FWIW, I just tried to get Downwell on android to see what it's like, but it's not available?
Splatoon > Bloodborne confirmed.
In 2015, the random indie games are the truly excellent games.So is this just the year of people putting random indie games on top 10 lists instead of some truly excellent games just to rile some clicks?
Nope. Only on PC and iOS for now.
Witcher 3 not even being an honorable mention...wow. Sorry, that's just wrong on so many levels.
It's like life but more forgivingSunless Sea is awesome... Until you inevitably die to poor RNG and it becomes a boring grind trying to regain all the resources you lost.
Did Divinity and Wasteland get in the NPD top 10?
The list just smacks of someone trying to get overertly cool.
This is where language gets corrupted.
Are smaller indie games going to drive clicks?
Since everyone is so quick to assume I hate indies, I completed undertale, meat boy, and xeo drifter this year and liked all of them. I'm just skeptical on the amount of AAA titles being dropped or not mentioned.Instead of digging into this I'll just put a positive spin on it and say that I'm over the moon that smaller titles are being recognized from all the major outlets.
Her Story, Sunless Sea, Life Is Strange, Undertale, Prune and more aren't just getting token nods here and there, they're getting multiple mentions from LOTS of outlets.
What a fantastic time to be a gamer.
Sunless Sea is awesome... Until you inevitably die to poor RNG and it becomes a boring grind trying to regain all the resources you lost.
oh my god
No. It's just a chap who plays games for a living, therefore he casts a REALLY WIDE NET for the purposes of informing YOU, the (potential) reader, about cool games you may have been unaware. Some of those games happen to be the games he enjoyed more than most others.
That's a shame, it says android on his list.
Since everyone is so quick to assume I hate indies, I completed undertale, meat boy, and xeo drifter this year and liked all of them. I'm just skeptical on the amount of AAA titles being dropped or not mentioned.
Since everyone is so quick to assume I hate indies, I completed undertale, meat boy, and xeo drifter this year and liked all of them. I'm just skeptical on the amount of AAA titles being dropped or not mentioned.
Splatoon > Bloodborne confirmed.
Not everyone cares about AAA games or thinks they're better than smaller titles. Plenty of people genuinely find them sort of boring. It's t the point where it's like blockbuster films and smaller movies on end of year lists.Since everyone is so quick to assume I hate indies, I completed undertale, meat boy, and xeo drifter this year and liked all of them. I'm just skeptical on the amount of AAA titles being dropped or not mentioned.
But Witcher 3 had better gameplay than rapture tho.But, you seem to also assume that being AAA automatically means a better game. Which couldn't be further from the truth these days. If AAA games would put all of that extra money into better gameplay, then this would probably be true much of the time. Sadly, all we get much of the time is better looking AAA games with crap gameplay.
That's actually a really good list.
Yea no Witcher 3 is surprising, but It's very possible he just didn't play it.
I know some game reviewers who haven't gotten around to it. Jeremy Parish at US Gamer for one.
This is where it could be a problem, if these are truly the best 10 games he's played this year, then cool.
But if they are just a list of the coolest games that you may not have heard of this year, then.....
Fallout IV may be the better-known sprawling role-playing game of 2015, but Xenoblade is the stronger of the two.
I have zero clue what Sunless Sea is.
Sunless Sea is awesome... Until you inevitably die to poor RNG and it becomes a boring grind trying to regain all the resources you lost.
No Life is Strange. No Witcher. No Fallout. No Ori.
This is a bad list that reads like someone has an agenda.
Oh yes, the New Yorker posted this list for the edgeI find it kind of odd that Witcher 3 didn't even make list. It's not my personal GOTY or anything but I still think it should certainly be up there with the best games of the year. Even if you don't like the game you have to respect how epic it is in so many areas.
Maybe they're just trying to be edgy or the people involved didn't like the Witcher 3. Oh well the game is certainly getting the recognition it deserves elsewhere.
Oh yes, the New Yorker posted this list for the edge
This list is a very beard and scarf.