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I am almost tempted to buy this game from some of the positive impressions but I really don't have the patience for another RPG with a shit story. I know that RPGs have never had the highest standard as far as that's concered but they used to be at least interesting. I have pretty much given up on ToV because of the turn the story takes in the end.

Oh well, is there any expectation for a price collapse in Japan? :D
TLR being made by the Saga team was actually a plus for me. Unlimited Saga was the only Saga game I didn't like. Romancing Saga 3 and Saga Frontier 1 are some of my favorite RPGs ever.
Y2Kev said:
You know what, this is absolute garbage. The Western media whines and whines about how stale JRPGs are and how they never change and how there is never any innovation, and then they go and shit on a truly innovative, fun game because of some technical issues (that are somewhat annoying, but not game breaking and certainly not horrifically unplayable).

I haven't seen enthusiasm in the media over any JRPG that wasn't a Final Fantasy save for Persona in EGM and then that garbage Odin Sphere.

It seems a lot of people in here have a very selective memory.

I mean I haven't read a game review in a long time(i always stick to reader impressions) but it seems like there are at least a few technical problems which would take off points. Now it doesn't sound 5.3 bad in any way but it also doesn't seem very polished.

But yeah, selective memory. Look at Valkyria chronicles for an example of a great polished JRPG which was very well recieved.


Shouta said:
Pick up the Asian version! With coupon it's 45 bucks from Play-Asia with free shipping!

Oh do you know if the Asian version works with US consoles? The play-asia page for it has question marks next to the region compatibility for NTSC/U and PAL.


It's not actually trolling if you don't admit it
ethelred said:
Are you illiterate, or do you just have trouble thinking through kinda complicated stuff? I really don't mean this to be offensive -- I'm just trying to figure out how to approach someone with your sorts of issues, given that you've seemingly missed just about everything that's been said about the game so far. Help me help you.

First of all, no, this isn't a case of Infinite Undiscovery hype. People hyped that up beforehand. It came out, people were very disappointed. In case you hadn't checked a calendar or read what's going on here, Last Remnant is out -- people are playing it. They're not forming misguided hype-based preconceptions; they're playing it, enjoying it, and explaining why it's a good game.

Second, it's not a lacklustre RPG. That's sort of the entire point of what people are saying here. It's a great RPG that has a few pretty inconsequential technical issues, and it isn't alone in that regard, as most of the critically acclaimed RPGs this gen (including the ones from westerners) are also plagued by tons of bugs and graphical issues. Fallout? Fable? Mass Effect? Each and every one of them.

And third, I love how in questioning the game's risk, you elide away the entire battle system (and ignore the rest of the gameplay entirely). Yeah, if you're looking for War & Peace in game form, this ain't it. It's a video game, though. It's got fantastic gameplay (taking into account the very strategic formation system, the squad-based commands, the freeform class system, and so on). And it's got great dungeons, a gazillion quests, lots of recruitable characters, and offers a challenge. Are those not all reasons enough to try a game or establish it as a development risk? Or are unique characters the only worthwhile feature?

you can also look to all the positive reviews for the pos known as eternal sonata and conclude that the majority of reviews for jrpgs are a complete joke.


kagete said:
Oh do you know if the Asian version works with US consoles? The play-asia page for it has question marks next to the region compatibility for NTSC/U and PAL.

We'll find out in 2 days when it's out. But I'm guessing it will work with US consoles, since TLR is also the first S-E 360 game where the US version works on JP consoles. This means that it's very likely that they're simply using the same disc master for all US and Asia english copies.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
BudokaiMR2 said:
It seems a lot of people in here have a very selective memory.

I mean I haven't read a game review in a long time(i always stick to reader impressions) but it seems like there are at least a few technical problems which would take off points. Now it doesn't sound 5.3 bad in any way but it also doesn't seem very polished.

But yeah, selective memory. Look at Valkyria chronicles for an example of a great polished JRPG which was very well recieved.
It's not so much that JRPGs are rated unfairly vs. other JRPGs, it's that a lack of technical perfection is used to beat down a game unfairly instead of the reviewer actually describing what he liked or did not like about the game. The Eurogamer review commented on by duckroll in the early thread at least states a number of legitimate arguments-- author feels the pace is a bit screwy and things are a little disjointed, but the battles are fun and strategic.

It just seems like technical issues are being scapegoated here so that the media can beat down on another game and then whine six months later about the staleness of the genre.

How many ME reviews mention that the game shouldn't have been designed for UE3? Because I've now read like three or four whining about it for TLR and I don't think TLR is worse.

But enough about that kind of stuff. Let's focus on this great, inventive new RPG we have.


WickedLaharl said:
you can also look to all the positive reviews for the pos known as eternal sonata and conclude that the majority of western reviews for jrpgs are a complete joke.

As opposed to what? Famitsu?
Y2Kev said:
It's not so much that JRPGs are rated unfairly vs. other JRPGs, it's that a lack of technical perfection is used to beat down a game unfairly instead of the reviewer actually describing what he liked or did not like about the game. The Eurogamer review commented on by duckroll in the early thread at least states a number of legitimate arguments-- author feels the pace is a bit screwy and things are a little disjointed, but the battles are fun and strategic.

It just seems like technical issues are being scapegoated here so that the media can beat down on another game and then whine six months later about the staleness of the genre.

How many ME reviews mention that the game shouldn't have been designed for UE3? Because I've now read like three or four whining about it for TLR and I don't think TLR is worse.

But enough about that kind of stuff. Let's focus on this great, inventive new RPG we have.

Yeah I understand this, but it is not just some conspiracy against JRPGs. It happens quite often in other genres too. I plan to watch the gametrailers review sometime tonight. No real hurry to get the game though as I have a ton of stuff to play anyway. Gotta finish Dead Space tonight and then work through the RPGs on my backlog first. And I want to play the Valkyria chronicles Selvaria DLC before I get this too.

Now that people besides just RK(hah) are praising it, it is on my 'pick up sometime in the future' list.

I also don't know if the comparisons to ME as far as technical faults are really grounded either, unless peopel are commenting on disc ME vs. disc TLR. It's basically a moot point for me anyway because of the shitty 20gb HDD i have.


Hey, say what you will but I fucking called it.
I'm like a telepathic Elvis.


I still can't get myself to fully accept this game. Unfortunatelly due to my job, I have turned around into a very picky mofo when it comes to games.

And I will agree with prety much everyone else, the game is really fun, the battles have been very entertaining and it is turning out to be very addictive.

But I don't see the games in the same way I used to do it years ago. I just can't believe how MS would let such a flawed and faulty product get through. This game clearly needs at least 6 more months of development.

Why didn't SE decided to invest the extra time fixing the problems? It is just wishful thinking that the PS3 could end up being the superior version (wishful thinking I repeat myself), or just better, the PC, if it hasn't been forsaken at all yet.

This game has so much potential and it is shaping up better and better every time I play it, but I still find unacceptable as finished product. I hope some patches can be applied later to help fix the problems down the line, because this game doesn't deserve to run like this.

BudokaiMR2 said:
I also don't know if the comparisons to ME as far as technical faults are really grounded either, unless peopel are commenting on disc ME vs. disc TLR. It's basically a moot point for me anyway because of the shitty 20gb HDD i have.

Edit: wrong ME, disregard this please xP


Jesus tapdancing christ, we don't know when the PC version is coming. Buy the 360 one or twiddle your thumbs but stop asking every five minutes, people!
-Kh-, so you didn't install the game?
RevenantKioku said:
Hey, say what you will but I fucking called it.
I'm like a telepathic Elvis.

Hey, I never make up my mind about a game prematurely, which you do quite often. I thought it looked like shit from the screens I saw(and they were shit, there was no denying that) but I always leave room for changing my opinion.

AND you aren't allowed to say this year sucked for RPGs if you didn't play Valkyria. ;p


RevenantKioku said:
Jesus tapdancing christ, we don't know when the PC version is coming. Buy the 360 one or twiddle your thumbs but stop asking every five minutes, people!
-Kh-, so you didn't install the game?

Yes I did, and it clearly improves the experience, but still, it is far from perfect. Not as excesive like that 5.3 from IGN, but still the problems remain.

My biggest complain is that SE should have hold onto the game a few more months.

duckroll said:
Mass Effect, not Mirror's Edge. :p

Ah no wonder xD


-Kh- said:
Yes I did, and it clearly improves the experience, but still, it is far from perfect. Not as excesive like that 5.3 from IGN, but still the problems remain.

My biggest complain is that SE should have hold onto the game a few more months.
I (clearly) have different standards from others. What exactly is so bad technically about the game even when installed? I can't point out a thing.
RevenantKioku said:
Valkyria is an SRPG so my point stands.

Wait doesn't TLR also have you issuing tactical commands on a larger scale battle? I mean Valkyria is also pretty different from any other SRPG I can think of. Using random acronyms which mean very little in both cases doesn't really change the point that you passed up on a great game for no reason ;p

But yeah this thread isn't supposed to be about VC.

No one really answered anything about the story. Is it IU level of abysmal or is it actually decent and interesting?


RevenantKioku said:
Jesus tapdancing christ, we don't know when the PC version is coming. Buy the 360 one or twiddle your thumbs but stop asking every five minutes, people!
-Kh-, so you didn't install the game?
post it in the OP... that should help...


BudokaiMR2 said:
Y2Kev said:
It's not so much that JRPGs are rated unfairly vs. other JRPGs, it's that a lack of technical perfection is used to beat down a game unfairly instead of the reviewer actually describing what he liked or did not like about the game. The Eurogamer review commented on by duckroll in the early thread at least states a number of legitimate arguments-- author feels the pace is a bit screwy and things are a little disjointed, but the battles are fun and strategic.

It just seems like technical issues are being scapegoated here so that the media can beat down on another game and then whine six months later about the staleness of the genre.
Yeah I understand this, but it is not just some conspiracy against JRPGs.

I'm really not sure that Kev is incorrect at all in what he's saying. When you have the editor in chief of 1up saying (perhaps with some hyperbole) that Fable 2 has more innovation than the last ten years of Final Fantasy, and all that innovation is... pretty small bore (you can buy stuff? you can create a meaningless "relationship" with generic characters lacking in any personality/history at all?), that's fine. But then along comes a game from the same company behind Final Fantasy which is filled to the brim with genuine gameplay innovations and it gets hammered over the dumbest stuff. So maybe Kev is correct.

-Kh- said:
But I don't see the games in the same way I used to do it years ago. I just can't believe how MS would let such a flawed and faulty product get through. This game clearly needs at least 6 more months of development. [...]

Oh, christ, this stuff is getting ridiculous.

There are three technical issues in the game: loading, texture pop-in, and slowdown in battle. The loading, with install, is just short of instant -- you're talking a couple seconds. Nothing to anyone who lived through the PSX. The texture loading takes... oh, gosh, a second and a half? And the framerate only drops in battle when actions are being performed. Battles are turn-based, incidentally, so it has no negative impact on the gameplay (and in fact enhances it since it makes critical triggers a lot more doable). That's it. That's the extent of the game's horrible technical problems. I haven't tried the game without installing, so I'll concede that it may be much worse like that -- but if it is, do the fucking install. It takes up 6 gigs of a 20 gig hard drive and 3 minutes of your precious time (now that you've gotten one of those fancy jobs and all) prior to playing.

Clearly you never played Mass Effect, Fable 2, or Fallout 3, which are all littered with gamebreaking bugs and glitches where you can get stuck in walls or the game locks up and needs to be reset, and not to mention that they all have loading issues, slowdown, and texture load issues of their own. The framerate positively craters in Fable every time you have lots of enemies -- and that's a real-time game! Did you try its online co-op mode (you know, the one where player 2 doesn't even have rudimentary camera control)? Mass Effect has plenty of loading and it's notorious for its texture pop-in.

It's fine to note that there are some technical problems with the game. But people need to stop blowing this stuff ridiculously out of proportion and acting like it's a case of Square totally bungling the development, or a case of "easterners just can't use western middleware."

-Kh- said:
Sorry, I'm just a game tester that nitpicks on everything in a game and gets upset when a game is passed with numerous issues.

I think I take my job too seriously compared to my workmates who just enjoy getting paid for playing games.

You're a game tester? Don't they pay you people about as much as assembly line workers in a Honduran clothing factory?


RevenantKioku said:
I (clearly) have different standards from others. What exactly is so bad technically about the game even when installed? I can't point out a thing.

Sorry, I'm just a game tester that nitpicks on everything in a game and gets upset when a game is passed with numerous issues.

I think I take my job too seriously compared to my workmates who just enjoy getting paid for playing games.


BudokaiMR2 said:
Wait doesn't TLR also have you issuing tactical commands on a larger scale battle? I mean Valkyria is also pretty different from any other SRPG I can think of. Using random acronyms which mean very little in both cases doesn't really change the point that you passed up on a great game for no reason ;p

But yeah this thread isn't supposed to be about VC.

No one really answered anything about the story. Is it IU level of abysmal or is it actually decent and interesting?
Buy me a copy and I will play it. Then we can talk. :D


ethelred said:
Oh, christ, this stuff is getting ridiculous.

(and in fact enhances it since it makes critical triggers a lot more doable)

Clearly you never played Mass Effect, Fable 2, or Fallout 3

Didn't I specify before that I'm a game tester? I can't help to look at the games that I play at home the same way I do it at work, of course nobody cares about the positive opinions in a post and just quotes the negatives ones to feed up the fire, ain't you a cheeky one?

(Unintended slowdown helping a player to perform easier an action is clearly a glitch that will just be exploited by them and in turn the game will be easier.)

I only played Fable 2, not the other ones, but this isn't a discussion about those games, right? So why should I be talking about them?

I guess I'll come back here next month whenever I get the chance to finish the game, priorities just shift around like every 4 days. That way I won't make anyone upset commenting about any faults.

ethelred said:
You're a game tester? Don't they pay you people about as much as assembly line workers in a Honduran clothing factory?

I think the life standard in the UK is a little higher than in Honduras. But yeah, you aren't too far away from the truth.


Man, amazon isn't going to get this game to me before I go home for Thanksgiving. :( I was hoping zone out with this for the weekend. I guess I'll have to find something else to occupy my time.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
ethelred said:
I'm really not sure that Kev is incorrect at all in what he's saying. When you have the editor in chief of 1up saying (perhaps with some hyperbole) that Fable 2 has more innovation than the last ten years of Final Fantasy, and all that innovation is... pretty small bore (you can buy stuff? you can create a meaningless "relationship" with generic characters lacking in any personality/history at all?), that's fine. But then along comes a game from the same company behind Final Fantasy which is filled to the brim with genuine gameplay innovations and it gets hammered over the dumbest stuff. So maybe Kev is correct.

Oh, christ, this stuff is getting ridiculous.

There are three technical issues in the game: loading, texture pop-in, and slowdown in battle. The loading, with install, is just short of instant -- you're talking a couple seconds. Nothing to anyone who lived through the PSX. The texture loading takes... oh, gosh, a second and a half? And the framerate only drops in battle when actions are being performed. Battles are turn-based, incidentally, so it has no negative impact on the gameplay (and in fact enhances it since it makes critical triggers a lot more doable). That's it. That's the extent of the game's horrible technical problems. I haven't tried the game without installing, so I'll concede that it may be much worse like that -- but if it is, do the fucking install. It takes up 6 gigs of a 20 gig hard drive and 3 minutes of your precious time (now that you've gotten one of those fancy jobs and all) prior to playing.

Clearly you never played Mass Effect, Fable 2, or Fallout 3, which are all littered with gamebreaking bugs and glitches where you can get stuck in walls or the game locks up and needs to be reset, and not to mention that they all have loading issues, slowdown, and texture load issues of their own. The framerate positively craters in Fable every time you have lots of enemies -- and that's a real-time game! Mass Effect has plenty of loading and it's notorious for its texture pop-in.

It's fine to note that there are some technical problems with the game. But people need to stop blowing this stuff ridiculously out of proportion and acting like it's a case of Square totally bungling the development, or a case of "easterners just can't use western middleware."

I totally agree with this. Once The Last Remnant is installed on the harddrive, it runs perfectly fine. Sure it still has its technical flaws and it would be nice if Square was able to iron them out before launch, but there has been major technical / performance flaws in many RPGs of this generation. Fable II is the only game that I actually stopped playing because of performance problems. It was way too jerky for a real-time game and the framerate really shit the bed whenever there was any action with more than a couple of characters on screen. The game had texture pop-in issues of its own as well.

Now that games can be installed with NXE, I plan on installing every game before playing them. Not only will performance be increased in most if not all games, but the Xbox 360 will finally be a quiet machine and not having the DVD drive in a constant state of pillage and rape can't hurt its lifetime either.

Anyway, I found TLR to be nearly unplayable in the 4 or 5 hours I put into it before installing it to the harddrive. It was just loud and ridiculous. In comparison the experience has been very smooth after installing it to the harddrive and it runs no worse than Mass Effect did off the disc. NXE really saved this game. I would probably be in complete agreement with the low review scores if the option to install it to the harddrive did not exist. The game itself is great and deserves much better scores than it is getting, but installation should really be a requirement, because the technical and performance problems are simply too great when running off the disc.


-Kh- said:
I guess I'll come back here next month whenever I get the chance to finish the game, priorities just shift around like every 4 days. That way I won't make anyone upset commenting about any faults.
It's not the commenting about faults, it's the exaggeration of them.


Hey, once I cure my ADHD and posting on GAF problems and maybe find happiness, then sure, my pace might speed up.


Neo Member
After reading the impressions in this thread, I decided to splurge and purchase this game. I just want to say thanks. The reviews were very misleading. Looking forward to sinking my teeth into this one further. I can't wait to get into larger battles.


alanias said:
That's reassuring. I've always felt that the SaGa games are really interesting/unique but no fun to play. I tried to like Romancing SaGa and even got halfway through Saga Frontier 2... but they were just really obtuse, almost on purpose.

Do the sidequests in TLR have story/narrative to them or are they just more optional fights?

They are a big part of the story so far,one of them for example is a way to introduce Mr.Diggs to the game,you have an event that occurs before the quest,then the quest in itself that ties everything together,,,there's also a guys blocking a passage in one town and you can see an item behind him,that you could examine and pick up if he wasn't in the way,but he refuses to move,I'm pretty sure this will be a future quest also.

There's some Guild tasks also that act like secondary quest but those seem more of the collection type so far and not part of the story as much.

One other thing worth mentionning again about TLR is the voice acting.I don't know who does the voices for Emma,and David but they are absolutly fantastic and enhance any cut scenes and story a lot,Rush's voice acting is good also but if he is with the 2 others in a scene,he seems to give an even better performance,since the 2 others are so good.

I just finished the initial Blackdale dungeon and they should seriously consider putting that whole section up as a demo...add a tutorial for the beginning and let people play around in that level,including the pretty awesome Boss fight at the end.


I rented it over the weekend, enjoyed it, and finally bought it from Amazon yesterday for $40.

Everybody wins.
I bought LR today, but have pretty low expectations thanks to the lackluster abomination that was Infinite Undiscovery. Loved Lost Odyssey, though.

First impressions will be coming later!


I don't really rent games (well, not in the past 10 yrs, anyway!), but I'm tempted to do so for this one while waiting for news of the PS3 version :/


I got grudge sucked!
I'm glad people are enjoying it despite the technical flaws. I took the full price plunge so its good to see that a lot of regular gamers are finding the game fun. One day, I'll have the time to play it....and Left 4 Dead, and Fallout 3, and LBP, and Saints Row 2, and IU, and Dead Space, and Eternal Poison, and Tomb Raider Underground and etc.


PepsimanVsJoe said:
This sounds absolutely fantastic.
I knew I should have jumped on the Amazon deal. =/

It's back to $40 at Amazon.

Whoa, it's back to $60 again. Why does it keep changing? :eek:
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