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The Last Guardian |OT| In my memories, the monster always has kind eyes


I think the game needs some Quality of Life improvements that wouldn't be very hard to implement.

1. Being able to toggle the button prompt windows on and off.
2. Add an in game option to check out all the commands and such. Just add it into the options or pause menu or some such.
3. Being able to invert the controls of the mirror to match the camera and player preference.
4. A chapter select of sorts

I'm sure there are some things I forgot.
I think the game needs some Quality of Life improvements that wouldn't be very hard to implement.

1. Being able to toggle the button prompt windows on and off.
2. Add an in game option to check out all the commands and such. Just add it into the options or pause menu or some such.
3. Being able to invert the controls of the mirror to match the camera and player preference.
4. A chapter select of sorts

I'm sure there are some things I forgot.

all great suggestions. Hope you're reading this GenDesign/Ueda!

Mr. Hyde

Outside of a couple times where the camera went weird and Trico being stubborn, this game is up in my top ten of all time. I love, love, love Shadow of the Colossus and Ico but I feel this game takes the best of them and then cranks it up a notch. They did a brilliant job and I thank them for giving me such a unique experience that made me feel like I did when I first played Ocarina of Time. That ending... great game.


I beat it a few days ago. I had a good time.

It's crazy to think that a lot of the same shots and gameplay from the very first trailers are still in the game (sorta). Ueda's vision seems to have stayed the course and yeah, I feel like the PS3 probably wouldn't have been able to handle the game (there's a sequence near the end where, wow).

So is it good? Yes, they successfully made me care about Dog-Cat-Bird-Thing and the puzzles were really fun.

The thing that struck me the most was the sense of place the game has and how it ties into the puzzles. There's no real waypoint or anything of that nature, the game often demands you to really scan the enviroment and that really fits into its discovery nature.

Trico has some weird AI aspects, but it only gave me trouble a few times and only held me up for about 15 minutes at one point. Most of the time if you point the camera in the general direction and hit the command jump button he followed perfectly.

The set pieces are fantastic. Nothing else to say except they really really play with your expectations here. You might think your safe or what your going to do is normal, but man, they pull the rug out from under you in the most delicious fashion.

Graphically, the engine suffers and a segment near the end (not the one I first mentioned) buckled to maybe a few frames per second. Still, Team Ico has a style and it's well represented here.

My negatives are that the camera is a pain, the engine still can't hold the weight of Trico, and I would have liked a few more real puzzles instead of just getting Trico up to a high point.

I've got some story stuff too, but I'll hit up the spoiler thread for that. No impact on the gameplay though.

Climbing on top of Trico never failed to
Impress me, not did his animal behavior.

Is the The Last Guardian a masterpiece? No. Was it worth the 6 year wait? Sorta. It is one of the best games of the year and defintley one of Sony's best exclusives.


I will be honest, I felt incredible happy when Trico
flied through the sky in the section when the bridge is falling down
. That was a great moment.

Yesterday I was able to play a really long session and
reached the point in which Trico fights the other creature and fend it off. Then we finally escaped from that and reached a tower with lots of those "eye" mirrors
. I really don't want this game to end! :(


I will be honest, I felt incredible happy when Trico
flied through the sky in the section when the bridge is falling down
. That was a great moment.

Yesterday I was able to play a really long session and
reached the point in which Trico fights the other creature and fend it off. Then we finally escaped from that and reached a tower with lots of those "eye" mirrors
. I really don't want this game to end! :(
Your first bit elicited an "oh shit" me. One of my favorite moments in the game.
I just got this.
The best thing is that i won this in a contest. I was about to get one from a store but literally half hour before buying contest went online. I wrote two words and boom. I've won!!!!
Best gift ever!!!
I'm sooo happy that i won't open it until Xmas :) I was waiting fort this since 2007 so couple more days doesn't make a difference.
Christmass eve night will be glorious!!


(btw -finally i'm picking up PS4 Pro tomorrow :)

Mr. Hyde

I just got this.
The best thing is that i won this in a contest. I was about to get one from a store but literally half hour before buying contest went online. I wrote two words and boom. I've won!!!!
Best gift ever!!!
I'm sooo happy that i won't open it until Xmas :) I was waiting fort this since 2007 so couple more days doesn't make a difference.
Christmass eve night will be glorious!!

(btw -finally i'm picking up PS4 Pro tomorrow :)

Congratulations! I played it on my pro and it ran very smoothly. I think the only slowdown I had was near the end in a very bizarre spot. Besides that, it had no issues. Enjoy!
I honestly did not have a problem with the frame rate. I think SoTC ran worse, and I didn't have a problem with that either, most likely because I was too young to notice those kinds of things


Damn, just digging into this and the controls are really starting to kill my enjoyment. I just don't know how controls can be this bad now. About 3 hours in and I'm thinking about just trading it in and watching a let's play.


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
Damn, just digging into this and the controls are really starting to kill my enjoyment. I just don't know how controls can be this bad now. About 3 hours in and I'm thinking about just trading it in and watching a let's play.

Bump the camera sensitivity up and imagine you're playing a GTA game in terms of how the character is driven by a physics engine and animation takes priority.


Bump the camera sensitivity up and imagine you're playing a GTA game in terms of how the character is driven by a physics engine and animation takes priority.

I don't understand what you're saying. Just everything about the controls are off. Trico and the player. I don't think increasing camera sensitivity will make Trico listen before the 10th try.


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
I don't understand what you're saying. Just everything about the controls are off. Trico and the player. I don't think increasing camera sensitivity will make Trico listen before the 10th try.

How are you trying to command Trico? Issuing command after command in a short time frame will have the opposite effect and can even down right confuse Trico. Even when Trico is following your commands it can take upwards of twenty to thirty seconds to follow them especially for something like a very specific jump in a cramped area. It also helps that Trico is paying attention to you and what you're commanding it to do. Watch its head and eyes and other body language to get a read on whether its confused, attentive or distracted and it often helps quite a bit in getting your commands to be followed.


How are you trying to command Trico? Issuing command after command in a short time frame will have the opposite effect and can even down right confuse Trico. Even when Trico is following your commands it can take upwards of twenty to thirty seconds to follow them especially for something like a very specific jump in a cramped area. It also helps that Trico is paying attention to you and what you're commanding it to do. Watch its head and eyes and other body language to get a read on whether its confused, attentive or distracted and it often helps quite a bit in getting your commands to be followed.

I'm using the command prompt in game. Holding R1 and pointing to where I want to go. I've tried waiting varying amounts of time between 2-3 seconds and 15-20 seconds and he either ignores it or does something totally different. Randomly he'll do what I want lol. I'm not even giving complex commands. Just like "i need you to walk over there and stand up so I can continue on this obvious path". I feel like a beta tester lol.


time to take my meds
Yeah everything past the e3 demo is way better. Starting to feel a real bond with trico and the boy.

Not sure how far im into the game but having a good time. A lot better than expected.
I think the game needs some Quality of Life improvements that wouldn't be very hard to implement.

1. Being able to toggle the button prompt windows on and off.
2. Add an in game option to check out all the commands and such. Just add it into the options or pause menu or some such.
3. Being able to invert the controls of the mirror to match the camera and player preference.
4. A chapter select of sorts

I'm sure there are some things I forgot.

all of these are good, but absolutely this one! :) ...


I'm using the command prompt in game. Holding R1 and pointing to where I want to go. I've tried waiting varying amounts of time between 2-3 seconds and 15-20 seconds and he either ignores it or does something totally different. Randomly he'll do what I want lol. I'm not even giving complex commands. Just like "i need you to walk over there and stand up so I can continue on this obvious path". I feel like a beta tester lol.

Maybe it was just me, but I found sometimes Trico actually got bugged and would basically freeze into position in some kind of feedback loop. Whenever this happened, I could reliably override the loop by walking far away from Trico. He'd snap out of it and try to find me. It didn't happen often, but sometimes it did. This might be the source of "OMG TRIED FOR A WHOLE HOUR OF POINTING AT SHIT AND NOTHING HAPPENED THIS GAME SUX"


Maybe it was just me, but I found sometimes Trico actually got bugged and would basically freeze into position in some kind of feedback loop. Whenever this happened, I could reliably override the loop by walking far away from Trico. He'd snap out of it and try to find me. It didn't happen often, but sometimes it did. This might be the source of "OMG TRIED FOR A WHOLE HOUR OF POINTING AT SHIT AND NOTHING HAPPENED THIS GAME SUX"

Sometimes that works. Sometimes I just need to input the same command in the exact same way 5 times with 20 second intervals until he listens. Either way I still feel like a tester.


Finished it finally. 10/10 game depending on if you can handle the stupid camera. The last part was really intense.


shut uuuuuuuuuuuuuuup
Wait, was the
couple of water basins the area that people had trouble with? Because I got through that without issues, kept thinking that complex water puzzles would be coming, but it was over in 2 rooms. I had more trouble getting the cage on the right path afterwards.

Still an incredible experience. Hope I can finish it tonight.


An ex of mine sent me a text that came off as pretty spoilerish. Kinda pissed me off.

How bad is the comment
"I ran into another Trico today"
? Is this a big deal? Or late game?


Congratulations! I played it on my pro and it ran very smoothly. I think the only slowdown I had was near the end in a very bizarre spot. Besides that, it had no issues. Enjoy!

Was it in
that big room with all the broken barrels before you jump up to the Valley Master


Wow just finished the game! Easily one of the best this year. Once I realised Trico acted like a real animal it went smoothly. Had trouble in two spots where I resorted to a FAQ, but other than that it's a amazing game everyone needs to play.


I loved TLG a lot... and I sympathize with anyone complaining about the camera angles and controls, but honestly I got used to them. It's not a hard adjustment. MY ONLY COMPLAINT is when it straight up gives you solutions to puzzles.

literally if you spend too much time trying to figure it out, the narration tells you what to do.
the other thing it does, is, if you die, it'll spawn you right in front of the thing you should be doing, that happened more than once. for example: dying, then spawning in front of the lever i was supposed to pull.

In another instance, I didn't successfully make a jump, and i died. After Game Over, I spawned to the checkpoint that assumed I had made the jump successfully. I hope they change the checkpoints in a future patch.

I wish that was reserved for an easy mode, but it's there by default. Nothing is worse than not having the satisfaction of solving a challenging puzzle because you received an unsolicited solution. There were moments in Ico where I was never sure if I was doing the right thing, but I would test it out to see if it worked (The Windmill Puzzle) and the satisfaction from figuring it out was always awesome.

I don't agree with complaints about Trico not being obedient. It was stunning to see the IGN review praise the game for Trico being temperamental and unpredictable, just like a real animal, then complain a minute later about a total lack of obedience from Trico some of the time.


An ex of mine sent me a text that came off as pretty spoilerish. Kinda pissed me off.

How bad is the comment
"I ran into another Trico today"
? Is this a big deal? Or late game?

That's not particularly spoilery. The
other Trico
is featured towards the end of the game's E3 trailer, and much moreso in the launch trailer, so it's not exactly something they wanted to keep under wraps. (Spoiler tagged anyway for the people going in completely blind.)


That's not particularly spoilery. The
other Trico
is featured towards the end of the game's E3 trailer, and much moreso in the launch trailer, so it's not exactly something they wanted to keep under wraps. (Spoiler tagged anyway for the people going in completely blind.)

As someone who had been looking forward to this game, I didn't watch any of those. I would be a bit upset with getting that spoiled. I still think it shows up initially much earlier in the game, but it might be optional. I went to go look at what Trico was staring at
and saw it flying in the sky
early in the game.


That's not particularly spoilery. The
other Trico
is featured towards the end of the game's E3 trailer, and much moreso in the launch trailer, so it's not exactly something they wanted to keep under wraps. (Spoiler tagged anyway for the people going in completely blind.)

Yeah, you're totally right. I just just forgotten, as I was on aggressive blackout. I remember seeing this trailer now.

Did she do it on purpose? Why are u still talking to her lol

Luckily its not a big spoiler as it was featured in the promos

But watch out in case she does it again

No, not intentional. Just excitement and blurted some stuff out.

I showed her both Ico + Shadow of the Colossus, which she fell in love with. Still on talking terms when it comes to The Last Guardian, apparently. Still can't look past the entire ordeal she put me through.


I finished the game yesterday and absolutely loved it! It's definitely up there with Ico & SotC for me. As a dog owner, the game really pulled at my heart strings.
Every instance of Trico being in danger gave me a sense of urgency that I needed to help him ASAP, and that "final battle" was rough.
Some of the complaints that people have of the game are understandable, particularly the camera, but I didn't experience any prominent issues with Trico's AI or the controls, and managed the camera well enough.

Personally, I would have liked a designated "grip" button for holding on to Trico like SotC since there were times that I didn't mean to grab on, and holding X wasn't a sure way of letting go entirely. Sometimes I wanted to jump off, but the boy was still crawling around on Trico's back. My biggest complaints are probably the game prompting controls continuously, and the lack of save files or a "chapter select" after the credits. Some areas I would love to play through again just to show people.

An ex of mine sent me a text that came off as pretty spoilerish. Kinda pissed me off.

How bad is the comment
"I ran into another Trico today"
? Is this a big deal? Or late game?

It's fairly early in the game and I think was shown in one of the trailers, so not very. I guess if you weren't aware of it, it could be a minor spoiler for you. In any case, for the sake of your own enjoyment, tell them to stop spoiling it for you.
Wow just finished the game! Easily one of the best this year. Once I realised Trico acted like a real animal it went smoothly. Had trouble in two spots where I resorted to a FAQ, but other than that it's a amazing game everyone needs to play.

I have such mixed feelings about occasionally using walkthrough for this game... I'm glad I used it because parts where I got stuck I was just unsure if I was trying to do the right thing, BUT I'm happy they kept the game as is. I would not change anything about it (i.e. how Trico behaves, etc). It just feels like it's almost perfect balance and the issues I had are because of my impatience...


I have such mixed feelings about occasionally using walkthrough for this game... I'm glad I used it because parts where I got stuck I was just unsure if I was trying to do the right thing, BUT I'm happy they kept the game as is. I would not change anything about it (i.e. how Trico behaves, etc). It just feels like it's almost perfect balance and the issues I had are because of my impatience...

Yea one of the spots
stuck in the water and having to get Trico to sit for his tail to drop
really got me. I really try for about a hour before going to FAQ because yea the game is all about puzzles.
Wow just finished the game! Easily one of the best this year. Once I realised Trico acted like a real animal it went smoothly. Had trouble in two spots where I resorted to a FAQ, but other than that it's a amazing game everyone needs to play.

I've resorted to it once thus far, with - of all puzzles -
the one where the boy gets stuck on the tree. I thought I was going mad. If I'd just tried to call Trico one more time he would have jumped, d'oh.

I found myself constantly petting him, trying to coax him (her?) to follow commands and stop being a dick *shrug* it worked for my dog haha

I think I spend more time patting Trico than doing any puzzles. I try to clean his feathers after fights, and that takes awhile! Feather maintenance is important.


shut uuuuuuuuuuuuuuup
Two great moments happened:
Trico carrying you around when you're unconscious, and finally dropping you in the water. He was so happy when you wake up. Then the guards carrying you off, and Trico ignoring his fear for the eye symbols, rescuing you. What a hero. Just woke him up now with 4 barrels.

Magical game.
Beat this last night and really loved it.

Gonna wait and collect my thoughts a bit, will save the gushing for my game of the year vote where this will have a spot high up.

But I need to vent a little. The controls suck.
The worst imo is just getting off Trico. It is so clumsy and awkward, and I fell to my death many times trying to do it on a small platform.


just ran into my first bug that required a full game restart. Checkpoints didn't help.

It's in an area a good ways into the game. Involves water and a crate (you'll know what I mean). Not really gameplay spoilers since if it's not broken t's quite obvious, but whatever:

I pushed the crate around the water for a good 10 minutes before it became clear something was wrong. The narrator started talking about things that hadn't happened yet. I eventually figured out what was happening - Trico is supposed to break a plank above you, and his tail is supposed to drop down allowing you to climb out. But in my game, his tail was getting stuck on some support beams. Restarted from checkpoint 4 times to no avail. Eventually closed the game entirely and it worked on the first try.

Would have been stuck here for a while if the narrator hadn't bugged out.


just ran into my first bug that required a full game restart. Checkpoints didn't help.

It's in an area a good ways into the game. Involves water and a crate (you'll know what I mean). Not really gameplay spoilers since if it's not broken t's quite obvious, but whatever:

I pushed the crate around the water for a good 10 minutes before it became clear something was wrong. The narrator started talking about things that hadn't happened yet. I eventually figured out what was happening - Trico is supposed to break a plank above you, and his tail is supposed to drop down allowing you to climb out. But in my game, his tail was getting stuck on some support beams. Restarted from checkpoint 4 times to no avail. Eventually closed the game entirely and it worked on the first try.

Would have been stuck here for a while if the narrator hadn't bugged out.

Happened to me. But the tail went down a few minutes after the narrator started talking.


Finished it today.

What an amazing game, the ending part was so emotional it was impossible to not get moved by it.
Tons of great moments with a beautiful soundtrack and some really cool puzzles. I didn't have any problem with controls or camera.
I didn't need any guide or walkthrouh but there were a couple of bad puzzles that weren't well designed, in particular that
in the cave with the water where you're supposed to push the crate on the opposite side until Trico breaks some axes and he can drop his tail
. It was very difficult to figure out because the position where you had to put the crate didn't make a lot of sense and you could easily blame Trico for not behaving properly.
But overall best game I've played this year.
I hope that Ueda will continue to make these amazing games.


The game should have told you in the beginning that you can hold R1 alongside inputs to direct Trico, rather than two hours in! Thanks to the people posting tips in Jaw's thread earlier, I'm enjoying the game much more. When he responds after that little ear turn. So adorable. <3
Trico is more inteligent than me, he point me at the right direction every time I get stuck. I'm in love since the opening credits started.
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