I loved TLG a lot... and I sympathize with anyone complaining about the camera angles and controls, but honestly I got used to them. It's not a hard adjustment. MY ONLY COMPLAINT is when it straight up gives you solutions to puzzles.
literally if you spend too much time trying to figure it out, the narration tells you what to do.
the other thing it does, is, if you die, it'll spawn you right in front of the thing you should be doing, that happened more than once. for example: dying, then spawning in front of the lever i was supposed to pull.
In another instance, I didn't successfully make a jump, and i died. After Game Over, I spawned to the checkpoint that assumed I had made the jump successfully. I hope they change the checkpoints in a future patch.
I wish that was reserved for an easy mode, but it's there by default. Nothing is worse than not having the satisfaction of solving a challenging puzzle because you received an unsolicited solution. There were moments in Ico where I was never sure if I was doing the right thing, but I would test it out to see if it worked (The Windmill Puzzle) and the satisfaction from figuring it out was always awesome.
I don't agree with complaints about Trico not being obedient. It was stunning to see the IGN review praise the game for Trico being temperamental and unpredictable, just like a real animal, then complain a minute later about a total lack of obedience from Trico some of the time.