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The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild - Preview Thread


This is what I'm thinking, just based on the bonding mechanic with horses sounding like some wild horses are much harder to tame than others. Not only that but just how much crazy shit you can do in this game that you assume isn't possible but people just try it and find out that, yes, Nintendo did think of that and programmed it as something they wanted people to be able to do. We will see.

Yeah, according to Aonuma they had programmers working for 4 years purely on the behavior of the animals, so I would expect lots of surprises from the wild life.


Yah this is not going to get anywhere close to Ocarina Of TIme, because at the very least Jim Sterling is going to lay a wet fart on this game because of his grievances with Nintendo's legal department.

Jim's never let stuff like that cloud his opinion on games before I doubt he's going to start now
I got a rude awakening when I attempted to pre-order the physical copy from Amazon the other day, and it was sold out. Where have I been.

Amazon's got some weird shit going on. We are unsure if it is a new rift between they and Nintendo, or if they are just bungling everything, or if Nintendo is bungling everything. You should be able to get a copy somewhere.

K' Dash

Jim's never let stuff like that cloud his opinion on games before I doubt he's going to start now

Jim is on stupid mode and has been for months, I fully expect him to shit the bed, not that his stupidity will make the game less enjoyable for me, can't wait to have the switch on my hands.


Jim is on stupid mode and has been for months, I fully expect him to shit the bed, not that his stupidity will make the game less enjoyable for me, can't wait to have the switch on my hands.

I don't know about that, I mean in regards to the youtube stuff he's obviously biased but in most instances I find his commentary to be fairly spot on. also his game reviews are the most level headed stuff that comes from him because he's not being a character, he's just reviewing a game.


There's also a "soothe" option for enemies:


I love that the Bokoblin bounces on the water.


I don't know about that, I mean in regards to the youtube stuff he's obviously biased but in most instances I find his commentary to be fairly spot on. also his game reviews are the most level headed stuff that comes from him because he's not being a character, he's just reviewing a game.

Yeah I think he values his integrity as a reviewer too much to risk it by shitting on a game out of spite. I think he will review it fairly.


I don't know why some people are in disbelief that this could be a game that rivals OoT and Mario Galaxy. It's been 10 years since Mario Galaxy, Nintendo was bound to make another classic eventually.

It's only been 7 years since Galaxy 2, 4 years since Pikmin 3 and 3D world. Nintendo created quite a few classics down the line.

(I won't mention Skyward Sword even though it totally deserves to be there, just saying').
The thing about OOT is that it has the least controversial gimmick in the series and obviously is the first 3d zelda. The other games have things that can make or break the game for you. Wolf link, 3 day system, sailing, and in this case a truly open world. I don't think OOT can be topped, it's just too perfect a game for the time that it came out in.

That's always been my feeling on the matter as well.

I would love it if that frame of mind can be shattered by BOTW, however. To have my rosy-tinted nostalgia refilled and rejuvenated with a grand, new adventure that simply does everything right - to the extent that I can't help but give it the new Zelda crown.

We'll find out in about a week :)


Cool Facts: Game of War has been a hit since July 2013
It's only been 7 years since Galaxy 2, 4 years since Pikmin 3 and 3D world. Nintendo created quite a few classics down the line.

(I won't mention Skyward Sword even though it totally deserves to be there, just saying').
Pikmin 3 and 3D World aren't even close to OoT or Mario Galaxy, I'm talking about generation defining games.

On an unrelated note, can someone PM me how many dungeons are in the game?


paid requisite penance
Is this new to people? Switching between English / Japanese text and audio via changing the Switch language. I think I remember Aonuma confirming it.

Glad that:
1) The process of changing system language is so quick and hassle-free
2) The game has furigana. Zelda isn't exactly a series with the most complicating dialogue, but it's nice for the odd rare kanji and for beginner-level Japanese learners.

I'm definitely playing this in Japanese, although I like Zelda's (I assume this is Zelda's) English voice.


Pikmin 3 and 3D World aren't even close to OoT or Mario Galaxy, I'm talking about generation defining games.

On an unrelated note, can someone PM me how many dungeons are in the game?

Are you implying that Pikmin 3 is not generation defining? You're mean!

I get what you're saying though


Yah this is not going to get anywhere close to Ocarina Of TIme, because at the very least Jim Sterling is going to lay a wet fart on this game because of his grievances with Nintendo's legal department.
Seeing how the game is getting universal praise, his credibility would take a big hit if he let his personal situation impede his analysis of the game.
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