minutes if he got hit several times by several enemies.

wait you can get the bloodstains off of him?

I can't think of something in a game that makes me more pissed off than those fuckers throwing spears at Trico. I wish there was something I could do to help in combat, seems like all I can manage is to occasionally headbutt them and stagger them.


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
I was just stuck for over an hour because I didn't know you could tell him to jump. I was telling him to lean on walls that I thought would get me where I needed to go. Looked up a walkthrough, said to tell him to jump.

I interpreted the narration about him imitating actions as him watching me and learning. So I was doing stuff like shoving walls and hoping he'd learn.

Loving the game so far, but that was annoying. I haven't personally had any issues with Trico except this spot, and it was partially on me (partially on the game for tooltipping every damn thing except R1+Triangle).

The commands sync up with the boys actually so its intuitive in that sense. Though I know some people hate using triangle for jump lol
Finished the game, it was good overall, not great or a "flawed masterpiece" like some people I've talked to have made it out to be. You can tell this is a game in which the concept is held back by an old engine and the developers lack of experience coding responsive and complex AI. Trico feels like his AI has trouble processing the environment a large majority of the time, often stalling or awkwardly shuffling about it's environment as the detailed animation and movement hinders it's navigation, hell even the AI's trigger for feeding seems off 50% of the time.

Then there's the camera, the delay on it is fucking ridiculous, tilt the right stick a third of the way in and it STILL doesn't react which is hilarious, even after raising the sensitivity up it still felt I was wrestling with it constantly. And the movement controls feel like they just slapped them on from SotC but didn't tweak them enough to handle the environments and collision detection in this game.

I hope if Team ICO does make another game they take their engine and completely rehaul it or axe the old engine entirely, some of it's flaws were acceptable back in the PS2 days but it's looking and performing reaaaal bad now! The framerate's easily got to be one of the worst of any current gen AAA game to date, if not the worst.

The environment and the journey are engaging enough to let this game just about slip into my top ten this year, but just barely.

There's a slight delay on the camera (and acceleration) but with what your saying, that might be a controller/TV issue. It's not remotely that bad.


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
wait you can get the bloodstains off of him?

I can't think of something in a game that makes me more pissed off than those fuckers throwing spears at Trico. I wish there was something I could do to help in combat, seems like all I can manage is to occasionally headbutt them and stagger them.

If Trico knocks them down and you run over to their head and press O you can pull their heads off like you pull spears out of Trico. As to the bloodstains if you position the boy over them and pet that area for like five to ten seconds he'll clean the feathers off.
I'd like if they can improve the performance though, on the Pro it ran at 30fps most of the time but during set pieces and some later parts in the games the framerate drop was noticeable. One area the framertate was literally so low it messed up my jump timing and the boy fell. Other than that it played fine. A few post game tweaks could improve the experience even more but it didn't bother me seriously.
If Trico knocks them down and you run over to their head and press O you can pull their heads off like you pull spears out of Trico. As to the bloodstains if you position the boy over them and pet that area for like five to ten seconds he'll clean the feathers off.

Oh my god, no way.

I wish I knew that. :(

Slight spoilers:

Trico taking a bath was the best thing ever. I finally didn't have to see all the blood.
Finished the game, it was good overall, not great or a "flawed masterpiece" like some people I've talked to have made it out to be. You can tell this is a game in which the concept is held back by an old engine and the developers lack of experience coding responsive and complex AI. Trico feels like his AI has trouble processing the environment a large majority of the time, often stalling or awkwardly shuffling about it's environment as the detailed animation and movement hinders it's navigation, hell even the AI's trigger for feeding seems off 50% of the time.

Then there's the camera, the delay on it is fucking ridiculous, tilt the right stick a third of the way in and it STILL doesn't react which is hilarious, even after raising the sensitivity up it still felt I was wrestling with it constantly. And the movement controls feel like they just slapped them on from SotC but didn't tweak them enough to handle the environments and collision detection in this game.

I hope if Team ICO does make another game they take their engine and completely rehaul it or axe the old engine entirely, some of it's flaws were acceptable back in the PS2 days but it's looking and performing reaaaal bad now! The framerate's easily got to be one of the worst of any current gen AAA game to date, if not the worst.

The environment and the journey are engaging enough to let this game just about slip into my top ten this year, but just barely.

This is a bug. Trico is responsive 95℅ of the time. What patch version are you using.

Also, this game is a AA at best and nowhere near the production values of Sony's other flagship series.
I think there must be serious bugs for some people because Trico never was unresponsive or w/e. I felt like he was most of the time real enough in his behavior that it impressed me. I never had to restart a checkpoint to get him to do something. I'd tell Trico to do something and within a few seconds he does it. Hell, half the time he'd go where I was expecting him to go in the first place and it still felt normal within the realms of possibility because he'd be looking around beforehand.
You can lightning the wood off of the barrel dispenser at the end. I got one side blasted before i activated the cutscene. Has anyone done both sides? Does anything happen? I hope there are some crazy secrets in this game
Had an update today. So all up to snuff in terms of patches.

Yeah, I'm sorry to hear all those who has issues with the AI bugs that can totally hamper the game. I got the latest patch on my first playthrough which probably is the reason why it was smooth throughout sans the binary movement controls and framerate.

You can lightning the wood off of the barrel dispenser at the end. I got one side blasted before i activated the cutscene. Has anyone done both sides? Does anything happen? I hope there are some crazy secrets in this game

I've done both the first time and it's not a secret, its part of the games progression.


Fools are always so certain of themselves, but wiser men so full of doubts.
This is a bug. Trico is responsive 95℅ of the time. What patch version are you using.

Also, this game is a AA at best and nowhere near the production values of Sony's other flagship series.


While visually it isn't, the sheer impressiveness of Trico's AI/coding and animations has not been matched in a AAA game yet.


Yeah I'm part of team responsive Trio most of the time. He only gave me trouble 2 times and one of them was scripted, because they wanted me to go to the last tutorial room after ~ 3 hours.

While visually it isn't, the sheer impressiveness of Trico's AI/coding and animations has not been matched in a AAA game yet.

AAA indicates budget, which, has been confirmed not to be at the level of ND, Sucker punch and Kill zone. This is a 50 man team that is developing the game in and out. I wouldn't be surprised if the budget is just as high as the original Uncharted by now.
Technically the game might not be impressive but art wise, it's seriously amazing.

I took a little over 200 screens in my play through. I don't even take screenshots of games to begin with so taking some is impressive enough to begin with.

They're all of Trico too. He's just a marvel to watch.
Yeah, I'm sorry to hear all those who has issues with the AI bugs that can totally hamper the game. I got the latest patch on my first playthrough which probably is the reason why it was smooth throughout sans the binary movement controls and framerate.

I've done both the first time and it's not a secret, its part of the games progression.
What do you mean progression? I only got one side and the gameprogressed.


I had one issue with Trico's AI. Bothered me for five minutes, rest of the way was smooth sailing. Occasionally he'd jump the wrong way, or do the wrong action, sure, but he's an animal, and I was attached to him. I'd laugh and be like "alright cmon let's go."

Lose yourself in the world.


I'm going to need some more time to mull it all over, but right now I feel pretty confident saying this is my favorite of Ueda's projects, followed by ICO and then Shadow of the Colossus. It takes so many of the things that make ICO great and completely runs away with them. Plus the pacing might be some of the best in the medium. I'm genuinely blown away that a game that spent so long in development hell turned out this well and so close to the original vision



I'm at the Silver Tower for the 2nd time, and I'm on that elevator. I see some light blue platforms beneath the elevator, and my idea is to get Toriko to put his tail into one of the nearby gaps so I can climb down and leap across to see what's there, but I have no idea how to make him do it! I've tried pointing at the holes, getting on his tale and then pointing...

any ideas? Do I have to pet him in a special way?
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