Yikes, couldnt watch this dude.
It's like he's from the PewDiePie school of "how to make obnoxious lol so zany QUICK CUT" Youtube videos
Yikes, couldnt watch this dude.
I never claimed I knew everything. My comment was simply in relation to the open world aspect.
And yes,I do think I know enough to make a judgment on that aspect on it.
Obviously the game has more to it that sets it apart from other games
I need to stop reading these previews.
It's sounding as if this might end up in my personal "top tier" of Zelda games (Ocarina, Link to the Past, Skyward Sword, Minish Cap).
The only thing that's worrying me is weapon destruction, which I hate in games.
Cucurbitacée;230959117 said:Answer is locked behind embargo.
I need to stop reading these previews.
It's sounding as if this might end up in my personal "top tier" of Zelda games (Ocarina, Link to the Past, Skyward Sword, Minish Cap).
The only thing that's worrying me is weapon destruction, which I hate in games.
Isn't nier also an open world ?
I dont agree. Zelda is a shakeup of Zelda, but it really isnt new for the open world genre.
That said, nothing wrong with that at all.
My doubt faded. My sense that this world was as random as it initially appeared melted. There was a designers hand all over this place, just more subtly.
For what it's worth, some of these previews say it's one of the best implementations of such a system. That it's not designed to punish you, but to encourage you to play with a variety of weapons and playstyles, that the variety of weapons never makes it such that you'll completely run out of good options.
Another question for folks who have played. In terms of inventory - is there a place to store items/gear/weapons so I don't have to toss them away?
I think it sounds interesting since there's seemingly no focus on repairing them (that's where traditional weapon tear and wear becomes tedious).The only thing that's worrying me is weapon destruction, which I hate in games.
from what I have seen those towers are more like the fishes in WW than the towers in ubisoft games based on functions
I don't think so. Playing devil's advocate think about Ocarina of Time and its Z targeting and camera. That had huge affects and impacts on future 3d games to come.
Or what Wind Waker was doing with the character model and tessellation on the water surface. There were things in that game that weren't done again until Uncharted.
To the current state of open world games, I'm highly critical of the attempted balance of structure vs freedom. Take Skyrim... there is a reason the dungeons are below ground (aside from having fewer variations in texture). They could drop that anywhere on the map and have it make sense. You can give the player freedom, but you also need some guidance to drive meaningful, designed experiences too. That's been lacking.
Zelda games have traditionally been in a league of their own for those structured experiences... and perhaps even to a fault. Today's open world games are too open... also perhaps to a fault. I'm excited and hopeful to see how Nintendo handles this dichotomy in Breath of the Wild and early indications hint that it could be a lesson for future open world games. Because the current trend is make things more and more open (example: no man's sky). What if Zelda can be a better game for walking the balance more effectively and swinging the pendulum the other way?
From the Kotaku preview:
Shit that is awful
20-25 fps for long periods...
They could release a day one patch i guess..
Almost makes me want to play portable only..
You need a calendar, bro?
I know it's hyperbolic, but I think this is going to be an all-time classic.
It sounds like you get so many weapons the degradation isn't a big deal
Gameplay footage of Link entering a village. Music sounds great.
I'm a little confused about how towers are working in this game.
Gameplay footage of Link entering a village. Music sounds great.
I'm a little confused about how towers are working in this game.
O.O. I need this game now. Fu...........Gameplay footage of Link entering a village. Music sounds great.
Gameplay footage of Link entering a village. Music sounds great.
I know, but having giant towers unlock the map is very ubisoft. I'm well aware that you don't get quest markers that way. My point was, I really doubt Zelda has noticeable revolutionary changes to open world structure when they don't need to be changed. The game obviously can be revolutionary in other areas like it's physics or story telling, or items or something like that. But open world in general? To quote the great Charles Barkley, I may be wrong but I doubt it.from what I have seen those towers are more like the fishes in WW than the towers in ubisoft games based on functions
You climb them to receive topographical data of your surroundings. And once you're up there you can set points of interest using the scope on the sheikh slates.I'm a little confused about how towers are working in this game.
My favorite game of all time. Ahhhhhhhhhhhh. Can't wait.
Any impressions on dungeons? I'm not risking reading through all this thread...
DanTDM just posted a video. His video will probably get more views than all other preview videos together.
He just plays the beginning of the game at the Plateau and nothing that wasn't shown at E3, but it's quite entertaining.
The animations in this game is really really good, BTW.
Dungeons are replaced by optional shrines, which you need to clear four of for every heart container or stamina update you want. Most are clever, short puzzels. Some are combat oriented, but usually only a few enemies.
NopDungeons are replaced by optional shrines, which you need to clear four of for every heart container or stamina update you want. Most are clever, short puzzels. Some are combat oriented, but usually only a few enemies.
Has there been new impressions regarding the WiiU version just wondering?
Gah must not watch videos. Damnnit just a week away!
Gameplay footage of Link entering a village. Music sounds great.
Has there been new impressions regarding the WiiU version just wondering?
Gah must not watch videos. Damnnit just a week away!
14mil Subs?
Why is it the most annoying sounding youtubers are the most popular?
There aren't that many open world games with this focus on physics based, systems driven gameplay and level of polish.
I don't know how to answer that, but i know that puzzles are physics based and you can solve them in many different ways with your items and runes, which sounds like a huge improvement compared to the (already great) items based puzzles in previous titles.
Dungeons are replaced by optional shrines, which you need to clear four of for every heart container or stamina update you want. Most are clever, short puzzels. Some are combat oriented, but usually only a few enemies.
There are dungeons.Dungeons are replaced by optional shrines, which you need to clear four of for every heart container or stamina update you want. Most are clever, short puzzels. Some are combat oriented, but usually only a few enemies.
I know, but having giant towers unlock the map is very ubisoft. I'm well aware that you don't get quest markers that way. My point was, I really doubt Zelda has noticeable revolutionary changes to open world structure when they don't need to be changed. The game obviously can be revolutionary in other areas like it's physics or story telling, or items or something like that. But open world in general? To quote the great Charles Barkley, I may be wrong but I doubt it.
That polygon dude also killed his own horseOkay I just saw the part in the Polygon video where a mounted Bokoblin is chasing after them and an electric Keese flies in from the opposite direction, misses them, and hits the Bokoblin instead, killing it.
Okay I just saw the part in the Polygon video where a mounted Bokoblin is chasing after them and an electric Keese flies in from the opposite direction, misses them, and hits the Bokoblin instead, killing it.
Dungeons are replaced by optional shrines, which you need to clear four of for every heart container or stamina update you want. Most are clever, short puzzels. Some are combat oriented, but usually only a few enemies.
A stamina bar not big enough to climb such a high point.Ugh. Wish I didn't watch.
But a new question - the village(s) in the video seem very traditional Zelda, as in enclosed on most sides with designated entrances and exits... would there be anything stopping me from gliding from a high point directly into a village from above?
This is outright false.
There are dungeons as well.